bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml:orig de xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-translate.xsl
xsltproc --stringparam lang de xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-translate.xsl bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml > bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml
-xsltproc --stringparam lang de --output bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-translate.xsl bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml 2>&1 | grep-v"failed to load external entity"
- tranlating BJCP documents (primarily the beer styleguide 2015) to the German language (in a way that easily allows to add further languages),
- tranlating BJCP documents (so far, we care only about the 2015 beer styleguide) to the German language (in a way that easily allows to add further languages),
- establishing an XML form of the styleguide in order to support a flexible transformation architecture for a variety of destination formats.
## Concept & Roadmap
- Create a consistent XML representation from the original BJCP styleguide docx document.
- Double-check its consitency, which is not implcit, because of potential typos and inconsistencies in the manually crafted original Word document.
- Continuously add and update translated content in the German "de" folder.
- Create a consistent XML representation from the original BJCP styleguide docx document. This will require some hacks, since the original document is hand-crafted and thus shows some inconsistencies.
- Continuously add and update translated content.
- Develop a XSL tranformation to rebuild a (partially) translated XML styleguide.
- Develop XSL / XSL-FO (maybe LaTeX) backends to create PDF, HTML and potentially other destination documents.
## Procedure
- If you are just curious about the current state of this project's results, you make take a look at the so called "[artifacts](" at the GitLab repository at which are automatically rebuilt after each commit.
- If you are just curious about the current state of this project's results, you may take a look at the so called "[artifacts](" of the GitLab repository which get automatically rebuilt after each commit.
- MacOS systems should have the required tools. On Linux you should install some packages, e.g. on Ubuntu:
- MacOS systems should have the required tools when the XCode App is installed. On Linux you should install some packages, e.g. on Ubuntu: