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Commit a30ae00d authored by Colin Wulf's avatar Colin Wulf
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dw1000: Reworked driver regarding to the offical one from decawave, working...

dw1000: Reworked driver regarding to the offical one from decawave, working only with the first trace_printf in ISR
parent ac472f60
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#ifndef __dw1000_H
#define __dw1000_H
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include <stdint.h>
//DECA:DW1000 SLEEP and WAKEUP configuration parameters
#define DWT_LOADLDO 0x1000 // ONW_LLDO - on wakeup load the LDO tune value
#define DWT_LOADUCODE 0x0800 // ONW_LLDE - on wakeup load the LDE ucode
#define DWT_PRESRV_SLEEP 0x0100 // PRES_SLEEP - on wakeup preserve sleep bit
#define DWT_LOADOPSET 0x0080 // ONW_L64P - on wakeup load operating parameter set for 64 PSR
#define DWT_CONFIG 0x0040 // ONW_LDC - on wakeup restore (load) the saved configurations (from AON array into HIF)
#define DWT_TANDV 0x0001 // ONW_RADC - on wakeup run ADC to sample temperature and voltage sensor values
#define DWT_XTAL_EN 0x10 // keep XTAL running during sleep
#define DWT_WAKE_SLPCNT 0x8 // wake up after sleep count
#define DWT_WAKE_CS 0x4 // wake up on chip select
#define DWT_WAKE_WK 0x2 // wake up on WAKEUP PIN
#define DWT_SLP_EN 0x1 // enable sleep/deep sleep functionality
//DECA:DW1000 INIT configuration parameters
#define DWT_LOADANTDLY 0x2
#define DWT_LOADNONE 0x0
//DECA:DW1000 OTP operating parameter set selection
#define DWT_OPSET_64LEN 0x0
#define DWT_OPSET_TIGHT 0x1
#define DWT_OPSET_DEFLT 0x2
#define DWT_SFDTOC_DEF 0x1041 // default SFD timeout value
#define DWT_PHRMODE_STD 0x0 // standard PHR mode
#define DWT_PHRMODE_EXT 0x3 // DW proprietary extended frames PHR mode
//! constants for selecting the bit rate for data TX (and RX)
//! These are defined for write (with just a shift) the TX_FCTRL register
#define DWT_BR_110K 0 //!< UWB bit rate 110 kbits/s
#define DWT_BR_850K 1 //!< UWB bit rate 850 kbits/s
#define DWT_BR_6M8 2 //!< UWB bit rate 6.8 Mbits/s
//! constants for specifying the (Nominal) mean Pulse Repetition Frequency
//! These are defined for direct write (with a shift if necessary) to CHAN_CTRL and TX_FCTRL regs
#define DWT_PRF_16M 1 //!< UWB PRF 16 MHz
#define DWT_PRF_64M 2 //!< UWB PRF 64 MHz
//! constants for specifying Preamble Acquisition Chunk (PAC) Size in symbols
#define DWT_PAC8 0 //!< PAC 8 (recommended for RX of preamble length 128 and below
#define DWT_PAC16 1 //!< PAC 16 (recommended for RX of preamble length 256
#define DWT_PAC32 2 //!< PAC 32 (recommended for RX of preamble length 512
#define DWT_PAC64 3 //!< PAC 64 (recommended for RX of preamble length 1024 and up
//! constants for specifying TX Preamble length in symbols
//! These are defined to allow them be directly written into byte 2 of the TX_FCTRL register
//! (i.e. a four bit value destined for bits 20..18 but shifted left by 2 for byte alignment)
#define DWT_PLEN_4096 0x0C //! Standard preamble length 4096 symbols
#define DWT_PLEN_2048 0x28 //! Non-standard preamble length 2048 symbols
#define DWT_PLEN_1536 0x18 //! Non-standard preamble length 1536 symbols
#define DWT_PLEN_1024 0x08 //! Standard preamble length 1024 symbols
#define DWT_PLEN_512 0x34 //! Non-standard preamble length 512 symbols
#define DWT_PLEN_256 0x24 //! Non-standard preamble length 256 symbols
#define DWT_PLEN_128 0x14 //! Non-standard preamble length 128 symbols
#define DWT_PLEN_64 0x04 //! Standard preamble length 64 symbols
typedef struct {
uint8_t chan; //!< channel number {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 }
uint8_t prf; //!< Pulse Repetition Frequency {DWT_PRF_16M or DWT_PRF_64M}
uint8_t txPreambLength; //!< DWT_PLEN_64..DWT_PLEN_4096
uint8_t rxPAC; //!< Acquisition Chunk Size (Relates to RX preamble length)
uint8_t txCode; //!< TX preamble code
uint8_t rxCode; //!< RX preamble code
uint8_t nsSFD; //!< Boolean should we use non-standard SFD for better performance
uint8_t dataRate; //!< Data Rate {DWT_BR_110K, DWT_BR_850K or DWT_BR_6M8}
uint8_t phrMode; //!< PHR mode {0x0 - standard DWT_PHRMODE_STD, 0x3 - extended frames DWT_PHRMODE_EXT}
uint8_t smartPowerEn; //!< Smart Power enable / disable
uint16_t sfdTO; //!< SFD timeout value (in symbols)
int dw1000_init(uint16_t config, BaseType_t (*sendCallback)(),
BaseType_t (*receiveCallback)(uint32_t bufferLength));
int dw1000_configure(dwt_config_t *config, uint8_t use_otpconfigvalues);
int dw1000_sendFrame(uint8_t *payload, uint16_t len);
int dw_1000_receiveFrameFromIsr(uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t length);
void dw1000_extiCallback(void);
#endif /*__ dw1000_H */
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#define __dw1000_hal_H
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
extern TaskHandle_t xHandleDW1000HAL;
#define DW1000HAL_SPI_TIMEOUT 10
......@@ -11,14 +10,13 @@ extern TaskHandle_t xHandleDW1000HAL;
#include <stdint.h>
void dw1000Hal_init(void);
int dw1000Hal_readSubRegister(uint8_t regID, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *dest, uint16_t len);
int dw1000Hal_writeSubRegister(uint8_t regID, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *src, uint16_t len);
int dw1000Hal_readRegister(uint8_t regID, uint8_t *dest, uint16_t len);
int dw1000Hal_writeRegister(uint8_t regID, uint8_t *src, uint16_t len);
int dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(uint8_t regID, uint8_t *dest, uint16_t len);
int dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(uint8_t regID, uint8_t *dest, uint16_t len);
int dw1000Hal_readDmaRegister(uint8_t regID, uint8_t *dest, uint16_t len, void (*callback)(int state, void *data, uint16_t len));
int dw1000Hal_writeDmaRegister(uint8_t regID, uint8_t *src, uint16_t len, void (*callback)(int state, void *data, uint16_t len));
void vTaskDW1000HAL(void *pvParameters);
void dw1000Hal_extiCallback(void);
#endif /*__ dw1000_hal_H */
#ifndef __dw1000_isr_H
#define __dw1000_isr_H
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include <stdint.h>
void dw1000Isr_handleInterrupt(void);
#endif /*__ dw1000_isr_H */
#ifndef __dw1000_util_H
#define __dw1000_util_H
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "deca_regs.h"
//DECA:Defines for enable_clocks function
#define FORCE_SYS_XTI 0
#define ENABLE_ALL_SEQ 1
#define FORCE_SYS_PLL 2
#define READ_ACC_ON 7
#define READ_ACC_OFF 8
#define FORCE_OTP_ON 11
#define FORCE_OTP_OFF 12
#define FORCE_TX_PLL 13
#define PEAK_MULTPLIER (0x60) //3 -> (0x3 * 32) & 0x00E0
#define N_STD_FACTOR (13)
#define LDE_PARAM3_16 (0x1607)
#define LDE_PARAM3_64 (0x0607)
#define NUM_BR 3
#define NUM_PRF 2
#define NUM_PACS 4
#define NUM_BW 2 //2 bandwidths are supported
#define NUM_SFD 2 //supported number of SFDs - standard = 0, non-standard = 1
#define NUM_CH 6 //supported channels are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7
#define NUM_CH_SUPPORTED 8 //supported channels are '0', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, '6', 7
#define PCODES 25 //supported preamble codes
typedef struct {//DECA
uint32_t txFCTRL; // keep TX_FCTRL register config
uint16_t rfrxDly; // rf delay (delay though the RF blocks before the signal comes out of the antenna i.e. "antenna delay")
uint16_t rftxDly; // rf delay (delay though the RF blocks before the signal comes out of the antenna i.e. "antenna delay")
uint32_t antennaDly; // antenna delay read from OTP 64 PRF value is in high 16 bits and 16M PRF in low 16 bits
uint8_t xtrim; // xtrim value read from OTP
uint8_t dblbuffon; // double rx buffer mode flag
uint32_t sysCFGreg; // local copy of system config register
uint32_t txPowCfg[12]; // stores the Tx power configuration read from OTP (6 channels consecutively with PRF16 then 64, e.g. Ch 1 PRF16 is index 0 and 64 index 1)
BaseType_t (*sendCB)();
BaseType_t (*receiveCB)(uint32_t bufferLength);
int prfIndex;
uint8_t longFrames ; // flag in non-standard long frame mode
uint32_t ldoTune; //low 32 bits of LDO tune value
uint8_t chan; // added chan here - used in the reading of acc
} dw1000_local_data_t;
extern dw1000_local_data_t dw1000local; // Static local device data
extern const uint8_t pll2calcfg;
// SFD Threshold
extern const uint16_t sftsh[NUM_BR][NUM_SFD];
extern const uint16_t dtune1[NUM_PRF];
// map the channel number to the index in the configuration arrays below
// 0th element is chan 1, 1st is chan 2, 2nd is chan 3, 3rd is chan 4, 4th is chan 5, 5th is chan 7
extern const uint8_t chan_idx[NUM_CH_SUPPORTED];
extern const uint32_t tx_config[NUM_CH] ;
extern const uint8_t pll2_config[NUM_CH][5];
//bandwidth configuration
extern const uint8_t rx_config[NUM_BW];
extern const uint8_t dwnsSFDlen[NUM_BR]; //DW non-standard SFD length for 110k, 850k and 6.81M
extern const uint32_t digital_bb_config[NUM_PRF][NUM_PACS];
extern const uint16_t lde_replicaCoeff[PCODES];
#define DEBUG
void dw1000Util_enableclocks(int clocks);
void dw1000Util_enableRX();
uint32_t dw1000Util_otpread(uint32_t address);
void dw1000Util_forceTrxOff(void);
void dw1000Util_reset(void);
void dw1000Util_resetRxOnly(void);
#ifdef DEBUG
void hexdump(uint8_t * buffer, uint8_t len);
#endif /*__ dw1000_util_H */
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