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First Sheet: Setup and a first look into examples

This first sheet will only let you set up a working development environment and take a first look into some examples. You won't have to code anything (serious) on your own, yet, just getting ready.

Task 1: Set up your environment

In order to properly participate in this lab, you need to have a working development environment. We recommand to use a Linux or Mac system and can only provide support for those. If you are using Windows, you can simply install a virtual machine with, e.g., Ubuntu.

Follow the following steps:

Install Anaconda

Anaconda is a plattform for developing and deploying Python projects. Most importantly, it comes with a powerful package manager named conda. It can not only install binary package but even a complete Python distribution. One of the tools we are using can only be fully installed in Conda but not using pip. We also need specific Python versions and as every system ships its own, it is easier to use Anaconda.

Download the matching installer here and run in. You can find a more detailed guide for Linux here or just execute the following steps.

chmod +X

You need to let the installer modify your shell configuration (.bashrc, .zshrc, etc.) such that it can load automatically. If you don't want the conda environment to automatically load, run

conda config --set auto_activate_base false

Create Conda Environment

We need Python 3.10, as some pacakges are not yet ready for later versions (this is due to high-perfomant but less compatible native bindings). To create a matching environment, run

conda create -n alglab python=3.10

Finally, run

conda activate alglab

to activate the environment. In the end, you can leave it again with conda deactivate.

Install packages

Run in the alglab environment the following commands.

# Basics
conda install ipython numpy scipy networkx jupyterlab matplotlib pandas seaborn
# Gurobi
conda install -c gurobi gurobi
# Pip only packages
pip install -U ortools python-sat

Installing python-sat can take a long time, as it does some compiling.

Get a Gurobi license

We are going to use the commercial Mixed Integer Programming solver Gurobi. While we prefer open source tools, Gurobi is in our experience simply far ahead of the open source competition and we want to use the easiest and most powerful tools in this lab. You need to get a free academic license by creating an account and then using grbgetkey which has already been installed in the previous step.

You may need to be in the campus network for the activation. You can use a VPN for this. The usage should be possible without VPN.

Get a proper IDE

Coding in Python gets much easier if you are using a good IDE. We recommand PyCharm or Visual Studio Code (with corresponding plugins).

Check you environment

Check you environment by running the jupyter notebooks of all three examples. Just download the folder with all three examples and run jupyter-lab . in it (everything of course in the conda environment alglab). Then a brower tab will open and you can navigate to the corresponding file and select run all. You will see the cells refresh, hopefully without any errors. If you are confused, there are lots of tutorials on Jupyter out there. If you have errors, try to encode them and check if you did anything wrong during the installation (after this fails, ask your teammates, and if even they cannot help you, ask us).

With PyCharm and Visual Studio Code, there are integrated plugins and you won't need to run jupyter-lab or use your browser.

Every participant has to show individually that he/she has a working environment, as this is of fundamental importance. We will do this remotely via screen sharing, such that you can also use your desktop computer.

Task 2: Take a look into the code of the examples

We implemented three examples, one for every technique, for you. These are first meant to check that your environment is actually working, and second, to take a peek into one uses these. Every technique is used for a different, but relatively easy to describe, optimization problem.

This task may look like much but actually we just want you to spent a few hours looking onto the examples and how one can communicate a problem to these tools. It is not about being able to do it yourself, just about having a rough idea of what may be going on. You will pass this task if you can convince us that you at least put some hours into trying to answer the following questions (and dicussed it in the group).

1. Try to give a mathematical definition of the three problems.

This is not about modelling these problems yourself, but just about knowing what a precise problem definition is and to know what problem you are dealing with. In order to use any of the techniques, we first have to be able to actually describe the problem to a computer. Thus, feel free to search online for a definition and copy it. You can also extract it from the code. The definition for these problems should be just some variables, a few rules, or as we call them, constraints, and an objective function.

As an example, let us take a look on the Minimum Spanning Tree problem. We are given a graph G=(V,E) with edge weight w: E \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+_0. Let us use the boolean variables x_e, e \in E with x_e=1 if e is in the MST, and x_e=0 otherwise. As we are using the Minimum Spanning Tree, the objective is \min \sum_{e \in E} w(e)\cdot x_e The constraints are \sum_{e \in E} x_e = |V|-1 to enforce exactly |V|-1 edges, and for every real and not-empty subset V' \subsetneq V, \sum_{uv\in E, u \in V', v \not\in V'} x_{uv} \geq 1 to make sure that every component is connected to the remaining graph. We could actually skip the first constraint, as the objective will make sure we will not use more edges than necessary.

  • Can you give us a quick informal definition of the problems? Potentially by example.
  • Can you provide a mathemtical definition of the the problems?

2. Get a grasp on how the examples use the corresponding solver.

Look into the code of the examples. They are reasonably short and extensively documented.

  • How is the problem communicated to the individual solvers (CP-SAT, SAT, MIP)? Can you identify the constraints?
  • What are the commonalities, what are the differences of their usage?

You do not have to look into CP-SAT, SAT, or MIP but can treat them as a black box. Taking a look into their documentation, however, may be useful.

3. How powerful are these small examples already?

Finally, let us look on how complex instances for these examples we can still solve easily. The examples come with some example instances, that should be reasonably easy to understand and change. Modify the instances to become larger and more difficult.

  • What is the largest instance you can still solve in 5 minutes?
  • What is the smallest instances you cannot solve in 5 minutes?


You can find the documentation for the used optimization tools here:

  • PySAT: The (cardinality) SAT-suite we are using.
  • CP-SAT: The constraint programming solver (portfolio with lazy clause generation as backbone) by Google.
  • Gurobi: Commercial mixed integer programming solver.

Useful Python libraries we use for various things are:

  • NumPy: Linear Algebra and dealing with large amounts of numeric data. Highly efficient thanks to native code.
  • Pandas: Working with tables and data comfortably (based on NumPy).
  • Matplotlib: Plotting the data.
  • Seaborn: Wrapper around matplotlib to create beautiful plots directly from Pandas data.
  • JupyterLab: Interactive notebooks that allow you to mix code and output. Great for analyzing data.
  • NetworkX: A very simple and extensive library for working with graphs. Not very efficient but as we are working with NP-hard problems, we don't have to deal with huge graphs that would require highly efficient implementations anyway.

Some books that can be interesting:

  • In Pursuit Of The Traveling Salesman by Bill Cook: The probably best beginner's lecture on solving hard optimization problems in practice.
  • Model Building in Mathematical Programming by H. Paul Williams:
    • A book about modelling practical problems. Quite comprehensive with lots of tricks I didn't know about earlier. Be aware that too clever models are often hard to solve, so maybe it is not always a good thing to know too many tricks. A nice thing about this book is that the second half gives you a lot of real world examples and solutions.
    • Be aware that this book is about modelling, not solving. The latest edition is from 2013, the earliest from 1978. The math hasn't changed, but the capabilities and techniques of the solvers quite a lot.