/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Cloudius Systems, Ltd. * * This work is open source software, licensed under the terms of the * BSD license as described in the LICENSE file in the top-level directory. */ #include "drivers/isa-serial.hh" #include "fs/fs.hh" #include <bsd/net.hh> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <boost/program_options.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <cctype> #include <osv/elf.hh> #include <osv/tls.hh> #include "msr.hh" #include "exceptions.hh" #include <osv/debug.hh> #include "drivers/pci.hh" #include "smp.hh" #include "xen.hh" #include "ioapic.hh" #include "drivers/acpi.hh" #include "drivers/driver.hh" #include "drivers/virtio-net.hh" #include "drivers/virtio-blk.hh" #include "drivers/virtio-scsi.hh" #include "drivers/virtio-rng.hh" #include "drivers/xenfront-xenbus.hh" #include "drivers/ide.hh" #include <osv/sched.hh> #include "drivers/console.hh" #include "drivers/pvpanic.hh" #include <osv/barrier.hh> #include "arch.hh" #include "osv/trace.hh" #include <osv/power.hh> #include <osv/rcu.hh> #include <osv/mempool.hh> #include <bsd/porting/networking.hh> #include <bsd/porting/shrinker.h> #include <osv/dhcp.hh> #include <osv/version.h> #include <osv/run.hh> #include <osv/shutdown.hh> #include <osv/commands.hh> using namespace osv; asm(".pushsection \".debug_gdb_scripts\", \"MS\",@progbits,1 \n" ".byte 1 \n" ".asciz \"scripts/loader.py\" \n" ".popsection \n"); elf::Elf64_Ehdr* elf_header; size_t elf_size; void* elf_start; elf::tls_data tls_data; void setup_tls(elf::init_table inittab) { tls_data = inittab.tls; sched::init_tls(tls_data); memset(tls_data.start + tls_data.filesize, 0, tls_data.size - tls_data.filesize); extern char tcb0[]; // defined by linker script memcpy(tcb0, inittab.tls.start, inittab.tls.size); auto p = reinterpret_cast<thread_control_block*>(tcb0 + inittab.tls.size); p->self = p; processor::wrmsr(msr::IA32_FS_BASE, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(p)); } extern "C" { void premain(); void vfs_init(void); void mount_zfs_rootfs(void); void ramdisk_init(void); } void disable_pic() { // PIC not present in Xen XENPV_ALTERNATIVE({ outb(0xff, 0x21); outb(0xff, 0xa1); }, {}); } void premain() { disable_pic(); auto inittab = elf::get_init(elf_header); setup_tls(inittab); for (auto init = inittab.start; init < inittab.start + inittab.count; ++init) { (*init)(); } } int main(int ac, char **av) { printf("OSv " OSV_VERSION "\n"); smp_initial_find_current_cpu()->init_on_cpu(); void main_cont(int ac, char** av); sched::init([=] { main_cont(ac, av); }); } static bool opt_leak = false; static bool opt_noshutdown = false; static bool opt_log_backtrace = false; static bool opt_mount = true; static bool opt_vga = false; static bool opt_verbose = false; static std::string opt_chdir; std::tuple<int, char**> parse_options(int ac, char** av) { namespace bpo = boost::program_options; namespace bpos = boost::program_options::command_line_style; std::vector<const char*> args = { "osv" }; // due to https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6991, we can't terminate // command line parsing on the executable name, so we need to look for it // ourselves auto nr_options = std::find_if(av, av + ac, [](const char* arg) { return arg[0] != '-'; }) - av; std::copy(av, av + nr_options, std::back_inserter(args)); bpo::options_description desc("OSv options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "show help text") ("trace", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>(), "tracepoints to enable") ("trace-backtrace", "log backtraces in the tracepoint log") ("leak", "start leak detector after boot") ("nomount", "don't mount the file system") ("noshutdown", "continue running after main() returns") ("vga", "use vga as a console device") ("verbose", "be verbose, print debug messages") ("env", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>(), "set Unix-like environment variable (putenv())") ("cwd", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>(), "set current working directory") ; bpo::variables_map vars; // don't allow --foo bar (require --foo=bar) so we can find the first non-option // argument int style = bpos::unix_style & ~(bpos::long_allow_next | bpos::short_allow_next); try { bpo::store(bpo::parse_command_line(args.size(), args.data(), desc, style), vars); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout << e.what() << '\n'; std::cout << desc << '\n'; abort(); } bpo::notify(vars); if (vars.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << "\n"; } if (vars.count("leak")) { opt_leak = true; } if (vars.count("noshutdown")) { opt_noshutdown = true; } if (vars.count("trace-backtrace")) { opt_log_backtrace = true; } if (vars.count("verbose")) { opt_verbose = true; enable_verbose(); } if (vars.count("trace")) { auto tv = vars["trace"].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); for (auto t : tv) { std::vector<std::string> tmp; boost::split(tmp, t, boost::is_any_of(" ,"), boost::token_compress_on); for (auto t : tmp) { enable_tracepoint(t); } } } opt_mount = !vars.count("nomount"); opt_vga = vars.count("vga"); if (vars.count("env")) { for (auto t : vars["env"].as<std::vector<std::string>>()) { debug("Setting in environment: %s\n", t); putenv(strdup(t.c_str())); } } if (vars.count("cwd")) { auto v = vars["cwd"].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); if (v.size() > 1) { printf("Ignoring '--cwd' options after the first."); } opt_chdir = v.front(); } av += nr_options; ac -= nr_options; return std::make_tuple(ac, av); } // return the std::string and the commands_args poiting to them as a move std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > prepare_commands(int ac, char** av) { std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > commands; std::string line = std::string(""); bool ok; // concatenate everything for (auto i = 0; i < ac; i++) { line += std::string(av[i]) + " "; } commands = osv::parse_command_line(line, ok); if (!ok) { abort("Failed to parse commands line\n"); } return commands; } // Java uses this global variable (supplied by Glibc) to figure out // aproximatively where the initial thread's stack end. // The aproximation allow to fill the variable here instead of doing it in // osv::run. void *__libc_stack_end; void run_main(std::vector<std::string> &vec) { auto b = std::begin(vec)++; auto e = std::end(vec); std::string command = vec[0]; std::vector<std::string> args(b, e); int ret; if (opt_leak) { debug("Enabling leak detector.\n"); memory::tracker_enabled = true; } __libc_stack_end = __builtin_frame_address(0); auto lib = osv::run(command, args, &ret); if (lib) { // success if (ret) { debug("program %s returned %d\n", command.c_str(), ret); } return; } printf("run_main(): cannot execute %s. Powering off.\n", command.c_str()); osv::poweroff(); } void *_run_main(void *vecp) { run_main(*(std::vector<std::string> *)vecp); return nullptr; } void* do_main_thread(void *_commands) { auto commands = static_cast<std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > *>(_commands); // initialize panic drivers panic::pvpanic::probe_and_setup(); // Enumerate PCI devices pci::pci_device_enumeration(); // Initialize all drivers hw::driver_manager* drvman = hw::driver_manager::instance(); drvman->register_driver(virtio::blk::probe); drvman->register_driver(virtio::scsi::probe); drvman->register_driver(virtio::net::probe); drvman->register_driver(virtio::rng::probe); drvman->register_driver(xenfront::xenbus::probe); drvman->register_driver(ide::ide_drive::probe); drvman->load_all(); drvman->list_drivers(); randomdev::randomdev_init(); if (opt_mount) { mount_zfs_rootfs(); bsd_shrinker_init(); } bool has_if = false; osv::for_each_if([&has_if] (std::string if_name) { if (if_name == "lo0") return; has_if = true; // Start DHCP by default and wait for an IP if (osv::start_if(if_name, "", "") != 0 || osv::ifup(if_name) != 0) debug("Could not initialize network interface.\n"); }); if (has_if) { dhcp_start(true); } if (!opt_chdir.empty()) { debug("Chdir to: '%s'\n", opt_chdir.c_str()); if (chdir(opt_chdir.c_str()) != 0) { perror("chdir"); } debug("chdir done\n"); } // run each payload in order // Our parse_command_line() leaves at the end of each command a delimiter, // can be '&' if we need to run this command in a new thread, or ';' or // empty otherwise, to run in this thread. std::vector<pthread_t> bg; for (auto &it : *commands) { std::vector<std::string> newvec(it.begin(), std::prev(it.end())); if (it.back() != "&") { run_main(newvec); } else { pthread_t t; pthread_create(&t, nullptr, _run_main, &newvec); bg.push_back(t); } } void* retval; for (auto t : bg) { pthread_join(t, &retval); } return nullptr; } namespace pthread_private { void init_detached_pthreads_reaper(); } void main_cont(int ac, char** av) { new elf::program(); elf::get_program()->set_search_path({"/", "/usr/lib"}); std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > cmds; std::tie(ac, av) = parse_options(ac, av); // multiple programs can be run -> separate their arguments cmds = prepare_commands(ac, av); ioapic::init(); smp_launch(); memory::enable_debug_allocator(); acpi::init(); console::console_init(opt_vga); enable_trace(); if (opt_log_backtrace) { // can only do this after smp_launch, otherwise the IDT is not initialized, // and backtrace_safe() fails as soon as we get an exception tracepoint_base::log_backtraces(); } sched::init_detached_threads_reaper(); rcu_init(); vfs_init(); ramdisk_init(); net_init(); processor::sti(); pthread_t pthread; // run the payload in a pthread, so pthread_self() etc. work pthread_create(&pthread, nullptr, do_main_thread, (void *) &cmds); void* retval; pthread_join(pthread, &retval); if (opt_noshutdown) { // If the --noshutdown option is given, continue running the system, // and whatever threads might be running, even after main returns debug("main() returned.\n"); sched::thread::wait_until([] { return false; }); } if (memory::tracker_enabled) { debug("Leak testing done. Please use 'osv leak show' in gdb to analyze results.\n"); osv::halt(); } else { osv::shutdown(); } } int __argc; char** __argv;