From 63ca443b05ee3bd3dc3eef4e48e487a7e14cea45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vincent Dupont <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 19:08:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] can: add ISO-TP support

ISO-TP is ISO15765 transport protocol over CAN.
Upper interface is located in sys/include/can/isotp.h.
 Makefile.dep                      |   4 +
 sys/auto_init/can/auto_init_can.c |  20 +
 sys/can/Makefile                  |   5 +
 sys/can/isotp/Makefile            |   3 +
 sys/can/isotp/isotp.c             | 898 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sys/include/can/isotp.h           | 196 +++++++
 6 files changed, 1126 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 sys/can/isotp/Makefile
 create mode 100644 sys/can/isotp/isotp.c
 create mode 100644 sys/include/can/isotp.h

diff --git a/Makefile.dep b/Makefile.dep
index 267a121c8d..d4706ae620 100644
--- a/Makefile.dep
+++ b/Makefile.dep
@@ -579,6 +579,10 @@ ifneq (,$(filter can,$(USEMODULE)))
   USEMODULE += gnrc_pktbuf_static
+ifneq (,$(filter can_isotp,$(USEMODULE)))
+  USEMODULE += xtimer
 ifneq (,$(filter random,$(USEMODULE)))
   # select default prng
   ifeq (,$(filter prng_%,$(USEMODULE)))
diff --git a/sys/auto_init/can/auto_init_can.c b/sys/auto_init/can/auto_init_can.c
index e94cddbb80..c5f9dfa1fc 100644
--- a/sys/auto_init/can/auto_init_can.c
+++ b/sys/auto_init/can/auto_init_can.c
@@ -25,10 +25,30 @@
 #include "can/dll.h"
+#include "can/isotp.h"
+static char isotp_stack[ISOTP_STACK_SIZE];
 void auto_init_candev(void)
     DEBUG("auto_init_can: init dll\n");
+    DEBUG("auto_init_can: init isotp\n");
+    isotp_init(isotp_stack, ISOTP_STACK_SIZE, ISOTP_PRIORITY, "isotp");
     extern void auto_init_can_native(void);
diff --git a/sys/can/Makefile b/sys/can/Makefile
index 48422e909a..449d4878ca 100644
--- a/sys/can/Makefile
+++ b/sys/can/Makefile
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
+ifneq (,$(filter can_isotp,$(USEMODULE)))
+    DIRS += isotp
 include $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.base
diff --git a/sys/can/isotp/Makefile b/sys/can/isotp/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f32f4c6e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/can/isotp/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MODULE = can_isotp
+include $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.base
diff --git a/sys/can/isotp/isotp.c b/sys/can/isotp/isotp.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ee8c72b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/can/isotp/isotp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 OTA keys S.A.
+ *
+ * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more
+ * details.
+ */
+ * @file
+ * @brief       ISO TP high level interface
+ *
+ * @author      Vincent Dupont <>
+ */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "net/gnrc/pktbuf.h"
+#include "can/isotp.h"
+#include "can/common.h"
+#include "can/raw.h"
+#include "can/router.h"
+#include "thread.h"
+#include "mutex.h"
+#include "timex.h"
+#include "utlist.h"
+#define ENABLE_DEBUG (0)
+#include "debug.h"
+#ifndef CAN_ISOTP_BS
+#define CAN_ISOTP_BS 10
+#define CAN_ISOTP_STMIN 5
+enum {
+    ISOTP_IDLE = 0,
+#define MAX_MSG_LENGTH 4095
+/* N_PCI type values in bits 7-4 of N_PCI bytes */
+#define N_PCI_SF 0x00 /* single frame */
+#define N_PCI_FF 0x10 /* first frame */
+#define N_PCI_CF 0x20 /* consecutive frame */
+#define N_PCI_FC 0x30 /* flow control */
+#define N_PCI_SZ 1  /* size of the PCI byte #1 */
+#define SF_PCI_SZ 1 /* size of SingleFrame PCI including 4 bit SF_DL */
+#define FF_PCI_SZ 2 /* size of FirstFrame PCI including 12 bit FF_DL */
+#define FC_CONTENT_SZ 3 /* flow control content size in byte (FS/BS/STmin) */
+/* Flow Status given in FC frame */
+#define ISOTP_FC_CTS    0  /* clear to send */
+#define ISOTP_FC_WT     1  /* wait */
+#define ISOTP_FC_OVFLW  2  /* overflow */
+static kernel_pid_t isotp_pid = KERNEL_PID_UNDEF;
+static struct isotp *isotp_list = NULL;
+static mutex_t lock = MUTEX_INIT;
+#define MIN(a, b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+static void _rx_timeout(void *arg);
+static int _isotp_send_fc(struct isotp *isotp, int ae, uint8_t status);
+static int _isotp_tx_send(struct isotp *isotp, struct can_frame *frame);
+static int _send_msg(msg_t *msg, can_reg_entry_t *entry)
+    switch (entry->type) {
+        return msg_try_send(msg, entry->;
+    case CAN_TYPE_MBOX:
+        DEBUG("_send_msg: sending msg=%p to mbox=%p\n", (void *)msg, (void *)entry->target.mbox);
+        return mbox_try_put(entry->target.mbox, msg);
+    default:
+        return -ENOTSUP;
+    }
+    return msg_try_send(msg, entry->;
+static int _isotp_dispatch_rx(struct isotp *isotp)
+    msg_t msg;
+    int ret = 0;
+    can_rx_data_t *data;
+    msg.type = CAN_MSG_RX_INDICATION;
+    data = can_pkt_alloc_rx_data(isotp->rx.snip,
+                                 isotp->rx.snip->size + sizeof(*isotp->rx.snip),
+                                 isotp->arg);
+    if (!data) {
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    msg.content.ptr = data;
+    if (_send_msg(&msg, &isotp->entry) < 1) {
+        DEBUG("_isotp_dispatch_rx: msg lost, freeing rx buf\n");
+        gnrc_pktbuf_release(((gnrc_pktsnip_t *)data->data.iov_base));
+        can_pkt_free_rx_data(data);
+        ret = -EOVERFLOW;
+    }
+    isotp->rx.snip = NULL;
+    return ret;
+static int _isotp_dispatch_tx(struct isotp *isotp, int err)
+    msg_t msg;
+    gnrc_pktbuf_release(isotp->tx.snip);
+    isotp->tx.snip = NULL;
+    if (isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_TX_DONT_WAIT) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!err) {
+        msg.type = CAN_MSG_TX_CONFIRMATION;
+    }
+    else {
+        msg.type = CAN_MSG_TX_ERROR;
+    }
+    msg.content.ptr = isotp->arg;
+    if (_send_msg(&msg, &isotp->entry) < 1) {
+        DEBUG("_isotp_dispatch_tx: msg lost\n");
+        return -EOVERFLOW;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static void _rx_timeout(void *arg)
+    msg_t msg;
+    DEBUG("_rx_timeout: arg=%p\n", arg);
+    msg.type = CAN_MSG_ISOTP_RX_TIMEOUT;
+    msg.content.ptr = arg;
+    msg_send(&msg, isotp_pid);
+static void _tx_timeout(void *arg)
+    msg_t msg;
+    DEBUG("_tx_timeout: arg=%p\n", arg);
+    msg.type = CAN_MSG_ISOTP_TX_TIMEOUT;
+    msg.content.ptr = arg;
+    msg_send(&msg, isotp_pid);
+static int _isotp_rcv_fc(struct isotp *isotp, struct can_frame *frame, int ae)
+    if (isotp->tx.state != ISOTP_WAIT_FC) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    xtimer_remove(&isotp->tx_timer);
+    if (frame->can_dlc < ae + FC_CONTENT_SZ) {
+        /* Invalid length */
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    isotp-> = frame->data[ae + 1];
+    isotp->txfc.stmin = frame->data[ae + 2];
+    DEBUG("_isotp_rcv_fc: first FC: bs=0x%" PRIx8 ", stmin=0x%" PRIx8 "\n",
+          isotp->, isotp->txfc.stmin);
+    if ((isotp->txfc.stmin > 0x7F) &&
+            ((isotp->txfc.stmin < 0xF1) || (isotp->txfc.stmin > 0xF9))) {
+        /* according to ISO15765-2 */
+        isotp->txfc.stmin = 0x7F;
+    }
+    /* ISO15765-2 */
+    /* Range 0x0 - 0x7F -> 0 ms - 127 ms */
+    if (isotp->txfc.stmin < 0x80) {
+        isotp->tx_gap = isotp->txfc.stmin * US_PER_MS;
+    }
+    /* Range 0xF1 - 0xF9 -> 100 us - 900 us */
+    else {
+        isotp->tx_gap = (isotp->txfc.stmin - 0xF0) * 100;
+    }
+    switch (frame->data[ae] & 0xF) {
+    case ISOTP_FC_CTS:
+        isotp->tx_wft = 0;
+        isotp-> = 0;
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_SENDING_NEXT_CF;
+        xtimer_set(&isotp->tx_timer, isotp->tx_gap);
+        break;
+    case ISOTP_FC_WT:
+        if (isotp->tx_wft++ >= isotp->txfc.wftmax) {
+            isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+            _isotp_dispatch_tx(isotp, ETIMEDOUT);
+            return 1;
+        }
+        /* BS and STmin shall be ignored */
+        xtimer_set(&isotp->tx_timer, CAN_ISOTP_TIMEOUT_N_Bs);
+        break;
+    case ISOTP_FC_OVFLW:
+        /* overflow on receiver side -> error */
+    default:
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        _isotp_dispatch_tx(isotp, EOVERFLOW);
+        break;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int _isotp_rcv_sf(struct isotp *isotp, struct can_frame *frame, int ae)
+    xtimer_remove(&isotp->rx_timer);
+    isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+    int len = (frame->data[ae] & 0x0F);
+    if (len > frame->can_dlc - (SF_PCI_SZ + ae)) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    gnrc_pktsnip_t *snip = gnrc_pktbuf_add(NULL, NULL, len, GNRC_NETTYPE_UNDEF);
+    if (!snip) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    isotp->rx.snip = snip;
+    isotp->rx.idx = 0;
+    for (size_t i = SF_PCI_SZ + ae; i < isotp->rx.snip->size + ae + SF_PCI_SZ; i++) {
+        ((uint8_t *)isotp->rx.snip->data)[isotp->rx.idx++] = frame->data[i];
+    }
+    return _isotp_dispatch_rx(isotp);
+static int _isotp_rcv_ff(struct isotp *isotp, struct can_frame *frame, int ae)
+    isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+    int len = (frame->data[ae] & 0x0F) << 8;
+    len += frame->data[ae + 1];
+    if (isotp->rx.snip) {
+        DEBUG("_isotp_rcv_ff: freeing previous rx buf\n");
+        gnrc_pktbuf_release(isotp->rx.snip);
+    }
+    if (len > MAX_MSG_LENGTH) {
+        if (!(isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_LISTEN_MODE)) {
+            _isotp_send_fc(isotp, ae, ISOTP_FC_OVFLW);
+        }
+        return 1;
+    }
+    gnrc_pktsnip_t *snip = gnrc_pktbuf_add(NULL, NULL, len, GNRC_NETTYPE_UNDEF);
+    if (!snip) {
+        if (!(isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_LISTEN_MODE)) {
+            _isotp_send_fc(isotp, ae, ISOTP_FC_OVFLW);
+        }
+        return 1;
+    }
+    isotp->rx.snip = snip;
+    isotp->rx.idx = 0;
+    for (int i = ae + FF_PCI_SZ; i < frame->can_dlc; i++) {
+        ((uint8_t *)isotp->rx.snip->data)[isotp->rx.idx++] = frame->data[i];
+    }
+    DEBUG("_isotp_rcv_ff: rx.buf=");
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < isotp->rx.idx; i++) {
+        DEBUG("%02hhx", ((uint8_t *)isotp->rx.snip->data)[i]);
+    }
+    DEBUG("\n");
+    isotp-> = 1;
+    if (isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_LISTEN_MODE) {
+        isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_WAIT_CF;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_SENDING_FC;
+    _isotp_send_fc(isotp, ae, ISOTP_FC_CTS);
+    return 0;
+static int _isotp_rcv_cf(struct isotp *isotp, struct can_frame *frame, int ae)
+    DEBUG("_isotp_rcv_cf: state=%d\n", isotp->rx.state);
+    if (isotp->rx.state != ISOTP_WAIT_CF) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    xtimer_remove(&isotp->rx_timer);
+    if ((frame->data[ae] & 0x0F) != isotp-> {
+        DEBUG("_isotp_rcv_cf: wrong seq number %d, expected %d\n", frame->data[ae] & 0x0F, isotp->;
+        isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        gnrc_pktbuf_release(isotp->rx.snip);
+        isotp->rx.snip = NULL;
+        return 1;
+    }
+    isotp->;
+    isotp-> %= 16;
+    for (int i = ae + N_PCI_SZ; i < frame->can_dlc; i++) {
+        ((uint8_t *)isotp->rx.snip->data)[isotp->rx.idx++] = frame->data[i];
+        if (isotp->rx.idx >= isotp->rx.snip->size) {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    DEBUG("_isotp_rcv_cf: rx.buf=");
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < isotp->rx.idx; i++) {
+        DEBUG("%02hhx", ((uint8_t *)isotp->rx.snip->data)[i]);
+    }
+    DEBUG("\n");
+    if (isotp->rx.idx >= isotp->rx.snip->size) {
+        isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        return _isotp_dispatch_rx(isotp);
+    }
+    if (isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_LISTEN_MODE) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    DEBUG("_isotp_rcv_cf:" PRIx8 "" PRIx8 "\n", isotp->, isotp->;
+    if (!isotp-> || (++isotp-> < isotp-> {
+        xtimer_set(&isotp->rx_timer, CAN_ISOTP_TIMEOUT_N_Cr);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return _isotp_send_fc(isotp, ae, ISOTP_FC_CTS);
+static int _isotp_rcv(struct isotp *isotp, struct can_frame *frame)
+    int ae = (isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_EXTEND_ADDR) ? 1 : 0;
+    uint8_t n_pci_type;
+    DEBUG("_isotp_rcv: id=%" PRIx32 " data=", frame->can_id);
+    for (int i = 0; i < frame->can_dlc; i++) {
+      DEBUG("%02hhx", frame->data[i]);
+    }
+    DEBUG("\n");
+    if (ae && frame->data[0] != isotp->opt.rx_ext_address) {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    n_pci_type = frame->data[ae] & 0xF0;
+    switch (n_pci_type) {
+    case N_PCI_FC:
+        return _isotp_rcv_fc(isotp, frame, ae);
+    case N_PCI_SF:
+        return _isotp_rcv_sf(isotp, frame, ae);
+    case N_PCI_FF:
+        return _isotp_rcv_ff(isotp, frame, ae);
+    case N_PCI_CF:
+        return _isotp_rcv_cf(isotp, frame, ae);
+    }
+    return 1;
+static int _isotp_send_fc(struct isotp *isotp, int ae, uint8_t status)
+    struct can_frame fc;
+    fc.can_id = isotp->opt.tx_id;
+    if (isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_TX_PADDING) {
+        memset(, isotp->opt.txpad_content, CAN_MAX_DLEN);
+        fc.can_dlc = CAN_MAX_DLEN;
+    }
+    else {
+        fc.can_dlc = ae + FC_CONTENT_SZ;
+    }
+[ae] = N_PCI_FC | status;
+[ae + 1] = isotp->;
+[ae + 2] = isotp->rxfc.stmin;
+    if (ae) {
+[0] = isotp->opt.ext_address;
+    }
+    isotp-> = 0;
+    DEBUG("_isotp_send_fc: id=%" PRIx32 " data=", fc.can_id);
+    for (int i = 0; i < fc.can_dlc; i++) {
+      DEBUG("%02hhx",[i]);
+    }
+    DEBUG("\n");
+    xtimer_set(&isotp->rx_timer, CAN_ISOTP_TIMEOUT_N_Ar);
+    isotp->rx.tx_handle = raw_can_send(isotp->entry.ifnum, &fc, isotp_pid);
+    if (isotp->rx.tx_handle >= 0) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        xtimer_remove(&isotp->rx_timer);
+        return isotp->rx.tx_handle;
+    }
+static void _isotp_create_ff(struct isotp *isotp, struct can_frame *frame, int ae)
+    frame->can_id = isotp->opt.tx_id;
+    frame->can_dlc = CAN_MAX_DLEN;
+    if (ae) {
+        frame->data[0] = isotp->opt.ext_address;
+    }
+    frame->data[ae] = (uint8_t)(isotp->tx.snip->size >> 8) | N_PCI_FF;
+    frame->data[ae + 1] = (uint8_t) isotp->tx.snip->size & 0xFFU;
+    for (int i = ae + FF_PCI_SZ; i < CAN_MAX_DLEN; i++) {
+        frame->data[i] = ((uint8_t *)isotp->tx.snip->data)[isotp->tx.idx++];
+    }
+    isotp-> = 1;
+static void _isotp_fill_dataframe(struct isotp *isotp, struct can_frame *frame, int ae)
+    size_t pci_len = N_PCI_SZ + ae;
+    size_t space = CAN_MAX_DLEN - pci_len;
+    size_t num_bytes = MIN(space, isotp->tx.snip->size - isotp->tx.idx);
+    frame->can_id = isotp->opt.tx_id;
+    frame->can_dlc = num_bytes + pci_len;
+    DEBUG("_isotp_fill_dataframe: num_bytes=%d, pci_len=%d\n", num_bytes, pci_len);
+    if (num_bytes < space) {
+        if (isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_TX_PADDING) {
+            frame->can_dlc = CAN_MAX_DLEN;
+            memset(frame->data, isotp->opt.txpad_content, frame->can_dlc);
+        }
+    }
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++) {
+        frame->data[pci_len + i] = ((uint8_t *)isotp->tx.snip->data)[isotp->tx.idx++];
+    }
+    if (ae) {
+        frame->data[0] = isotp->opt.ext_address;
+    }
+static void _isotp_tx_timeout_task(struct isotp *isotp)
+    int ae = (isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_EXTEND_ADDR) ? 1 : 0;
+    struct can_frame frame;
+    DEBUG("_isotp_tx_timeout_task: state=%d\n", isotp->tx.state);
+    switch (isotp->tx.state) {
+    case ISOTP_WAIT_FC:
+        DEBUG("_isotp_tx_timeout_task: FC not received on time\n");
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        _isotp_dispatch_tx(isotp, ETIMEDOUT);
+        break;
+        DEBUG("_isotp_tx_timeout_task: sending next CF\n");
+        _isotp_fill_dataframe(isotp, &frame, ae);
+[ae] = N_PCI_CF | isotp->;
+        isotp-> %= 16;
+        isotp->;
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_SENDING_CF;
+        _isotp_tx_send(isotp, &frame);
+        break;
+        DEBUG("_isotp_tx_timeout_task: timeout on DLL\n");
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        raw_can_abort(isotp->entry.ifnum, isotp->tx.tx_handle);
+        _isotp_dispatch_tx(isotp, ETIMEDOUT);
+        break;
+    }
+static void _isotp_tx_tx_conf(struct isotp *isotp)
+    xtimer_remove(&isotp->tx_timer);
+    isotp->tx.tx_handle = 0;
+    DEBUG("_isotp_tx_tx_conf: state=%d\n", isotp->tx.state);
+    switch (isotp->tx.state) {
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        _isotp_dispatch_tx(isotp, 0);
+        break;
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_WAIT_FC;
+        xtimer_set(&isotp->tx_timer, CAN_ISOTP_TIMEOUT_N_Bs);
+        break;
+        if (isotp->tx.idx >= isotp->tx.snip->size) {
+            /* Finished */
+            isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+            _isotp_dispatch_tx(isotp, 0);
+            break;
+        }
+        if (isotp-> && (isotp-> >= isotp-> {
+            /* wait for FC */
+            isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_WAIT_FC;
+            xtimer_set(&isotp->tx_timer, CAN_ISOTP_TIMEOUT_N_Bs);
+            break;
+        }
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_SENDING_NEXT_CF;
+        xtimer_set(&isotp->tx_timer, isotp->tx_gap);
+        break;
+    }
+static void _isotp_rx_timeout_task(struct isotp *isotp)
+    switch (isotp->rx.state) {
+        DEBUG("_isotp_rx_timeout_task: FC tx conf timeout\n");
+        raw_can_abort(isotp->entry.ifnum, isotp->rx.tx_handle);
+    case ISOTP_WAIT_CF:
+        DEBUG("_isotp_rx_timeout_task: free rx buf\n");
+        gnrc_pktbuf_release(isotp->rx.snip);
+        isotp->rx.snip = NULL;
+        isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        /* TODO dispatch rx error ? */
+        break;
+    }
+static void _isotp_rx_tx_conf(struct isotp *isotp)
+    xtimer_remove(&isotp->rx_timer);
+    isotp->rx.tx_handle = 0;
+    DEBUG("_isotp_rx_tx_conf: state=%d\n", isotp->rx.state);
+    switch (isotp->rx.state) {
+        isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_WAIT_CF;
+        xtimer_set(&isotp->rx_timer, CAN_ISOTP_TIMEOUT_N_Cr);
+        break;
+    }
+static int _isotp_tx_send(struct isotp *isotp, struct can_frame *frame)
+    xtimer_set(&isotp->tx_timer, CAN_ISOTP_TIMEOUT_N_As);
+    isotp->tx.tx_handle = raw_can_send(isotp->entry.ifnum, frame, isotp_pid);
+    DEBUG("isotp_send: FF/SF/CF sent handle=%d\n", isotp->tx.tx_handle);
+    if (isotp->tx.tx_handle < 0) {
+        xtimer_remove(&isotp->tx_timer);
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+        return _isotp_dispatch_tx(isotp, isotp->tx.tx_handle);
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int _isotp_send_sf_ff(struct isotp *isotp)
+    struct can_frame frame;
+    unsigned ae = (isotp->opt.flags & CAN_ISOTP_EXTEND_ADDR) ? 1 : 0;
+    if (isotp->tx.snip->size <= CAN_MAX_DLEN - SF_PCI_SZ - ae) {
+        /* Fits into a single frame */
+        _isotp_fill_dataframe(isotp, &frame, ae);
+[ae] = N_PCI_SF;
+[ae] |= isotp->tx.snip->size;
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_SENDING_SF;
+    }
+    else {
+        isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_SENDING_FF;
+        /* Must send a First frame */
+        _isotp_create_ff(isotp, &frame, ae);
+    }
+    return _isotp_tx_send(isotp, &frame);
+static void *_isotp_thread(void *args)
+    (void)args;
+    msg_t msg, msg_queue[CAN_ISOTP_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE];
+    struct can_rx_data *rx_frame;
+    struct isotp *isotp;
+    /* setup the device layers message queue */
+    msg_init_queue(msg_queue, CAN_ISOTP_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE);
+    isotp_pid = sched_active_pid;
+    while (1) {
+        msg_receive(&msg);
+        switch (msg.type) {
+        case CAN_MSG_SEND_FRAME:
+            _isotp_send_sf_ff(msg.content.ptr);
+            break;
+        case CAN_MSG_RX_INDICATION:
+            rx_frame = msg.content.ptr;
+            if (!rx_frame) {
+                DEBUG("_isotp_thread: CAN_MSG_RX_INDICATION with NULL ptr\n");
+                break;
+            }
+            DEBUG("_isotp_thread: CAN_MSG_RX_INDICATION, frame=%p, data=%p\n",
+                  (void *)rx_frame->data.iov_base, rx_frame->arg);
+            _isotp_rcv((struct isotp *)rx_frame->arg, rx_frame->data.iov_base);
+            raw_can_free_frame(rx_frame);
+            break;
+            DEBUG("_isotp_thread: CAN_MSG_TX_CONFIRMATION, handle=%d\n", (int)msg.content.value);
+            mutex_lock(&lock);
+            LL_FOREACH(isotp_list, isotp) {
+                if (isotp->tx.tx_handle == (int)msg.content.value) {
+                    mutex_unlock(&lock);
+                    _isotp_tx_tx_conf(isotp);
+                    break;
+                }
+                else if (isotp->rx.tx_handle == (int)msg.content.value) {
+                    mutex_unlock(&lock);
+                    _isotp_rx_tx_conf(isotp);
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            if (isotp == NULL) {
+                mutex_unlock(&lock);
+            }
+            break;
+            isotp = msg.content.ptr;
+            DEBUG("_isotp_thread: RX TIMEOUT arg=%p\n", (void *)isotp);
+            _isotp_rx_timeout_task(isotp);
+            break;
+            isotp = msg.content.ptr;
+            DEBUG("_isotp_thread: TX_TIMEOUT arg=%p\n", (void *)isotp);
+            _isotp_tx_timeout_task(isotp);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return NULL;
+kernel_pid_t isotp_init(char *stack, int stacksize, char priority, const char *name)
+    kernel_pid_t res;
+    DEBUG("isotp_init\n");
+    /* create new can device thread */
+    res = thread_create(stack, stacksize, priority, THREAD_CREATE_STACKTEST,
+                         _isotp_thread, NULL, name);
+    if (res <= 0) {
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    return res;
+int isotp_send(struct isotp *isotp, const void *buf, int len, int flags)
+    assert(isotp != NULL);
+    assert((isotp->entry.type == CAN_TYPE_DEFAULT && pid_is_valid(isotp-> ||
+           (isotp->entry.type == CAN_TYPE_MBOX && isotp-> != NULL));
+    assert(isotp-> != KERNEL_PID_UNDEF);
+    assert (len && len <= MAX_MSG_LENGTH);
+    if (isotp->tx.state != ISOTP_IDLE) {
+        return -EBUSY;
+    }
+    if (flags) {
+        isotp->opt.flags &= CAN_ISOTP_RX_FLAGS_MASK;
+        isotp->opt.flags |= (flags & CAN_ISOTP_TX_FLAGS_MASK);
+    }
+    gnrc_pktsnip_t *snip = gnrc_pktbuf_add(NULL, NULL, len, GNRC_NETTYPE_UNDEF);
+    if (!snip) {
+        return -ENOMEM;
+    }
+    isotp->tx.snip = snip;
+    memcpy(isotp->tx.snip->data, buf, len);
+    isotp->tx.idx = 0;
+    isotp->tx_wft = 0;
+    msg_t msg;
+    msg.type = CAN_MSG_SEND_FRAME;
+    msg.content.ptr = isotp;
+    msg_send(&msg, isotp_pid);
+    return len;
+int isotp_bind(struct isotp *isotp, can_reg_entry_t *entry, void *arg)
+    int ret;
+    assert(isotp != NULL);
+    assert((entry->type == CAN_TYPE_DEFAULT && pid_is_valid(entry-> ||
+           (entry->type == CAN_TYPE_MBOX && entry->target.mbox != NULL));
+    assert(pid_is_valid(entry->;
+    assert(isotp->opt.tx_id != isotp->opt.rx_id);
+    assert(!((isotp->opt.tx_id | isotp->opt.rx_id) & (CAN_RTR_FLAG | CAN_ERR_FLAG)));
+    assert(entry->ifnum < CAN_DLL_NUMOF);
+    isotp->rx_timer.callback = _rx_timeout;
+    isotp->rx_timer.arg = isotp;
+    isotp->tx_timer.callback = _tx_timeout;
+    isotp->tx_timer.arg = isotp;
+    memset(&isotp->rx, 0, sizeof(struct tpcon));
+    memset(&isotp->tx, 0, sizeof(struct tpcon));
+    isotp-> = CAN_ISOTP_BS;
+    isotp->rxfc.stmin = CAN_ISOTP_STMIN;
+    isotp->rxfc.wftmax = 0;
+    isotp-> = 0;
+    isotp->txfc.stmin = 0;
+    isotp->txfc.wftmax = CAN_ISOTP_WFTMAX;
+    isotp->entry.ifnum = entry->ifnum;
+    isotp->entry.type = entry->type;
+    isotp-> = entry->target.mbox;
+    isotp-> = entry->;
+    isotp->arg = arg;
+    isotp->next = NULL;
+    DEBUG("isotp_bind: ifnum=%d, txid=%" PRIx32 ", rxid=%" PRIx32 ", flags=0x%" PRIx16 "\n",
+          isotp->entry.ifnum, isotp->opt.tx_id, isotp->opt.rx_id, isotp->opt.flags);
+    DEBUG("isotp_bind: pid=%" PRIkernel_pid "\n", entry->;
+    struct can_filter filter = {
+        .can_id = isotp->opt.rx_id,
+        .can_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+    };
+    ret = raw_can_subscribe_rx(isotp->entry.ifnum, &filter, isotp_pid, isotp);
+    if (ret < 0) {
+        return ret;
+    }
+    mutex_lock(&lock);
+    LL_APPEND(isotp_list, isotp);
+    mutex_unlock(&lock);
+    return 0;
+void isotp_free_rx(can_rx_data_t *rx)
+    DEBUG("isotp_free_rx: rx=%p\n", (void *)rx);
+    gnrc_pktbuf_release(rx->data.iov_base);
+    can_pkt_free_rx_data(rx);
+int isotp_release(struct isotp *isotp)
+    assert(isotp != NULL);
+    assert((isotp->entry.type == CAN_TYPE_DEFAULT && pid_is_valid(isotp-> ||
+           (isotp->entry.type == CAN_TYPE_MBOX && isotp-> != NULL));
+    assert(isotp-> != KERNEL_PID_UNDEF);
+    DEBUG("isotp_release: isotp=%p\n", (void *)isotp);
+    struct can_filter filter = {
+        .can_id = isotp->opt.rx_id,
+        .can_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+    };
+    raw_can_unsubscribe_rx(isotp->entry.ifnum, &filter, isotp_pid, isotp);
+    if (isotp->rx.snip) {
+        DEBUG("isotp_release: freeing rx buf\n");
+        gnrc_pktbuf_release(isotp->rx.snip);
+        isotp->rx.snip = NULL;
+    }
+    isotp->rx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+    isotp-> = KERNEL_PID_UNDEF;
+    mutex_lock(&lock);
+    LL_DELETE(isotp_list, isotp);
+    mutex_unlock(&lock);
+    if (isotp->tx.snip) {
+        DEBUG("isotp_release: freeing rx buf\n");
+        gnrc_pktbuf_release(isotp->tx.snip);
+        isotp->tx.snip = NULL;
+    }
+    isotp->tx.state = ISOTP_IDLE;
+    return 0;
diff --git a/sys/include/can/isotp.h b/sys/include/can/isotp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fe456385e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/include/can/isotp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2016 OTA keys S.A.
+ *
+ * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more
+ * details.
+ */
+ * @ingroup     can
+ * @defgroup    isotp ISOTP
+ * @brief       ISO transport protocol over CAN (ISO15765)
+ * @{
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ * @brief       ISO TP high level interface
+ *
+ * @author      Vincent Dupont <>
+ */
+#ifndef CAN_ISOTP_H
+#define CAN_ISOTP_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#include "can/can.h"
+#include "can/common.h"
+#include "thread.h"
+#include "xtimer.h"
+#include "net/gnrc/pktbuf.h"
+ * @brief The isotp_fc_options struct
+ *
+ * It describes the flow control options
+ */
+struct isotp_fc_options {
+    uint8_t bs;    /**< blocksize provided in FC frame, 0 = off */
+    /** separation time provided in FC frame
+     * 0x00 - 0x7F : 0 - 127 ms
+     * 0x80 - 0xF0 : reserved
+     * 0xF1 - 0xF9 : 100 us - 900 us
+     * 0xFA - 0xFF : reserved */
+    uint8_t stmin;
+    uint8_t wftmax; /**< max. number of wait frame transmiss., 0 = ignored */
+ * @brief The isotp_options struct
+ *
+ * It describes the ISO-TP options
+ */
+struct isotp_options {
+    canid_t tx_id;           /**< transmit CAN ID */
+    canid_t rx_id;           /**< Receive CAN ID */
+    uint16_t flags;          /**< set flags for isotp behaviour. */
+    uint8_t  ext_address;    /**< set address for extended addressing */
+    uint8_t  txpad_content;  /**< set content of padding byte (tx) */
+    uint8_t  rx_ext_address; /**< set address for extended addressing */
+ * @brief The tpcon struct
+ *
+ * It describes the current connection status
+ */
+struct tpcon {
+    unsigned idx;         /**< current index in @p buf */
+    uint8_t state;        /**< the protocol state */
+    uint8_t bs;           /**< block size */
+    uint8_t sn;           /**< current sequence number */
+    int tx_handle;        /**< handle of the last sent frame */
+    gnrc_pktsnip_t *snip; /**< allocated snip containing data buffer */
+ * @brief The isotp struct
+ *
+ * This is the main struct used by an ISO-TP channel
+ */
+struct isotp {
+    struct isotp *next;            /**< next bound channel */
+    struct isotp_options opt;      /**< channel options */
+    struct isotp_fc_options rxfc;  /**< rx flow control options (defined locally) */
+    struct isotp_fc_options txfc;  /**< tx flow control options (defined remotely) */
+    struct tpcon tx;               /**< transmit state */
+    struct tpcon rx;               /**< receive state */
+    xtimer_t tx_timer;             /**< timer for tx operations */
+    xtimer_t rx_timer;             /**< timer for rx operations */
+    can_reg_entry_t entry;         /**< entry containing ifnum and upper layer msg system */
+    uint32_t tx_gap;               /**< transmit gap from fc (in us) */
+    uint8_t tx_wft;                /**< transmit wait counter */
+    void *arg;                     /**< upper layer private arg */
+ * @name flags for isotp behaviour
+ * @{
+ */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_RX_FLAGS_MASK 0x0000FFFF /**< rx flags mask */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_LISTEN_MODE   0x0001     /**< listen only flag (do not send FC) */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_EXTEND_ADDR   0x0002     /**< enable extended addressing */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_TX_PADDING    0x0004     /**< enable CAN frame padding tx path */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_HALF_DUPLEX   0x0040     /**< half duplex error state handling */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_RX_EXT_ADDR   0x0200     /**< different rx extended addressing */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_TX_FLAGS_MASK 0xFFFF0000 /**< tx flags mask */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_TX_DONT_WAIT  0x00010000 /**< do not send a tx confirmation msg */
+/** @} */
+ * @name default configuration values
+ * @{
+ */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_DEFAULT_FLAGS         0
+#define CAN_ISOTP_DEFAULT_PAD_CONTENT   0xCC /* prevent bit-stuffing */
+#define CAN_ISOTP_DEFAULT_RECV_BS       0
+/** @} */
+ * @brief Initialize the isotp layer
+ *
+ * @param stack           stack for the isotp thread
+ * @param stacksize       size of @p stack
+ * @param priority        priority of the isotp thread
+ * @param name            name of the isotp thread
+ *
+ * @return the pid of the isotp thread
+ */
+kernel_pid_t isotp_init(char *stack, int stacksize, char priority, const char *name);
+ * @brief Send data through an isotp channel
+ *
+ * @param isotp           the channel to use
+ * @param buf             the data to send
+ * @param len             length of the data to send
+ * @param flags           flags for sending
+ *
+ * @return the number of bytes sent
+ * @return < 0 if an error occured  (-EBUSY, -ENOMEM)
+ */
+int isotp_send(struct isotp *isotp, const void *buf, int len, int flags);
+ * @brief Bind an isotp channel
+ *
+ * Initialize the channel, set the filter on the DLL and add the
+ * channel to the list of bound channels
+ *
+ * @param isotp           the channel to bind
+ * @param entry           entry identifying the CAN ifnum and the upper layer
+ *                        either by its pid or its mailbox
+ * @param arg             upper layer private parameter
+ *
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on error
+ */
+int isotp_bind(struct isotp *isotp, can_reg_entry_t *entry, void *arg);
+ * @brief Release a bound isotp channel
+ *
+ * Unset the filter on the DLL and remove the channel from the list
+ * of bound channels
+ *
+ * @param isotp           the channel to relase
+ *
+ * @return 0 on success, < 0 on error
+ */
+int isotp_release(struct isotp *isotp);
+ * @brief Free a received buffer
+ *
+ * This MUST be called by the upper layer when the received data are read
+ *
+ * @param rx              the received data
+ */
+void isotp_free_rx(can_rx_data_t *rx);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* CAN_ISOTP_H */
+/** @} */