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    Carl Lerche committed
    #![crate_name = "bytes"]
    pub use byte_buf::{ByteBuf, ROByteBuf, MutByteBuf};
    pub use byte_str::{SeqByteStr, SmallByteStr, SmallByteStrBuf};
    pub use bytes::Bytes;
    pub use ring::RingBuf;
    pub use rope::{Rope, RopeBuf};
    pub use slice::{SliceBuf, MutSliceBuf};
    use std::{cmp, fmt, io, ops, ptr, u32};
    use std::any::Any;
    mod alloc;
    mod byte_buf;
    mod byte_str;
    mod bytes;
    mod heap;
    mod ring;
    mod rope;
    mod slice;
    pub mod traits {
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        //! All traits are re-exported here to allow glob imports.
        pub use {Buf, BufExt, MutBuf, MutBufExt, ByteStr, ToBytes};
    const MAX_CAPACITY: usize = u32::MAX as usize;
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    Carl Lerche's avatar
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    /// A trait for values that provide sequential read access to bytes.
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    pub trait Buf {
        /// Returns the number of bytes that can be accessed from the Buf
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        fn remaining(&self) -> usize;
        /// Returns a slice starting at the current Buf position and of length
        /// between 0 and `Buf::remaining()`.
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        fn bytes<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a [u8];
        /// Advance the internal cursor of the Buf
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        fn advance(&mut self, cnt: usize);
        /// Returns true if there are any more bytes to consume
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        fn has_remaining(&self) -> bool {
            self.remaining() > 0
        /// Read bytes from the `Buf` into the given slice and advance the cursor by
        /// the number of bytes read.
        /// If there are fewer bytes remaining than is needed to satisfy the
        /// request (aka `dst.len()` > self.remaining()`), then
        /// `Err(BufError::Overflow)` is returned.
        /// ```
        /// use bytes::{SliceBuf, Buf};
        /// let mut buf = SliceBuf::wrap(b"hello world");
        /// let mut dst = [0; 5];
        /// buf.read_slice(&mut dst);
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        /// assert_eq!(b"hello", &dst);
        /// assert_eq!(6, buf.remaining());
        /// ```
        fn read_slice(&mut self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
            let mut off = 0;
            let len = cmp::min(dst.len(), self.remaining());
            while off < len {
                let mut cnt;
                unsafe {
                    let src = self.bytes();
                    cnt = cmp::min(src.len(), len - off);
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                        src.as_ptr(), dst[off..].as_mut_ptr(), cnt);
        /// Read a single byte from the `Buf`
        fn read_byte(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
            let mut dst = [0];
            if self.read_slice(&mut dst) == 0 {
                return None;
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    /// An extension trait providing extra functions applicable to all `Buf` values.
    pub trait BufExt {
        /// Read bytes from this Buf into the given sink and advance the cursor by
        /// the number of bytes read.
        fn read<S: Sink>(&mut self, dst: S) -> Result<usize, S::Error>;
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    Carl Lerche's avatar
    Carl Lerche committed
    /// A trait for values that provide sequential write access to bytes.
    pub trait MutBuf : Sized {
        /// Returns the number of bytes that can be accessed from the Buf
        fn remaining(&self) -> usize;
        /// Advance the internal cursor of the Buf
        fn advance(&mut self, cnt: usize);
        /// Returns true if there are any more bytes to consume
        fn has_remaining(&self) -> bool {
            self.remaining() > 0
        /// Returns a mutable slice starting at the current Buf position and of
        /// length between 0 and `Buf::remaining()`.
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        fn mut_bytes<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut [u8];
        /// Read bytes from this Buf into the given slice and advance the cursor by
        /// the number of bytes read.
        /// If there are fewer bytes remaining than is needed to satisfy the
        /// request (aka `dst.len()` > self.remaining()`), then
        /// `Err(BufError::Overflow)` is returned.
        /// ```
        /// use bytes::{MutSliceBuf, Buf, MutBuf};
        /// let mut dst = [0; 6];
        /// {
        ///     let mut buf = MutSliceBuf::wrap(&mut dst);
        ///     buf.write_slice(b"hello");
        ///     assert_eq!(1, buf.remaining());
        /// }
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        /// assert_eq!(b"hello\0", &dst);
        /// ```
        fn write_slice(&mut self, src: &[u8]) -> usize {
            let mut off = 0;
            let len = cmp::min(src.len(), self.remaining());
            while off < len {
                let mut cnt;
                unsafe {
                    let dst = self.mut_bytes();
                    cnt = cmp::min(dst.len(), len - off);
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        /// Write a single byte to the `MuBuf`
        fn write_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) -> bool {
            let src = [byte];
            if self.write_slice(&src) == 0 {
                return false;
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    /// An extension trait providing extra functions applicable to all `MutBuf` values.
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    pub trait MutBufExt {
        /// Write bytes from the given source into the current `MutBuf` and advance
        /// the cursor by the number of bytes written.
        fn write<S: Source>(&mut self, src: S) -> Result<usize, S::Error>;
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    /// An immutable sequence of bytes. Operations will not mutate the original
    /// value. Since only immutable access is permitted, operations do not require
    /// copying (though, sometimes copying will happen as an optimization).
    pub trait ByteStr : Clone + Sized + Send + Sync + Any + ToBytes + ops::Index<usize, Output=u8> + 'static {
        // Until HKT lands, the buf must be bound by 'static
        type Buf: Buf+'static;
        /// Returns a read-only `Buf` for accessing the byte contents of the
        /// `ByteStr`.
        fn buf(&self) -> Self::Buf;
        /// Returns a new `Bytes` value representing the concatenation of `self`
        /// with the given `Bytes`.
        fn concat<B: ByteStr+'static>(&self, other: &B) -> Bytes;
        /// Returns the number of bytes in the ByteStr
        fn len(&self) -> usize;
        /// Returns true if the length of the `ByteStr` is 0
        fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
            self.len() == 0
        /// Returns a new ByteStr value containing the byte range between `begin`
        /// (inclusive) and `end` (exclusive)
        fn slice(&self, begin: usize, end: usize) -> Bytes;
        /// Returns a new ByteStr value containing the byte range starting from
        /// `begin` (inclusive) to the end of the byte str.
        /// Equivalent to `bytes.slice(begin, bytes.len())`
        fn slice_from(&self, begin: usize) -> Bytes {
            self.slice(begin, self.len())
        /// Returns a new ByteStr value containing the byte range from the start up
        /// to `end` (exclusive).
        /// Equivalent to `bytes.slice(0, end)`
        fn slice_to(&self, end: usize) -> Bytes {
            self.slice(0, end)
        /// Divides the value into two `Bytes` at the given index.
        /// The first will contain all bytes from `[0, mid]` (excluding the index
        /// `mid` itself) and the second will contain all indices from `[mid, len)`
        /// (excluding the index `len` itself).
        /// Panics if `mid > len`.
        fn split_at(&self, mid: usize) -> (Bytes, Bytes) {
            (self.slice_to(mid), self.slice_from(mid))
    macro_rules! impl_parteq {
        ($ty:ty) => {
            impl<B: ByteStr> cmp::PartialEq<B> for $ty {
                fn eq(&self, other: &B) -> bool {
                    if self.len() != other.len() {
                        return false;
                    let mut buf1 = self.buf();
                    let mut buf2 = self.buf();
                    while buf1.has_remaining() {
                        let len;
                            let b1 = buf1.bytes();
                            let b2 = buf2.bytes();
                            len = cmp::min(b1.len(), b2.len());
                            if b1[..len] != b2[..len] {
                                return false;
                fn ne(&self, other: &B) -> bool {
                    return !self.eq(other)
    macro_rules! impl_eq {
        ($ty:ty) => {
            impl cmp::Eq for $ty {}
     * ===== ToBytes =====
    pub trait ToBytes {
        /// Consumes the value and returns a `Bytes` instance containing
        /// identical bytes
        fn to_bytes(self) -> Bytes;
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    impl<'a> ToBytes for &'a [u8] {
        fn to_bytes(self) -> Bytes {
    impl<'a> ToBytes for &'a Vec<u8> {
        fn to_bytes(self) -> Bytes {
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     * ===== *Ext impls =====
    impl<B: Buf> BufExt for B {
        fn read<S: Sink>(&mut self, dst: S) -> Result<usize, S::Error> {
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    impl<B: MutBuf> MutBufExt for B {
        fn write<S: Source>(&mut self, src: S) -> Result<usize, S::Error> {
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    /// A value that reads bytes from a Buf into itself
    pub trait Sink {
        type Error;
        fn sink<B: Buf>(self, buf: &mut B) -> Result<usize, Self::Error>;
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    /// A value that writes bytes from itself into a `MutBuf`.
    pub trait Source {
        type Error;
        fn fill<B: MutBuf>(self, buf: &mut B) -> Result<usize, Self::Error>;
    impl<'a> Sink for &'a mut [u8] {
        type Error = BufError;
        fn sink<B: Buf>(self, buf: &mut B) -> Result<usize, BufError> {
    impl<'a> Sink for &'a mut Vec<u8> {
        type Error = BufError;
        fn sink<B: Buf>(self, buf: &mut B) -> Result<usize, BufError> {
            use std::slice;
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            let rem = buf.remaining();
            let cap = self.capacity();
            // Ensure that the vec is big enough
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            if rem > self.capacity() {
                self.reserve(rem - cap);
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                    let dst = &mut self[..];
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                    let cnt = buf.read_slice(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(dst.as_mut_ptr(), rem));
                    debug_assert!(cnt == rem);
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    impl<'a> Source for &'a [u8] {
        type Error = BufError;
        fn fill<B: MutBuf>(self, buf: &mut B) -> Result<usize, BufError> {
    impl<'a> Source for &'a Vec<u8> {
        type Error = BufError;
        fn fill<B: MutBuf>(self, buf: &mut B) -> Result<usize, BufError> {
    Carl Lerche's avatar
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    impl<'a> Source for &'a Bytes {
        type Error = BufError;
        fn fill<B: MutBuf>(self, dst: &mut B) -> Result<usize, BufError> {
            let mut src = self.buf();
            let mut res = 0;
            while src.has_remaining() && dst.has_remaining() {
                let mut l;
                    let s = src.bytes();
                    let d = dst.mut_bytes();
                    l = cmp::min(s.len(), d.len());
                    unsafe {
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    impl<'a, R: io::Read+'a> Source for &'a mut R {
        fn fill<B: MutBuf>(self, buf: &mut B) -> Result<usize, io::Error> {
            let mut cnt = 0;
            while buf.has_remaining() {
                let i = try!(;
                if i == 0 {
                cnt += i;
     * ===== Buf impls =====
    impl Buf for Box<Buf+'static> {
        fn remaining(&self) -> usize {
        fn bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
        fn advance(&mut self, cnt: usize) {
        fn read_slice(&mut self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> usize {
    impl fmt::Debug for Box<Buf+'static> {
        fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
            write!(fmt, "Box<Buf> {{ remaining: {} }}", self.remaining())
     * ===== Read impls =====
    macro_rules! impl_read {
        ($ty:ty) => {
            impl io::Read for $ty {
                fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
                    if !self.has_remaining() {
                        return Ok(0);
    macro_rules! impl_write {
        ($ty:ty) => {
            impl io::Write for $ty {
                fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
                    if !self.has_remaining() {
                        return Ok(0);
                fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
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     * ===== BufError  =====
    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
    pub enum BufError {
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     * ===== Internal utilities =====
    fn debug<B: ByteStr>(bytes: &B, name: &str, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let mut buf = bytes.buf();
        try!(write!(fmt, "{}[len={}; ", name, bytes.len()));
        let mut rem = 128;
        while let Some(byte) = buf.read_byte() {
            if rem > 0 {
                if is_ascii(byte) {
                    try!(write!(fmt, "{}", byte as char));
                } else {
                    try!(write!(fmt, "\\x{:02X}", byte));
                rem -= 1;
            } else {
                try!(write!(fmt, " ... "));
        try!(write!(fmt, "]"));
    fn is_ascii(byte: u8) -> bool {
        match byte {
            10 | 13 | 32...126 => true,
            _ => false,