/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Cloudius Systems, Ltd. * * This work is open source software, licensed under the terms of the * BSD license as described in the LICENSE file in the top-level directory. */ #include "fs/fs.hh" #include <bsd/net.hh> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <boost/program_options.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <cctype> #include <osv/elf.hh> #include <osv/tls.hh> #include <osv/debug.hh> #include "smp.hh" #ifndef AARCH64_PORT_STUB #include "exceptions.hh" #include "drivers/pci.hh" #include "ioapic.hh" #include "drivers/acpi.hh" #include "drivers/driver.hh" #include "drivers/virtio-net.hh" #include "drivers/virtio-blk.hh" #include "drivers/virtio-scsi.hh" #include "drivers/virtio-rng.hh" #include "drivers/xenfront-xenbus.hh" #include "drivers/ahci.hh" #include "drivers/ide.hh" #include "drivers/vmw-pvscsi.hh" #include "drivers/vmxnet3.hh" #include "drivers/zfs.hh" #include "drivers/pvpanic.hh" #include "drivers/console.hh" #include "drivers/isa-serial.hh" #include "drivers/vga.hh" #endif /* !AARCH64_PORT_STUB */ #include <osv/sched.hh> #include <osv/barrier.hh> #include "arch.hh" #include "arch-setup.hh" #include "osv/trace.hh" #include <osv/power.hh> #include <osv/rcu.hh> #include <osv/mempool.hh> #include <bsd/porting/networking.hh> #include <bsd/porting/shrinker.h> #include <osv/dhcp.hh> #include <osv/version.h> #include <osv/run.hh> #include <osv/shutdown.hh> #include <osv/commands.hh> #include <osv/boot.hh> #include <osv/sampler.hh> using namespace osv; asm(".pushsection \".debug_gdb_scripts\", \"MS\",@progbits,1 \n" ".byte 1 \n" ".asciz \"scripts/loader.py\" \n" ".popsection \n"); #ifdef AARCH64_PORT_STUB #define ALIGN_ELF_HEADER_ADDR 4096 #else #define ALIGN_ELF_HEADER_ADDR 8 #endif elf::Elf64_Ehdr* elf_header __attribute__ ((aligned(ALIGN_ELF_HEADER_ADDR))); size_t elf_size; void* elf_start; elf::tls_data tls_data; boot_time_chart boot_time; void setup_tls(elf::init_table inittab) { tls_data = inittab.tls; sched::init_tls(tls_data); memset(tls_data.start + tls_data.filesize, 0, tls_data.size - tls_data.filesize); extern char tcb0[]; // defined by linker script memcpy(tcb0, inittab.tls.start, inittab.tls.size); auto p = reinterpret_cast<thread_control_block*>(tcb0 + inittab.tls.size); p->self = p; arch_setup_tls(p); } extern "C" { void premain(); void vfs_init(void); void mount_zfs_rootfs(void); void ramdisk_init(void); } void premain() { /* besides reporting the OSV version, this string has the function to check if the early console really works early enough, without depending on prior initialization. */ debug_early("OSv " OSV_VERSION "\n"); arch_init_premain(); auto inittab = elf::get_init(elf_header); setup_tls(inittab); boot_time.event("TLS initialization"); for (auto init = inittab.start; init < inittab.start + inittab.count; ++init) { (*init)(); } boot_time.event(".init functions"); } int main(int ac, char **av) { #ifdef AARCH64_PORT_STUB printf("argc=%d\n", ac); for (int i = 0; i < ac; i++) { printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, av[i]); } printf("OSv AArch64: main reached, halting.\n"); while (1) { asm ("wfi;"); } #endif /* AARCH64_PORT_STUB */ #ifndef AARCH64_PORT_STUB smp_initial_find_current_cpu()->init_on_cpu(); void main_cont(int ac, char** av); sched::init([=] { main_cont(ac, av); }); #endif /* !AARCH64_PORT_STUB */ } #ifndef AARCH64_PORT_STUB static bool opt_leak = false; static bool opt_noshutdown = false; static bool opt_log_backtrace = false; static bool opt_mount = true; static std::string opt_console = "both"; static bool opt_verbose = false; static std::string opt_chdir; static bool opt_bootchart = false; static int sampler_frequency; static bool opt_enable_sampler = false; std::tuple<int, char**> parse_options(int ac, char** av) { namespace bpo = boost::program_options; namespace bpos = boost::program_options::command_line_style; std::vector<const char*> args = { "osv" }; // due to https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6991, we can't terminate // command line parsing on the executable name, so we need to look for it // ourselves auto nr_options = std::find_if(av, av + ac, [](const char* arg) { return arg[0] != '-'; }) - av; std::copy(av, av + nr_options, std::back_inserter(args)); bpo::options_description desc("OSv options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "show help text") ("sampler", bpo::value<int>(), "start stack sampling profiler") ("trace", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>(), "tracepoints to enable") ("trace-backtrace", "log backtraces in the tracepoint log") ("leak", "start leak detector after boot") ("nomount", "don't mount the file system") ("noshutdown", "continue running after main() returns") ("verbose", "be verbose, print debug messages") ("console", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>(), "select console driver") ("env", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>(), "set Unix-like environment variable (putenv())") ("cwd", bpo::value<std::vector<std::string>>(), "set current working directory") ("bootchart", "perform a test boot measuring a time distribution of the various operations\n") ; bpo::variables_map vars; // don't allow --foo bar (require --foo=bar) so we can find the first non-option // argument int style = bpos::unix_style & ~(bpos::long_allow_next | bpos::short_allow_next); try { bpo::store(bpo::parse_command_line(args.size(), args.data(), desc, style), vars); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cout << e.what() << '\n'; std::cout << desc << '\n'; osv::poweroff(); } bpo::notify(vars); if (vars.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << "\n"; } if (vars.count("leak")) { opt_leak = true; } if (vars.count("noshutdown")) { opt_noshutdown = true; } if (vars.count("trace-backtrace")) { opt_log_backtrace = true; } if (vars.count("verbose")) { opt_verbose = true; enable_verbose(); } if (vars.count("sampler")) { sampler_frequency = vars["sampler"].as<int>(); opt_enable_sampler = true; } if (vars.count("bootchart")) { opt_bootchart = true; } if (vars.count("trace")) { auto tv = vars["trace"].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); for (auto t : tv) { std::vector<std::string> tmp; boost::split(tmp, t, boost::is_any_of(" ,"), boost::token_compress_on); for (auto t : tmp) { enable_tracepoint(t); } } } opt_mount = !vars.count("nomount"); if (vars.count("console")) { auto v = vars["console"].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); if (v.size() > 1) { printf("Ignoring '--console' options after the first."); } opt_console = v.front(); debug("console=%s\n", opt_console); } if (vars.count("env")) { for (auto t : vars["env"].as<std::vector<std::string>>()) { debug("Setting in environment: %s\n", t); putenv(strdup(t.c_str())); } } if (vars.count("cwd")) { auto v = vars["cwd"].as<std::vector<std::string>>(); if (v.size() > 1) { printf("Ignoring '--cwd' options after the first."); } opt_chdir = v.front(); } av += nr_options; ac -= nr_options; return std::make_tuple(ac, av); } // return the std::string and the commands_args poiting to them as a move std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > prepare_commands(int ac, char** av) { if (ac == 0) { puts("This image has an empty command line. Nothing to run."); #ifdef AARCH64_PORT_STUB abort(); // a good test for the backtrace code #endif osv::poweroff(); } std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > commands; std::string line = std::string(""); bool ok; // concatenate everything for (auto i = 0; i < ac; i++) { line += std::string(av[i]) + " "; } commands = osv::parse_command_line(line, ok); if (!ok) { puts("Failed to parse command line."); osv::poweroff(); } return commands; } // Java uses this global variable (supplied by Glibc) to figure out // aproximatively where the initial thread's stack end. // The aproximation allow to fill the variable here instead of doing it in // osv::run. void *__libc_stack_end; void run_main(const std::vector<std::string> &vec) { auto b = std::begin(vec)++; auto e = std::end(vec); std::string command = vec[0]; std::vector<std::string> args(b, e); int ret; if (opt_leak) { debug("Enabling leak detector.\n"); memory::tracker_enabled = true; } __libc_stack_end = __builtin_frame_address(0); auto lib = osv::run(command, args, &ret); if (lib) { // success if (ret) { debug("program %s returned %d\n", command.c_str(), ret); } return; } if (opt_bootchart) { boot_time.print_chart(); } printf("run_main(): cannot execute %s. Powering off.\n", command.c_str()); osv::poweroff(); } void *_run_main(void *data) { auto vecp = (std::vector<std::string> *)data; run_main(*vecp); delete vecp; return nullptr; } void* do_main_thread(void *_commands) { auto commands = static_cast<std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > *>(_commands); // initialize panic drivers panic::pvpanic::probe_and_setup(); boot_time.event("pvpanic done"); // Enumerate PCI devices pci::pci_device_enumeration(); boot_time.event("pci enumerated"); // Initialize all drivers hw::driver_manager* drvman = hw::driver_manager::instance(); drvman->register_driver(virtio::blk::probe); drvman->register_driver(virtio::scsi::probe); drvman->register_driver(virtio::net::probe); drvman->register_driver(virtio::rng::probe); drvman->register_driver(xenfront::xenbus::probe); drvman->register_driver(ahci::hba::probe); drvman->register_driver(vmw::pvscsi::probe); drvman->register_driver(vmw::vmxnet3::probe); drvman->register_driver(ide::ide_drive::probe); boot_time.event("drivers probe"); drvman->load_all(); drvman->list_drivers(); randomdev::randomdev_init(); boot_time.event("drivers loaded"); if (opt_mount) { mount_zfs_rootfs(); bsd_shrinker_init(); zfsdev::zfsdev_init(); } boot_time.event("ZFS mounted"); bool has_if = false; osv::for_each_if([&has_if] (std::string if_name) { if (if_name == "lo0") return; has_if = true; // Start DHCP by default and wait for an IP if (osv::start_if(if_name, "", "") != 0 || osv::ifup(if_name) != 0) debug("Could not initialize network interface.\n"); }); if (has_if) { dhcp_start(true); } if (!opt_chdir.empty()) { debug("Chdir to: '%s'\n", opt_chdir.c_str()); if (chdir(opt_chdir.c_str()) != 0) { perror("chdir"); } debug("chdir done\n"); } boot_time.event("Total time"); // run each payload in order // Our parse_command_line() leaves at the end of each command a delimiter, // can be '&' if we need to run this command in a new thread, or ';' or // empty otherwise, to run in this thread. std::vector<pthread_t> bg; for (auto &it : *commands) { std::vector<std::string> newvec(it.begin(), std::prev(it.end())); if (it.back() != "&") { run_main(newvec); } else { pthread_t t; pthread_create(&t, nullptr, _run_main, new std::vector<std::string> (newvec)); bg.push_back(t); } } void* retval; for (auto t : bg) { pthread_join(t, &retval); } return nullptr; } void main_cont(int ac, char** av) { new elf::program(); elf::get_program()->set_search_path({"/", "/usr/lib"}); std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > cmds; std::tie(ac, av) = parse_options(ac, av); // multiple programs can be run -> separate their arguments cmds = prepare_commands(ac, av); ioapic::init(); smp_launch(); boot_time.event("SMP launched"); memory::enable_debug_allocator(); acpi::init(); #ifdef __x86_64__ if (opt_console.compare("serial") == 0) { console::console_driver_add(new console::IsaSerialConsole()); } else if (opt_console.compare("vga") == 0) { console::console_driver_add(new console::VGAConsole()); } else if (opt_console.compare("both") == 0) { console::console_driver_add(new console::IsaSerialConsole()); console::console_driver_add(new console::VGAConsole()); } else { abort("Unknown console:%s", opt_console.c_str()); } #endif /* __x86_64__ */ console::console_init(); if (sched::cpus.size() > sched::max_cpus) { printf("Too many cpus, can't boot with greater than %u cpus.\n", sched::max_cpus); poweroff(); } enable_trace(); if (opt_log_backtrace) { // can only do this after smp_launch, otherwise the IDT is not initialized, // and backtrace_safe() fails as soon as we get an exception tracepoint_base::log_backtraces(); } sched::init_detached_threads_reaper(); vfs_init(); boot_time.event("VFS initialized"); ramdisk_init(); net_init(); boot_time.event("Network initialized"); processor::sti(); if (opt_enable_sampler) { prof::config config{std::chrono::nanoseconds(1000000000 / sampler_frequency)}; prof::start_sampler(config); } pthread_t pthread; // run the payload in a pthread, so pthread_self() etc. work pthread_create(&pthread, nullptr, do_main_thread, (void *) &cmds); void* retval; pthread_join(pthread, &retval); if (opt_noshutdown) { // If the --noshutdown option is given, continue running the system, // and whatever threads might be running, even after main returns debug("main() returned.\n"); sched::thread::wait_until([] { return false; }); } if (memory::tracker_enabled) { debug("Leak testing done. Please use 'osv leak show' in gdb to analyze results.\n"); osv::halt(); } else { osv::shutdown(); } } #endif /* !AARCH64_PORT_STUB */ int __argc; char** __argv;