import React from "react"; import "./nodeinfobar.css"; import TitleArea from "./titlearea"; import FancyScrollbar from "../fancyscrollbar"; import MediaArea from "./mediaarea"; import Neighbors from "./neighbors"; import { NodeType } from "../../../common/graph/nodetype"; import { Node } from "../../../common/graph/node"; interface InfoBarProps { height: number; node: Node; nodeColors?: Map<string, NodeType>; onClose?: () => void; nodeClickedCallback?: (node: Node) => void; } /** * Displays a sidebar showing information on a specific node. * @param height Height of the sidebar. * @param node Node which drives the presented information. * @param nodeColors Mapping of node types to colors. * @param onClose Optional callback, called when the menu is closed. * @param nodeClickedCallback Optional callback, called when a neighbor of the current node gets selected. * @constructor */ function NodeInfoBar({ height, node, nodeColors, onClose, nodeClickedCallback, }: InfoBarProps) { return ( <div className={"node-info-bar"} style={{ height }}> <div className={"node-info-bar-close-button"} onClick={onClose}> <p>✖</p> </div> <div className={"node-info-bar-info-area"}> <FancyScrollbar> <TitleArea title={} image={node.banner} /> <MediaArea description={node.description} image={node.banner} video={} references={node.references} /> </FancyScrollbar> </div> <Neighbors neighbors={node.neighbors} nodeColors={nodeColors} nodeClickedCallback={nodeClickedCallback} /> </div> ); } export default NodeInfoBar;