diff --git a/include/lockfree/mutex.hh b/include/lockfree/mutex.hh
index 610b2ab69738694fd5b61dd202a8a5a89a13885c..0089fdbfede15872516d1645d90ea41d030495e5 100644
--- a/include/lockfree/mutex.hh
+++ b/include/lockfree/mutex.hh
@@ -1,33 +1,65 @@
 #ifndef MUTEX_HH
 #define MUTEX_HH
-#include <atomic>
-#include <sched.hh>
-#include <lockfree/queue-mpsc.hh>
 // A lock-free mutex implementation, based on the combination of two basic
 // techniques:
 // 1. Our lock-free multi-producer single-consumer queue technique
 //    (see lockfree/queue-mpsc.hh)
-// 2. The "responsibility hand-off" protocol described in the 2007 paper
+// 2. The "responsibility hand-off" (RHO) protocol described in the 2007 paper
 //    "Blocking without Locking or LFTHREADS: A lock-free thread library"
 //    by Anders Gidenstam and Marina Papatriantafilou.
+// The operation and correctness of the RHO protocol is discussed in the
+// aforementioned G&P 2007 paper, so we will avoid lengthy comments about it
+// below, except where we differ from G&P.
+// One especially important issue that we do need to justify is:
+// Our lockfree queue implementation assumes that there cannot be two
+// concurrent pop()s. We claim that this is true in the RHO protocol because:
+// 1. We have pop() calls at two places:
+//    (A) In unlock(), after decrementing count and outside a handoff (=null)
+//    (B) in lock(), after picking up a handoff.
+// 2. We can't have two threads at (A) at the same time, because one thread
+//    at (A) means another thread thread was just in lock() (because count>0),
+//    but currently running lock()s cannot complete (and get to unlock and A)
+//    until somebody will wake them it (and this is what we're trying to show
+//    is impossible), and news lock()s will likewise wait because the waiting
+//    lock() is keeping count>0.
+// 3. While one lock() is at (B), we cannot have another thread at (A) or (B):
+//    This is because in (B) we only pop() after picking a handoff, so other
+//    lock()s cannot reach (B) (the did not pick the handoff, we did), and
+//    unlock cannot be at (A) because it only reaches (A) before making the
+//    handoff of after taking it back - and we know it didn't because we took
+//    the handoff.
+// Another difference from our implementation from G&P is the content of the
+// handoff token. G&P use the processor ID, but remark that it is not enough
+// because of the ABA problem (it is possible while a CPU running lock() is
+// paused, another one finishes unlock(), and then succeeds in another lock()
+// and then comes a different unlock() with its unrelated handoff) and suggest
+// to add a per-processor sequence number. Instead, we just used a per-mutex
+// sequence number. As long as one CPU does not pause for a long enough
+// duration for our (currently 32-bit) sequence number to wrap, we won't have
+// a problem. A per-mutex sequence number is slower than a per-cpu one, but
+// I doubt this will make a practical difference.
+#include <atomic>
+#include <sched.hh>
+#include <lockfree/queue-mpsc.hh>
+namespace lockfree {
 class mutex {
-    // counts the number of threads holding the lock or waiting for it.
     std::atomic<int> count;
+    queue_mpsc<sched::thread *> waitqueue;
+    std::atomic<unsigned int> handoff;
+    unsigned int sequence;
     // "owner" and "depth" are need for implementing a recursive mutex
-    unsigned int depth;
     std::atomic<sched::thread *> owner;
-    //std::atomic_int active; // NYH try for resolving race condition
-    queue_mpsc<sched::thread *> waitqueue;
-    // responsiblity hand-off protocol (see comments below)
-    std::atomic<sched::thread *> handoff;
-    std::atomic<unsigned int> token; // TODO: are 4 bytes enough for the sensible duration of cpu pauses?
+    unsigned int depth;
-    mutex() : count(0), depth(0), owner(nullptr), handoff(nullptr), token(0) { }
+    mutex() : count(0), depth(0), owner(nullptr), handoff(nullptr), sequence(0) { }
     ~mutex() { assert(count==0); }
     void lock()
@@ -47,88 +79,32 @@ public:
         // a recursive mutex so it's possible the lock holder is us - in which
         // case we don't need to increment depth instead of waiting.
         if (owner.load() == current) {
-            --count; // undo the increment of count (but still leaving it > 0)
+            --count;
-        // If we're here still here the lock is owned by a different thread,
-        // (or we're racing with another lock() which is likely to take the
-        // lock). Put this thread in a lock-free waiting queue, so it will
-        // eventually be woken when another thread releases the lock.
-        // NOTE: the linked-list item "waiter" is allocated on the stack and
-        // then used on the wait queue's linked list, but we only exit this
-        // function (making waiter invalid) when we know that waiter was
-        // removed from the wait list.
+        // If we're here still here the lock is owned by a different thread.
+        // Put this thread in a waiting queue, so it will eventually be woken
+        // when another thread releases the lock.
+        sched::wait_guard wait_guard(current); // mark the thread "waiting" now.
         linked_item<sched::thread *> waiter(current);
-        // Set current thread to "waiting" state before putting it in the wait
-        // queue, so that wake() is allowed on it. After doing prepare_wait()
-        // do not return from this function without calling current->wait()!
-        current->prepare_wait();
-        sched::thread *old_handoff = handoff.load();
-        // In the "Responsibility Hand-Off protocol" (G&P, 2007) the unlock()
-        // offers a lock() the responsibility of of the mutex (namely, to wake
-        // some waiter up), in three steps (listed in increasing time):
-        //    1. unlock() offers the lock by setting "handoff" to some
-        //       non-null token.
-        //    2. a lock() verifies that it has anybody to wake (the queue is
-        //       not empty). Often it will be itself.
-        //    3. the lock() now atomically verifies that the same handoff is
-        //       still in progress as it was during the queue check), and if
-        //       it is takes the handoff (makes it null).
+        // The "Responsibility Hand-Off" protocol where a lock() picks from
+        // a concurrent unlock() the responsibility of waking somebody up:
+        auto old_handoff = handoff.load();
         if (old_handoff) {
-            // TODO: clean up or remove this explanation
-            // "Handoff" protocol (inspired by Gidenstam & Papatriantafilou, 2007):
-            // A concurrent unlock() wants to wake up a thread waiting on this
-            // mutex, but couldn't find us because it checked the wait queue before
-            // we pushed ourselves. The unlocker can't busy-wait for a thread to
-            // appear on the wait queue as this can cause it to lock up if a lock()
-            // attempt is paused. Instead it flags a "handoff", and one of the
-            // waiting threads may pick up the handoff (by atomically zeroing
-            // it) and wake somebody (itself or some other waiter that turned up).
-            //
-            // They key point is that after signaling the handoff, the unlocker
-            // does not need to busy-wait - if it knows (from "count") there is
-            // a concurrent locker, but sees an empty waitqueue, then it knows
-            // the locker is before the waitqueue.push() call above, so it will
-            // surely see the handoff flag later.
-            if (!waitqueue.isempty()){
-                // Typically waitqueue isn't empty because this thread is on
-                // it, but it is also possible that some past unlock() already
-                // found this thread on the wait list and woke it.
-                if (std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&handoff, &old_handoff, (sched::thread *)nullptr)) {
-                    // We picked up the handoff, so now it is our duty to wake
-                    // some waiting thread (could be this thread, or another
-                    // thread). At this point (count>0, handoff=null) so the
-                    // mutex is considered locked by us so if this cpu pauses now
-                    // nothing bad happens except this thread keeping the lock.
-                    //
-                    // Above, we checked waitqueue was not empty, and
-                    // since then nobody else had the opportunity to pop() it
-                    // because:
-                    // 1. unlock() only calls pop() outside the handoff attempt
-                    //    (while handoff=null) but the CAS above verified that
-                    //    the handoff attempt did not complete (if it did, the
-                    //    token would change).
-                    // 2. another lock() only calls pop() after taking the
-                    //    handoff, and here we took the handoff (and there
-                    //    cannot be another unlock, and another handoff,
-                    //    until we wake some lock() attempt)
-                    // The fact nobody else pop()ed is important for two
-                    // reasons - 1. we know the queue is still not empty,
-                    // and 2. the following pop() cannot be concurrent
-                    // with another pop() (which our queue implementation
-                    // does not support).
-                    sched::thread *other_thread = waitqueue.pop();
-                    assert(other_thread);
+             if (!waitqueue.isempty()){
+                if (std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&handoff, &old_handoff, 0U)) {
+                    // Note the explanation above about no concurrent pop()s also
+                    // explains why we can be sure waitqueue is still not empty.
+                    auto thread = waitqueue.pop();
+                    assert(thread);
                     depth = 1;
-                    owner.store(other_thread);
-                    other_thread->wake();
+                    owner.store(thread);
+                    thread->wake();
@@ -141,125 +117,89 @@ public:
             current->wait(); // reschedule
             // TODO: can spurious wakes happen? Maybe this loop isn't needed.
-        // TODO: do we need to call current->stop_wait() or at least preempt_enabled??
     bool try_lock(){
         sched::thread *current = sched::thread::current();
         int zero = 0;
         if (std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&count, &zero, 1)) {
-            // Uncontended case (no other thread is holding the lock, and no
-            // concurrent lock() attempts). We got the lock.
+            // Uncontended case. We got the lock.
             depth = 1;
             return true;
-        // If we're here the mutex was already locked, but we're implementing
-        // a recursive mutex so it's possible the lock holder is us - in which
-        // case we don't need to increment depth instead of waiting.
+        // We're implementing a recursive mutex -lock may still succeed if
+        // this thread is the one holding it.
         if (owner.load() == current) {
-            --count; // undo the increment of count (but still leaving it > 0)
             return true;
-        // If we're here still here the lock is owned by a different thread,
-        // or we're racing with another lock() which is likely to take the
-        // lock. We're almost ready to give up (return false), but the last
-        // chance is if we can accept a handoff - and if we do, we got the lock.
-        sched::thread *old_handoff = handoff.load();
-        if(!old_handoff)
-            return false;
-        if (std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&handoff, &old_handoff, (sched::thread *)nullptr)) {
-            // we got the lock!
+        // The lock is taken, and we're almost ready to give up (return
+        // false), but the last chance is if we can accept a handoff - and if
+        // we do, we got the lock.
+        auto old_handoff = handoff.load();
+        if(!old_handoff &&
+                std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&handoff, &old_handoff, 0U)) {
             depth = 1;
             return true;
+        return false;
     void unlock(){
         sched::thread *current = sched::thread::current();
-        // TODO: decide what to do (exception?) if unlock() is called when we're not the
-        // owner.
-        // It is fine to check if owner is this thread without race
-        // conditions, because no other thread can make it become this thread
-        // (or make it stop being this thread)
+        // Some special treatment for recursive mutex:
         if (owner.load() != current) {
+            // TODO: Anything more sensible to do? exception?
+            debug("lockfree::mutex.unlock() of non-locked mutex");
-        if (depth > 1) {
-            // It's fine to --depth without locking or atomicity, as only
-            // this thread can possibly change the depth.
-            --depth;
-            return;
-        }
-        // If we're here, depth=1 and we need to release the lock.
+        --depth;
+        if (depth > 0)
+            return; // recursive mutex still locked.
-        depth = 0;
-        if (std::atomic_fetch_add(&count, -1) == 1) {
-            // No concurrent lock() until we got to count=0, so we can
-            // return now. This is the easy case :-)
+        // If there is no waiting lock(), we're done. This is the easy case :-)
+        if (std::atomic_fetch_add(&count, -1) == 1)
-        }
-        // If we're still here, we noticed that there at least one concurrent
-        // lock(). It is possible it put itself on the waitqueue, and if so we
-        // need to wake it. It is also possible it didn't yet manage to put
-        // itself on the waitqueue in which case we'll tell it or another
-        // thread to take the mutex, using the "handoff" protocol.
-        // Each iteration of the handoff protocol is an attempt to communicate
-        // with an ongoing lock() to get it to take over the mutex. If more
-        // than one iteration is needed, we know that at least
+        // Otherwise there is at least one concurrent lock(). Awaken one if
+        // it's waiting on the waitqueue, otherwise use the RHO protocol to
+        // have the lock() responsible for waking someone up.
         // TODO: it's not completely clear to me why more than two
         // iterations can ever be needed. If the loop continues it means
         // another lock() queued itself - but if it did, wouldn't the next
         // iteration just pop and return?
         while(true) {
-            // See discussion in lock() on why we can never have more than
-            // one concurrent pop() being called (as our waitqueue
-            // implementation assumes). It's important to also note that
-            // we can't have two pop() of two unlock() running at the
-            // same time (e.g., consider that while this code is stuck
-            // here, a lock() and unlock() will succeed on another processor).
-            // The reason is that we have a lock() running concurrently
-            // and it will not finish until being woken, and we won't do
-            // that before doing pop() below
-            sched::thread *other_thread = waitqueue.pop();
-            if (other_thread) {
-                // The thread we'll wake up will expect the mutex's owner to be
-                // set to it.
+            auto thread = waitqueue.pop();
+            if (thread) {
                 depth = 1;
-                owner.store(other_thread);
-                other_thread->wake();
+                owner.store(thread);
+                thread->wake();
             // Some concurrent lock() is in progress (we know this because of
             // count) but it hasn't yet put itself on the wait queue.
-            sched::thread *ourhandoff = token++;
-            handoff = ourhandoff;
-            if (waitqueue.isempty()) {
-                // If the queue is empty, we know one concurrent lock()
-                // is in it code before adding itself to the queue, so it
-                // will later see the handoff flag we set here
-                // (see comment in lock()).
+            if (++sequence == 0U) ++sequence;  // pick a number, but not 0
+            auto ourhandoff = sequence;
+            handoff.store(ourhandoff);
+            // If the queue is empty, the concurrent lock() is before adding
+            // itself, and therefore will definitely find our handoff later.
+            if (waitqueue.isempty())
-            }
-            // Something already appeared on the queue, let's try to take
-            // the handoff ourselves.
-            if (!std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&handoff, &ourhandoff, (sched::thread *)nullptr)) {
-                // somebody else already took the handoff. That's fine - they will
-                // be resonposible for the mutex now.
+            // A thread already appeared on the queue, let's try to take the
+            // handoff ourselves and awaken it. If somebody else already took
+            // the handoff, great, we're done - they are responsible now.
+            if (!std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&handoff, &ourhandoff, 0U))
-            }
@@ -272,4 +212,5 @@ auto with_lock(Lock& lock, Func func) -> decltype(func())
     return func();