- Oct 17, 2018
Koen Zandberg authored
pkg/nimble: use STACKTEST flag for controller thread
Koen Zandberg authored
tests/lwip_sock_{i,ud}p: correctly get array address
Hauke Petersen authored
Koen Zandberg authored
tests/lwip_sock_*: Stop main thread from overflowing
Hauke Petersen authored
nrf5x_common: gpio: fix port 1 functionality
Martine Lenders authored
net/rdcli*: restructure and rename RD related modules
Hauke Petersen authored
Hauke Petersen authored
Hauke Petersen authored
Hauke Petersen authored
Hauke Petersen authored
Martine Lenders authored
We want the address of the start of the array.
Hauke Petersen authored
Hauke Petersen authored
Hauke Petersen authored
Alexandre Abadie authored
tests/arduino: add automatic test for arduino module
- Oct 16, 2018
Martine Lenders authored
Martine Lenders authored
Martine Lenders authored
Martine Lenders authored
Martine Lenders authored
Martine Lenders authored
Alexandre Abadie authored
pkg/openthread: rework of FTD and MTD support
Koen Zandberg authored
lwip: Bump version to v2.1.0
Federico Pellegrin authored
José Ignacio Alamos Aste authored
drivers/adxl345: fix ADXL345 driver
Kevin "Bear Puncher" Weiss authored
drivers/periph_eeprom: refactor implementation and test application
Martine Lenders authored
core/bitarithm: change types to `uintXX_t`
Jose Alamos authored
Jose Alamos authored
Jose Alamos authored
Jose Alamos authored
Jose Alamos authored
Jose Alamos authored
Kevin "Bear Puncher" Weiss authored
ESP32 port
Koen Zandberg authored
drivers/netdev_ieee802154: cleanup NETOPT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE
José Ignacio Alamos Aste authored
llvm.inc.mk: completely replace detection of GCC includes
Sebastian Meiling authored
net/nanocoap: fix response type
Semjon Kerner authored
Semjon Kerner authored