diff --git a/src/native/build.xml b/src/native/build.xml
index d06d0e635d7ac1aa492ac4adf168de2c58e9129c..c9cf429b79e9fcf0b504b5c0e308c540d3b5275a 100644
--- a/src/native/build.xml
+++ b/src/native/build.xml
@@ -261,7 +261,6 @@
     <fail message="ffmpeg repository not set!" unless="ffmpeg" />
     <fail message="x264 repository not set!" unless="x264" />
     <fail message="lame repository not set!" unless="lame" />
-    <fail message="libvpx repository not set!" unless="libvpx" />
     <cc outtype="shared" name="gcc" outfile="${native_install_dir}/jnffmpeg" objdir="${obj}">
       <!-- common compiler flags -->
@@ -279,7 +278,6 @@
       <linkerarg value="-L${ffmpeg}/libavformat" />
       <linkerarg value="-L${ffmpeg}/libavutil" />
       <linkerarg value="-L${ffmpeg}/libswscale" />
-      <linkerarg value="-L${libvpx}" />
         Depending on the way that lame is built, libmp3lame.a may be in
         libmp3lame/ or libmp3lame/.libs/.
@@ -299,7 +297,6 @@
       <linkerarg value="-lswscale" location="end" />
       <linkerarg value="-lmp3lame" location="end" />
       <linkerarg value="-lx264" location="end" />
-      <linkerarg value="-lvpx" location="end" />
       <!-- Linux specific flags -->
       <compilerarg value="-I${system.JAVA_HOME}/include" if="is.running.linux" />
@@ -658,6 +655,75 @@
+    <target name="libvpx" description="Build the libvpx shared library" depends="init-native">
+        <fail message="libvpx repository not set!" unless="libvpx"/>
+        <cc outtype="shared" name="gcc"
+            objdir="${obj}"
+            outfile="${native_install_dir}/jnvpx">
+            <!-- common compiler flags -->
+            <compilerarg value="-shared" />
+            <compilerarg value="-Wall" />
+            <compilerarg value="-fPIC"/>
+            <compilerarg value="-O2" />
+            <compilerarg value="-I${libvpx}" unless="is.running.linux"/>
+            <compilerarg value="-I/usr/include/vpx" if="is.running.linux"/>
+            <compilerarg value="-D_JNI_IMPLEMENTATION_" />
+            <linkerarg value="-L${libvpx}" />
+            <!-- Linux specific flags -->
+            <compilerarg value="-m32" if="cross_32" unless="is.running.macos" />
+            <compilerarg value="-m64" if="cross_64" unless="is.running.macos" />
+            <compilerarg value="-I${system.JAVA_HOME}/include" if="is.running.linux" />
+            <compilerarg value="-I${system.JAVA_HOME}/include/linux" if="is.running.linux" />
+            <linkerarg value="-m32" if="cross_32" unless="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="-m64" if="cross_64" unless="is.running.macos" />
+            <!-- static libraries MUST be at the end otherwise
+                they will not be added to shared library
+            -->
+            <!--<linkerarg value="-Wl,-Bstatic" location="end" if="is.running.linux" />-->
+            <linkerarg value="-lvpx" location="end" if="is.running.linux" />
+            <!--<linkerarg value="-Wl,-Bdynamic" location="end" if="is.running.linux" />-->
+            <!-- Mac OS X specific flags -->
+            <compilerarg value="-mmacosx-version-min=10.5" if="is.running.macos"/>
+            <compilerarg value="-arch"  if="is.running.macos" />
+            <compilerarg value="x86_64" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <compilerarg value="-arch" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <compilerarg value="i386" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <compilerarg value="-arch" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <compilerarg value="ppc" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <compilerarg value="-I/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="-o" location="end" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="libjnvpx.jnilib" location="end" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="-dynamiclib" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="-arch" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="x86_64" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="-arch" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="i386" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="-arch" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="ppc" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <linkerarg value="-lvpx" location="end" if="is.running.macos" />
+            <!-- Windows specific flags -->
+            <compilerarg value="-I${system.JAVA_HOME}/include" if="is.running.windows" />
+            <compilerarg value="-I${system.JAVA_HOME}/include/win32" if="is.running.windows" />
+            <linkerarg value="-ojnvpx.dll" if="is.running.windows" />
+            <linkerarg value="-Wl,--no-undefined" if="is.running.windows" />
+            <linkerarg value="-Wl,--kill-at" if="is.running.windows" />
+            <linkerarg value="-Wl,-Bstatic" location="end" if="is.running.windows" />
+            <linkerarg value="-lvpx" location="end" if="is.running.windows" />
+            <fileset dir="${src}/native/vpx" includes="*.c"/>
+        </cc>
+    </target>
   <!-- compile jnvideo4linux2 library -->
   <target name="video4linux2" description="Build jnvideo4linux2 shared library" if="is.running.linux"
diff --git a/src/native/ffmpeg/README b/src/native/ffmpeg/README
index 6c01280dd64fa0b497ce38e8cafd872e10fccf90..0e3d0c490340bd31808a325f61a847407d550830 100644
--- a/src/native/ffmpeg/README
+++ b/src/native/ffmpeg/README
@@ -51,18 +51,7 @@ NDK_BASE=/../android-ndk-r8c
     --sysroot="$NDK_BASE/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/" \
-3. libvpx
-./configure --disable-unit-tests --disable-examples --disable-docs \
- --enable-pic  --enable-error-concealment
-- If the version used supports vp9, it should be disabled with --disable-vp9,
-since we don't need it at the moment.
-- Max OS X
-Add the following to the configure line:
-4. ffmpeg
+3. ffmpeg
 Apply the following to libavcodec/Makefile
 -OBJS-$(CONFIG_LIBMP3LAME_ENCODER)         += libmp3lame.o mpegaudiodecheader.o \
@@ -78,9 +67,8 @@ Apply the following to libavcodec/Makefile
   --enable-libx264 --enable-gpl \
   --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-encoder=libx264 --enable-parser=h264 \
   --enable-filter=buffer --enable-filter=hflip --enable-filter=scale --enable-filter=nullsink \
-  --enable-libvpx --enable-encoder=libvpx --enable-decoder=vp8 \
-  --extra-cflags="-I$MP3LAME_HOME/include -I$X264_HOME -I$LIBVPX_HOME" \
-  --extra-ldflags="-L$MP3LAME_HOME/libmp3lame -L$MP3LAME_HOME/libmp3lame/.libs -L$X264_HOME -L$LIBVPX_HOME"
+  --extra-cflags="-I$MP3LAME_HOME/include -I$X264_HOME" \
+  --extra-ldflags="-L$MP3LAME_HOME/libmp3lame -L$MP3LAME_HOME/libmp3lame/.libs -L$X264_HOME"
 - Windows
@@ -113,7 +101,7 @@ Add the following to the configure line:
 Define the environment variable JAVA_HOME so that the JNI headers can be found.
 Change the current directory to libjitsi/ and run "ant ffmpeg" passing it
-values for the ffmpeg, lame, x264 and libvpx properties which specify the paths
+values for the ffmpeg, lame and x264 properties which specify the paths
 to the homes of the development trees of the respective libraries.
 For creating universal libraries for Mac OS X see the instructions in src/native/build.xml