 * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jitsi.impl.neomedia;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;

import javax.media.*;
import javax.media.control.*;
import javax.media.format.*;
import javax.media.protocol.*;
import javax.swing.*;

import net.java.sip.communicator.impl.neomedia.codec.*;

import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.codec.*;
import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.codec.video.*;
import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.device.*;
import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.format.*;
import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.transform.sdes.*;
import org.jitsi.service.configuration.*;
import org.jitsi.service.libjitsi.*;
import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.*;
import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.codec.*;
import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.device.*;
import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.format.*;
import org.jitsi.service.resources.*;
import org.jitsi.util.*;
import org.jitsi.util.event.*;
import org.jitsi.util.swing.*;
import org.json.*;

import com.sun.media.util.*;

 * Implements <tt>MediaService</tt> for JMF.
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
 * @author Dmitri Melnikov
public class MediaServiceImpl
    extends PropertyChangeNotifier
    implements MediaService
     * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>MediaServiceImpl</tt> class and its
     * instances for logging output.
    private static final Logger logger
        = Logger.getLogger(MediaServiceImpl.class);

     * The name of the <tt>boolean</tt> <tt>ConfigurationService</tt> property
     * which indicates whether the detection of audio <tt>CaptureDevice</tt>s is
     * to be disabled. The default value is <tt>false</tt> i.e. the audio
     * <tt>CaptureDevice</tt>s are detected.
    public static final String DISABLE_AUDIO_SUPPORT_PNAME
        = "net.java.sip.communicator.service.media.DISABLE_AUDIO_SUPPORT";

     * The name of the <tt>boolean</tt> <tt>ConfigurationService</tt> property
     * which indicates whether the detection of video <tt>CaptureDevice</tt>s is
     * to be disabled. The default value is <tt>false</tt> i.e. the video
     * <tt>CaptureDevice</tt>s are detected.
    public static final String DISABLE_VIDEO_SUPPORT_PNAME
        = "net.java.sip.communicator.service.media.DISABLE_VIDEO_SUPPORT";

     * The prefix of the property names the values of which specify the dynamic
     * payload type preferences.
        = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.neomedia.dynamicPayloadTypePreferences";

     * The value of the <tt>devices</tt> property of <tt>MediaServiceImpl</tt>
     * when no <tt>MediaDevice</tt>s are available. Explicitly defined in order
     * to reduce unnecessary allocations.
    private static final List<MediaDevice> EMPTY_DEVICES
        = Collections.emptyList();

     * The name of the <tt>System</tt> boolean property which specifies whether
     * the loading of the JMF/FMJ <tt>Registry</tt> is to be disabled. 
    private static final String JMF_REGISTRY_DISABLE_LOAD
        = "net.sf.fmj.utility.JmfRegistry.disableLoad";

     * The indicator which determines whether the loading of the JMF/FMJ
     * <tt>Registry</tt> is disabled.
    private static boolean jmfRegistryDisableLoad;

     * The indicator which determined whether
     * {@link #postInitializeOnce(MediaServiceImpl)} has been executed in order
     * to perform one-time initialization after initializing the first instance
     * of <tt>MediaServiceImpl</tt>.
    private static boolean postInitializeOnce;

     * The prefix that is used to store configuration for encodings preference.
    private static final String ENCODING_CONFIG_PROP_PREFIX
        = "net.java.sip.communicator.impl.neomedia.codec.EncodingConfiguration";

     * The <tt>CaptureDevice</tt> user choices such as the default audio and
     * video capture devices.
    private final DeviceConfiguration deviceConfiguration
        = new DeviceConfiguration();

     * The <tt>PropertyChangeListener</tt> which listens to
     * {@link #deviceConfiguration}.
    private final PropertyChangeListener
            = new PropertyChangeListener()
                        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)

     * The list of audio <tt>MediaDevice</tt>s reported by this instance when
     * its {@link MediaService#getDevices(MediaType, MediaUseCase)} method is
     * called with an argument {@link MediaType#AUDIO}.
    private final List<MediaDeviceImpl> audioDevices
        = new ArrayList<MediaDeviceImpl>();

     * The {@link EncodingConfiguration} instance that holds the current (global)
     * list of formats and their preference.
    private final EncodingConfiguration currentEncodingConfiguration;

     * The <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt> through which <tt>MediaFormat</tt>
     * instances may be created for the purposes of working with the
     * <tt>MediaStream</tt>s created by this <tt>MediaService</tt>.
    private MediaFormatFactory formatFactory;

     * The one and only <tt>MediaDevice</tt> instance with
     * <tt>MediaDirection</tt> not allowing sending and <tt>MediaType</tt> equal
     * to <tt>AUDIO</tt>.
    private MediaDevice nonSendAudioDevice;

     * The one and only <tt>MediaDevice</tt> instance with
     * <tt>MediaDirection</tt> not allowing sending and <tt>MediaType</tt> equal
     * to <tt>VIDEO</tt>.
    private MediaDevice nonSendVideoDevice;

     * The list of video <tt>MediaDevice</tt>s reported by this instance when
     * its {@link MediaService#getDevices(MediaType, MediaUseCase)} method is
     * called with an argument {@link MediaType#VIDEO}.
    private final List<MediaDeviceImpl> videoDevices
        = new ArrayList<MediaDeviceImpl>();

     * A {@link Map} that binds indicates whatever preferences this
     * media service implementation may have for the RTP payload type numbers
     * that get dynamically assigned to {@link MediaFormat}s with no static
     * payload type. The method is useful for formats such as "telephone-event"
     * for example that is statically assigned the 101 payload type by some
     * legacy systems. Signalling protocol implementations such as SIP and XMPP
     * should make sure that, whenever this is possible, they assign to formats
     * the dynamic payload type returned in this {@link Map}.
    private static Map<MediaFormat, Byte> dynamicPayloadTypePreferences;

     * The volume control of the media service playback.
    private static VolumeControl outputVolumeControl;

     * The volume control of the media service capture.
    private static VolumeControl inputVolumeControl;

     * Listeners interested in Recorder events without the need to
     * have access to their instances.
    private final List<Recorder.Listener> recorderListeners =
            new ArrayList<Recorder.Listener>();


     * Initializes a new <tt>MediaServiceImpl</tt> instance.
    public MediaServiceImpl()
         * XXX The deviceConfiguration is initialized and referenced by this
         * instance so adding deviceConfigurationPropertyChangeListener does not
         * need a matching removal.

             = new EncodingConfigurationConfigImpl(ENCODING_CONFIG_PROP_PREFIX);

         * Perform one-time initialization after initializing the first instance
         * of MediaServiceImpl.
        synchronized (MediaServiceImpl.class)
            if (!postInitializeOnce)
                postInitializeOnce = true;

     * Create a <tt>MediaStream</tt> which will use a specific
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt> for capture and playback of media. The new instance
     * will not have a <tt>StreamConnector</tt> at the time of its construction
     * and a <tt>StreamConnector</tt> will be specified later on in order to
     * enable the new instance to send and receive media.
     * @param device the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> to be used by the new instance for
     * capture and playback of media
     * @return a newly-created <tt>MediaStream</tt> which will use the specified
     * <tt>device</tt> for capture and playback of media
     * @see MediaService#createMediaStream(MediaDevice)
    public MediaStream createMediaStream(MediaDevice device)
        return createMediaStream(null, device);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * Implements {@link MediaService#createMediaStream(MediaType)}. Initializes
     * a new <tt>AudioMediaStreamImpl</tt> or <tt>VideoMediaStreamImpl</tt> in
     * accord with <tt>mediaType</tt>
    public MediaStream createMediaStream(MediaType mediaType)
        return createMediaStream(mediaType, null, null, null);

     * Creates a new <tt>MediaStream</tt> instance which will use the specified
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt> for both capture and playback of media exchanged
     * via the specified <tt>StreamConnector</tt>.
     * @param connector the <tt>StreamConnector</tt> that the new
     * <tt>MediaStream</tt> instance is to use for sending and receiving media
     * @param device the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> that the new <tt>MediaStream</tt>
     * instance is to use for both capture and playback of media exchanged via
     * the specified <tt>connector</tt>
     * @return a new <tt>MediaStream</tt> instance
     * @see MediaService#createMediaStream(StreamConnector, MediaDevice)
    public MediaStream createMediaStream(
            StreamConnector connector,
            MediaDevice device)
        return createMediaStream(connector, device, null);

     * Creates a new <tt>MediaStream</tt> instance which will use the specified
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt> for both capture and playback of media exchanged
     * via the specified <tt>StreamConnector</tt>.
     * @param connector the <tt>StreamConnector</tt> that the new
     * <tt>MediaStream</tt> instance is to use for sending and receiving media
     * @param device the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> that the new <tt>MediaStream</tt>
     * instance is to use for both capture and playback of media exchanged via
     * the specified <tt>connector</tt>
     * @param srtpControl a control which is already created, used to control
     * the SRTP operations.
     * @return a new <tt>MediaStream</tt> instance
     * @see MediaService#createMediaStream(StreamConnector, MediaDevice)
    public MediaStream createMediaStream(
            StreamConnector connector,
            MediaDevice device,
            SrtpControl srtpControl)
        return createMediaStream(null, connector, device, srtpControl);

     * Initializes a new <tt>MediaStream</tt> instance. The method is the actual
     * implementation to which the public <tt>createMediaStream</tt> methods of
     * <tt>MediaServiceImpl</tt> delegate.
     * @param mediaType the <tt>MediaType</tt> of the new <tt>MediaStream</tt>
     * instance to be initialized. If <tt>null</tt>, <tt>device</tt> must be
     * non-<tt>null</tt> and its {@link MediaDevice#getMediaType()} will be used
     * to determine the <tt>MediaType</tt> of the new instance. If
     * non-<tt>null</tt>, <tt>device</tt> may be <tt>null</tt>. If
     * non-<tt>null</tt> and <tt>device</tt> is non-<tt>null</tt>, the
     * <tt>MediaType</tt> of <tt>device</tt> must be (equal to)
     * <tt>mediaType</tt>.
     * @param connector the <tt>StreamConnector</tt> to be used by the new
     * instance if non-<tt>null</tt>
     * @param device the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> to be used by the instance if
     * non-<tt>null</tt>
     * @param srtpControl the <tt>SrtpControl</tt> to be used by the new
     * instance if non-<tt>null</tt>
     * @return a new <tt>MediaStream</tt> instance
    private MediaStream createMediaStream(
            MediaType mediaType,
            StreamConnector connector,
            MediaDevice device,
            SrtpControl srtpControl)
        // Make sure that mediaType and device are in accord.
        if (mediaType == null)
            if (device == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("device");
                mediaType = device.getMediaType();
        else if ((device != null) && !mediaType.equals(device.getMediaType()))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("device");

        switch (mediaType)
        case AUDIO:
            return new AudioMediaStreamImpl(connector, device, srtpControl);
        case VIDEO:
            return new VideoMediaStreamImpl(connector, device, srtpControl);
            return null;

     * Creates a new <tt>MediaDevice</tt> which uses a specific
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt> to capture and play back media and performs mixing
     * of the captured media and the media played back by any other users of the
     * returned <tt>MediaDevice</tt>. For the <tt>AUDIO</tt> <tt>MediaType</tt>,
     * the returned device is commonly referred to as an audio mixer. The
     * <tt>MediaType</tt> of the returned <tt>MediaDevice</tt> is the same as
     * the <tt>MediaType</tt> of the specified <tt>device</tt>.
     * @param device the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> which is to be used by the
     * returned <tt>MediaDevice</tt> to actually capture and play back media
     * @return a new <tt>MediaDevice</tt> instance which uses <tt>device</tt> to
     * capture and play back media and performs mixing of the captured media and
     * the media played back by any other users of the returned
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt> instance
     * @see MediaService#createMixer(MediaDevice)
    public MediaDevice createMixer(MediaDevice device)
        switch (device.getMediaType())
        case AUDIO:
            return new AudioMixerMediaDevice((AudioMediaDeviceImpl) device);
        case VIDEO:
            return new VideoTranslatorMediaDevice((MediaDeviceImpl) device);
             * TODO If we do not support mixing, should we return null or rather
             * a MediaDevice with INACTIVE MediaDirection?
            return null;

     * Gets the default <tt>MediaDevice</tt> for the specified
     * <tt>MediaType</tt>.
     * @param mediaType a <tt>MediaType</tt> value indicating the type of media
     * to be handled by the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> to be obtained
     * @param useCase the <tt>MediaUseCase</tt> to obtain the
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt> list for
     * @return the default <tt>MediaDevice</tt> for the specified
     * <tt>mediaType</tt> if such a <tt>MediaDevice</tt> exists; otherwise,
     * <tt>null</tt>
     * @see MediaService#getDefaultDevice(MediaType, MediaUseCase)
    public MediaDevice getDefaultDevice(
            MediaType mediaType,
            MediaUseCase useCase)
        CaptureDeviceInfo captureDeviceInfo;

        switch (mediaType)
        case AUDIO:
                = getDeviceConfiguration().getAudioCaptureDevice();
        case VIDEO:
                = getDeviceConfiguration().getVideoCaptureDevice(useCase);
            captureDeviceInfo = null;

        MediaDevice defaultDevice = null;

        if (captureDeviceInfo != null)
            for (MediaDevice device : getDevices(mediaType, useCase))
                if ((device instanceof MediaDeviceImpl)
                        && captureDeviceInfo.equals(
                                ((MediaDeviceImpl) device)
                    defaultDevice = device;
        if (defaultDevice == null)
            switch (mediaType)
            case AUDIO:
                defaultDevice = getNonSendAudioDevice();
            case VIDEO:
                defaultDevice = getNonSendVideoDevice();
                 * There is no MediaDevice with direction which does not allow
                 * sending and mediaType other than AUDIO and VIDEO.

        return defaultDevice;

     * Gets the <tt>CaptureDevice</tt> user choices such as the default audio
     * and video capture devices.
     * @return the <tt>CaptureDevice</tt> user choices such as the default audio
     * and video capture devices.
    public DeviceConfiguration getDeviceConfiguration()
        return deviceConfiguration;

     * Gets a list of the <tt>MediaDevice</tt>s known to this
     * <tt>MediaService</tt> and handling the specified <tt>MediaType</tt>.
     * @param mediaType the <tt>MediaType</tt> to obtain the
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt> list for
     * @param useCase the <tt>MediaUseCase</tt> to obtain the
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt> list for
     * @return a new <tt>List</tt> of <tt>MediaDevice</tt>s known to this
     * <tt>MediaService</tt> and handling the specified <tt>MediaType</tt>. The
     * returned <tt>List</tt> is a copy of the internal storage and,
     * consequently, modifications to it do not affect this instance. Despite
     * the fact that a new <tt>List</tt> instance is returned by each call to
     * this method, the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> instances are the same if they are
     * still known to this <tt>MediaService</tt> to be available.
     * @see MediaService#getDevices(MediaType, MediaUseCase)
    public List<MediaDevice> getDevices(
            MediaType mediaType,
            MediaUseCase useCase)
        List<CaptureDeviceInfo> cdis;
        List<MediaDeviceImpl> privateDevices;

        if (MediaType.VIDEO.equals(mediaType))
             * In case a video capture device has been added to or removed from
             * system (i.e. webcam, monitor, etc.), rescan the video capture
             * devices.

        switch (mediaType)
        case AUDIO:
            cdis = getDeviceConfiguration().getAvailableAudioCaptureDevices();
            privateDevices = audioDevices;
        case VIDEO:
                = getDeviceConfiguration().getAvailableVideoCaptureDevices(
            privateDevices = videoDevices;
             * MediaService does not understand MediaTypes other than AUDIO and
             * VIDEO.
            return EMPTY_DEVICES;

        List<MediaDevice> publicDevices;

        synchronized (privateDevices)
            if ((cdis == null)
                    || (cdis.size() <= 0))
                Iterator<MediaDeviceImpl> deviceIter
                    = privateDevices.iterator();

                while (deviceIter.hasNext())
                    Iterator<CaptureDeviceInfo> cdiIter = cdis.iterator();
                    CaptureDeviceInfo captureDeviceInfo
                        = deviceIter.next().getCaptureDeviceInfo();
                    boolean deviceIsFound = false;

                    while (cdiIter.hasNext())
                        if (captureDeviceInfo.equals(cdiIter.next()))
                            deviceIsFound = true;
                    if (!deviceIsFound)

                for (CaptureDeviceInfo cdi : cdis)
                    if (cdi == null)

                    MediaDeviceImpl device;

                    switch (mediaType)
                    case AUDIO:
                        device = new AudioMediaDeviceImpl(cdi);
                    case VIDEO:
                            = new MediaDeviceImpl(cdi, mediaType);
                        device = null;
                    if (device != null)

            publicDevices = new ArrayList<MediaDevice>(privateDevices);

         * If there are no MediaDevice instances of the specified mediaType,
         * make sure that there is at least one MediaDevice which does not allow
         * sending.
        if (publicDevices.isEmpty())
            MediaDevice nonSendDevice;

            switch (mediaType)
            case AUDIO:
                nonSendDevice = getNonSendAudioDevice();
            case VIDEO:
                nonSendDevice = getNonSendVideoDevice();
                 * There is no MediaDevice with direction not allowing sending
                 * and mediaType other than AUDIO and VIDEO.
                nonSendDevice = null;
            if (nonSendDevice != null)

        return publicDevices;

     * Returns the current encoding configuration -- the instance that contains
     * the global settings. Note that any changes made to this instance will
     * have immediate effect on the configuration.
     * @return the current encoding configuration -- the instance that contains
     * the global settings.
    public EncodingConfiguration getCurrentEncodingConfiguration()
        return currentEncodingConfiguration;

     * Gets the <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt> through which <tt>MediaFormat</tt>
     * instances may be created for the purposes of working with the
     * <tt>MediaStream</tt>s created by this <tt>MediaService</tt>.
     * @return the <tt>MediaFormatFactory</tt> through which
     * <tt>MediaFormat</tt> instances may be created for the purposes of working
     * with the <tt>MediaStream</tt>s created by this <tt>MediaService</tt>
     * @see MediaService#getFormatFactory()
    public MediaFormatFactory getFormatFactory()
        if (formatFactory == null)
            formatFactory = new MediaFormatFactoryImpl();
        return formatFactory;

     * Gets the one and only <tt>MediaDevice</tt> instance with
     * <tt>MediaDirection</tt> not allowing sending and <tt>MediaType</tt> equal
     * to <tt>AUDIO</tt>.
     * @return the one and only <tt>MediaDevice</tt> instance with
     * <tt>MediaDirection</tt> not allowing sending and <tt>MediaType</tt> equal
     * to <tt>AUDIO</tt>
    private MediaDevice getNonSendAudioDevice()
        if (nonSendAudioDevice == null)
            nonSendAudioDevice = new AudioMediaDeviceImpl();
        return nonSendAudioDevice;

     * Gets the one and only <tt>MediaDevice</tt> instance with
     * <tt>MediaDirection</tt> not allowing sending and <tt>MediaType</tt> equal
     * to <tt>VIDEO</tt>.
     * @return the one and only <tt>MediaDevice</tt> instance with
     * <tt>MediaDirection</tt> not allowing sending and <tt>MediaType</tt> equal
     * to <tt>VIDEO</tt>
    private MediaDevice getNonSendVideoDevice()
        if (nonSendVideoDevice == null)
            nonSendVideoDevice = new MediaDeviceImpl(MediaType.VIDEO);
        return nonSendVideoDevice;

     * Initializes a new <tt>ZrtpControl</tt> instance which is to control all
     * ZRTP options.
     * @return a new <tt>ZrtpControl</tt> instance which is to control all ZRTP
     * options
    public ZrtpControl createZrtpControl()
        return new ZrtpControlImpl();

     * Initializes a new <tt>SDesControl</tt> instance which is to control all
     * SDes options.
     * @return a new <tt>SDesControl</tt> instance which is to control all SDes
     * options
    public SDesControl createSDesControl()
        return new SDesControlImpl();

     * Gets the <tt>VolumeControl</tt> which controls the volume level of audio
     * output/playback.
     * @return the <tt>VolumeControl</tt> which controls the volume level of
     * audio output/playback
     * @see MediaService#getOutputVolumeControl()
    public VolumeControl getOutputVolumeControl()
        if (outputVolumeControl == null)
                = new AbstractVolumeControl(
        return outputVolumeControl;

     * Gets the <tt>VolumeControl</tt> which controls the volume level of audio
     * input/capture.
     * @return the <tt>VolumeControl</tt> which controls the volume level of
     * audio input/capture
     * @see MediaService#getInputVolumeControl()
    public VolumeControl getInputVolumeControl()
        if (inputVolumeControl == null)
                = new AbstractVolumeControl(
        return inputVolumeControl;

     * Get available screens.
     * @return screens
    public List<ScreenDevice> getAvailableScreenDevices()
        ScreenDevice screens[] = ScreenDeviceImpl.getAvailableScreenDevices();
        List<ScreenDevice> screenList;

        if ((screens != null) && (screens.length != 0))
            screenList = new ArrayList<ScreenDevice>(Arrays.asList(screens));
            screenList = Collections.emptyList();
        return screenList;

     * Get default screen device.
     * @return default screen device
    public ScreenDevice getDefaultScreenDevice()
        List<ScreenDevice> screens = getAvailableScreenDevices();
        int width = 0;
        int height = 0;
        ScreenDevice best = null;

        for (ScreenDevice screen : screens)
            java.awt.Dimension res = screen.getSize();

            if ((res != null) && ((width < res.width) || (height < res.height)))
                width = res.width;
                height = res.height;
                best = screen;
        return best;

     * Creates a new <tt>Recorder</tt> instance that can be used to record a
     * call which captures and plays back media using a specific
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt>.
     * @param device the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> which is used for media capture
     * and playback by the call to be recorded
     * @return a new <tt>Recorder</tt> instance that can be used to record a
     * call which captures and plays back media using the specified
     * <tt>MediaDevice</tt>
     * @see MediaService#createRecorder(MediaDevice)
    public Recorder createRecorder(MediaDevice device)
        if (device instanceof AudioMixerMediaDevice)
            return new RecorderImpl((AudioMixerMediaDevice) device);
            return null;

     * Returns a {@link Map} that binds indicates whatever preferences this
     * media service implementation may have for the RTP payload type numbers
     * that get dynamically assigned to {@link MediaFormat}s with no static
     * payload type. The method is useful for formats such as "telephone-event"
     * for example that is statically assigned the 101 payload type by some
     * legacy systems. Signaling protocol implementations such as SIP and XMPP
     * should make sure that, whenever this is possible, they assign to formats
     * the dynamic payload type returned in this {@link Map}.
     * @return a {@link Map} binding some formats to a preferred dynamic RTP
     * payload type number.
    public Map<MediaFormat, Byte> getDynamicPayloadTypePreferences()
        if(dynamicPayloadTypePreferences == null)
            dynamicPayloadTypePreferences = new HashMap<MediaFormat, Byte>();

             * Set the dynamicPayloadTypePreferences to their default values. If
             * the user chooses to override them through the
             * ConfigurationService, they will be overwritten later on.
            MediaFormat telephoneEvent
                = MediaUtils.getMediaFormat("telephone-event", 8000);
            if (telephoneEvent != null)
                dynamicPayloadTypePreferences.put(telephoneEvent, (byte) 101);

            MediaFormat h264
                = MediaUtils.getMediaFormat(
            if (h264 != null)
                dynamicPayloadTypePreferences.put(h264, (byte) 99);

             * Try to load dynamicPayloadTypePreferences from the
             * ConfigurationService.
            ConfigurationService cfg = LibJitsi.getConfigurationService();

            if (cfg != null)
                List<String> propertyNames
                    = cfg.getPropertyNamesByPrefix(prefix, true);

                for (String propertyName : propertyNames)
                     * The dynamic payload type is the name of the property name
                     * and the format which prefers it is the property value.
                    byte dynamicPayloadTypePreference = 0;
                    Throwable exception = null;

                            = Byte.parseByte(
                                            prefix.length() + 1));
                    catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe)
                        exception = ioobe;
                    catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
                        exception = nfe;
                    if (exception != null)
                                "Ignoring dynamic payload type preference"
                                    + " which could not be parsed: "
                                    + propertyName,

                    String source = cfg.getString(propertyName);

                    if ((source != null) && (source.length() != 0))
                            JSONObject json = new JSONObject(source);
                            String encoding
                                = json.getString(
                            int clockRate
                                = json.getInt(MediaFormatImpl.CLOCK_RATE_PNAME);
                            Map<String, String> fmtps
                                = new HashMap<String, String>();

                            if (json.has(
                                JSONObject jsonFmtps
                                    = json.getJSONObject(
                                Iterator<?> jsonFmtpsIter = jsonFmtps.keys();

                                while (jsonFmtpsIter.hasNext())
                                    String key
                                        = jsonFmtpsIter.next().toString();
                                    String value = jsonFmtps.getString(key);

                                    fmtps.put(key, value);

                            MediaFormat mediaFormat
                                = MediaUtils.getMediaFormat(
                                        encoding, clockRate,

                            if (mediaFormat != null)
                        catch (JSONException jsone)
                                    "Ignoring dynamic payload type preference"
                                        + " which could not be parsed: "
                                        + source,
        return dynamicPayloadTypePreferences;

     * Creates a preview component for the specified device(video device) used
     * to show video preview from that device.
     * @param device the video device
     * @param preferredWidth the width we prefer for the component
     * @param preferredHeight the height we prefer for the component
     * @return the preview component.
    public Object getVideoPreviewComponent(
            MediaDevice device,
            int preferredWidth, int preferredHeight)
        ResourceManagementService resources
            = LibJitsi.getResourceManagementService();
        String noPreviewText
            = (resources == null)
                ? ""
                : resources.getI18NString("impl.media.configform.NO_PREVIEW");
        JLabel noPreview = new JLabel(noPreviewText);


        final JComponent videoContainer = new VideoContainer(noPreview, false);

        if ((preferredWidth > 0) && (preferredHeight > 0))
                    new Dimension(preferredWidth, preferredHeight));

            CaptureDeviceInfo captureDeviceInfo;

            if ((device != null) &&
                                = ((MediaDeviceImpl)device)
                            != null))
                DataSource dataSource
                    = Manager.createDataSource(captureDeviceInfo.getLocator());

                 * Don't let the size be uselessly small just because the
                 * videoContainer has too small a preferred size.
                if ((preferredWidth < 128) || (preferredHeight < 96))
                    preferredWidth = 128;
                    preferredHeight = 96;
                        preferredWidth, preferredHeight);

                // A Player is documented to be created on a connected
                // DataSource.

                Processor player = Manager.createProcessor(dataSource);
                final MediaLocator locator = dataSource.getLocator();

                player.addControllerListener(new ControllerListener()
                    public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent event)
        catch (Throwable t)
            if (t instanceof ThreadDeath)
                throw (ThreadDeath) t;
            logger.error("Failed to create video preview", t);

        return videoContainer;

     * Listens and shows the video in the video container when needed.
     * @param event the event when player has ready visual component.
     * @param videoContainer the container.
     * @param locator input DataSource locator
    private static void controllerUpdateForPreview(
            ControllerEvent event,
            JComponent videoContainer,
            MediaLocator locator)
        if (event instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent)
            Processor player = (Processor) event.getSourceController();

             * Use SwScaler for the scaling since it produces an image with
             * better quality and add the "flip" effect to the video.
            TrackControl[] trackControls = player.getTrackControls();

            if ((trackControls != null) && (trackControls.length != 0))
                    for (TrackControl trackControl : trackControls)
                        Codec codecs[] = null;
                        SwScaler scaler = new SwScaler();

                        // do not flip desktop
                        if (DeviceSystem.LOCATOR_PROTOCOL_IMGSTREAMING.equals(
                            codecs = new Codec[] { scaler };
                            codecs = new Codec[] { new HFlip(), scaler };

                catch (UnsupportedPlugInException upiex)
                            "Failed to add SwScaler/VideoFlipEffect to " +
                            "codec chain", upiex);

            // Turn the Processor into a Player.
            catch (NotConfiguredError nce)
                    "Failed to set ContentDescriptor of Processor",

        else if (event instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent)
            Player player = (Player) event.getSourceController();
            Component video = player.getVisualComponent();

            showPreview(videoContainer, video, player);

     * Shows the preview panel.
     * @param previewContainer the container
     * @param preview the preview component.
     * @param player the player.
    private static void showPreview(
            final JComponent previewContainer,
            final Component preview,
            final Player player)
        if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread())
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    showPreview(previewContainer, preview, player);


        if (preview != null)
            HierarchyListener hierarchyListener = new HierarchyListener()
                private Window window;

                private WindowListener windowListener;

                public void dispose()
                    if (windowListener != null)
                        if (window != null)
                            window = null;
                        windowListener = null;


                     * We've just disposed the player which created the preview
                     * component so the preview component is of no use
                     * regardless of whether the Media configuration form will
                     * be redisplayed or not. And since the preview component
                     * appears to be a huge object even after its player is
                     * disposed, make sure to not reference it.

                public void hierarchyChanged(HierarchyEvent event)
                    if ((event.getChangeFlags()
                                    & HierarchyEvent.DISPLAYABILITY_CHANGED)
                                == 0)

                    if (!preview.isDisplayable())

                    if (windowListener == null)
                        window = SwingUtilities.windowForComponent(preview);
                        if (window != null)
                            windowListener = new WindowAdapter()
                                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event)



     * Dispose the player used for the preview.
     * @param player the player.
    private static void disposePlayer(Player player)

     * Get a <tt>MediaDevice</tt> for a part of desktop streaming/sharing.
     * @param width width of the part
     * @param height height of the part
     * @param x origin of the x coordinate (relative to the full desktop)
     * @param y origin of the y coordinate (relative to the full desktop)
     * @return <tt>MediaDevice</tt> representing the part of desktop or null
     * if problem
    public MediaDevice getMediaDeviceForPartialDesktopStreaming(
            int width, int height, int x, int y)
        MediaDevice device = null;
        String name = "Partial desktop streaming";
        Dimension size = null;
        int multiple = 0;
        Point p = new Point((x < 0) ? 0 : x, (y < 0) ? 0 : y);
        ScreenDevice dev = getScreenForPoint(p);
        int display = -1;

        if(dev != null)
            display = dev.getIndex();
            return null;

        /* on Mac OS X, width have to be a multiple of 16 */
            multiple =  Math.round(width / 16f);
            width = multiple * 16;
            /* JMF filter graph seems to not like odd width */
            multiple = Math.round(width / 2f);
            width = multiple * 2;

        /* JMF filter graph seems to not like odd height */
        multiple = Math.round(height / 2f);
        height = multiple * 2;

        size = new Dimension(width, height);

        Format formats[] = new Format[]
                                   new AVFrameFormat(
                                   new RGBFormat(
                                        size, // size
                                        Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, // maxDataLength
                                        Format.byteArray, // dataType
                                        Format.NOT_SPECIFIED, // frameRate
                                        32, // bitsPerPixel
                                        2 /* red */,
                                        3 /* green */,
                                        4 /* blue */)

        Rectangle bounds = ((ScreenDeviceImpl)dev).getBounds();
        x -= bounds.x;
        y -= bounds.y;

        CaptureDeviceInfo devInfo
            = new CaptureDeviceInfo(
                name + " " + display,
                new MediaLocator(
                            + ":"
                            + display
                            + ","
                            + x
                            + ","
                            + y),

        device = new MediaDeviceImpl(devInfo, MediaType.VIDEO);
        return device;

     * If the <tt>MediaDevice</tt> corresponds to partial desktop streaming
     * device.
     * @param mediaDevice <tt>MediaDevice</tt>
     * @return true if <tt>MediaDevice</tt> is a partial desktop streaming
     * device, false otherwise
    public boolean isPartialStreaming(MediaDevice mediaDevice)
        if(mediaDevice == null)
            return false;

        MediaDeviceImpl dev = (MediaDeviceImpl)mediaDevice;
        CaptureDeviceInfo cdi = dev.getCaptureDeviceInfo();

            (cdi != null)
                && cdi.getName().startsWith("Partial desktop streaming");

      * Find the screen device that contains specified point.
      * @param p point coordinates
      * @return screen device that contains point
    public ScreenDevice getScreenForPoint(Point p)
        for(ScreenDevice dev : getAvailableScreenDevices())
                return dev;
        return null;

     * Gets the origin of a specific desktop streaming device.
     * @param mediaDevice the desktop streaming device to get the origin on
     * @return the origin of the specified desktop streaming device
    public Point getOriginForDesktopStreamingDevice(MediaDevice mediaDevice)
        MediaDeviceImpl dev = (MediaDeviceImpl)mediaDevice;
        CaptureDeviceInfo cdi = dev.getCaptureDeviceInfo();

        if(cdi == null)
            return null;

        MediaLocator locator = cdi.getLocator();

            return null;

        String remainder = locator.getRemainder();
        String split[] = remainder.split(",");
        int index
            = Integer.parseInt(
                    ((split != null) && (split.length > 1))
                        ? split[0]
                        : remainder);

        List<ScreenDevice> devs = getAvailableScreenDevices();

        if (devs.size() - 1 >= index)
            Rectangle r = ((ScreenDeviceImpl) devs.get(index)).getBounds();

            return new Point(r.x, r.y);

        return null;

     * Those interested in Recorder events add listener through MediaService.
     * This way they don't need to have access to the Recorder instance.
     * Adds a new <tt>Recorder.Listener</tt> to the list of listeners
     * interested in notifications from a <tt>Recorder</tt>.
     * @param listener the new <tt>Recorder.Listener</tt> to be added to the
     * list of listeners interested in notifications from <tt>Recorder</tt>s.
    public void addRecorderListener(Recorder.Listener listener)

     * Removes an existing <tt>Recorder.Listener</tt> from the list of listeners
     * interested in notifications from <tt>Recorder</tt>s.
     * @param listener the existing <tt>Listener</tt> to be removed from the
     * list of listeners interested in notifications from <tt>Recorder</tt>s
    public void removeRecorderListener(Recorder.Listener listener)

     * Gives access to currently registered <tt>Recorder.Listener</tt>s.
     * @return currently registered <tt>Recorder.Listener</tt>s.
    public Iterator<Recorder.Listener> getRecorderListeners()
        return recorderListeners.iterator();

     * Notifies this instance that the value of a property of
     * {@link #deviceConfiguration} has changed.
     * @param event a <tt>PropertyChangeEvent</tt> which specifies the name of
     * the property which had its value changed and the old and the new values
     * of that property
    private void deviceConfigurationPropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event)
        String propertyName = event.getPropertyName();

         * While AUDIO_CAPTURE_DEVICE is sure to affect the DEFAULT_DEVICE,
         * AUDIO_PLAYBACK_DEVICE is not. Anyway, MediaDevice is supposed to
         * represent the device to be used for capture AND playback (though its
         * current implementation MediaDeviceImpl may be incomplete with respect
         * to the playback representation). Since it is not clear at this point
         * of the execution whether AUDIO_PLAYBACK_DEVICE really affects the
         * DEFAULT_DEVICE and for the sake of completeness, throw in the changes
         * to the AUDIO_NOTIFY_DEVICE as well.
        if (DeviceConfiguration.AUDIO_CAPTURE_DEVICE.equals(propertyName)
                || DeviceConfiguration.AUDIO_NOTIFY_DEVICE.equals(propertyName)
                || DeviceConfiguration.AUDIO_PLAYBACK_DEVICE.equals(
                || DeviceConfiguration.VIDEO_CAPTURE_DEVICE.equals(
             * We do not know the old value of the property at the time of this
             * writing. We cannot report the new value either because we do not
             * know the MediaType and the MediaUseCase.
            firePropertyChange(DEFAULT_DEVICE, null, null);

     * Initializes a new <tt>RTPTranslator</tt> which is to forward RTP and RTCP
     * traffic between multiple <tt>MediaStream</tt>s.
     * @return a new <tt>RTPTranslator</tt> which is to forward RTP and RTCP
     * traffic between multiple <tt>MediaStream</tt>s
     * @see MediaService#createRTPTranslator()
    public RTPTranslator createRTPTranslator()
        return new RTPTranslatorImpl();

     * Gets the indicator which determines whether the loading of the JMF/FMJ
     * <tt>Registry</tt> has been disabled.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the loading of the JMF/FMJ <tt>Registry</tt> has
     * been disabled; otherwise, <tt>false</tt>
    public static boolean isJmfRegistryDisableLoad()
        return jmfRegistryDisableLoad;

     * Performs one-time initialization after initializing the first instance of
     * <tt>MediaServiceImpl</tt>.
     * @param mediaServiceImpl the <tt>MediaServiceImpl</tt> instance which has
     * caused the need to perform the one-time initialization
    private static void postInitializeOnce(MediaServiceImpl mediaServiceImpl)
        new ZrtpFortunaEntropyGatherer(

     * Sets up FMJ for execution. For example, sets properties which instruct
     * FMJ whether it is to create a log, where the log is to be created.
    private static void setupFMJ()
         * Since FMJ is part of neomedia, FMJ's log should be enabled when
         * neomedia's log is enabled.
        Registry.set("allowLogging", logger.isDebugEnabled());

         * Disable the loading of .fmj.registry because Kertesz Laszlo has
         * reported that audio input devices duplicate after restarting Jitsi.
         * Besides, Jitsi does not really need .fmj.registry on startup.
        if (System.getProperty(JMF_REGISTRY_DISABLE_LOAD) == null)
            System.setProperty(JMF_REGISTRY_DISABLE_LOAD, "true");
            = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty(

        String scHomeDirLocation
            = System.getProperty(

        if (scHomeDirLocation != null)
            String scHomeDirName
                = System.getProperty(

            if (scHomeDirName != null)
                File scHomeDir = new File(scHomeDirLocation, scHomeDirName);

                /* Write FMJ's log in Jitsi's log directory. */
                    new File(scHomeDir, "log").getPath());

                /* Write FMJ's registry in Jitsi's user data directory. */
                String jmfRegistryFilename
                    = "net.sf.fmj.utility.JmfRegistry.filename";

                if (System.getProperty(jmfRegistryFilename) == null)
                        new File(scHomeDir, ".fmj.registry").getAbsolutePath());


     * Returns a new {@link EncodingConfiguration} instance that can be
     * used by other bundles.
     * @return a new {@link EncodingConfiguration} instance.
    public EncodingConfiguration createEmptyEncodingConfiguration()
        return new EncodingConfigurationImpl();