# 'Makefile.include' directory, must be evaluated before other 'include' _riotbase := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) # Globally set default goal to `all` .DEFAULT_GOAL := all # include Makefile.local if it exists -include Makefile.local # set undefined variables RIOTBASE ?= $(_riotbase) CCACHE_BASEDIR ?= $(RIOTBASE) RIOTCPU ?= $(RIOTBASE)/cpu RIOTBOARD ?= $(RIOTBASE)/boards RIOTMAKE ?= $(RIOTBASE)/makefiles RIOTPKG ?= $(RIOTBASE)/pkg RIOTTOOLS ?= $(RIOTBASE)/dist/tools RIOTPROJECT ?= $(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null || pwd) GITCACHE ?= $(RIOTTOOLS)/git/git-cache GIT_CACHE_DIR ?= $(HOME)/.gitcache APPDIR ?= $(CURDIR) BINDIRBASE ?= $(APPDIR)/bin BINDIR ?= $(BINDIRBASE)/$(BOARD) PKGDIRBASE ?= $(BINDIRBASE)/pkg/$(BOARD) DLCACHE ?= $(RIOTTOOLS)/dlcache/dlcache.sh DLCACHE_DIR ?= $(RIOTBASE)/.dlcache __DIRECTORY_VARIABLES := \ RIOTBASE \ RIOTCPU \ RIOTBOARD \ RIOTMAKE \ RIOTPKG \ RIOTTOOLS \ RIOTPROJECT \ APPDIR \ BINDIRBASE \ BINDIR \ CCACHE_BASEDIR \ GITCACHE \ PKGDIRBASE \ DLCACHE_DIR \ # # Make all paths absolute. override RIOTBASE := $(abspath $(RIOTBASE)) override CCACHE_BASEDIR := $(abspath $(CCACHE_BASEDIR)) override RIOTCPU := $(abspath $(RIOTCPU)) override RIOTBOARD := $(abspath $(RIOTBOARD)) override RIOTMAKE := $(abspath $(RIOTMAKE)) override RIOTPKG := $(abspath $(RIOTPKG)) override RIOTTOOLS := $(abspath $(RIOTTOOLS)) override RIOTPROJECT := $(abspath $(RIOTPROJECT)) override GITCACHE := $(abspath $(GITCACHE)) override APPDIR := $(abspath $(APPDIR)) override BINDIRBASE := $(abspath $(BINDIRBASE)) override BINDIR := $(abspath $(BINDIR)) override PKGDIRBASE := $(abspath $(PKGDIRBASE)) override DLCACHE_DIR := $(abspath $(DLCACHE_DIR)) # Ensure that all directories are set and don't contain spaces. ifneq (, $(filter-out 1, $(foreach v,$(__DIRECTORY_VARIABLES),$(words $($(v)))))) $(info Aborting compilation for your safety.) $(info Related variables = $(__DIRECTORY_VARIABLES)) $(error Make sure no path override is empty or contains spaces!) endif # Use absolute paths in recusive "make" even if overriden on command line. MAKEOVERRIDES += $(foreach v,$(__DIRECTORY_VARIABLES),$(v)=$($(v))) # Path to the current directory relative to RIOTPROJECT # trailing '/' is important when RIOTPROJECT == CURDIR BUILDRELPATH ?= $(patsubst $(RIOTPROJECT)/%,%,$(CURDIR)/) # get host operating system OS := $(shell uname) # set python path, e.g. for tests PYTHONPATH := $(RIOTBASE)/dist/pythonlibs/:$(PYTHONPATH) # Include Docker settings near the top because we need to build the environment # command line before some of the variable origins are overwritten below when # using abspath, strip etc. include $(RIOTMAKE)/docker.inc.mk # include color echo macros include $(RIOTMAKE)/color.inc.mk # include concurrency helpers include $(RIOTMAKE)/info-nproc.inc.mk GLOBAL_GOALS := buildtest info-boards-supported info-boards-features-missing info-buildsizes info-buildsizes-diff ifneq (, $(filter $(GLOBAL_GOALS), $(MAKECMDGOALS))) BOARD=none endif ifeq (none,$(BOARD)) include $(RIOTMAKE)/info-global.inc.mk include $(RIOTMAKE)/buildtests.inc.mk else all: link include $(RIOTMAKE)/info.inc.mk # Static code analysis tools provided by LLVM include $(RIOTMAKE)/scan-build.inc.mk export RIOTBUILD_CONFIG_HEADER_C = $(BINDIR)/riotbuild/riotbuild.h ifeq ($(OS),Darwin) OPEN := open else OPEN := xdg-open endif QUIET ?= 1 ifeq ($(QUIET),1) Q=@ MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory else Q= endif QQ= # Set this to 1 to enable code in RIOT that does safety checking # which is not needed in a production environment but helps in the # development process: DEVELHELP ?= 0 ifeq ($(DEVELHELP),1) CFLAGS += -DDEVELHELP endif # Fail on warnings. Can be overridden by `make WERROR=0`. WERROR ?= 1 export WERROR ifeq ($(WERROR),1) CFLAGS += -Werror endif WPEDANTIC ?= 0 export WPEDANTIC ifeq ($(WPEDANTIC),1) CFLAGS += -Wpedantic endif ifneq (10,$(if $(RIOT_VERSION),1,0)$(if $(__RIOTBUILD_FLAG),1,0)) # Provide a shallow sanity check. You cannot call `make` in a module directory. export __RIOTBUILD_FLAG := RIOT BOARD := $(strip $(BOARD)) APPLICATION := $(strip $(APPLICATION)) # provide common external programs for `Makefile.include`s ifeq (,$(and $(DOWNLOAD_TO_STDOUT),$(DOWNLOAD_TO_FILE))) ifeq (,$(WGET)) ifeq (0,$(shell which wget 2>&1 > /dev/null ; echo $$?)) WGET := $(shell which wget) endif endif ifeq (,$(CURL)) ifeq (0,$(shell which curl 2>&1 > /dev/null ; echo $$?)) CURL := $(shell which curl) endif endif ifeq (,$(WGET)$(CURL)) $(error Neither wget nor curl is installed!) endif ifeq (,$(DOWNLOAD_TO_STDOUT)) DOWNLOAD_TO_STDOUT := $(if $(CURL),$(CURL) -s,$(WGET) -q -O-) endif ifeq (,$(DOWNLOAD_TO_FILE)) DOWNLOAD_TO_FILE := $(if $(WGET),$(WGET) -nv -c -O,$(CURL) -s -o) endif endif ifeq (,$(UNZIP_HERE)) ifeq (0,$(shell which unzip 2>&1 > /dev/null ; echo $$?)) UNZIP_HERE := $(shell which unzip) -q else ifeq (0,$(shell which 7z 2>&1 > /dev/null ; echo $$?)) UNZIP_HERE := $(shell which 7z) x -bd else $(error Neither unzip nor 7z is installed.) endif endif endif # Tool saving stdin to a file only on content update. # It keeps the file timestamp if it would end up the same. LAZYSPONGE ?= $(RIOTTOOLS)/lazysponge/lazysponge.py LAZYSPONGE_FLAGS ?= $(if $(filter 1,$(QUIET)),,--verbose) ifeq (, $(APPLICATION)) $(error An application name must be specified as APPLICATION.) endif ifneq (0,$(shell test -d $(RIOTBOARD)/$(BOARD); echo $$?)) $(error The specified board $(BOARD) does not exist.) endif # Use TOOLCHAIN environment variable to select the toolchain to use. # Default for macOS: llvm; for other OS: gnu ifeq ($(BOARD),native) ifeq ($(OS),Darwin) TOOLCHAIN ?= llvm endif endif TOOLCHAIN ?= gnu # TOOLCHAIN = clang is an alias for TOOLCHAIN = llvm ifeq (clang,$(TOOLCHAIN)) # use override so that we can redefine a variable set on the command line (as # opposed to one set in the environment) override TOOLCHAIN := llvm endif # TOOLCHAIN = gcc is an alias for TOOLCHAIN = gnu ifeq (gcc,$(TOOLCHAIN)) # use override so that we can redefine a variable set on the command line (as # opposed to one set in the environment) override TOOLCHAIN := gnu endif ifeq (,$(TOOLCHAIN)) override TOOLCHAIN := gnu endif export TOOLCHAIN # default toolchain prefix, defaults to target triple followed by a dash, you # will most likely not need to touch this. export PREFIX ?= $(if $(TARGET_ARCH),$(TARGET_ARCH)-) # Add standard include directories INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTBASE)/core/include -I$(RIOTBASE)/drivers/include -I$(RIOTBASE)/sys/include # process provided features include $(RIOTBOARD)/$(BOARD)/Makefile.features # mandatory includes! include $(RIOTMAKE)/pseudomodules.inc.mk include $(RIOTMAKE)/defaultmodules.inc.mk # Include Board and CPU configuration INCLUDES += $(addprefix -I,$(wildcard $(RIOTBOARD)/$(BOARD)/include)) include $(RIOTBOARD)/$(BOARD)/Makefile.include INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/include include $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/Makefile.include # Sanity check # The check is only done after 'include $(RIOTBOARD)/$(BOARD)/Makefile.include' # because we need to have the 'CPU' variable defined ifeq (,$(filter $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/Makefile.features,$(MAKEFILE_LIST))) $(error $$(RIOTCPU)/$$(CPU)/Makefile.features must have been included by the board / board common Makefile.features) endif # Assume GCC/GNU as supported toolchain if CPU's Makefile.include doesn't # provide this macro TOOLCHAINS_SUPPORTED ?= gnu # Import all toolchain settings include $(RIOTMAKE)/toolchain/$(TOOLCHAIN).inc.mk # Tell ccache to pass the original file to the compiler, instead of passing the # preprocessed code. Without this setting, the compilation will fail with # -Wimplicit-fallthrough warnings even when the fall through case is properly # commented because the preprocessor has stripped the comments from the code. # This also fixes some other false warnings when compiling with LLVM/Clang. # The environment variable only affects builds with ccache (e.g. on CI/Murdock). # Non cached builds are not affected in any way. # For more information, see http://petereisentraut.blogspot.com/2011/09/ccache-and-clang-part-2.html export CCACHE_CPP2=yes # get number of interfaces straight before resolving dependencies GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF ?= 1 ifneq ($(GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF),1) CFLAGS += -DGNRC_NETIF_NUMOF=$(GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF) endif # process dependencies include $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.dep USEMODULE += $(filter-out $(DISABLE_MODULE), $(DEFAULT_MODULE)) ifeq ($(strip $(MCU)),) MCU = $(CPU) endif # set some settings useful for continuous integration builds ifeq ($(RIOT_CI_BUILD),1) RIOT_VERSION_OVERRIDE:=buildtest ifneq ($(filter $(BOARD_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY), $(BOARD)),) $(info CI-build: skipping link step) RIOTNOLINK:=1 endif # be more quiet when building for CI QQ:=@ endif # if you want to publish the board into the sources as an uppercase #define BOARDDEF := $(shell echo $(BOARD) | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | tr '-' '_') CPUDEF := $(shell echo $(CPU) | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | tr '-' '_') MCUDEF := $(shell echo $(MCU) | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | tr '-' '_') CFLAGS += -DBOARD_$(BOARDDEF)=\"$(BOARD)\" -DRIOT_BOARD=BOARD_$(BOARDDEF) CFLAGS += -DCPU_$(CPUDEF)=\"$(CPU)\" -DRIOT_CPU=CPU_$(CPUDEF) CFLAGS += -DMCU_$(MCUDEF)=\"$(MCU)\" -DRIOT_MCU=MCU_$(MCUDEF) # OSX fails to create empty archives. Provide a wrapper to catch that error. ifneq (0, $(shell mkdir -p $(BINDIR); $(AR) rc $(BINDIR)/empty-archive.a 2> /dev/null; \ echo $$?; rm -f $(BINDIR)/empty-archive.a 2>&1 > /dev/null)) AR := $(RIOTBASE)/dist/ar-wrapper $(AR) endif # Feature test default CFLAGS and LINKFLAGS for the set compiled. include $(RIOTMAKE)/cflags.inc.mk # Include VERSION for releases -include $(RIOTBASE)/VERSION # make the RIOT version available to the program ifeq ($(origin RIOT_VERSION), undefined) GIT_STRING := $(shell git --git-dir="$(RIOTBASE)/.git" describe --always --abbrev=4 2> /dev/null) ifneq (,$(GIT_STRING)) GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git --git-dir="$(RIOTBASE)/.git" rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) ifeq ($(strip $(GIT_BRANCH)),master) RIOT_VERSION := $(GIT_STRING) else RIOT_VERSION := $(GIT_STRING)-$(GIT_BRANCH) endif else RIOT_VERSION := 'UNKNOWN (builddir: $(RIOTBASE))' endif endif # Set module by prepending APPLICATION name with 'application_'. # It prevents conflict with application and modules with the same name. APPLICATION_MODULE ?= application_$(APPLICATION) # the binaries to link BASELIBS += $(BINDIR)/$(APPLICATION_MODULE).a BASELIBS += $(APPDEPS) # add extra include paths for packages in $(USEMODULE) export USEMODULE_INCLUDES = include $(RIOTBASE)/sys/Makefile.include include $(RIOTBASE)/drivers/Makefile.include # include Makefile.includes for packages in $(USEPKG) $(RIOTPKG)/%/Makefile.include:: $(Q)"$(MAKE)" -C $(RIOTPKG)/$* Makefile.include $(USEPKG:%=$(RIOTPKG)/%/Makefile.include): FORCE -include $(USEPKG:%=$(RIOTPKG)/%/Makefile.include) # include external modules configuration -include $(EXTERNAL_MODULE_DIRS:%=%/Makefile.include) # Deduplicate includes without sorting them # see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16144115/makefile-remove-duplicate-words-without-sorting define uniq $(eval seen :=) $(foreach _,$1,$(if $(filter $_,$(seen)),,$(eval seen += $_))) $(seen) endef USEMODULE_INCLUDES_ = $(strip $(call uniq,$(USEMODULE_INCLUDES))) INCLUDES += $(USEMODULE_INCLUDES_:%=-I%) # include bindist target include $(RIOTMAKE)/bindist.inc.mk # Add all USEMODULE modules to CFLAGS and populate BASELIBS include $(RIOTMAKE)/modules.inc.mk .PHONY: all link clean flash flash-only term doc debug debug-server reset objdump help info-modules .PHONY: print-size elffile binfile hexfile .PHONY: ..in-docker-container # Targets that depend on FORCE will always be rebuilt. Contrary to a .PHONY # target, they are considered real files and the modification timestamp is taken # into account. # # FORCE is useful for goals that may keep outputs unchanged (for example, if it # depends on environment or configuration variables). If the goal were .PHONY, it # would trigger a rebuild of all its dependents regardless of file modification. # # As general rule, use .PHONY only for non-file targets. # # For more information, see: # https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Phony-Targets.html # https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Force-Targets.html .PHONY: FORCE ELFFILE ?= $(BINDIR)/$(APPLICATION).elf HEXFILE ?= $(ELFFILE:.elf=.hex) BINFILE ?= $(ELFFILE:.elf=.bin) # Targets to get given file elffile: $(ELFFILE) hexfile: $(HEXFILE) binfile: $(BINFILE) # variables used to compile and link c++ CPPMIX ?= $(if $(wildcard *.cpp),1,) # We assume $(LINK) to be gcc-like. Use `LINKFLAGPREFIX :=` for ld-like linker options. LINKFLAGPREFIX ?= -Wl, DIRS += $(EXTERNAL_MODULE_DIRS) # Define dependencies required for building (headers, downloading source files,) BUILDDEPS += $(RIOTBUILD_CONFIG_HEADER_C) BUILDDEPS += pkg-prepare BUILDDEPS += $(APPDEPS) # Save value to verify it is not modified later _BASELIBS_VALUE_BEFORE_USAGE := $(BASELIBS) # Linker rule $(ELFFILE): FORCE ifeq ($(BUILDOSXNATIVE),1) _LINK = $(if $(CPPMIX),$(LINKXX),$(LINK)) $(UNDEF) $$(find $(BASELIBS) -size +8c) $(LINKFLAGS) $(LINKFLAGPREFIX)-no_pie else _LINK = $(if $(CPPMIX),$(LINKXX),$(LINK)) $(UNDEF) $(LINKFLAGPREFIX)--start-group $(BASELIBS) -lm $(LINKFLAGPREFIX)--end-group $(LINKFLAGS) $(LINKFLAGPREFIX)-Map=$(BINDIR)/$(APPLICATION).map endif # BUILDOSXNATIVE ifeq ($(BUILD_IN_DOCKER),1) link: ..in-docker-container else ifeq (,$(RIOTNOLINK)) link: ..compiler-check ..build-message $(ELFFILE) $(HEXFILE) print-size else link: ..compiler-check ..build-message $(BASELIBS) endif # RIOTNOLINK $(ELFFILE): $(BASELIBS) $(Q)$(_LINK) -o $@ $(BINDIR)/$(APPLICATION_MODULE).a: pkg-build $(BUILDDEPS) $(Q)DIRS="$(DIRS)" "$(MAKE)" -C $(APPDIR) -f $(RIOTMAKE)/application.inc.mk $(BINDIR)/$(APPLICATION_MODULE).a: FORCE # Other modules are built by application.inc.mk and packages building _SUBMAKE_LIBS = $(filter-out $(BINDIR)/$(APPLICATION_MODULE).a $(APPDEPS), $(BASELIBS)) $(_SUBMAKE_LIBS): $(BINDIR)/$(APPLICATION_MODULE).a pkg-build # 'print-size' triggers a rebuild. Use 'info-buildsize' if you do not need to rebuild. print-size: $(ELFFILE) $(Q)$(SIZE) $(SIZEFLAGS) $< %.hex: %.elf $(Q)$(OBJCOPY) $(OFLAGS) -Oihex $< $@ %.bin: %.elf $(Q)$(OBJCOPY) $(OFLAGS) -Obinary $< $@ endif # BUILD_IN_DOCKER # Check given command is available in the path # check_cmd 'command' 'description' define check_cmd @command -v $1 >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ { $(COLOR_ECHO) \ '$(COLOR_RED)$2 $1 is required but not found in PATH. Aborting.$(COLOR_RESET)'; \ exit 1;} endef ..compiler-check: $(call check_cmd,$(CC),Compiler) ..build-message: @$(COLOR_ECHO) '$(COLOR_GREEN)Building application "$(APPLICATION)" for "$(BOARD)" with MCU "$(MCU)".$(COLOR_RESET)' @$(COLOR_ECHO) # The `clean` needs to be serialized before everything else. ifneq (, $(filter clean, $(MAKECMDGOALS))) all $(BASELIBS) $(USEPKG:%=$(RIOTPKG)/%/Makefile.include) $(BUILDDEPS): clean endif .PHONY: pkg-prepare pkg-build pkg-build-% pkg-prepare: -@for i in $(USEPKG) ; do "$(MAKE)" -C $(RIOTPKG)/$$i prepare ; done pkg-build: $(USEPKG:%=pkg-build-%) pkg-build-%: $(BUILDDEPS) $(QQ)"$(MAKE)" -C $(RIOTPKG)/$* clean: -@for i in $(USEPKG) ; do "$(MAKE)" -C $(RIOTPKG)/$$i clean ; done -@rm -rf $(BINDIR) -@rm -rf $(SCANBUILD_OUTPUTDIR) # Remove intermediates, but keep the .elf, .hex and .map etc. clean-intermediates: -@for i in $(USEPKG) ; do "$(MAKE)" -C $(RIOTPKG)/$$i distclean ; done -@rm -rf $(BINDIR)/*.a $(BINDIR)/*/ clean-pkg: -@for i in $(USEPKG) ; do "$(MAKE)" -C $(RIOTPKG)/$$i distclean ; done distclean: -@for i in $(USEPKG) ; do "$(MAKE)" -C $(RIOTPKG)/$$i distclean ; done -@rm -rf $(BINDIRBASE) # if make target != 'flash-only', add target 'all' to ensure build before flash ifeq (,$(filter flash-only, $(MAKECMDGOALS))) BUILD_BEFORE_FLASH = all endif flash: $(BUILD_BEFORE_FLASH) $(FLASHDEPS) $(call check_cmd,$(FLASHER),Flash program) $(FLASHER) $(FFLAGS) flash-only: flash preflash: $(BUILD_BEFORE_FLASH) $(PREFLASHER) $(PREFFLAGS) term: $(filter flash, $(MAKECMDGOALS)) $(TERMDEPS) $(call check_cmd,$(TERMPROG),Terminal program) $(TERMPROG) $(TERMFLAGS) list-ttys: $(Q)$(RIOTTOOLS)/usb-serial/list-ttys.sh doc: make -BC $(RIOTBASE) doc debug: $(call check_cmd,$(DEBUGGER),Debug program) $(DEBUGGER) $(DEBUGGER_FLAGS) debug-server: $(call check_cmd,$(DEBUGSERVER),Debug server program) $(DEBUGSERVER) $(DEBUGSERVER_FLAGS) emulate: $(call check_cmd,$(EMULATOR),Emulation program) $(EMULATOR) $(EMULATOR_FLAGS) reset: $(call check_cmd,$(RESET),Reset program) $(RESET) $(RESET_FLAGS) TESTS ?= $(foreach file,$(wildcard $(APPDIR)/tests/*),\ $(shell test -f $(file) -a -x $(file) && echo $(file))) test: $(TEST_DEPS) $(Q) for t in $(TESTS); do \ $$t || exit 1; \ done # Default OBJDUMPFLAGS for platforms which do not specify it: OBJDUMPFLAGS ?= -S -D -h objdump: $(call check_cmd,$(OBJDUMP),Objdump program) $(OBJDUMP) $(OBJDUMPFLAGS) $(ELFFILE) | less # Support Eclipse IDE. include $(RIOTMAKE)/eclipse.inc.mk # Export variables used throughout the whole make system: include $(RIOTMAKE)/vars.inc.mk # Include build targets for selected tools include $(RIOTMAKE)/tools/targets.inc.mk # Warn if the selected board and drivers don't provide all needed features: ifneq (, $(filter all flash, $(if $(MAKECMDGOALS), $(MAKECMDGOALS), all))) EXPECT_ERRORS := EXPECT_CONFLICT := # Test if there where dependencies against a module in DISABLE_MODULE. ifneq (, $(filter $(DISABLE_MODULE), $(USEMODULE))) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "$(COLOR_RED)Required modules were disabled using DISABLE_MODULE:$(COLOR_RESET)"\ "$(sort $(filter $(DISABLE_MODULE), $(USEMODULE)))" 1>&2) USEMODULE := $(filter-out $(DISABLE_MODULE), $(USEMODULE)) EXPECT_ERRORS := 1 endif # Test if all feature requirements were met by the selected board. ifneq (, $(filter-out $(FEATURES_PROVIDED) $(FEATURES_OPTIONAL), $(FEATURES_REQUIRED))) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "$(COLOR_RED)There are unsatisfied feature requirements:$(COLOR_RESET)"\ "$(sort $(filter-out $(FEATURES_PROVIDED) $(FEATURES_OPTIONAL), $(FEATURES_REQUIRED)))" 1>&2) EXPECT_ERRORS := 1 endif # Test if any used feature conflict with another one. CONFLICT := $(foreach var,$(FEATURES_CONFLICT),$(if $(filter $(words $(subst :, ,$(var))),$(words $(filter $(FEATURES_USED),$(subst :, ,$(var))))),$(subst :, ,$(var)))) ifneq (, $(strip $(CONFLICT))) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "$(COLOR_YELLOW)The following features may conflict:$(COLOR_RESET)"\ "$(COLOR_GREEN)$(sort $(filter $(FEATURES_USED), $(CONFLICT)))$(COLOR_RESET)" 1>&2) ifneq (, $(FEATURES_CONFLICT_MSG)) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "$(COLOR_YELLOW)Rationale: $(COLOR_RESET)$(FEATURES_CONFLICT_MSG)" 1>&2) endif EXPECT_CONFLICT := 1 endif # If there is a whitelist, then test if the board is whitelisted. ifneq (, $(BOARD_WHITELIST)) ifeq (, $(filter $(BOARD_WHITELIST), $(BOARD))) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "$(COLOR_RED)The selected BOARD=$(BOARD) is not whitelisted:$(COLOR_RESET) $(BOARD_WHITELIST)" 1>&2) EXPECT_ERRORS := 1 endif endif # If there is a blacklist, then test if the board is blacklisted. ifneq (, $(BOARD_BLACKLIST)) ifneq (, $(filter $(BOARD_BLACKLIST), $(BOARD))) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "$(COLOR_RED)The selected BOARD=$(BOARD) is blacklisted:$(COLOR_RESET) $(BOARD_BLACKLIST)" 1>&2) EXPECT_ERRORS := 1 endif endif # test if toolchain is supported. ifeq (,$(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAINS_SUPPORTED))) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "$(COLOR_RED)The selected TOOLCHAIN=$(TOOLCHAIN) is not supported.$(COLOR_RESET)\nSupported toolchains: $(TOOLCHAINS_SUPPORTED)" 1>&2) EXPECT_ERRORS := 1 endif # If there is a blacklist, then test if the board is blacklisted. ifneq (,$(TOOLCHAINS_BLACKLIST)) ifneq (,$(filter $(TOOLCHAIN),$(TOOLCHAINS_BLACKLIST))) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "$(COLOR_RED)The selected TOOLCHAIN=$(TOOLCHAIN) is blacklisted:$(COLOR_RESET) $(TOOLCHAINS_BLACKLIST)" 1>&2) EXPECT_ERRORS := 1 endif endif ifneq (, $(EXPECT_CONFLICT)) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "\n$(COLOR_YELLOW)EXPECT undesired behaviour!$(COLOR_RESET)" 1>&2) endif ifneq (, $(EXPECT_ERRORS)) $(shell $(COLOR_ECHO) "\n\n$(COLOR_RED)EXPECT ERRORS!$(COLOR_RESET)\n\n" 1>&2) endif endif else # RIOT_VERSION export __RIOTBUILD_FLAG := RIOT NUM_RIOT_VERSION := $(shell cd $(RIOTBASE) && git rev-parse --verify --short "$(RIOT_VERSION)" 2>/dev/null) ifeq (, $(NUM_RIOT_VERSION)) $(error The supplied RIOT_VERSION=$(RIOT_VERSION) is invalid!) endif all $(filter-out clean, $(MAKECMDGOALS)): ..delegate ifneq (, $(filter clean, $(MAKECMDGOALS))) all $(filter-out clean, $(MAKECMDGOALS)): clean endif clean: -$(Q)rm -rf $(BINDIR) $(BINDIR)/riot-version/$(NUM_RIOT_VERSION)/Makefile.include: $(Q)rm -rf $(@D) $(Q)mkdir -p $(@D) $(Q)cd $(RIOTBASE) && git archive --format=tar $(NUM_RIOT_VERSION) | ( cd $(@D) && tar x 1>&2 ) ..delegate: $(BINDIR)/riot-version/$(NUM_RIOT_VERSION)/Makefile.include @$(COLOR_ECHO) '$(COLOR_GREEN)Using RIOT_VERSION=$(NUM_RIOT_VERSION)$(COLOR_RESET)' 1>&2 @$(COLOR_ECHO) $(MAKE) RIOTBASE=$(<D) $(filter-out clean, $(MAKECMDGOALS)) endif help: @$(MAKE) -qp | sed -ne 's/\(^[a-z][a-z_-]*\):.*/\1/p' | sort | uniq ifneq (,$(filter iotlab-m3 wsn430-v1_3b wsn430-v1_4,$(BOARD))) ifneq (,$(filter iotlab-%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) include $(RIOTBASE)/dist/testbed-support/Makefile.iotlab endif endif ifneq (,$(IOTLAB_NODE)) # iot-lab serial and flasher include $(RIOTBASE)/dist/testbed-support/makefile.iotlab.single.inc.mk endif # Include desvirt Makefile include $(RIOTTOOLS)/desvirt/Makefile.desvirt # Build a header file with all common macro definitions and undefinitions # make it depend on FORCE to re-run of the script every time even if the file exists # The script will only touch the file if anything has changed since last time. $(RIOTBUILD_CONFIG_HEADER_C): FORCE @mkdir -p '$(dir $@)' $(Q)'$(RIOTTOOLS)/genconfigheader/genconfigheader.sh' $(CFLAGS_WITH_MACROS) \ | '$(LAZYSPONGE)' $(LAZYSPONGE_FLAGS) '$@' CFLAGS_WITH_MACROS := $(CFLAGS) ifneq (,$(RIOT_VERSION_OVERRIDE)) export CFLAGS_WITH_MACROS += -DRIOT_VERSION=\"$(RIOT_VERSION_OVERRIDE)\" else export CFLAGS_WITH_MACROS += -DRIOT_VERSION=\"$(RIOT_VERSION)\" endif CFLAGS := $(patsubst -D%,,$(CFLAGS)) CFLAGS := $(patsubst -U%,,$(CFLAGS)) CFLAGS += -include '$(RIOTBUILD_CONFIG_HEADER_C)' # include mcuboot support include $(RIOTMAKE)/mcuboot.mk # include Murdock helpers include $(RIOTMAKE)/murdock.inc.mk # Sanity check, 'all' should be the default goal ifneq (all, $(.DEFAULT_GOAL)) $(error .DEFAULT_GOAL := $(.DEFAULT_GOAL)) endif # Detect if BASELIBS changed since its first use ifneq ($(_BASELIBS_VALUE_BEFORE_USAGE),$(BASELIBS)) $(warning $(sort $(filter-out $(_BASELIBS_VALUE_BEFORE_USAGE), $(BASELIBS)) \ $(filter-out $(BASELIBS), $(_BASELIBS_VALUE_BEFORE_USAGE)))) $(error BASELIBS value changed) endif endif # BOARD=none