Jose Alamos authoredJose Alamos authored
release-notes.txt 136.52 KiB
RIOT-2018.10 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers as well as
light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).
RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.
About this release:
The 2018.10 release includes new features, like CoAP Resource Directory and
Block2, ESP32 support, rework of I2C interface, EEPROM registry,
Full and Minimal Thread Devices support in OpenThread and compliance of
LoRaWAN 1.0.2 (ABP counters stored in EEPROM). Several boards were introduced.
During the last release the board documentation was migrated from the wiki to
the [RIOT API documentation](https://doc.riot-os.org) to improve the
maintenance of these entries and provide a better user experience when
browsing the documentation. There were also some efforts in grouping some
modules to make them easier to access in the documentation.
There were also some efforts on refactoring, test improvements and bug fixes.
About 392 pull requests with about 914 commits have been merged since the last
release and about 20 issues have been solved. 57 people contributed with code
in 100 days. Approximately 2184 files have been touched with 211964 insertions
and 34806 deletions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
+ Initial RIOT developer memo + directory structure
+ GitHub feature request template
+ 'testing' in Github PR template
* Rework and documented labeling system
* Rework MAINTAINING.md document
* Rework CONTRIBUTING.md document
+ Add boards `slstk3401a`, `slstk3402a` and `sltb001a`
+ Migrate boards documentation to Doxygen
+ New groups under `sys` (serialization, math, memory management, hashes)
+ `arduino` docs for analog map
+ nanocoap
+ tinycbor pkg
* Drivers with `saul` support are now also part of the `drivers_saul` group
+ Architecture dependent thread information
* Fix `byteorder` bebuftohs() / htobebufs() on big endian
* Make `pthread` compilable with g++
System libraries
+ Add EEPROM registration support
+ Add `arduino` time functions micros() and delayMicroseconds()
+ Add `fmt` hex byte
+ ecc: add golay(24,12) half rate and repetition code
+ tsrb: add drop function
* Change `base64` api (const + void*)
* Configure Arduino serial port at compile time
* Move `hamming256` module to generic `ecc`
* sys/auto_init: Fixed initialization of `sht1x`
* crypto/ccm: fix auth_data_len check
- Remove `cbor` module
+ cord_ep: Full CoRE Resource Directory endpoint support
+ nanocoap: add server-side Block2 support
* emb6_sock_udp: copy receive remote correctly
* ethos: Add drop frame case to recv function
* examples/gcoap: fix post/put without port number
* gnrc/6lo: set more data flag on all but last fragment
* gnrc_ipv6_nib: always configure 802.15.4 long address with IPv6 included
* gnrc_ipv6_nib: fallback to SLAAC if ARO is ignored by upstream
* gnrc_ipv6_nib: make automatic NDP packet emission (NS/RS) configurable
* gnrc_netif: fix l2addr_len > 0, but no l2addr edge-case
* gnrc_netif: reapply event flags on device reset
* gnrc_netif_ieee802154: set FCF Frame Pending when more data is expected
* gnrc_sixlowpan_frag: add page context to reassembly buffer
* gnrc_sixlowpan: refactored for better interchangability of sub-components
* gnrc_sock_[udp|ip]: read return value for _recv after release
* nanocoap: allow empty uri/location path option
+ libb2: add support (BLAKE2)
+ libhydrogen: add support
+ lora_serialization: LoRa Serialization format support
+ openthread: FTD and MTD support
+ semtech-loramac: add support for RU864 ISM band
* ccn-lite: update and adapt shell commands
* jerryscript: bump version
* littlefs: bump version to v1.6.20
* lwip: bump to version 2.1.0
* semtech-loramac: bump to version 4.4.1
* semtech-loramac: fix uninitialized datarate
* semtech-loramac: lorawan support is not considered experimental anymore
* semtech-loramac: use periph_eeprom to store lorawan configuration
* tiny-asn1: bump version
* tinycbor: Version bump to 0.5.2
+ i2c configuration for `nucleo-f070`, `nucleo-f091rc`,
`nucleo-f722ze`, `nucleo-l476rg`, `slstk3402a`.
+ second i2c configuration for `b-l475e-iot01a`
+ esp32-mh-et-live-minikit: add support
+ esp32-olimex-evb: add support
+ esp32-wemos-lolin-d32-pro: add support
+ esp32-wroom-32: add support
+ esp32-wrover-kit: add support
+ esp8266-esp-12x: add support
+ esp8266-olimex-mod: add support
+ esp8266-sparkfun-mod: add support
+ firefly: add support for Zolertia FireFly
+ lobaro_lorabox: add support
+ openmoteb-cc2538: add support
+ samr30-xpro: add support
+ sensebox: add support for `sensebox` and `sensebox_samd21`
+ sodaq_one: add support
+ ublox-c030-u201: add support
* frdm-k64f: update ADC and `saul` configuration
* nrf52xxxdk: make reset pin work
* stm32mindev: rename to `blackpill`
+ efm32: add support for enabling/disabling DC-DC converter
+ esp32: add initial support
+ esp8266: add initial support
+ i2c: introduce and adapt new I2C interface
+ kinetis: add ADC hardware averaging configuration
+ nrf52: add PWM support
+ samr30: add initial support
+ stm32l4: add support for periph_flashpage
* Add PUF SRAM feature in `nrf5x` and `stm32` families
* atmega_common: allow defining ROM and RAM length for link
* cortexm_common/ldscript: simplify generation of firmwares in section of
the ROM
* nrf5x_common: fix `gpio` port 1 functionality
* stm32-common: unified support for periph_i2c. I2C is now supported by
all stm32 families (F0/1/2/3/4/7, L0/1/4)
* stm32_common: fix source selection declared as module dependencies
Device Drivers
+ drivers/ds18: add limited support for Maxim Integrated 1-Wire temperature
+ drivers/mma7660: initial support
+ drivers/srf04: add range finder sensor
+ drivers/sx127x: add initial support for multi interrupt pins
+ drivers/tsl4531x: add support for visible light intensity sensor
+ drivers/vcnl40x10: add initial support
* drivers/*: unify driver initialization parameters scheme
* drivers/adxl345: fix driver
* drivers/at86rf2xx: add smart idle listening feature
* drivers/kw2xrf: Fix ack flag handling
* drivers/mtd_spi_nor: add 4-byte address flash support
* drivers/periph_i2c: rework API
* drivers/sx127x: return correct state when device is receiving
Build System / Tooling
+ Makefile.include: Include VERSION file for release
+ dist/tools: add lazysponge tool
+ docker: Use system GIT_CACHE_DIR if available
+ docker: allow using sudo for docker
+ make: introduce periph_gpio_irq
+ make: process include and dep for external modules
+ makefile.iotlab.single.inc.mk: add new supported nodes
* cflags: use gnu99 only if nothing else is specified (mips, msp430, native)
* docker/Makefile.include: Fix BUILDRELPATH when RIOTPROJECT is CURDIR
* docker: export RIOT_CI_BUILD_to docker
* docker: handle building in git worktree
* edbg.inc.mk: allow flashing with an offset in rom without erasing all ROM
* make: add APPDIR to info-build target
* make: provide support for listing supported and blacklisting toolchains
* make: unify app folder search (examples/*, tests/*, ...)
* makefiles/buildtests.inc.mk: fix 'clean-intermediates' not cleaning
* makefiles/docker.inc.mk: handle building in git worktree
* openocd.sh: allow flashing binary files without configuration
* pkg.mk: do not use user identity when applying patches
* pyterm: handle ctrl+d shortcut nicely
+ automatic compile tests for LLVM for selected boards
+ shellcheck: add CI check script
+ tests/bench_runtime_coreapis: add benchmark for selected core functions
+ tests/bench_sizeof_coretypes: initial include
+ tests/periph_uart: add automated testing script
+ tests/periph_eeprom: add automated testing script
+ tests/periph_flashpage: add automated testing script
* murdock: also compile with LLVM/clang
* murdock: add hook support
+ tests/arduino: add automatic test for arduino module
+ tests/libc_newlib: add test for newlib-nano inclusion
+ tests/periph_uart: add automated testing script
+ tests/gnrc_netif: add test for ULA source selection
+ tests/periph_gpio: add interrupt enable disable command
+ sock_util: Add unittest and fix detected issues
Known Issues
Networking related issues
#4527: gnrc_ipv6: Multicast is not forwarded if routing node listens to the
#5016: gnrc_rpl: Rejoining RPL instance as root after reboot messes up rooting
#5051: Forwarding a packet back to its link layer source should not be allowed
#5230: gnrc_ipv6: multicast packes are not dispatched to the upper layers
#5748: gnrc: nodes crashing with too small packet buffer
#6123: gnrc: crash with (excessive) traffic in native
#7474: 6lo: gnrc fragmentation expects driver to block on TX
#7737: pkg: libcoap is partially broken and outdated
#8086: gnrc_rpl_p2p: not compiling
#8130: gcoap: can't build witth network stacks other than gnrc
#8172: gnrc_netif, gnrc_uhcpc: Replacing prefix on border router results in no
configured prefix
#8271: app/netdev: application stops working after receiving frames with
assertion or completely without error
#9656: gnrc/netif: various problems after resetting interface a second time
#9889: ethos: desync between ethos::last_framesize and tsrb content possible
#10370: gomach: Resetting netif with cli doesn't return
Timer related issues
#5103: xtimer: weird behavior of tests/xtimer_drift
#5338: xtimer: xtimer_now() is not ISR safe
#6052: tests: xtimer_drift_gets_stuck
#7114: xtimer: adds items to the wrong list if the timer overflows between
_xtimer_now() and irq_disable()
#7347: xtimer_usleep stuck for small values
#8251: telosb: timer config wrong when running o a tmote sky
#9052: misc issues with tests/trickle
#10073: xtimer_usleep wrong delay time
Native related issues
#495: native not float safe
#5796 native: tlsf: early malloc will lead to a crash
#6442: cpu/native: timer interrupt issue
#7206: native: race-condition in IPC
Other platforms related issues
#4512: pkg: tests: RELIC unittests fail on iotlab-m3
#4612: pkg: TLSF does not build for 16 bit platforms
#4872: at86rf2xx: Simultaneous use of different transceiver types is not
#4954: chronos: compiling with -O0 breaks
#4866: periph: GPIO drivers are not thread tafe
#5009: RIOT is saw-toothing in energy consumption (even when idling)
#5218: some use of asm keyword might be missing volatile
#5486: at86rf2xx: lost interrupts
#5774: cpu: cortexm_common: context switching code breaks when compiling with
#5848: arduino: Race condition in sys/arduino/Makefile.include
#6018: nRF52: gnrc 6lowpan ble memory leak
#6567: periph/spi: Switching between CPOL=0,1 problems on Kinetis with software
#6874: SAMD21: possible CMSIS bug
#7020: isr_rfcoreerrors while pinging between CC2538DKs
#7667: sam0 flashpage_write issues
#8028: diskio: failed assertion in send_cmd() on lpc2387
#8045: stm32/periph/uart: extra byte transmitted on first transmission
#8436: Kinetis PhyNode: failed to flash binary > 256K
#8444: tests/thread_priority_inversion hangup
#9619: ATmega platform issues.
#9882: sys/tsrb is not thread safe on AVR
#10338: xbee: setting PAN ID sometimes fails
#10341: driver_my9221 prevents further flashing of nucleo-l073rz
#10345: frdm-k22f cannot flash after certain firmware flashed
#10351: samd21/periph/rtt: Interrupt flags are not correctly cleared
#10353: cpu/nrf5x_common: hwrng hangs
Other issues
#1263: sys: the TLSF implementation contains (a) read-before-write error(s)
#4053: macros: RIOT_FILE_RELATIVE printing wrong file name for headers
#4488: making the newlib thread-safe
#5561: C++11 extensions in header files
#5776: make: Predefining CFLAGS are parsed weirdly
#5863: OSX+SAMR21-xpro: shell cannot handle command inputs larger than 64 chars
#6120: Windows AVR Mega development makefile Error
#7220: sys/fmt: Missing tests for fmt_float,fmt_lpad
#7877: SPI connection can't read 16bit size register
#8107: crypto/ccm: bugs in the implementation of CCM mode
#9548: Many i2c bugs found with the i2c api rework but did not reach the release
#9709: examples: failed assertion in dtls-echo example
#9742: `buildtest` uses wrong build directory
#10121: RIOT cannot compile with the latest version of macOS (10.14) and Xcode 10
#10175: No error returned from aes_init when a key with a bad size is used
#10206: Lua_basic example doesn't flash in b-l072z-lrwan1
#10258: Incorrect default $PORT building for esp32-wroom-32 on macOS
#10287: docker: docker cannot access /etc/localtime on OS X
#10367: sam0.inc.mk: Did not find a device with serial ATML21xxxxxxxx
Fixed Issues from the last release (2018.07)
#9573: pkg/lwip: assert on samr21-xpro
#9584: drivers/cc2420: add netopt NETOPT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE
#6437: periph/spi: Leftovers from SPI rework in #4780
#6650: GPIO Port shift in cc2538 is unconsistent
#6836: Issuing a reboot on ATmega328p makes the board loop-reboot
#7846: stm32f1: I2C read functions return bogus values with unconnected devices
#9616: at86rf2xx: can not correctly set channel after `NETOPT_STATE_RESET`
You can get the complete detail in the git history and in the release milestone
[Release 2018.10](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/milestone/24?closed=1).
We would like to thank all companies (vendors) that provided us with (their)
hardware for porting and testing RIOT-OS. Further thanks go to companies and
institutions that directly sponsored development time. And finally, big thanks
to all of you contributing in so many different ways to make RIOT worthwhile!
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Some external sources and packages are published under a separate license.
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2018.07 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers as well as
light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).
RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.
About this release:
The 2018.07 release includes new features, like NimBLE (ble stack),
a MQTT-SN client, SHA-1 based PRNG, an UUID implementation. The RISC-V CPU
architecture support used by the hifive1 board.
Effort was done on refactoring, documentation, test improvements and bug fixes.
During the last release, maintainers contributed by running the automated test
suites on their boards. This gave valuable feedback on the board support state,
test reliability and where to focus effort to make testing easier and more
About 380 pull requests with about 675 commits have been merged since the last
release and about 27 issues have been solved. 45 people contributed with code
in 93 days. Approximately 1678 files have been touched with 147122 insertions
and 16060 deletions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
+ Maintainers guidelines have been written and added to the repository
+ Fix undefined doxygen groups and add a dedicated static check
+ Extend `auto_init` documentation
+ core: clist_foreach() now returns break-causing node
System libraries
+ puf_sram: SRAM PUF feature to seed PRNGs cortex-m platforms
+ random: SHA-1 based PRNG
+ matstat: Integer mathematical statistics library
+ UUID: [RFC4122](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122) Unique ID library
* analog_util: Refactor, add unit test
- cbor: Deprecation of this module, use cn-cbor or tinycbor package
+ asymcute: an asynchronous MQTT-SN client
+ gnrc_ipv6: full duplicate address detection support according to
+ gnrc_ipv6: support to handle RDNSS option in neighbor discovery
+ netif.h: a network-stack agnostic API to network interfaces
+ lorawan: add example application of autonomous class A device
* sock_udp: allocate ephemeral port on sock creation when port is 0
* gnrc_netif: Enable RX and TX complete events after netdev initialization
* net/gcoap: Refine Observe re-registration
* net/nanocoap: Build message with coap_pkt_t
+ NimBLE: Bluetooth Low Energy stack used in mynewt
+ TLSF: re-enable original API to have different pools
+ LUA: Add an example with the shell
+ semtech-loramac: add support for link_check MAC command
* libcose: Use RIOT random_bytes instead of randombytes
* tweetnacl: Use RIOT random_bytes instead of randombytes
* hacl: Use RIOT random_bytes instead of randombytes
+ Nucleo boards use their marketing names
+ HiFive1 (RISC-V)
+ slstk3402a
+ stm32f429i-disc1
+ stm32l476-disco
+ nucleo-l496zg
+ stm32mindev
+ frdm-k22f, frdm-k64f, frdm-kw41z: Add bus configuration for onboard FXOS8700CQ sensor
* mulle: Fix mixed up RX TX pins on UART0
+ E310 (RISC-V)
* kinetis: GPIO: Enable the correct IRQn on CM0+
* kinetis: Refactor PIT timer driver implementation
* kinetis: Refactor RTT driver
* kinetis: Refactor clock initialization code
* kinetis: Refactor LPTMR timer implementation
* kinetis: Clean up SPI module power handling
* kinetis: Conditionally enable MCG
Device Drivers
+ periph_eeprom API with support for STM32 L0/L1 and AVR
+ AT commands parser
+ Fix periph_flashpage for iotlab-a8-m3/iotlab-m3/fox boards
+ IO1 Xplained extension: add support for light sensor and SD card, fix
GPIOs initialization and SAUL support
+ tests/bench_timers: A comprehensive benchmark for periph_timer
Build System / Tooling
+ Correctly set the RIOT_VERSION on release archives
+ iotlab-m3/iotlab-a8-m3: fix boards flashing
+ Fix use of non completely initialized BASELIBS variable
+ newlib.mk: extract gcc include search directories for newlib-nano support
+ llvm: many compatibilities issues have been resolved
* testbed-support: use new iot-lab command names
+ Address some of the failing tests
+ New tests enabled by default in CI
+ Improve testing automation for release testing
Known Issues
Networking related issues
#4527: gnrc_ipv6: Multicast is not forwarded if routing node listens to the
#5016: gnrc_rpl: Rejoining RPL instance as root after reboot messes up rooting
#5051: Forwarding a packet back to its link layer source should not be allowed
#5230: gnrc_ipv6: multicast packes are not dispatched to the upper layers
#5748: gnrc: nodes crashing with too small packet buffer
#6123: gnrc: crash with (excessive) traffic in native
#7474: 6lo: gnrc fragmentation expects driver to block on TX
#7737: pkg: libcoap is partially broken and outdated
#8086: gnrc_rpl_p2p: not compiling
#8130: gcoap: can't build witth network stacks other than gnrc
#8172: gnrc_netif, gnrc_uhcpc: Replacing prefix on border router results in no
configured prefix
#8271: app/netdev: application stops working after receiving frames with
assertion or completely without error
#9616: at86rf2xx: can not correctly set channel after `NETOPT_STATE_RESET`
#9656: gnrc/netif: various problems after resetting interface a second time
#9573: pkg/lwip: assert on samr21-xpro
#9584: drivers/cc2420: add netopt NETOPT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE
Timer related issues
#5103: xtimer: weird behavior of tests/xtimer_drift
#5338: xtimer: xtimer_now() is not ISR safe
#6052: tests: xtimer_drift_gets_stuck
#7114: xtimer: adds items to the wrong list if the timer overflows between
_xtimer_now() and irq_disable()
#7347: xtimer_usleep stuck for small values
#8251: telosb: timer config wrong when running o a tmote sky
#9052: misc issues with tests/trickle
Native related issues
#495: native not float safe
#5796 native: tlsf: early malloc will lead to a crash
#6442: cpu/native: timer interrupt issue
#7206: native: race-condition in IPC
Other platforms related issues
#4512: pkg: tests: RELIC unittests fail on iotlab-m3
#4612: pkg: TLSF does not build for 16 bit platforms
#4872: at86rf2xx: Simultaneous use of different transceiver types is not
#4954: chronos: compiling with -O0 breaks
#4866: periph: GPIO drivers are not thread tafe
#5009: RIOT is saw-toothing in energy consumption (even when idling)
#5128: some use of asm keyword might be missing volatile
#5486: at86rf2xx: lost interrupts
#5774: cpu: cortexm_common: context switching code breaks when compiling with
#5848: arduino: Race condition in sys/arduino/Makefile.include
#6018: nRF52: gnrc 6lowpan ble memory leak
#6437: periph/spi: Leftovers from SPI rework in #4780
#6567: periph/spi: Switching between CPOL=0,1 problems on Kinetis with software
#6650: GPIO Port shift in cc2538 is unconsistent
#6838: Issuing a reboot on ATmega328p makes the board loop-reboot
#6874: SAMD21: possible CMSIS bug
#7020: isr_rfcoreerrors while pinging between CC2538DKs
#7667: sam0 flashpage_write issues
#7846: stm32f1: I2C read functions return bogus values with unconnected devices
#8028: diskio: failed assertion in send_cmd() on lpc2387
#8045: stm32/periph/uart: extra byte transmitted on first transmission
#8436: Kinetis PhyNode: failed to flash binary > 256K
#8444: tests/thread_priority_inversion hangup
#9616: ATmega platform issues.
Other issues
#1263: sys: the TLSF implementation contains (a) read-before-write error(s)
#4053: macros: RIOT_FILE_RELATIVE printing wrong file name for headers
#4488: making the newlib thread-safe
#5561: C++11 extensions in header files
#5776: make: Predefining CFLAGS are parsed weirdly
#5863: OSX+SAMR21-xpro: shell cannot handle command inputs larger than 64 chars
#6120: Windows AVR Mega development makefile Error
#7220: sys/fmt: Missing tests for fmt_float,fmt_lpad
#7877: SPI connection can't read 16bit size register
#8107: crypto/ccm: bugs in the implementation of CCM mode
#9548: Many i2c bugs found with the i2c api rework but did not reach the release
#9709: examples: failed assertion in dtls-echo example
Fixed Issues from the last release (2018.04)
#8112 crypto/ccm: fix input_len checking with length_encoding
#8532 kinetis: timer_set_absolute randomly misses its target
#8778 sys/random: random_uint32_range is only uniform if range is a power of 2
bug quality defect
#9065 flashpage_write broken on iotlab-m3
#9154 cpu/lpc2387: Fixed broken SPI driver
#9451 Makefile.include: fully define BASELIBS before using its value
#9579 stm32_common: fix ram length for MCUs with non-contiguous ram regions
#9675 tests: gnrc_netif: fix group join iteration macro
You can get the complete detail in the git history and in the release milestone
[Release 2018.07](https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/milestone/23?closed=1).
We would like to thank all companies (vendors) that provided us with (their)
hardware for porting and testing RIOT-OS. Further thanks go to companies and
institutions that directly sponsored development time. And finally, big thanks
to all of you contributing in so many different ways to make RIOT worthwhile!
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Some external sources and packages are published under a separate license.
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2018.04 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers as well as
light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).
RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.
About this release:
The 2018.04 release includes major progress in support for current crypto
libraries. A lot of work has gone into updating drivers to RIOT's unified
configuration scheme. Support for ten new boards has been added. In our quest
to improve and automate testing, many test scripts have been fixed and
improved, and RIOT's CI now runs many tests on real hardware during its nightly
build testing. And as usual, many tiny fixes and improvements have been merged.
About 390 pull requests with about 1073 commits have been merged since the last
release and about 54 issues have been solved. 44 people contributed with code
in 98 days. Approximately 1491 files have been touched with 208426 insertions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
System libraries
- cbor: deprecated in favour of cn-cbor
+ hashes: add sha-3 implementation
* netdev: replaced "struct iovec" with iolist_t
+ nanocoap: added server-side block1 support
+ skald: a BLE advertising stack
+ cayenne-lpp: A Cayenne LPP library written in C
+ HACL*: a formally verified cryptographic library written in F*
+ qDSA: Small and Secure Digital Signatures with Curve-based
Diffie--Hellman Key Pairs
+ libcose: Constrained node COSE library
+ cn-cbor: A constrained node implementation of CBOR in C
+ ucglib
+ arduino-mkrfox1200
+ frdm-kw41z
+ jiminy-mega256rfr2
+ mega-xplained
+ nucleo-l433rc
+ nucleo-l452re
+ slstk3401a
+ slwstk6000b
+ stk3600
+ stk3700
+ atmega1284p
+ NXP Kinetis KW41Z
Device Drivers
+ bmx055: Bosch bmx055 9-axis IMU
+ ata8520e: Microchip ATA8520E Sigfox(tm) transceiver
Build System / Tooling
+ ci: initial on-hardware test support
Known Issues
Please refer to the issue tracker at https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/issues.
We would like to thank all companies (vendors) that provided us with (their)
hardware for porting and testing RIOT-OS. Further thanks go to companies and
institutions that directly sponsored development time. And finally, big thanks
to all of you contributing in so many different ways to make RIOT worthwhile!
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Some external sources and packages are published under a separate license.
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2018.01 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers as well as
light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).
RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.
About this release:
The 2018.01 release includes major progress in RIOTs network communication
capabilities, i.e., rewrite of GNRC's neighbour discovery, confirmable messages
in (g)CoAP, LoRa, and GoMacH as well as updates on CCN-lite and LWIP.
Furthermore, RIOT contributes to _IKEA-Hacking_ by bringing support for
the smart home lighting system TRADFRI (note: this will void the warranty).
Needless to say that this release also adds and updates support for several
platforms, drivers, and of course lots of enhancements to the documentation
as well as numerous bug fixes. Last but not least, RIOT now has an official
code of conduct (https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md)
More than 442 pull requests with about 865 commits have been merged since the
last release and about 96 issues have been solved. 54 people contributed with code
in 96 days. Approximately 2370 files have been touched with 223970 insertions
and 181409 deletions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
System libraries
+ event: event queue framework like libevent
+ gcoap: confirmable messages
+ nanocoap: no external package anymore
* GNRC: major rewrite of neighbour discovery
* GNRC: new API for network interface handling
+ gecko_sdk: library for EFM/EFR/EZR32 MCUs
* libcoap: git patching fixed
+ littlefs: filesystem for constraint devices
- nanocoap: now part of RIOT
* openthread: updated
+ semtech-loramac: LoRa MAC
+ umorse: morse encoder
+ acd52832
* common: restructured shared code for boards
+ b-l475e-iot01a
+ bluepill
+ ikea-tradfri
- pca10000
- pca10005
- qemu-i386
+ ruuvitag
+ sltb001a
+ teensy31
+ thingy52
- x86
+ efm32
* kinetis: unified all MCU variants
- x86
Device Drivers
+ socket_zep: emulated IEEE 802.15.4 device over a UDP for native
+ hts221
+ lc709203f
+ lis2dh12
+ rn2xx3
+ soft_spi
+ tja1042
Build System / Tooling
+ flake8: python code checker
* make: set `-Wall -Wextra` as default for all compilers and platforms
- sniffer: moved to applications repository
+ tests: add automated test scripts for many apps
Fixed Issues from the last release (2017.10)
#2143: unittests: tests-core doesn't compile for all platforms
#4499: handle of l2src_len in gnrc_ndp_rtr_sol_handle
#4822: kw2xrf: packet loss when packets get fragmented
#5005: ndp: router advertisement sent with global address
#5122: NDP: global unicast address on non-6LBR nodes disappears after a while
#5656: Possible Weakness with locking in the GNRC network stack
#5790: ND: Lost of Global IPV6 on node after sending lot of UDP frame from BR
#5944: msp430: ipv6_hdr unittests fail
#6451: Wrong value in SRF08 driver
#6502: cpu/stm32l1: RTC broken
Known Issues
Networking related issues
#5230: gnrc ipv6: multicast packets are not dispatched to the upper layers
#5858: gnrc: 6lo: potential problem with reassembly of fragments: If one frame
gets lost the reassembly state machine might get out of sync
#7035: lwIP: hangs due to sema change after a while
Timer related issues
#5103: xtimer: weird behavior of tests/xtimer_drift: xtimer_drift randomly
jumps a few seconds on nrf52
#5338: xtimer: xtimer_now() not ISR safe for non-32-bit platforms.
#6052: tests: xtimer_drift gets stuck: application freezes after ~30-200 seconds
#7114: xtimer: add's items to the wrong list if the timer overflows between
_xtimer_now() and irq_disable()
native related issues
#495: native not float safe: When FPU is used and an asynchronous context
switch occurs, either the stack gets corrupted or a floating point
exception occurs.
#6442: cpu/native: timer interrupt does not yield thread
other platform related issues
#1891: newlib-nano: Printf formatting does not work properly for some numeric
types: PRI[uxdi]64, PRI[uxdi]8 and float are not parsed in newlib-nano
#4866: not all GPIO driver implementations are thread safe: Due to non-atomic
operations in the drivers some pin configurations might get lost.
#5848: Arduino: Race condition in sys/arduino/Makefile.include
#6018: nRF52 gnrc 6lowpan ble memory leak
#6261: SAMD21: TC3 & TC4 issue when using TCC2
#6379: nrf52dk/nordic_soft_device: not working anymore
#6437: periph/spi: Leftovers from SPI rework
#6526: atmega based boards freeze when main thread is over
#6836: Issuing a reboot on ATmega328p makes the board loop-reboot
#7753: pic32-wifire: race-condition when linking in concurrent build
other issues
#1263: TLSF implementation contains (a) read-before-write error(s).
#3366: periph/i2c: handle NACK
#4488: Making the newlib thread-safe: When calling puts/printf after
thread_create(), the CPU hangs for DMA enabled UART drivers.
#5776: make: Predefining CFLAGS are parsed weirdly
#5863: OSX + SAMR21-xpro: shell cannot handle inputs of length >64 chars
#5962: Makefile: UNDEF variable is not working as documented
We would like to thank all companies (vendors) that provided us with (their)
hardware for porting and testing RIOT-OS. Further thanks go to companies and
institutions that directly sponsored development time. And finally, big thanks
to all of you contributing in so many different ways to make RIOT worthwhile!
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
* Some external sources and packages are published under a separate license.
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2017.10 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit microcontrollers, 16-bit
microcontrollers and light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).
RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.
About this release:
Most notable, this release is bringing RIOT a step closer to supporting
over-the-air-updates by containing initial support for MCUBoot.
Furthermore, it adds support for some new platforms (e.g. arduino-mkzero,
nucleos, and frdm-k22f), drivers (e.g. my9221, apa102, ds1307), and of course
a large number of bug fixes (e.g. `make buildtest` now working properly,
various fixes to `xtimer`).
About 390 pull requests with about 500 commits have been merged since the last
release and about 60 issues have been solved. 39 people contributed with code
in 113 days. 1825 files have been touched with 223454 insertions and 66146 deletions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
+ MCUBoot: A secure bootloader for ARM MCUs is now supported. This initial support
includes only the nrf52dk board. For more information about it refer to the mcuboot github
page at https://github.com/runtimeco/mcuboot/blob/master/README-RIOT.rst
System libraries
+ bcd: binary coded decimal en/decoder
+ gcoap: Add URI-query strings for requests + various fixes
* lwip: Updated to v2.0.3
+ NXP frdm-k22f
+ STM nucleo144-f722
+ Arduino arduino-mkzero
+ ti CC2650 LaunchPad
- weio
+ NXP k22f
+ cc2538: ADC
+ stm32l4: RTC
+ samr21e18a
+ msp430: added flashpage driver
- lpc11u34
* stm32: unified stmclk implementations, reworked RTC
* sam0: heavy unification and refactoring, updated vendor headers
+ sam_common: started unification of sam0 and sam3
* cortexm: interrupt vector cleanup
Device Drivers
+ my9221 - LED controller + Seeed Studio Grove LED bar
+ apa102 - RGB LED
+ ds1307: RTC
+ SAUL support: lps331ap
* SAUL gpio: allow configuration of initial state and low-active signals
* sdcard_spi: added mtd interface
* PM: fixed selection of default implementations for `pm_off` and `pm_set_lowest`
Build System / Tooling
+ make: added pkt-prepare target
* gcc: enabled `-fdiagnostics-color` per default for `arm` and `native` targets
* edbg: use as default flash tool for sam0-based boards
+ added LOSTANDFOUND.md for listing removed features
Fixed Issues from the last 3 releases (known issues missing in 2017.04 and 2017.07)
#2006: cpu/nrf51822: timer callback may be fired too early
#4841: xtimer: timer already in the list:
#4590: pkg: building relic with clang fails.
#4694: drivers/lm75a: does not build
#4902: xtimer: xtimer_set: xtimer_set does not handle integer overflows well
#5128: make: buildtest breaks when exporting FEATURES_PROVIDED var
#5207: make: buildest fails with board dependent application Makefiles
#5361: cpu/cc26x0: timer broken
#5460: cpu/samd21: i2c timing with compiler optimization
#5489: cpu/lpc11u34: ADC broken
#5799: kw2x: 15.4 duplicate transmits
#5928: xtimer: usage in board_init() crashes: some boards use the xtimer in there board_init()
function. The xtimer is however first initialized in the auto_init module which is executed
after board_init()
#6022: pkg: build order issue
#6331: RTC alarm triggered with 1s delay
#6419: cpu/cc2538: timer broken
#6427: xtimer: infinite loop with xtimer_mutex_lock_timeout
#6501: boards/nucleo: Pin usage collision (SPI clk vs. LED0)
#6542: boards/nucle-f0xx: misconfigured timer configuration
#6904: cpu/saml21: cannot use several EXTI
Known Issues
Networking related issues
#3075: nhdp: unnecessary microsecond precision: NHDP works with timer values of microsecond precision
which is not required. Changing to lower precision would save some memory.
#4048: gnrc: potential racey memory leak
#5016: gnrc_rpl: Rejoining RPL instance as root after reboot messes up routing
#5230: gnrc ipv6: multicast packets are not dispatched to the upper layers
#5656: Possible Weakness with locking in the GNRC network stack: For some operations mutexes to the
network interfaces need to get unlocked in the current implementation to not get deadlocked.
Recursive mutexes as provided in #5731 might help to solve this problem.
#5748: gnrc: nodes crashing with too small packet buffer: A packet buffer of size ~512 B might lead
to crashes. The issue describes this for several hundret nodes, but agressive flooding with
just two nodes was also shown to lead to this problem.
#5858: gnrc: 6lo: potential problem with reassembly of fragments: If one frame gets lost the reassembly
state machine might get out of sync
#6123: gnrc: crash with (excessive) traffic
#7035: lwIP: hangs due to sema change after a while
#7737: pkg: libcoap is partially broken and outdated
NDP is not working properly
#4499: handle of l2src_len in gnrc_ndp_rtr_sol_handle: Reception of a router solicitation might lead
to invalid zero-length link-layer addresses in neighbor cache.
#5005: ndp: router advertisement sent with global address: Under some circumstances a router might
send RAs with GUAs. While they are ignored on receive (as RFC-4861 specifies), RAs should have
link-local addresses and not even be send out this way.
#5122: NDP: global unicast address on non-6LBR nodes disappears after a while: Several issues
(also see #5760) lead to a global unicast address effectively being banned from the network
(disappears from neighbor cache, is not added again)
#5467: ipv6 address vanishes when ARO (wrongly) indicates DUP caused by outdated ncache at router
#5539: Border Router: packet not forwarded from ethos to interface 6
#5790: ND: Lost of Global IPV6 on node after sending lot of UDP frame from BR
Timer related issues
#5338: xtimer: xtimer_now() not ISR safe for non-32-bit platforms.
#6052: tests: xtimer_drift gets stuck: xtimer_drift application freezes after ~30-200 seconds
#6502: cpu/stm32l1: RTC broken
#7114: xtimer: add's items to the wrong list if the timer overflows between _xtimer_now() and irq_disable()
native related issues
#495: native not float safe: When the FPU is used when an asynchronous context switch occurs, either
the stack gets corrupted or a floating point exception occurs.
#2175: ubjson: valgind registers "Invalid write of size 4" in unittests
#5796: native: tlsf: early malloc will lead to a crash: TLSF needs pools to be initialized (which is
currently expected to be done in an application). If a malloc is needed before an application's
main started (e.g. driver initialization) the node can crash, since no pool is allocated yet.
#6145: native: system reboots on SIGTRAP
#6442: cpu/native: timer interrupt does not yield thread
#7206: native: race-condition in IPC
other platform related issues
#1891: newlib-nano: Printf formatting does not work properly for some numeric types: PRI[uxdi]64,
PRI[uxdi]8 and float are not parsed in newlib-nano
#2143: unittests: tests-core doesn't compile for all platforms: GCC build-ins were used in the
unittests which are not available with msp430-gcc
#2300: qemu unittest fails because of a page fault
#4512: pkg: tests: RELIC unittests fail on iotlab-m3
#4560: make: clang is more pedantic than gcc oonf_api is not building with clang (partly fixed by #4593)
#4822: kw2xrf: packet loss when packets get fragmented
#4876: at86rf2xx: Simultaneous use of different transceiver types is not supported
#4954: chronos: compiling with -O0 breaks
#4866: not all GPIO driver implementations are thread safe: Due to non-atomic operations in the drivers
some pin configurations might get lost.
#5009: RIOT is saw-toothing in energy consumption (even when idling)
#5103: xtimer: weird behavior of tests/xtimer_drift: xtimer_drift randomly jumps a few seconds on nrf52
#5405: Eratic timings on iotlab-m3 with compression context activated
#5486: at86rf2xx: lost interrupts
#5678: at86rf2xx: failed assertion in _isr
#5944: msp430: ipv6_hdr unittests fail
#5848: arduino: Race condition in sys/arduino/Makefile.include
#6018: nRF52 gnrc 6lowpan ble memory leak
#6261: SAMD21 TC3 & TC4 issue when using TCC2
#6379: nrf52dk/nordic_soft_device: not working anymore
#6437: periph/spi: Leftovers from SPI rework
#6526: atmega based boards freeze when main thread is over
#6836: Issuing a reboot on ATmega328p makes the board loop-reboot
#7347: xtimer_usleep stuck for small values on nucleo-l1
#7753: pic32-wifire: race-condition when linking in concurrent build
#7846: stm32f1: I2C read functions return bogus values with unconnected devices
other issues
#1263: TLSF implementation contains (a) read-before-write error(s).
#3256: make: Setting constants on compile time doesn't really set them everywhere
#3366: periph/i2c: handle NACK
#4488: Making the newlib thread-safe: When calling puts/printf after thread_create(), the CPU hangs
for DMA enabled uart drivers.
#5561: C++11 extensions in header files
#5776: make: Predefining CFLAGS are parsed weirdly
#5863: OSX + SAMR21-xpro: shell cannot handle command inputs larger than 64 chars
#5962: Makefile: UNDEF variable is not working as documented
#6451: Wrong value in SRF08 driver
#7800: CBOR is broken
Special Thanks
We would like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us
with their hardware for porting and testing, namely the people from (in alphabeticalorder):
Atmel, Freescale, Imagination Technologies, Nordic, OpenMote, Phytec, SiLabs, UDOO,
and Zolertia;
and also companies that directly sponsored development time:
Cisco Systems, Eïsox, Eistec, Ell-i, Engineering Spirit, Mesotic, Nordic, OTA keys and Phytec.
We also would like to thank people from Inria Chile for their work on
OpenThread integration and Semtech LoRa drivers.
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Some external sources and pkg are published under a separate license.
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2017.07 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit microcontrollers, 16-bit
microcontrollers and light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).
RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.
About this release:
This release provides fixes, code cleanup and improved documentation, as well as
New features brought by this release include:
* CAN support (Controller Area Network)
* Support for CoAP OBSERVE requests
* Basic Thread stack support (initial support for OpenThread)
* radio duty cycling with LwMAC protocol
* LoRa radio drivers supporting Semtech hardware
About 230 pull requests with about 442 commits have been merged since the last
release and about 13 issues have been solved. 45 people contributed with code
in 56 days. 1395 files have been touched with 211720 insertions and 65729 deletions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
API changes
- removed conn API
System libraries
+ AES CMAC encryption
+ GCC's Stack Smashing Protector (SSP) support
- Remove 3-DES crypto
+ CAN stack
+ CoAP OBSERVE request
+ LwMAC protocol
+ OpenThread
+ Layer 2 filtering (l2filter)
* LwIP port to v2.0.2
* NHDP port to sock API
- removed conn API
+ OpenThread
+ Arduino MKR1000 (without WiFi)
+ Nucleo144-f412
+ Nucleo144-f746
+ Nucleo144-f767
+ NZ32-SC151 (STM32L1)
+ ST B-L072-LRWAN1 (with LoRa radio)
+ STM32F769 discovery
* Full support for PhyNode
+ lm4120: SPI support
+ SAM3: ADC support, DAC support
+ SAMD21: flashpage, ADC support
+ SAML21: ADC, I2C support
+ STM32F413vg support
+ STM32F7 family (ARM Cortex-M7)
+ STM32L0 family: I2C support
* STM32: unified DAC support
* STM32F1/F2/F4 clock initialization refactoring
Device Drivers
+ ADCXX1C I2C ADC support
+ BMP280 temperature/pressure sensor
+ DSP0401 4 digits 16 segment alphanumeric display
+ MMA8x5x motion detection sensor
+ Semtech SX1272 and SX1276 LoRa drivers
Build System
+ EDBG support
+ http download with caching (dlcache)
+ Use Coccinelle static code checker in CI
Special Thanks
We would like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us
with their hardware for porting and testing, namely the people from (in alphabeticalorder):
Atmel, Freescale, Imagination Technologies, Nordic, OpenMote, Phytec, SiLabs, UDOO,
and Zolertia;
and also companies that directly sponsored development time:
Cisco Systems, Eïsox, Eistec, Ell-i, Engineering Spirit, Mesotic, Nordic, OTA keys and Phytec.
We also would like to thank people from Inria Chile for their work on
OpenThread integration and Semtech LoRa drivers.
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* The code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Some external sources and pkg are published under a separate license.
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2017.04 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time
capabilities and comes with support for a range of devices that are typically
found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit microcontrollers, 16-bit
microcontrollers and light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft
real-time capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API
access, independent of the underlying hardware (with partial POSIX compliance).
RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.
About this release:
This release provides a lot of new features, fixes and enhancements. Among
these has been a huge cleanup regarding cppcheck and documentation, and we're
pleased to announce that all remaining doxygen and cppcheck warnings have been
fixed. We're also proud to present a Virtual File System layer and integration
of the SPIFFS file system. A lot of work has gone into support for
STMicroelectronics's Nucleo family, with RIOT now supporting 28 (up from 13)
Nucleo boards. And as always, there was a lot of under-the-hood cleanup, bug
fixing and documentation work.
About 200 pull requests with about 562 commits have been merged since the last release and about 23
issues have been solved. 32 people contributed with code in 91 days. 2697 files have been touched with
716950 insertions and 492623 deletions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
+ full C11 atomics support
+ rmutex, a recursive mutex implementation
API changes
* renamed NTOH*() -> ntoh*(), HTON*() -> hton*()
- removed gpioint API, which was unnused and obsoleted by periph/gpio
* renamed uuid module to luid
System libraries
+ VFS: virtual file system layer
+ fmt: add print_byte_hex(), fmt_lpad()
- 3DES: removed support as 3DES is considered legacy crypto
+ emCute - a small MQTT-SN implementation
+ sock_dns: a simple DNS resolver
+ SPIFFS, the first file system supported by RIOT's VFS layer
+ jerryscript, a Javascript interpreter
- added dynamixel server motor driver
- removed ltc4150 driver
- removed smb380 driver
Build System
+ Experimental distributed building using Murdock
+ most makfiles moved from root into makefiles/
+ added submodule support
Special Thanks
We like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us with their hardware for
porting and testing, namely the people from (in alphabeticalorder): Atmel, Freescale, Imagination
Technologies, Nordic, OpenMote, Phytec, SiLabs, UDOO, and Zolertia; and also companies that directly
sponsored development time: Cisco Systems, Eistec, Ell-i, Enigeering Spirit, Nordic, OTAkeys and Phytec.
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* Most of the code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Some external sources are published under a separate, LGPL compatible license
(e.g. some files developedby SICS).
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2017.01 - Release Notes
RIOT is a multi-threading operating system which enables soft real-time capabilities and comes with
support for a range of devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit microcontrollers,
16-bit microcontrollers and light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, soft real-time capabilities,
small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access, independent of the underlying hardware
(with partial POSIX compliance).
RIOT is developed by an international open-source community which is independent of specific vendors
(e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1),
which allows indirect business models around the free open-source software platform provided by RIOT.
About this release:
This release provides a lot of new features, fixes and enhancements. Among others these features
contain an initial - still experimental - TCP implementation based on the GNRC network stack, support
for reading from and writing to SD cards, a new power management architecture as well additional third
party packages such as TweetNaCl, a cryptographic library, and Heatshrink a data compression library
optimized for embedded real-time systems.
We added support for new platforms including the Calliope mini, Maple mini, and a couple of STMs
Nucleo boards. Device support was extended by several new drivers, e.g., for NXP PN532 NFC, Microchip
MRF24J40 802.15.4 radio (experimental), or Bosch BME280 pressure/humidity/temperature sensor.
We completely refactored the SPI interface, allowing for internally handled hardware or software chip
select lines and shared bus usage for multiple devices with different SPI configurations.
About 278 pull requests with about 606 commits have been merged since the last release and about 84
issues have been solved. 44 people contributed with code in 87 days. 2230 files have been touched with
220275 insertions and 159840 deletions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
+ New power management architecture
+ Initial (experimental) OpenOCD/GDB thread support
* Make Semaphore implementation IPC independent
API changes
* SPI driver interface (rework)
* Add Mutex lock with timeout parameter
* Xtimer allow for arbitrary frequency & additional convenience functions
* HDC1000 driver remodeling
* MMA8652 driver remodeling (MMA8x5x now)
System libraries
+ Lightweight CRC16 implementation
- Remove Twofish and RC5 implementation
+ Initial (experimental) GNRC TCP implementation
* Provide sock-port for POSIX SOCKETS
* Provide sock-port for GCOAP
* Provide sock-port for UHCPC
* Provide sock_ip wrapper for LWIP
* Native: allow for multiple netdev_tap devices
+ TweetNaCl: cryptographic library
+ Heatshrink: compression/decompression library
- Removed: OpenWSN
+ Support for Maple mini board
+ Support for ST Nucleo-32 F303 board
+ Support for ST Nucleo-32 F042 board
+ Support for Calliope mini board
- Drop support for PTTU platform
* Rework SPI driver interface
+ Peripheral flashrom driver interface
+ SD Card driver (SPI)
+ NXP PN532 NFC driver
+ Initial (experimental) Microchip MRF24J40 radio driver
+ JEDEC JC42.4 temperatur sensors
+ Bosch BME280 pressure, humidity and temperature sensor
* NXP MMA8x5x accelerometer (previously MMA8652)
* Unified STM32 RTC driver
* Unified STM32 UART driver
* Unified STM32 PWM driver
* Unified STM32 timer driver
* Unified NRF5x low power modes
+ Low power modes for the STM32F1 family
* Unified Kinetis low power modes
* Xbee port to netdev API
* W5100 port to netdev API
* NRF5x/'nrfmin' port to netdev API (w/o 6LoWPAN support currently)
* Refactor synchronous UART by new 'isrpipe' module
Build System
+ Experimental Jenkins CI
* Python3 support for compile script (compile_test.py)
+ UUID module for central ID/address generation
Fixed Issues from the last release
#4388: POSIX sockets: open socket is bound to a specific thread
#4737: cortex-m: Hard fault after a thread exits
#4874: Using single RSSI_BASE_VALUE for all Atmel radios
#5034: gnrc_networking: offers txtsnd, does not print received packets
#5083: AVR8: Reboots after `return 0;`
#5719: cc2538: rf driver doesn't handle large packets
#5954: nRF52 uart_write gets stuck
#6036: tinydtls: DTLS randomly missing functions
#6037: pkg/nanocoap: native build fails on macOS
#6358: arduino uno : xtimer accuracy problem
Known Issues
Networking related issues
#3075: nhdp: unnecessary microsecond precision: NHDP works with timer values of microsecond precision
which is not required. Changing to lower precision would save some memory.
#4048: potential racey memory leak: According to the packet buffer stats, flood-pinging a multicast
destination may lead to a memory leak due to a race condition. However, it seems to be a rare
case and a completely filled up packet buffer was not observed.
#5016: gnrc_rpl: Rejoining RPL instance as root after reboot messes up routing
#5230: gnrc ipv6: multicast packets are not dispatched to the upper layers
#5656: Possible Weakness with locking in the GNRC network stack: For some operations mutexes to the
network interfaces need to get unlocked in the current implementation to not get deadlocked.
Recursive mutexes as provided in #5731 might help to solve this problem.
#5748: gnrc: nodes crashing with too small packet buffer: A packet buffer of size ~512 B might lead
to crashes. The issue describes this for several hundret nodes, but agressive flooding with
just two nodes was also shown to lead to this problem.
#5858: gnrc: 6lo: potential problem with reassembly of fragments: If one frame gets lost the reassembly
state machine might get out of sync
#6123: gnrc: crash with (excessive) traffic
NDP is not working properly
#4499: handle of l2src_len in gnrc_ndp_rtr_sol_handle: Reception of a router solicitation might lead
to invalid zero-length link-layer addresses in neighbor cache.
#5005: ndp: router advertisement sent with global address: Under some circumstances a router might
send RAs with GUAs. While they are ignored on receive (as RFC-4861 specifies), RAs should have
link-local addresses and not even be send out this way.
#5122: NDP: global unicast address on non-6LBR nodes disappears after a while: Several issues
(also see #5760) lead to a global unicast address effectively being banned from the network
(disappears from neighbor cache, is not added again)
#5467: ipv6 address vanishes when ARO (wrongly) indicates DUP caused by outdated ncache at router
#5539: Border Router: packet not forwarded from ethos to interface 6
#5790: ND: Lost of Global IPV6 on node after sending lot of UDP frame from BR
Timer related issues
#4841: xtimer: timer already in the list: Under some conditions an xtimer can end up twice in the
internal list of the xtimer module
#4902: xtimer: xtimer_set: xtimer_set does not handle integer overflows well
#5338: xtimer: xtimer_now() not ISR safe for non-32-bit platforms.
#5928: xtimer: usage in board_init() crashes: some boards use the xtimer in there board_init()
function. The xtimer is however first initialized in the auto_init module which is executed
after board_init()
#6052: tests: xtimer_drift gets stuck: xtimer_drift application freezes after ~30-200 seconds
#6331: RTC alarm triggered with 1s delay
#6419: cpu/cc2538: timer broken
#6427: xtimer: infinite loop with xtimer_mutex_lock_timeout
#6502: cpu/stm32l1: RTC broken
#6542: boards/nucle-f0xx: misconfigured timer configuration (fix in #6494)
native related issues
#495: native not float safe: When the FPU is used when an asynchronous context switch occurs, either
the stack gets corrupted or a floating point exception occurs.
#2175: ubjson: valgind registers "Invalid write of size 4" in unittests
#4590: pkg: building relic with clang fails.
#5796: native: tlsf: early malloc will lead to a crash: TLSF needs pools to be initialized (which is
currently expected to be done in an application). If a malloc is needed before an application's
main started (e.g. driver initialization) the node can crash, since no pool is allocated yet.
#6145: native: system reboots on SIGTRAP
#6442: cpu/native: timer interrupt does not yield thread
other platform related issues
#1891: newlib-nano: Printf formatting does not work properly for some numeric types: PRI[uxdi]64,
PRI[uxdi]8 and float are not parsed in newlib-nano
#2006: cpu/nrf51822: timer callback may be fired too early
#2143: unittests: tests-core doesn't compile for all platforms: GCC build-ins were used in the
unittests which are not available with msp430-gcc
#2300: qemu unittest fails because of a page fault
#4512: pkg: tests: RELIC unittests fail on iotlab-m3
#4560: make: clang is more pedantic than gcc oonf_api is not building with clang (partly fixed by #4593)
#4694: drivers/lm75a: does not build
#4822: kw2xrf: packet loss when packets get fragmented
#4876: at86rf2xx: Simultaneous use of different transceiver types is not supported
#4954: chronos: compiling with -O0 breaks
#4866: not all GPIO driver implementations are thread safe: Due to non-atomic operations in the drivers
some pin configurations might get lost.
#5009: RIOT is saw-toothing in energy consumption (even when idling)
#5103: xtimer: weird behavior of tests/xtimer_drift: xtimer_drift randomly jumps a few seconds on nrf52
#5361: cpu/cc26x0: timer broken
#5405: Eratic timings on iotlab-m3 with compression context activated
#5460: cpu/samd21: i2c timing with compiler optimization
#5486: at86rf2xx: lost interrupts
#5489: cpu/lpc11u34: ADC broken
#5678: at86rf2xx: failed assertion in _isr
#5799: kw2x: 15.4 duplicate transmits
#5944: msp430: ipv6_hdr unittests fail
#5848: arduino: Race condition in sys/arduino/Makefile.include
#6018: nRF52 gnrc 6lowpan ble memory leak
#6261: SAMD21 TC3 & TC4 issue when using TCC2
#6379: nrf52dk/nordic_soft_device: not working anymore
#6437: periph/spi: Leftovers from SPI rework
#6501: boards/nucleo: Pin usage collision (SPI clk vs. LED0)
#6526: atmega based boards freeze when main thread is over
other issues
#1263: TLSF implementation contains (a) read-before-write error(s).
#3256: make: Setting constants on compile time doesn't really set them everywhere
#3366: periph/i2c: handle NACK
#4488: Making the newlib thread-safe: When calling puts/printf after thread_create(), the CPU hangs
for DMA enabled uart drivers.
#4866: periph: GPIO drivers are not thread safe
#5128: make: buildtest breaks when exporting FEATURES_PROVIDED var
#5207: make: buildest fails with board dependent application Makefiles
#5561: C++11 extensions in header files
#5776: make: Predefining CFLAGS are parsed weirdly
#5863: OSX + SAMR21-xpro: shell cannot handle command inputs larger than 64 chars
#5962: Makefile: UNDEF variable is not working as documented
#6022: pkg: build order issue
#6451: Wrong value in SRF08 driver
#6519: driver/mrf24j40: broken on stm32f4discovery
Special Thanks
We like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us with their hardware for
porting and testing, namely the people from (in alphabeticalorder): Atmel, Freescale, Imagination
Technologies, Nordic, OpenMote, Phytec, SiLabs, UDOO, and Zolertia; and also companies that directly
sponsored development time: Cisco Systems, Eistec, Ell-i, Enigeering Spirit, Nordic, OTAkeys and Phytec.
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* Most of the code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Some external sources are published under a separate, LGPL compatible license
(e.g. some files developedby SICS).
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2016.10 - Release Notes
RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of
devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit
microcontrollers, 16-bit microcontrollers and light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, real-time
capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access,
independent of the underlying hardware (this API offers partial POSIX
RIOT is developed by an international open source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community) and is
licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows indirect
business models around the free open-source software platform provided by
About this release:
This release provides a lot of new features as well as it fixes several major
bugs. Among these new features are the new simplified network socket API
called sock, the GNRC specific CoAP implementation gcoap and several new
packages: TinyDTLS, the Aversive++ microcontroller library for robotics, the
u8g2 graphic library, and nanocoap.
Using the new sock API an implementation of the Simple Time Network Protocol
(SNTP) was also introduced, allowing for time synchronization between nodes.
New platforms include the Arduino Uno, the Arduino Duemilanove, the Arduino
Zero, SODAQ Autonomo, and the Zolertia remote (rev. B).
The most significant bug fix was done in native which led to a significantly
more robust handling of ISRs and now allows for at least 1,000 native
instances running stably on one machine.
About 263 pull requests with about 398 commits have been merged since the last
release and about 42 issues have been solved. 37 people contributed with code
in 100 days. 1006 files have been touched with 166500 insertions and 26926
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
* Verbose behavior for assert() macro
+ MPU support for Cortex-M
API changes
+ Socket-like sock API (replacing conn)
* netdev: Add Testmodes and CCA modes
* IEEE 802.15.4: clean-up Intra-PAN behavior
* IEEE 802.15.4: centralize default values
* gnrc_pktbuf: allow for 0-sized snips
+ gnrc_netapi: mbox and arbitrary callback support
System libraries
No new features or changes
+ Provide sock-port for GNRC
+ gcoap: a GNRC-based CoAP implementation
+ Simple Network Time Protocol (RFC 5905, section 14)
+ Priority Queue for packet snips
+ IPv4 header definitions
+ nanocoap: CoAP header parser/builder
+ TinyDTLS: DTLS library
+ tiny-asn1: asn.1/der decoder
+ Aversive++ microcontroller programming library
+ u8g2 graphic library
+ Support for stm32f2xx MCU family
+ Low power modes for samd21 CPUs
+ More Arduino-based platforms:
+ Arduino Uno
+ Arduino Duemilanove
+ Arduino Zero
+ More boards of ST's Nucleo platforms:
+ ST Nucleo F030 board support
+ ST Nucleo F070 board support
+ ST Nucleo F446 board support
+ SODAQ Automono
+ Zolertia remote rev. B
+ W5100 Ethernet device
+ Atmel IO1 Xplained extension
+ LPD8808 LED strips
* at86rf2xx: provide capability to access the RND_VALUE random value register
Build System
+ static-tests build target for easy local execution of CI's static tests
+ Provide Arduino API to Nucleo boards
+ Packer configuration file to build vagrant boxes
+ CC2650STK Debugger Support
+ ethos: add Ethos over TCP support
Fixed Issues from the last release
#534: native debugging on osx fails
#2071: native: *long* overdue fixes
#3341: netdev_tap crashes when hammered
#5007: gnrc icmpv6: Ping reply goes out the wrong interface
#5432: native: valgrind fails
Known Issues
Networking related issues
#3075: nhdp: unnecessary microsecond precision: NHDP works with timer values
of microsecond precision which is not required. Changing to lower
precision would save some memory.
#4048: potential racey memory leak: According to the packet buffer stats,
flood-pinging a multicast destination may lead to a memory leak due to
a race condition. However, it seems to be a rare case and a completely
filled up packet buffer was not observed.
#4388: POSIX sockets: open socket is bound to a specific thread: This was an
inherit problem of the conn API under GNRC. Since the POSIX sockets are
still based on conn for this release, this issue persists
#4527: gnrc_ipv6: Multicast is not forwarded if routing node listens to the
address (might still be fixable for release, see #5729, #5230: gnrc
ipv6: multicast packets are not dispatched to the upper layers)
#5016: gnrc_rpl: Rejoining RPL instance as root after reboot messes up routing
#5055: cpuid: multiple radios will get same EUI-64 Nodes with multiple
interfaces might get the same EUI-64 for them since they are generated
from the same CPU ID.
#5656: Possible Weakness with locking in the GNRC network stack: For some
operations mutexes to the network interfaces need to get unlocked in
the current implementation to not get deadlocked. Recursive mutexes as
provided in #5731 might help to solve this problem.
#5748: gnrc: nodes crashing with too small packet buffer: A packet buffer of
size ~512 B might lead to crashes. The issue describes this for several
hundret nodes, but agressive flooding with just two nodes was also
shown to lead to this problem.
#5858: gnrc: 6lo: potential problem with reassembly of fragments: If one frame
gets lost the reassembly state machine might get out of sync
### NDP is not working properly
#4499: handle of l2src_len in gnrc_ndp_rtr_sol_handle: Reception of a router
solicitation might lead to invalid zero-length link-layer addresses in
neighbor cache.
#5005: ndp: router advertisement sent with global address: Under some
circumstances a router might send RAs with GUAs. While they are ignored
on receive (as RFC 4861 specifies), RAs should have link-local
addresses and not even be send out this way.
#5122: NDP: global unicast address on non-6LBR nodes disappears after a while:
Several issues (also see #5760) lead to a global unicast address
effectively being banned from the network (disappears from neighbor
cache, is not added again)
#5467: ipv6 address vanishes when ARO (wrongly) indicates DUP caused by
outdated ncache at router
#5539: Border Router: packet not forwarded from ethos to interface 6
#5790: ND: Lost of Global IPV6 on node after sending lot of UDP frame from BR
Timer related issues
#4841: xtimer: timer already in the list: Under some conditions an xtimer can
end up twice in the internal list of the xtimer module
#4902: xtimer: xtimer_set: xtimer_set does not handle integer overflows well
#5338: xtimer: xtimer_now() not ISR safe for non-32-bit platforms.
#5928: xtimer: usage in board_init() crashes: some boards use the xtimer in
there board_init() function. The xtimer is however first initialized in
the auto_init module which is executed after board_init()
#6052: tests: xtimer_drift gets stuck: xtimer_drift application freezes after
~30-200 seconds
native related issues
#495: native not float safe: When the FPU is used when an asynchronous context
switch occurs, either the stack gets corrupted or a floating point
exception occurs.
#2175: ubjson: valgind registers "Invalid write of size 4" in unittests
#4590: pkg: building relic with clang fails.
#5796: native: tlsf: early malloc will lead to a crash: TLSF needs pools to be
initialized (which is currently expected to be done in an application).
If a malloc is needed before an application's main started (e.g. driver
initialization) the node can crash, since no pool is allocated yet.
other platform related issues
#1891: newlib-nano: Printf formatting does not work properly for some numberic
types: PRI[uxdi]64, PRI[uxdi]8 and float are not parsed in newlib-nano
#2006: cpu/nrf51822: timer callback may be fired too early
#2143: unittests: tests-core doesn't compile for all platforms: GCC build-ins
were used in the unittests which are not available with msp430-gcc
#2300: qemu unittest fails because of a page fault
#4512: pkg: tests: RELIC unittests fail on iotlab-m3
#4522: avsextrem: linker sometimes doesn't find `bl_init_clks()`
#4560: make: clang is more pedantic than gcc oonf_api is not building with
clang. (Partly solved by #4593)
#4694: drivers/lm75a: does not build
#4737: cortex-m: Hard fault after a thread exits (under some circumstances)
#4822: kw2xrf: packet loss when packets get fragmented
#4876: at86rf2xx: Simultaneous use of different transceiver types is not
#4954: chronos: compiling with -O0 breaks
#4866: not all GPIO driver implementations are thread safe: Due to non-atomic
operations in the drivers some pin configurations might get lost.
#5009: RIOT is saw-toothing in energy consumption (even when idling)
#5103: xtimer: weird behavior of tests/xtimer_drift: xtimer_drift randomly
jumps a few seconds on nrf52
#5361: cpu/cc26x0: timer broken
#5405: Eratic timings on iotlab-m3 with compression context activated
#5460: cpu/samd21: i2c timing with compiler optimization
#5486: at86rf2xx: lost interrupts
#5489: cpu/lpc11u34: ADC broken
#5603: atmega boards second UART issue
#5678: at86rf2xx: failed assertion in _isr
#5719: cc2538: rf driver doesn't handle large packets
#5799: kw2x: 15.4 duplicate transmits
#5944: msp430: ipv6_hdr unittests fail
#5848: arduino: Race condition in sys/arduino/Makefile.include
#5954: nRF52 uart_write get stuck
#6018: nRF52 gnrc 6lowpan ble memory leak
other issues
#1263: TLSF implementation contains (a) read-before-write error(s).
#3256: make: Setting constants on compile time doesn't really set them
#3366: periph/i2c: handle NACK
#4488: Making the newlib thread-safe: When calling puts/printf after
thread_create(), the CPU hangs for DMA enabled uart drivers.
#4866: periph: GPIO drivers are not thread safe
#5128: make: buildtest breaks when exporting FEATURES_PROVIDED var
#5207: make: buildest fails with board dependent application Makefiles
#5390: pkg: OpenWSN does not compile: This package still uses deprecated
modules and was not tested for a long time.
#5520: tests/periph_uart not working
#5561: C++11 extensions in header files
#5776: make: Predefining CFLAGS are parsed weirdly
#5863: OSX + SAMR21-xpro: shell cannot handle command inputs larger than 64
#5962: Makefile: UNDEF variable is not working as documented
#6022: pkg: build order issue
Special Thanks
We like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us with
their hardware for porting and testing, namely the people from (in
alphabeticalorder): Atmel, Freescale, Imagination Technologies, Limifrog,
Nordic, OpenMote, Phytec, SiLabs, UDOO,and Zolertia; and also companies that
directly sponsored development time: Cisco Systems, Eistec, Ell-i, Enigeering
Spirit, Nordic, FreshTemp LLC, OTAkeys and Phytec.
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* Most of the code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free
Software Foundation.
* Some external sources are published under a separate, LGPL compatible
license (e.g. some files developed by SICS).
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2016.07 - Release Notes
RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of
devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit
microcontrollers, 16-bit microcontrollers and light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, real-time
capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access,
independent of the underlying hardware (this API offers partial POSIX
RIOT is developed by an international open source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community)
and is licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows
indirect business models around the free open-source software platform
provided by RIOT.
About this release:
This release was focused primarily on fixing bugs, but also adds two new
supported radio transceivers: CC2420 and CC2538.
This new radio support allows to new interoperability tests with other OS,
allowing code size comparison and overall network performance for
platforms based on these radios.
About 198 pull requests with about 325 commits have been merged since the
last release and about 65 issues have been solved. 46 people contributed with
code in 112 days. 632 files have been touched with 19863 insertions and
3682 deletions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
* No major changes or new features coming on this release.
+ Introduced Mailbox IPC API (#4919)
* Improved clist
Network Stack
+ Introduction of netstats in several platforms.
* RPL optional auto initialization
+ Added statistics for TLSF package (#5418)
+ Added U8g2 library for monochrome displays (#5549)
* Added on-the-fly content creation for CCN-lite.
+ nrf52dk: add support for building with Nordic SoftDevice (6lo over BLE)
+ Added support for Libellium's waspmote-pro board.
+ Added support for the iotlab A8/M3 node (https://www.iot-lab.info/hardware/a8/)
+ Added initial and rudimentary port for TI cc2650stk "SensorTag" (#4675)
+ Split Zolertia Remote support into Remote Prototype A (remote-pa) and
Remote Revision A (remote-reva)
+ Texas Instruments CC2538 RF driver (PR #5291)
+ Texas Instruments CC2420 RF driver (PR #5591)
+ Bosch BM180 sensor.
+ Added XBee optional AES encryption support
System libraries
* Several xtimer bug fixes
Build System
+ Ubuntu 16.04 packaged gcc-arm-none-eabi toolchain can now be used to compile
RIOT for ARM boards
* Reworked UART and code factorisation for ATmega CPUs.
API changes
* Unified interface of hashing functions
Fixed Issues from the last release
#3824: native: gnrc: hardcore pinging crashes.
#4583: cpp11: clang doesn't allow mutex_t to be used with constexpr All
cpp11-* tests fail with clang.
#5388: gnrc_sixlowpan_iphc_nhc: receiving NHC compressed UDP
packets hits assert in IPv6 (Fixed by #5281).
Known Issues
#3075: nhdp: unnecessary microsecond precision NHDP works with timer
values of microsecond precision which is not required. Changing to lower
precision would save some memory.
#3086: Max. packet length for AT86RF2XX
#4048: potential racey memory leak According to the packet buffer stats,
flood-pinging a multicast destination may lead to a memory leak due to a
race condition. However, it seems to be a rare case and a completely filled
up packet buffer was not observed.
#5005: ndp: router advertisement sent with global address Under some
circumstances a router might send RAs with GUAs. While they are ignored
on receive (as RFC 4861 specifies), RAs should have link-local addresses
and not even be send out this way.
#5007: gnrc icmpv6: Ping reply goes out the wrong interface
#5055: cpuid: multiple radios will get same EUI-64 Nodes with multiple
interfaces might get the same EUI-64 for them since they are generated from
the same CPU ID.
#5230: gnrc ipv6: multicast packets are not dispatched to the upper layers.
(Fix exists, but was postponed)
#5390: pkg: OpenWSN does not compile This package still uses deprecated
modules and was not tested for a long time.
native related issues
#495: native not float safe When the FPU is used when an asynchronous
context switch occurs, either the stack gets corrupted or a floating point
exception occurs.
#534: native debugging on osx fails Using valgrind or gdb with a nativenet
target in OSX leads to "the network" being stuck (gdb) or the whole process
being stuck (valgrind).
#334: nativenet crashes when hammered Flood-pinging a native instance
from more than one host (either multiple threads on the host system or multiple
other native instances), leads to a SEGFAULT.
#2071; WIP: native: overdue fixes
#4590: pkg: building relic with clang fails.
#5432: native: valgrind fails
other platform related issues
#4560: make: clang is more pedantic than gcc oonf_api is not building with
(Partly solved by #4593)
#4866: not all GPIO driver implementations are thread safe Due to non-atomic
operations in the drivers some pin configurations might get lost.
#5486: at86rf2xx: lost interrupts
other issues
#1263: TLSF implementation contains (a) read-before-write error(s).
#2761: core: define default flags If a thread is created without the
corresponding flag (CREATE_STACKTEST), the ps command will yield wrong
numbers for the stack usage.
#2927: core: Automatically select the lowest possible LPM mode Not all
available low power modes (LPMs) are implemented for each platform and the
concept of how the LPM is chosen needs some reconsideration.
#2967: Makefile.features: location is not relevant for all features Provided
features for the build system should be split up into a board and cpu specific part
#4488: Making the newlib thread-safe When calling puts/printf after
thread_create(), the CPU hangs for DMA enabled uart drivers.
#4841: xtimer: timer already in the list Under some conditions an xtimer can end
up twice in the internal list of the xtimer module.
#5338: xtimer: xtimer_now() not ISR safe For non-32-bit platforms.
Special Thanks
We like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us with their
hardware for porting and testing, namely the people from (in alphabeticalorder):
Atmel, Freescale, Limifrog, Nordic, OpenMote, Phytec, SiLabs, UDOO,and Zolertia;
and also companies that directly sponsored development time:Cisco Systems,
Eistec, Ell-i, Enigeering Spirit, Nordic, FreshTemp LLC, and Phytec.
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
* devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
* users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
* commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
* notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* Most of the code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free
Software Foundation.
* Some external sources are published under a separate, LGPL compatible license
(e.g. some files developed by SICS).
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2016.04 - Release Notes
RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of
devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit
microcontrollers, 16-bit microcontrollers and light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, real-time
capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access,
independent of the underlying hardware (this API offers partial POSIX
RIOT is developed by an international open source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community)
and is licensed with a non-viral copyleft license (LGPLv2.1), which allows
indirect business models around the free open-source software platform
provided by RIOT.
About this release:
This release adds support for two additional network stacks: lwIP and emb6.
A bunch of additional protocols are now available, P2P-RPL in the GNRC
network stack, Ethernet-over-Serial (ethos). Murdock, the new, blazing fast
RIOT CI is now available to significantly speed up code merging procedures.
This release also adds support for a number of new boards and sensors and a new
tool for automated border router setup is now provided which greatly simplifies
that setup for newbies as well as for old-timers. Last but not least: this
release includes a number of bug fixes, mostly about stabilizing and enhancing
the networking capabilities of RIOT.
About 470 pull requests with about 1196 commits have been merged since the last
release and 127 additional issues have been solved. 55 people contributed code
in 124 days. 1521 files have been touched with ~91700 insertions and ~42200
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
+ added Makefile support for creating a "binary distribution", making it easier to create closed source applications while still complying to LGPL
+ Murdock, the new RIOT CI
+ unified pexpect code
+ added various new unittests and test applications
+ added thread flags, a new method to signal events in an efficient and thread safe manner
+ messaging is now compile-time optional, shaving off some bytes off each thread's state struct for projects not requiring it
+ new, simpler list implementation increases mutex and msg performance
Network Stack
+ P2P-RPL (RFC6997)
+ netdev_test: test framework for users of the netdev API
+ emb6 network stack
+ jsmn (minimal JSON parser)
+ lwIP network stack
+ unified and streamlined git package source handling
+ added support for caching git repositories
+ reworked existing peripheral drivers and added SPI driver for arduino-mega2560
+ added support for nRF52dk
+ added support for nucleo-f072 and nucleo-f103
+ unified LED macros for all boards
+ ethos "ethernet over serial" driver, enabling shared uart + network communication over one serial connection
+ RHOM BH1750FVI ambient light sensor
+ ST LIS3MDL three-axis magnetic sensor
+ Silicon Labs Si70xx low-power temperature + humidity sensor
+ simplified GPIO driver interface
+ AES encryption for xbee radio driver
+ added ADC mapping to SAUL
Sytem libraries
- vtimer support was dropped completely and removed
Build System
+ made build system safe for concurrent building of multiple applications
+ desvirt integration into the RIOT build system
- simplified border router setup tool (single UART and automation script)
API changes
* at86rf2xx was moved from gnrc_netdev to the netdev API
* genrand_* -> random_*
* xtimer_remove() no longer returns whether a timer was actually removed
* disableIRQ(), enableIRQ(), restoreIRQ(), inISR() -> irq_disable(), irq_enable(), irq_restore(), irq_is_in()
* renamed periph/random to periph/hwrng
Fixed Issues from the last release
* #3109: periph/random: random_read should return unsigned int
* #3970: RPL: Advertise DODAG only over the assigned interface
* #4462: IPHC/NHC broken between Linux and a RIOT node with a RIOT-based border router in between.
* #4608: tests/xtimer_usleep_until: unstable behaviour
Known Issues
* #3075: nhdp: unnecessary microsecond precision
NHDP works with timer values of microsecond precision which is not required. Changing
to lower precision would save some memory.
* #3086: Max. packet length for AT86RF2XX
The size of the link-layer header is not dynamically calculated, but instead the maximum
size is always assumed.
* #4048: potential racey memory leak
According to the packet buffer stats, flood-pinging a multicast destination may lead to a
memory leak due to a race condition. However, it seems to be a rare case and a
completely filled up packet buffer was not observed.
* #5005: ndp: router advertisement sent with global address
Under some circumstances a router might send RAs with GUAs. While they are ignored
on receive (as RFC 4861 specifies), RAs should have link-local addresses and not even
be send out this way.
* #5007: gnrc icmpv6: Ping reply goes out the wrong interface
* #5055: cpuid: multiple radios will get same EUI-64
Nodes with multiple interfaces might get the same EUI-64 for them since they are generated
from the same CPU ID
* #5230: gnrc ipv6: multicast packets are not dispatched to the upper layers
* #5388: gnrc_sixlowpan_iphc_nhc: receiving NHC compressed UDP packets hits assert in IPv6
Fix already provided in #5281, but did not made it into the release due to its complexity
* #5390: pkg: OpenWSN does not compile
This package still uses deprecated modules and was not tested for a long time
native related issues
* #495: native not float safe
When the FPU is used when an asynchronous context switch occurs, either the
stack gets corrupted or a floating point exception occurs.
* #534: native debugging on osx fails
Using valgrind or gdb with a nativenet target in OSX leads to "the network"
being stuck (gdb) or the whole process being stuck (valgrind).
* #3341 and #3824: nativenet crashes when hammered
Flood-pinging a native instance from more than one host (either multiple threads on the
host system or multiple other native instances), leads to a SEGFAULT
other platform related issues
* #4560: make: clang is more pedantic than gcc
oonf_api is not building with clang.
* #4583: cpp11: clang doesn't allow `mutex_t` to be used with `constexpr`
All cpp11-* tests fail with clang.
* #4866: not all GPIO driver implementations are thread safe
Due to non-atomic operations in the drivers some pin configurations might get lost
other issues
* #1263: TLSF implementation contains (a) read-before-write error(s)
* #2761: core: define default flags
If a thread is created without the corresponding flag (CREATE_STACKTEST),
the ps command will yield wrong numbers for the stack usage
* #2927: core: Automatically select the lowest possible LPM mode
Not all available low power modes (LPMs) are implemented for each platform and the
concept of how the LPM is chosen needs some reconsideration
* #2967: Makefile.features: location is not relevant for all features
Provided features for the build system should be split up into a board and cpu specific
* #4488: Making the newlib thread-safe
When calling puts/printf after thread_create(), the CPU hangs for DMA enabled uart drivers.
* #4841: xtimer: timer already in the list
Under some conditions an xtimer can end up twice in the internal list of the xtimer module.
* #5338: xtimer: xtimer_now() not ISR safe
For non-32-bit platforms
Special Thanks
We like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us with
their hardware for porting and testing, namely the people from (in alphabetical
order): Atmel, Freescale, Limifrog, Nordic, OpenMote, Phytec, SiLabs, UDOO,
and Zolertia; and also companies that directly sponsored development time:
Cisco Systems, Eistec, Ell-i, Enigeering Spirit, FreshTemp LLC, and Phytec.
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
* devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
* users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
* commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
* notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* Most of the code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free
Software Foundation.
* Some external sources are published under a separate, LGPL compatible license
(e.g. some files developed by SICS).
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2015.12 - Release Notes
RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of
devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things: 8-bit
microcontrollers, 16-bit microcontrollers and light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, real-time
capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access,
independent of the underlying hardware (this API offers partial POSIX
RIOT is developed by an international open source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community).
About this release:
This release is mostly a clean-up and bug-fixing release. Besides that, it introduces SAUL,
the [S]ensor [A]ctuator [U]ber [L]ayer, which offers a unified API to interact with all
different types of sensors and actuators on RIOT supported hardware. Furthermore, it re-enables
the support for ICN by integrating CCN-Lite as a package. A lot of new overall documentation was
added and existing documentation was improved (http://riot-os.org/api/). In addition,
a Vagrant (https://www.vagrantup.com/) configuration file was added to the RIOT repository in
order to create reproducible and portable environments that contain all necessary toolchains.
About 222 pull requests with about 631 commits have been merged since the last release and 48
additional issues have been solved. 37 people contributed code in 102 days. 980 files have been
touched with ~59779 insertions and ~12115 deletions.
Notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features and changes
Device support
+ SAUL [S]ensor [A]ctuator [U]ber [L]ayer
* replaced deprecated dINT()/eINT() calls by up-to-date disableIRQ()/enableIRQ()/restoreIRQ()
calls throughout the whole core
Network Stack
+ TFTP support
+ 6LoWPAN: Next Header Compression
+ leaf mode for RPL nodes
* RPL: refactoring of instances and dodags (saved 1kB ROM and 0,5kB RAM)
* FIB: initial source route support
* change to non-blocking 6LoWPAN fragmentation
* POSIX sockets: various fixes
* periodic stats printing for ping6 command
* convert all vtimer into xtimer calls
* send router advertisements without PIOs
+ CCN-Lite as a ICN network stack
+ RELIC: efficient cryptography library
* fix TLSF to compile with -pedantic
Supported platforms
Additional support for the following boards:
+ weio board with NXP LPC11U34 (ARM Cortex-M0)
+ Silicon Labs Wireless Eval Kit SLWSTK6220A (Wonder Gecko)
+ STM32 Nucleo-F401
+ Arduino-mega2560 GPIO
+ Arduino pin mapping for Mega2560 and Due
Network drivers
+ enc28j60 Ethernet chip
+ at86rf2xx: Add support for channel page
* at86rf2xx: fix LQI reading
* implement sleep mode for at86rf2xx
Sensors drivers
+ AT30TSE75x temperature sensor
+ TCS3772 Color Light-to-Digital converter
System libraries
+ partial support for the Arduino API
+ lightweight semaphores
+ fmt: simple string formatting library
+ xtimer: 32-bit version of msg_recv_timeout
* implicit socket binding for POSIX connect() and sendto()
* posix_semaphore: make API POSIX compliant
+ microcoap/conn example
+ minimal GNRC networking example
Build System
* split the Cortex-M0 buildtest group to avoid timeout issues with Travis
* split the Cortex-M4 buildtest group to avoid timeout issues with Travis
+ vagrant configuration
+ documentation: various high-level descriptions of crucial features
+ IoT-LAB: create and connect to debug server
* pyterm: fix problems with German umlauts as input
Fixed Issues from the last release
#2724: Add support for serial number passing to CMSIS boards, document it
Documentation about how to discover and set the serial number of CMSIS-DAP chips is missing
#3201: Odd length packet snips cause invalid check sum
If an odd length packet snip occurs in a packet and is not the last snip
(in the order the packet is supposed to be, not in the list's order)
in a packet it will generate a wrong check sum.
Known Issues
network related issues
#3075: nhdp: unnecessary microsecond precision
NHDP works with timer values of microsecond precision which is not required. Changing
to lower precision would save some memory.
#3086: Max. packet length for AT86RF2XX
The size of the link-layer header is not dynamically calculated, but instead the maximum
size is always assumed.
#3970: RPL: Advertise DODAG only over the assigned interface
gnrc_rpl seems to multicast DIOs over all interfaces, though gnrc_rpl_init expects an
interface as parameter and sets the RPL-nodes multicast address only for that interface.
#4048: potential racey memory leak
According to the packet buffer stats, flood-pinging a multicast destination may lead to a
memory leak due to a race condition. However, it seems to be a rare case and a
completely filled up packet buffer was not observed.
#4462: IPHC/NHC broken between Linux and a RIOT node with a RIOT-based border router in between.
native related issues
#495: native not float safe
When the FPU is used when an asynchronous context switch occurs, either the
stack gets corrupted or a floating point exception occurs.
#534: native debugging on osx fails
Using valgrind or gdb with a nativenet target in OSX leads to "the network"
being stuck (gdb) or the whole process being stuck (valgrind).
#3341 and #3824: nativenet crashes when hammered
Flood-pinging a native instance from more than one host (either multiple threads on the
host system or multiple other native instances), leads to a SEGFAULT.
#4608: tests/xtimer_usleep_until: unstable behaviour
The test starts to output "too large difference" and fails after a random period of time.
other platform related issues
#4560: make: clang is more pedantic than gcc
oonf_api is not building with clang.
#4583: cpp11: clang doesn't allow `mutex_t` to be used with `constexpr`
All cpp11-* tests fail with clang.
other issues
#2761: core: define default flags
If a thread is created without the corresponding flag (CREATE_STACKTEST),
the ps command will yield wrong numbers for the stack usage
#2927: core: Automatically select the lowest possible LPM mode
Not all available low power modes (LPMs) are implemented for each platform and the
concept of how the LPM is chosen needs some reconsideration
#2967: Makefile.features: location is not relevant for all features
Provided features for the build system should be split up into a board and cpu specific
#3109: periph/random: random_read should return unsigned int
The documentation of this function does not match corresponding implementation.
#4488: Making the newlib thread-safe
When calling puts/printf after thread_create(), the CPU hangs for DMA enabled uart drivers.
Special Thanks
We like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us with their hardware
for porting and testing, namely the people from (in alphabetical order):
Atmel, Freescale, Limifrog, Phytec, SiLabs, and Zolertia; and also companies that directly
sponsored development time:
Cisco Systems, Google, Eistec, Ell-i, Engineering Spirit, FreshTemp LLC, and Phytec.
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
* devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
* users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
* commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
* notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* Most of the code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Some external sources are published under a separate, LGPL compatible license
(e.g. some files developed by SICS).
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2015.09 - Release Notes
RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of
devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things: devices based on
8-bit microcontrollers, 16-bit microcontrollers and light-weight 32-bit
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, real-time
capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access,
independent of the underlying hardware (this API offers partial POSIX
RIOT is developed by an international open source community which is
independent of specific vendors (e.g. similarly to the Linux community).
About this release:
This release introduces the GNRC network stack, a completely new, highly
modularized and configurable IPv6/6LoWPAN stack. It also includes xtimer as a
new timer subsystem for accurate short- and long-term timers. Moreover,
peripheral drivers, board, and CPU support has been tidied up and contains
about 50% less duplication in the build system.
About 580 pull requests with about 2,500 commits have been merged since the
last release and 120 additional issues have been solved. 62 people contributed
code in 278 days. 2578 files have been touched with ~320,000 insertions and
~134,000 deletions.
Loose notations used below:
+ means new feature/item
* means modified feature/item
- means removed feature/item
New features
+ complete codebase now compiles with -Werror on all platforms
Device support
+ vastly improved hardware abstraction, unified over all devices
+ unified most common code
* complete refactoring of MSP430 and ARM7 code
+ new timer subsystem: xtimer
+ extended atomic API by compare-and-swap, increase/decrease and
set-to-one/set-to-zero functions
+ introduced a more energy-saving assert macro
Network Stack
+ RFC compliant gnrc network stack (6LoWPAN, IPv6, UDP, RPL) major refactoring
+ 6LoWPAN ND (including SLAAC)
+ example applications working out of the box (gnrc_networking for the full
gnrc experience, gnrc_border_router for a 6LoWPAN border router, and default
for simple link layer connectivity)
+ explicit support for border router
+ auto-init for the network stack
+ introduction of generic interfaces (netdev, netapi)
+ introduction of a protocol-independent FIB
+ introduction of a central packet buffer
+ wireshark-supported protocol ZEP to send IEEE 802.15.4 frames over UDP on
non-IEEE-802.15.4 devices
+ support for SLIP and link-layers without addresses
+ new low-level driver model
+ new nativenet based directly on ethernet
+ conn: general stack-independent transport layer API
+ POSIX sockets ported for conn
+ NHDP support
+ support for microCoAP
Supported platforms
Additional support for the following boards:
+ Zolertia ReMote
+ Atmel SAML21 Xplained Pro (saml21-xpro)
+ ST Nucleo L1
+ ST Nucleo F334
+ ST Nucleo F091
+ Phytec phyWAVE KW22
+ Eistec Mulle
+ Freescale Freedom FRDM-K64F
+ TI Stellaris Launchpad LM4F120
+ LimiFrog V1
+ Silabs EZR32WG
+ various peripheral drivers (ADC, UART, timer, SPI, I²C, RTC, RTT, DAC, PWM...)
+ basic NVRAM driver (interface)
Network drivers
+ native ethernet driver
+ ENCx24J600 ethernet driver
Sensors drivers
+ ISL29125 RGB light sensor
+ PDC8544 LCD display
+ INA220 current and power monitor
+ MPU-9150 9-DOF motion sensor
+ LIS3DH accelerometer
+ TMP006 temperature sensor
+ MAG3110 magnetometer
+ MMA8652 accelerometer
+ DHT11/DHT22 temperature-humidity sensor
+ ADT7310 temperature sensor
System libraries
+ MD5
+ Fletcher's checksum
+ Unified Cipher API and Block cipher operation modes: ECB, CBC, CTR and CCM
+ Bitfield operations
+ thread safe ringbuffer
+ vtimer compatibility layer
Build System
+ support for the FIT IoT-LAB testbed by direct integration into the Make build
+ integrated Docker support
+ integration of llvm's clang static analyzer
+ added target for the address sanitizer
+ indicating possible feature conflicts at compile time
+ unified OpenOCD script
* improved documentation
* fixed several IPC message queue initializations
- removed hwtimer
* optimized/remodeled GPIO interface
* optimized/remodeled TIMER interface
- temporarily removed CC2420 driver (awaiting last bug fixes for a rewrite)
* re-implementation of the CC110x driver against the peripheral interface
Network Stack
* temporarily removed and currently being refactored:
- TCP support
- CCN-lite
- AODVv2
System libraries
* new high level UART/stdio interface
* better modularisation of POSIX wrapper modules
- removed skipjack crypto library
* updated CMSIS HAL to version 4.3
* clean-up of deprecated system and network libraries
* clean-up of deprecated boards and drivers
Selected Issues Fixed since the Last Release
#21: Deal with stdin in bordermultiplex.c
A completely new border router implementation is in place
#715: test_hwtimer_wait fails on native
Fixed by @benoit-canet in #2870
#861: neighbor discovery for 6LoWPAN not working
GNRC implements 6LoWPAN ND in a RFC6775 compliant way
#1753: vtimer_msg test crashes after ~49'20" and
#1449: a removed vtimer might still get called back by hwtimer
vtimer has been replaced by xtimer which does not have these issues
#1870: IPv6 neighbor advertisements are malformed
According to Wireshark (and reference implementations) GNRC sends
well-formed neighbor advertisements
#1964 and #1955: eventual problems with IoT-LAB M3 nodes in the testbed
Solved by new driver versions for UART and radio
#2228: samd21 stack sizes are too small
The stacksize has been adapted in #2229
Known Issues
network related issues
#3075: nhdp: unnecessary microsecond precision
NHDP works with timer values of microsecond precision which is not
required. Changing to lower precision would save some memory.
#3086: Max. packet length for AT86RF2XX
The size of the link-layer header is not dynamically calculated, but
instead the maximum# size is always assumed.
#3201: Odd length packet snips cause invalid check sum
If an odd length packet snip occurs in a packet and is not the last snip
(in the order the packet is supposed to be, not in the list's order) in a
packet it will generate a wrong check sum.
#4048: potential racey memory leak
According to the packet buffer stats, flood-pinging a multicast destination
may lead to a memory leak due to a race condition. However, it seems to be
a rare case and a completely filled up packet buffer was not observed.
native related issues
#495: native not float safe
When the FPU is used when an asynchronous context switch occurs, either the
stack gets corrupted or a floating point exception occurs.
#499: native is segfaulting on heavy network usage
Sending more than 100 packets per second causes a SEGFAULT in RIOT native.
#534: native debugging on osx fails
Using valgrind or gdb with a nativenet target in OSX leads to "the network"
being stuck (gdb) or the whole process being stuck (valgrind).
#3341 and #3824: nativenet crashes when hammered
Flood-pinging a native instance from more than one host (either multiple
threads on the host system or multiple other native instances), leads to a
other platform related issues
#2724: Add support for serial number passing to CMSIS boards, document it
Documentation about how to discover and set the serial number of CMSIS-DAP
chips is missing
other issues
#2761: core: define default flags
If a thread is created without the corresponding flag (CREATE_STACKTEST),
the ps command will yield wrong numbers for the stack usage
#2927: core: Automatically select the lowest possible LPM mode
Not all available low power modes (LPMs) are implemented for each platform
and the concept of how the LPM is chosen need some reconsideration
#2967: Makefile.features: location is not relevant for all features
Provided features for the build system should be split up into a board and
cpu specific part
#3109: periph/random: random_read should return unsigned int
The documentation of this function does not match corresponding
Special Thanks
We like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us with
their hardware for porting and testing, namely the people from (in alphabetical
order): Atmel, Freescale, Limifrog, Phytec, SiLabs, and Zolertia; and also
companies that directly sponsored development time: Cisco Systems, Eistec,
Ell-i, FreshTemp LLC, and Phytec.
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
* devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
* users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
* commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
* notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* Join the RIOT IRC channel at: irc.freenode.net, #riot-os
* Most of the code developed by the RIOT community is licensed under the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 as published by the Free
Software Foundation.
* Some external sources are published under a separate, LGPL compatible license
(e.g. some files developed by SICS).
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2014.12 - Release Notes
RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of
devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things: from 8-bit
microcontrollers to light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, real-time
capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access,
independent of the underlying hardware (this API offers partial POSIX
New features
+ introduced new thread_yield() and renamed the old implementation to thread_yield_higher()
Supported platforms
Additional support for the following boards:
+ Arduino Mega 2560 (first-time support of an 8-bit platform)
+ HikoB Fox
+ Atmel samr21-Xplained Pro
+ OpenMote
+ cc2538 Developer Kit
+ Spark-Core
+ f4vi1
+ Airfy-Beacon
+ STMF0Discovery Board
+ STMF3Discovery Board
+ STMF4Discovery Board
+ nrf51822 Development Kit
+ yunjia-nrf51822
+ native on ARM platforms
+ various peripheral drivers (ADC, UART, timer, SPI, I²C, RTC, RTT, DAC, PWM...)
+ MQ-3 alcohol sensor
+ ISL29020 light sensor
+ LPS331AP pressure sensor
+ LSM303DLHC accelerometer
+ L3G4200D gyroscope
+ servo motor
+ TI HDC 1000 low power humidity and temperature digital sensor
+ SRF02/SRF08 ultrasonic range sensors
+ PIR motion sensor
Network Stack
+ AODVv2
+ RPL non-storing mode
+ OF manager for RPL
+ Source Routing Header support
+ introduced netapi
+ introduced netdev, a general interface for network device drivers
+ introduced global packet buffer
System libraries
+ color module for PWM
+ libfixmath
+ C++ support for most platforms
+ PCAP based wireless sniffer
* PIDs begin with 1
* mamximum 16 priority levels for every platform
* fixed sched_switch()
* simplified mutex signatures
* minimized size of TCB
* allow hwtimer to run with more than 1MHz
* imported ringbuffer from sys
Supported platforms
* improved iotlab-m3 support
* major improvements on the mbed LPC1768
* improved at86rf231 radio driver
* fixed hwtimer for MSP430
* added support for timer B for MSP430
* fixed thread_yield() for MSP430
* several fixes for the cc2420
* improved interrupt handling on ARM
* adjusted stack sizes for Cortex platforms
Network Stack
* refactored CCN-lite
* refactored RPL
* renamed destiny to transport_layer and socket_base
* several fixes for TCP
* split UDP and TCP
System libraries
- removed hashtable implementation
* updated and simplified OpenWSN
* Improved and cleaned up build system
* various new helper targets (like debug, distclean, reset, objdump...)
* use newlib's nano specs if available
* various new features and added Python 3 compatibility for pyterm
* major reduction of warnings in doxygen and improved html layout
Fixed Issues from the last release
#426: Interrupt handling on MSP430 is buggy
Several fixes by @rousselk
#1798: core: first thread on runqueue is scheduled twice
Was fixed along with the thread_yield() refactoring
#1127: Random build fails on OSX
native is building stable also on OSX now
Known Issues
network related issues
#21: Deal with stdin in bordermultiplex.c
Not all supported platforms provide a stdin in the current release.
However, the implementation of the 6LoWPAN border router won't work
without stdin.
#861: neighbor discovery for 6LoWPAN not working
Duplicate address detection according to RFC 6775 is also missing.
#1577: ccn-lite: populate does not work with disabled cache
If cache is set to zero, the chunks cannot be loaded and therefore also not get populated.
#1870: IPv6 neighbor advertisements are malformed
According to Wireshark, ICMPv6 neighbor advertisements are malformed (wrong
checksum or other reasons).
native related issues
#495: native not float safe
When the FPU is used when an asynchronous context switch occurs, either the
stack gets corrupted or a floating point exception occurs.
#499: native is segfaulting on heavy network usage
Sending more than 100 packets per second causes a SEGFAULT in RIOT native.
#534: native debugging on osx fails
Using valgrind or gdb with a nativenet target in OSX leads to "the network"
being stuck (gdb) or the whole process being stuck (valgrind).
#715: test_hwtimer_wait fails on native
The problem appears to be lost signals and depends on the CPU speed.
#787: reboot not working with open file descriptors on native
If for example a tap device is in use, the reboot command fails.
#862: sometimes the tap bridge does not work in native
Sometimes (rather suddenly) packages are not received by a TAP and won't be
received even if I reconfigure the bridge.
other platform related issues
#1232: x86 doesn't build on OS X with clang
Current version of the x86 port doesn't build for OS X with clang.
#1442: setting channel is not persistent cc2420
After changing the channel via a shell command, the channel reverts back to an arbitrary
value. However, this might be only a shell problem.
#1753: vtimer_msg test crashes after ~49'20"
dependent on the platform, vtimer stops working after some time.
#1891: printf formatting does not work properly on some Cortex platforms for 64 bit numbers
This problem happens mostly for the Newlib nano, which does not support 64 bit integer
printing, but sometimes happens also with other toolchains.
#1964 and #1955: eventual problems with IoT-LAB M3 nodes in the testbed
The shell is sometimes not properly working after a reboot and the PDR is sometimes
worse than expected.
#2143: tests.core doesn't compile for all platforms
For some missing GCC compiler builtins, the unittests do not compile for MSP430
#2228: samd21 stack sizes are too small
The application examples/default for example will crash when issuing the txtsnd command
other issues:
#1449: a removed vtimer might still get called back by hwtimer
The timer callback might still fire even after vtimer_remove() was called.
#2175: valgrind registeres "Invalid write of size 4" in unittests for ubjson
According to valgrind the stack gets corrupted in UBJSON.
For all issues and open pull requests please check the RIOT issue tracker:
Special Thanks
We like to give our special thanks to all the companies that provided us with their hardware for porting and testing, namely the people from (in alphabetical order): airfy, Atmel, ELL-i, Intel, IoT-Lab, mbed, Phytec, and Udoo
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
* devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
* users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
* commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
* notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* All sources and binaries that have been developed at Freie Universität Berlin
and most of the other code are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Some external sources, especially files developed by SICS are published under
a separate license.
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2014.05 - Release Notes
RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of
devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things: from 16-bit
microcontrollers to light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, real-time
capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access,
independent of the underlying hardware (this API offers partial POSIX
New features
+ introduced explicit core/cpu interface through a set of header files
+ added reboot and panic functions
+ added a node name to the sysconfig struct
+ added the ability to send a message to the current thread's message queue
Supported platforms
Additional support for the following boards:
+ Arduino Due
+ UDOO board
+ X86 via qemu
+ Zolertia Z1
Network stack
+ added net_if as abstraction layer between transceiver module and L3 protocol
+ added support for auto initializing of the 6LoWPAN network stack
+ added support for RFC5444 via oonf_api (from OLSR.org)
+ added a Wireshark dissector for nativenet packets
+ introduced low-level radio driver interface
+ added a default transceiver for all boards
+ common IEEE 802.15.4 radio driver API definition
+ added standard way to query CCA (Clear Channel Assessment) status
+ enabled nonces in interests for CCN-lite (Content Centric Networking)
+ added a route shell command
System libraries
+ added quad-precision math library (quad_math)
Automated Testing
+ added Travis CI based build tests
+ added support for a Jenkins CI server
+ added a unittest framework (based on embunit)
+ added unittests for most core functions
POSIX compliance
+ pthread support including
+ dynamic memory pool and cleanup handlers
+ mutexes
+ condition variable implementation
+ reader/writer lock
+ pthread_barrier_* functions
+ added a valgrind and cachegrind targets
+ added profiling support
* initialize hwtimer automatically
* optimized thread status field usage
* moved oneway_malloc to sys
* prefixed API functions correctly
Network stack
* major refactoring and decoupling
* refactor use of vtimer
* fixed forwarding
* added IoT-LAB M3 Open Node support and dropped TelosB support temporarily for OpenWSN
* moved ETX beaconing to a module on its own
* various byte order and other bug fixes
* added low-level driver interface for unified CPU peripheral abstraction for
GPIO, ADC, PWM, Timer and UART
* handle race conditions preventing timers to be set correctly on MSP430 MCUs
* several CC2420 fixes
System libraries
* auto_init is used by default
* changed function prototype for shell handlers
* cleaned up Makefile system and simplified binary directory
* improved documentation for core and sys
* build system uses PKG dependency
* build system sets include paths automatically
* black and white lists for applications and tests
* add stacksize checker for DEBUG macro
* styling corrections
* fixed license boiler plates
* set lpc2k_pgm return value correctly
* various bug fixes and cleanups
Fixed Issues from the last release
#45: bit field order in the fcf may be wrong
The CC2420 FIFO expects the IEEE802.15.4 FCF field in reversed bit order.
With this release the byte order is now handled by the net_if module and
all device specific handling is done by the driver.
#82: Setting STATUS_REPLY_BLOCKED thread to STATUS_PENDING though it is not
handled yet
In some rare cases the status of a thread might falsely change to
#455: sha256 is broken on MSP430
#498: native is segfaulting at startup
Fixed by several PRs (#501, #583, and #588).
#505: native on FreeBSD is broken
Fixed by PR #1022.
Known Issues
network related issues
#21: Deal with stdin in bordermultiplex.c
Not all supported platforms provide a stdin in the current release.
However, the implementation of the 6LoWPAN border router won't work
without stdin.
#861: neighbor discovery for 6LoWPAN not working
Duplicate address detection according to RFC 6775 is also missing.
native related issues
#495: native not float safe
When the FPU is used when an asynchronous context switch occurs, either the
stack gets corrupted or a floating point exception occurs.
#499: native is segfaulting on heavy network usage
Sending more than 100 packets per second causes a SEGFAULT in RIOT native.
#534: native debugging on osx fails
Using valgrind or gdb with a nativenet target in OSX leads to "the network"
being stuck (gdb) or the whole process being stuck (valgrind).
#715: test_hwtimer_wait fails on native
The problem appears to be lost signals and depends on the CPU speed.
#787: reboot not working with open file descriptors on native
If for example a tap device is in use, the reboot command fails.
#862: sometimes the tap bridge does not work in native
Sometimes (rather suddenly) packages are not received by a TAP and won't be
received even if I reconfigure the bridge.
#1127: Random build fails on OSX
Building for native on OSX often fails - Workaround: build using -B flag,
e.g.: make -B clean all
other platform related issues
#426: Interrupt handling on MSP430 is buggy
UART and timer handling is currently unstable on MSP430 based platforms
#1232: x86 doesn't build on OS X with clang
Current version of the x86 port doesn't build for OS X with clang.
For all issues and open pull requests please check the RIOT issue tracker:
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
* devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
* users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
* commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
* notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* All sources and binaries that have been developed at Freie Universität Berlin
and most of the other code are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* Some external sources, especially files developed by SICS are published under
a separate license.
All code files contain licensing information.
RIOT-2014.01 - Release Notes
RIOT is a real-time multi-threading operating system that supports a range of
devices that are typically found in the Internet of Things: from 16-bit
microcontrollers to light-weight 32-bit processors.
RIOT is based on the following design principles: energy-efficiency, real-time
capabilities, small memory footprint, modularity, and uniform API access,
independent of the underlying hardware (this API offers partial POSIX
New features
+ msg_receive() with timeout
+ LPM support for MSP430 based platforms
+ introduced a version string
Supported platforms
Additional support for the following boards:
+ TelosB
+ mbed LPC1768
Sensor drivers
+ drivers for the LM75A Digital temperature sensor and thermal watchdog
+ SRF02 and SRF08 ultrasonic range finders
Native port
+ implemented UART via I/O redirection or TCP and UNIX socket
System libraries
+ Mersenne twister pseudorandom number generator
+ crypto libraries
+ 3des
+ aes
+ rc5
+ skipjack
+ twofish
+ BSD-like package system for easy integration of external libraries
Network stack
+ port of CCN lite
+ POSIX socket wrapper
+ integration of libcoap
+ integration of OpenWSN
Further Changes
* boards and projects repositories have been integrated and are now part of
the RIOT repository itself
* full refactoring of the network stack and introducing a substructure
according to the modules' functionalities
* cleaned up Makefile system and simplified binary directory
* more documentation
* various bug fixes and cleanups
Fixed Issues from the last release
#45: bit field order in the fcf may be wrong
The CC2420 FIFO expects the IEEE802.15.4 FCF field in reversed bit order.
With this release the byte order is now handled by the net_if module and
all device specific handling is done by the driver.
#82: Setting STATUS_REPLY_BLOCKED thread to STATUS_PENDING though it is not
handled yet
Pull Request #569 fixed this bug by checking for STATUS_REPLY_BLOCKED in
#455: sha256 is broken on MSP430
The problem was caused
Known Issues
#21: Deal with stdin in bordermultiplex.c
Not all supported platforms provide a stdin in the current release.
However, the implementation of the 6LoWPAN border router won't work
without stdin.
#426: Interrupt handling on MSP430 is buggy
UART and timer handling is still unstable on MSP430 based platforms.
#495: native not float safe
When the FPU is used when an asynchronous context switch occurs, either the
stack gets corrupted or a floating point exception occurs.
#498: native is segfaulting at startup
In some cases (about 5-10%) a RIOT native process crashes with a SEGFAULT
at startup.
#499: native is segfaulting on heavy network usage
Sending more than 100 packets per second causes a SEGFAULT in RIOT native.
#505: native on FreeBSD is broken
Due to different parameter handling in FreeBSD, native is currently not
working there.
For all issues and open pull requests please check the RIOT issue tracker:
Release 2013.08
- Microkernel with a powerful messaging system
- Multi-Threading with low overhead
- an energy-efficient, real-time capable scheduler
- small memory footprint
- 6LoWPAN according to RFC 4944, RFC 6282, and RFC 6775
- TCP and UDP
- RPL according to RFC 6550 and RFC 6719
- High resolution and long-term timers
- POSIX IO and BSD socket API
- Bloom filter
- SHA256
Hardware Support
- various ARM and MSP430 MCUs
* ARM7 NXP LPC2387
* TI MSP430F1612
* TI CC430F6137
* ARM7 Freescale MC13224v (preliminary)
* ARM Cortex-M4 STM32f407vgt6 (preliminary)
* ARM Cortex-M3 STM32f103rey6 (preliminary)
- radio drivers
* TI CC1100 and CC1101
* TI CC2420
* Atmel AT86RF231
- sensor drivers
* Sensirion SHT11
* Linear Technology LT4150
More information
Mailing lists
* RIOT OS kernel developers list
* devel@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/devel)
* RIOT OS users list
* users@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/users)
* RIOT commits
* commits@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/commits)
* Github notifications
* notifications@riot-os.org (http://lists.riot-os.org/mailman/listinfo/notifications)
* All sources and binaries that have been developed at Freie Universität Berlin are
licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2 as published by the
Free Software Foundation.
* Some external sources, especially files developed by SICS are published under
a separate license.
All code files contain licensing information.