- Oct 31, 2017
Francisco Acosta authored
mulle: Update RTT config to match other Kinetis boards
Joakim Nohlgård authored
frdm-k22f: Correct copy pasta in LEDx macros
Joakim Nohlgård authored
at86rf2xx: Avoid deadlock on manual retransmissions with NETOPT_PRELOADING
Sebastian Meiling authored
tests: trickle: extend trickle test to print SUCCESS/FAILURE
Sebastian Meiling authored
kinetis: Generic ISR vector table for all Kinetis CPUs
Joakim Nohlgård authored
The ISR names have been changed to match the name of the IRQ number they are servicing.
Joakim Nohlgård authored
Joakim Nohlgård authored
Joakim Nohlgård authored
According to NXP material, there are no 100 MHz K22F parts in 144 pin packages, which is the reference manual that this header is supposed to correspond to. The header was originally included from Keil uVision Kinetis support packages. It is possible that this header was only used with engineering samples of the K22F.
Joakim Nohlgård authored
tests/ssp: Fix on macOS while compiling w/ clang
- Oct 30, 2017
Cenk Gündoğan authored
Cenk Gündoğan authored
Lucas Jenss authored
On macOS using Apple LLVM version 9.0.0 this test would not compile due to clang detecting the buffer overflow. Since this test is all about having a buffer overflow, I tricked clang into not detecting this anymore. This loosely relates to #6473.
Joakim Nohlgård authored
make: fix info-buildsizes-diff
- Oct 29, 2017
Alexandre Abadie authored
tests/sx127x: remove unused periph/rtc.h include
- Oct 28, 2017
Koen Zandberg authored
Joakim Nohlgård authored
- Oct 27, 2017
Sebastian Meiling authored
boards: add support for bluepill board
Sören Tempel authored
Joakim Nohlgård authored
dist: compile_test: cleanup after buildtest
Hauke Petersen authored
[backport] Release notes of 2017.10
Hauke Petersen authored
Hauke Petersen authored
- Oct 26, 2017
Francisco Acosta authored
drivers/sx127x: Fix misc variable types and lengths
Martine Lenders authored
trickle: correctly reset t
kYc0o authored
kYc0o authored
Cenk Gündoğan authored
Francisco Acosta authored
tests/driver_servo/main.c: fix var len
Martine Lenders authored
pm_layered: make sure no conflict for pm_set_lowest exists
Cenk Gündoğan authored
sys: libc: only add include path on non-native boards
Martine Lenders authored
Removed a comma from the Boards API reference.
Martine Lenders authored
We are at a point were building all of RIOT takes massive amounts of storage. Since my machine runs full after only compiling ~20 applications (I have ~170 GB free storage if the RIOT repo is clean). Thus the easiest solution for the compile tests is to just clean-up the mess they made ;-).
danpetry authored
Robert Hartung authored
Alexandre Abadie authored
tests/driver_isl29125/main.c: fix counter var type
Alexandre Abadie authored
tests/driver_adcxx1c: fix warning unused argument
Alexandre Abadie authored
drivers/encx24j600/encx24j600.c : fix counter var length
kYc0o authored
- Oct 25, 2017
kYc0o authored