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Commit 82e76d72 authored by Gabriel Gehrke's avatar Gabriel Gehrke
Browse files

refactored the code, translated the comments

parent 5b475503
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from .util import Node, Edge, Set, draw_edges, squared_distance
from .greedy import GreedyDBST
from .solver import DBSTSolverIP
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from .util import all_edges_sorted, squared_distance
import math
class GreedyDBST:
Solve DBST using a greedy heuristic, similar to Kruskal's algorithm for MST.
Sort all edges of the graph, iteratively pick the shortest viable edge
(That does not create a cycle or violates the degree constraint of a node)
and add it to the tree, until all nodes are connected (n-1 edges needed).
The connected components are managed in a 'disjoint-set' or 'union-find'
datastructure, which is used to efficiently check whether two vertices are
partof the same component (adding an edge would create a cycle).
def __init__(self, points, degree):
self.points = points
self.all_edges = all_edges_sorted(points)
self._component_of = {v: v for v in points} = degree
def __component_root(self, v):
cof = self._component_of[v]
if cof != v:
cof = self.__component_root(cof)
self._component_of[v] = cof
return cof
def __merge_if_not_same_component(self, v, w):
cv = self.__component_root(v)
cw = self.__component_root(w)
if cv != cw:
self._component_of[cw] = cv
return True
return False
def solve(self):
edges = []
degree = {v: 0 for v in self.points}
n = len(self.points)
m = 0
for v,w in self.all_edges:
if degree[v] < and degree[w] <
if self.__merge_if_not_same_component(v,w):
degree[v] += 1
degree[w] += 1
m += 1
if m == n-1:
self.max_sq_length = squared_distance(v,w)
print(f"Greedy bottleneck: {math.dist(v,w)}")
return edges
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import gurobipy as grb
import itertools
import networkx as nx
from networkx.classes.graphviews import subgraph_view
import math
class DBSTSolverIP:
def __make_vars(self):
# Create binary variables for every *undirected* edge
self.bnvars = {e: self.model_bottleneck.addVar(lb=0, ub=1, vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY) for e in self.all_edges}
# Create a fractional variable (vtype=grb.GRB.CONTINUOUS) for the bottleneck length
self.l = self.model_bottleneck.addVar(lb=0, ub=math.dist(*self.all_edges[-1]), vtype=grb.GRB.CONTINUOUS)
def __add_degree_bounds(self, model, varmap: dict):
Enforce the degree constraint.
This implementation accepts a dictionary for the edge variables,
which is useful for use in multiple models.
for v in self.points:
edgevars = 0
for e in self.edges_of[v]:
if e in varmap:
edgevars += varmap[e]
model.addConstr(edgevars >= 1)
model.addConstr(edgevars <=
def __add_total_edges(self, model, varmap: dict):
Enforce the constraint sum(x_e) = n-1
model.addConstr(sum(varmap.values()) == len(self.points)-1)
def __make_edges(self):
edges_of = {p: list() for p in self.points}
for e in self.all_edges:
return edges_of
def __add_bottleneck_constraints(self):
Enforce the bottleneck constraints.
for e, x_e in self.bnvars.items():
self.model_bottleneck.addConstr(self.l >= math.dist(*e) * x_e)
def __get_integral_solution(self, model, varmap: dict) -> nx.Graph:
Constructs a graph from the current solution of the given model.
To be used inside of a callback.
variables = [x_e for e, x_e in varmap.items()]
values = model.cbGetSolution(variables)
graph = nx.empty_graph()
for i, (e, x_e) in enumerate(varmap.items()):
# x_e has value v in the current solution
v = values[i]
if v >= 0.5: # the values are not always 0 or 1 due to numerical errors
graph.add_edge(e[0], e[1])
return graph
def __forbid_component(self, model, varmap: dict, component):
Forbid the occurence of multiple, disconnected components, by enforcing
leaving edges for all occuring components.
crossing_edges = 0
for v in component:
for e in self.edges_of[v]:
if e in varmap:
target = e[0] if e[0] != v else e[1]
if target not in component:
crossing_edges += varmap[e]
# The constraint is added using "cbLazy" instaed of "addConstr" in a callback.
model.cbLazy(crossing_edges >= 1)
def __callback_integral(self, model, varmap):
# Check whether the solution is connected
graph = self.__get_integral_solution(model, varmap)
components = list(nx.connected_components(graph))
if len(components) == 1:
# Graph is connected. Do nothing!
# Make components connected.
for component in components:
self.__forbid_component(model, varmap, component)
def __callback_fractional(self, model, varmap):
# Nothing has to be done in here.
# Some more advanced techniques can be used to add helpful constraints
# just from looking at a fractional solution, but this exceeds the scope
# of this course. It can still be interesting to analyze fractional solutions
# that the solver comes up with.
def callback(self, where, model, varmap):
if where == grb.GRB.Callback.MIPSOL:
# we have an integral solution (potentially valid solution)
self.__callback_integral(model, varmap)
elif where == grb.GRB.Callback.MIPNODE and \
model.cbGet(grb.GRB.Callback.MIPNODE_STATUS) == grb.GRB.OPTIMAL:
# we have a fractional solution
# (intermediate solution with fractional values for all booleans)
self.__callback_fractional(model, varmap)
def __init__(self, points, edges, degree):
self.points = points
self.all_edges = edges = degree
self.edges_of = self.__make_edges()
self.model_bottleneck = grb.Model() # "First stage" model for finding the bottleneck edge
self.model_minsum = grb.Model() # "Second stage" model for finding the cost-minimal DBST with fixed bottleneck.
self.remaining_edges = None
self.msvars = None
self.__add_degree_bounds(self.model_bottleneck, self.bnvars)
self.__add_total_edges(self.model_bottleneck, self.bnvars)
# Give the solver a heads up that lazy constraints will be utilized
self.model_bottleneck.Params.lazyConstraints = 1
# Set the first objective
self.model_bottleneck.setObjective(self.l, grb.GRB.MINIMIZE)
def __init_minsum_model(self):
Set up variables, constraints and objective function for the
second stage model.
# Create binary variables (vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY) for all edges
self.msvars = {e: self.model_minsum.addVar(lb=0, ub=1, vtype=grb.GRB.BINARY)
for e in self.remaining_edges}
self.__add_degree_bounds(self.model_minsum, self.msvars)
self.__add_total_edges(self.model_minsum, self.msvars)
self.model_minsum.Params.lazyConstraints = 1
obj = sum((math.dist(*e) * x_e for e, x_e in self.msvars.items()))
self.model_minsum.setObjective(obj, grb.GRB.MINIMIZE)
def __solve_bottleneck(self):
# Find the optimal bottleneck (first stage)
cb_bn = lambda model, where: self.callback(where, model, self.bnvars)
if self.model_bottleneck.status != grb.GRB.OPTIMAL:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected status after optimization!")
bottleneck = self.model_bottleneck.objVal
print(f"[DBST SOLVER]: Found the optimal bottleneck! Bottleneck length is {bottleneck}")
self.remaining_edges = [e for e in self.all_edges if math.dist(*e) <= bottleneck]
return [e for e, x_e in self.bnvars.items() if x_e.x >= 0.5]
def __solve_minsum(self):
# Find the optimal tree (second stage)
cb_ms = lambda model, where: self.callback(where, model, self.msvars)
if self.model_bottleneck.status != grb.GRB.OPTIMAL:
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected status after optimization!")
# Return all edges with value >= 0.5 (numerical reasons)
print(f"[DBST SOLVER]: Found the optimal tree! Total cost: {self.model_minsum.objVal}")
return [e for e, x_e in self.msvars.items() if x_e.x >= 0.5]
def solve(self, minsum: bool = False):
dbst_edges = self.__solve_bottleneck()
if not minsum:
return dbst_edges
return self.__solve_minsum()
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from typing import List, Set, Tuple, Iterable, Optional
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
import itertools
Node = Tuple[int, int]
Edge = Tuple[Node, Node]
def squared_distance(p1: Node, p2: Node):
Calculate the squared euclidian distance between two points p1, p2.
return (p1[0]-p2[0])**2 + (p1[1]-p2[1])**2
def all_edges_sorted(points: Iterable[Node]) -> List[Node]:
Create a list containing all edges between each two points of the given
point set/list and returns them in sorted, ascending order.
edges = [(v,w) for v, w in itertools.combinations(points, 2)]
edges.sort(key=lambda e: squared_distance(*e)) # *e is like e[0], e[1]
return edges
def draw_edges(edges):
Draws the list of edges as a graph using networkx. The bottleneck
edge is highlighted using a thicker stroke and red color.
draw_graph = nx.Graph(edges)
g_edges = draw_graph.edges()
max_length = max((squared_distance(*e) for e in g_edges))
color = [('red' if squared_distance(*e) == max_length else 'black') for e in g_edges]
width = [(1.0 if squared_distance(*e) == max_length else 0.5) for e in g_edges]
fig, ax = plt.gcf(), plt.gca()
nx.draw_networkx(draw_graph, pos={p: p for p in draw_graph.nodes}, node_size=8,
with_labels=False, edgelist=g_edges, edge_color=color, width=width, ax=ax)
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