# How to contribute Found a bug and know how to fix it? Great! Please read on. ## Contributor License Agreement While libjitsi is released under the [Apache](https://github.com/jitsi/libjitsi/blob/master/LICENSE), the copyright holder and principal creator is [Blue Jimp](http://www.bluejimp.com/). To ensure that we can continue making libjitsi available under an open source license and still pay our bills, we need you to sign our Apache-based contributor license agreement as either a [corporation](https://jitsi.org/ccla) or an [individual](https://jitsi.org/icla). If you cannot accept the terms laid out in the agreement, unfortunately, we cannot accept your contribution. ## Coding Rules - Please read and follow the [code conventions](https://jitsi.org/Documentation/CodeConvention), especially the limit on 80 characters per line. - Do not reformat existing code. ## Creating Pull Requests - Perform **one** logical change per pull request. - Maintain a clean list of commits, squash them if necessary. - Rebase your topic branch on top of the master branch before creating the pull request.