index 868b6de67722215ad4464bd2234989621afccaa6..580ec6d9fcc05110f6826f8a749b53531bf1020a 100644
@@ -1,16 +1,281 @@
-This is a short version of the [Development Procedures](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Development-procedures).
+# Contributing to RIOT
-1. Check if your code follows the [coding conventions](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Coding-conventions). If the code does not comply these style rules, your code will not be merged.
+Thank you for your interest in contributing to RIOT! There are many ways to
+contribute, and we appreciate all of them. You can jump to the major sections
+of this document using the following links:
-2. The master branch should always be in a working state. The RIOT maintainers will create release tags based on this branch, whenever a milestone is completed.
+* [Feature Requests][feature-requests]
+* [Bug Reports][bug-reports]
+* [Pull Requests][pull-requests]
+* [Writing Documentation][writing-documentation]
-3. Comments on a pull request should be added to the request itself, and *not* to the commit.
+If you have questions, please send an email to users@riot-os.org or
+devel@riot-os.org mailing list or chat on [#riot-os][riot-chat].
-4. Keep commits to the point, e.g., don't add whitespace/typo fixes to other code changes. If changes are layered, layer the patches.
+As a reminder, all contributors are expected to follow our
+[Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
-5. Describe the technical detail of the change(s) as specific as possible.
+[riot-chat]: http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=riot-os
-6. Use [Labels](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Labels) to help classify pull requests and issues.
+## Feature Requests
+[feature-requests]: #feature-requests
-7. Please adhere to our [code of conduct](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
+Before opening a new feature request, check the
+[existing feature requests][existing-feature-request] if there's one already
+open on the same topic.
+To request new features or enhancements, just open a new
+[feature request issue][new-feature-request]. Describe your use case, why you
+need this feature and why this feature is important for RIOT.
+[existing-feature-request]: https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/issues?q=state:open+type:issue+label:"Type:+new+feature"
+[new-feature-request]: https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/issues/new?template=feature_request.md&title=Feature+Request:
+## Bug Reports
+[bug-reports]: #bug-reports
+While bugs are unfortunate, they're a reality in software. We can't fix what we
+don't know about, so please report liberally. If you're not sure if something
+is a bug or not, feel free to file a bug report anyway.
+**If you believe reporting your bug publicly represents a security risk to
+RIOT users, please send an email describing the bug to security@riot-os.org**.
+We would appreciate waiting for a 6 months grace period before reporting it on
+public channels, to allow us adequate time to release the fix.
+Before reporting a bug, have a look at [open bugs][existing-bugs-link]. Maybe
+someone has already reported your error.
+Once you have verified that they haven't, opening an issue is as easy as
+clicking on [this link][bug-report-link] and filling out the fields.
+[existing-bugs-link]: https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/issues?q=state:open+type:issue+label:"Type:+bug"
+[bug-report-link]: https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/issues/new?template=bug_report.md&title=Bug:
+Each bug report issue uses a template with 5 sections that are there to help
+other contributors understand your issue and eventually reproduce it:
+    #### Description
+    #### Steps to reproduce the issue
+    #### Expected results
+    #### Actual results
+    #### Versions
+To fill the `Versions` section, you can use the script provided in the RIOT git
+In summary, try to include as much information as possible, to help maintainers
+or other developers to fix the bug quickly.
+## Pull Requests
+[pull-requests]: #pull-requests
+GitHub's Pull Request (PR) feature is the primary mechanism used to make
+contributions to the RIOT codebase. GitHub itself has some great documentation
+on [using the Pull Request feature][about-pull-requests].
+We use the [fork and pull model][development-models], where contributors push
+changes to their personal fork and create pull requests to bring those changes
+into the source repository.
+[about-pull-requests]: https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-requests/
+[development-models]: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork
+### General rules
+* Before opening a new Pull Request, have a look at
+  [existing ones][existing-pull-requests]. Maybe someone has already opened one
+  about the same thing. If it's the case, you might be able to help with the
+  contribution. Just comment on the PR and ask.
+  Old and stalled [PRs are sometimes archived][archived-pull-requests] with the
+  "State: archived" label, maybe one of them is also about the same topic.
+* Each Pull Request form uses a template with 3 sections that are here to help
+  maintainers understand your contribution and help them testing it:
+      #### Contribution description
+      #### Testing procedure
+      #### Issues/PRs references
+  Please fill each section with as much information as possible.
+* The Pull Request title should reflect what it is about and be in the form:
+  `area of change: description of changes`
+* Remember that smaller PRs tend to be merged faster, so keep your changes as
+  concise as possible. They should be confined to a single explainable
+  change, and be runnable on their own. So don't hesitate to split your PRs
+  into smaller ones when possible.
+* In the Pull Request form, we recommend that you leave the
+  "Allow edits from maintainers" check box ticked. This will allow maintainer
+  finalizing your PR by pushing in your branch. In general, this speeds up the
+  PR merge in the main repository. Note that this is not an obligation.
+* Check if your code follows the [coding conventions][coding-conventions]. If
+  it doesn't, you can [uncrustify][uncrustify] a file:
+      $ uncrustify -c $RIOTBASE/uncrustify-riot.cfg <your file>
+* RIOT provides static test tools to verify the quality of changes (cppcheck,
+  trailing whitespaces, documentation, etc). These tools are wrapped in a
+  single `make` target: `static-test`.
+  *Watch out:* the command below will rebase your branch on your master branch,
+  so make sure they can be rebased (e.g. there's no potential conflict).
+      $ make static-test
+  Use it before opening a PR to perform last time checks.
+* Each commit should target changes of specific parts/modules of RIOT. The
+  commits use the following pattern:
+  `area of code: description of changes`.
+  You can use multi-line commit messages if you want to detail more the
+  changes.
+* Try to answer reviews as quickly as possible to speed up the review process
+  and avoid stalled PRs.
+* Maintainers try their best to review every PR as fast as possible, but they
+  are also only human and it can happen that they miss a few PRs or might be
+  preoccupied with other PRs. If it happens that your PR receive no review for
+  a long time, don't hesitate to gently solicit a review by commenting or
+  by explicitly mentioning a maintainer that you know is knowledgeable in the
+  area of the PR. You can also advertise the PR on devel@riot-os.org mailing
+  list and ask for a review there.
+You can find more information about RIOT development procedure on this
+[wiki page][development-procedures].
+[existing-pull-requests]: https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/pulls
+[archived-pull-requests]: https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/pulls?q=is:pr+label:"State:+archived"
+[coding-conventions]: https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Coding-conventions
+[uncrustify]: http://uncrustify.sourceforge.net
+[development-procedures]: https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Development-procedures
+### Git usage
+Using git is a bit difficult for newcomers. If you are completely new to git,
+we recommend that you [start by learning it][try-github-io] a bit. You can also
+read the official [getting started documentation][git-scm-getting-started].
+In this section, we give the bare minimum for a better experience with our
+development workflow on GitHub.
+[try-github-io]: https://try.github.io/
+[git-scm-getting-started]: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Git-Basics
+#### Setup your local RIOT repository
+Before you start modifying code, you need to fork the RIOT upstream repository
+from the [RIOT main GitHub page][riot-github].
+If it's your first time with git, configure your name and emails:
+    $ git config --global user.name = "<your name here>"
+    $ git config --global user.email = "<your email address here>"
+Then clone locally your fork of RIOT (replace `account name` with your actual
+login on GitHub):
+    $ git clone git@github.com:<account name>/RIOT.git
+You can keep any branch of your local repository up-to-date with the upstream
+master branch with the following commands:
+    $ git checkout <branch name>
+    $ git pull --rebase https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT.git
+Use it before opening a PR. This will at least ensure the PR is mergeable but
+also that it is up-to-date with the upstream repository.
+[riot-github]: https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT
+#### Work on branches
+Avoid opening PR from the `master` branch of your fork to the master branch of
+the RIOT upstream repository: update your master branch and start a new branch
+from it.
+    $ git checkout master
+    $ git pull --rebase https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT.git
+    $ git checkout -b <new branch>
+    # Do your changes, commit, update with latest upstream master
+    $ git push
+#### Add fixup commits during review
+To keep the history of changes easier to track for reviewers, it is recommended
+to push your review request updates in fixup commits.
+Let's say your PR contains 3 commits with comments: `prefix1: change 1`,
+`prefix2: change 2` and `prefix3: change 3`.
+Instead of committing changes in `prefix2` in a 4th commit `prefix2: change 4`,
+you can use the `--fixup` option:
+    $ git add /path/of/prefix2
+    $ git commit --fixup <prefix2 commit hash>
+#### Squash commits after review
+Squashing a commit is done using the rebase subcommand of git in interactive
+    $ git rebase master -i
+You can find information on rebasing in
+[GitHub rebase documentation][about-git-rebase].
+[about-git-rebase]: https://help.github.com/articles/about-git-rebase/
+If you used [fixup commits](#add-fixup-commits-during-review) during the review
+phase, squashing commits can be performed in a single command:
+    $ git rebase -i --autosquash
+**Watch out: Don't squash your commit until a maintainer asks you to do it.**
+Otherwise the history of review changes is lost and for large PRs, it
+makes it difficult for the reviewer to follow them. It might also happen that
+you introduce regression and won't be able to recover them from previous
+Once squashing is done, you will have to force push your branch to update the
+    $ git push --force-with-lease
+## Writing Documentation
+[writing-documentation]: #writing-documentation
+Documentation improvements are always welcome and a good starting point for
+new contributors. This kind of contribution is merged quite quickly in general.
+RIOT documentation is built with [doxygen][doxygen]. Doxygen is configured to
+parse header (.h) and `doc.txt` files in the RIOT source code to generate
+the modules, cpus, boards and packages documentation.
+General documentation pages are written in Markdown and located in
+To generate the documentation, simply run:
+    $ make doc
+from the base directory of the RIOT source code.
+The generated documentation is located in `doc/doxygen/html`
+[doxygen]: http://www.doxygen.nl/
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6da550d504fb3f5fdbf9a0eba6b2c1f25298a4d0..812cb35e0f77d3813cad6b698e56582c3e86302d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -94,9 +94,8 @@ To create a bridge and two (or `count` at your option) tap interfaces:
-To contribute something to RIOT, please refer to the [development
-procedures](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Development-procedures) and
-read all notes for best practice.
+To contribute something to RIOT, please refer to our
+[contributing document](CONTRIBUTING.md).
 * RIOT OS kernel developers list