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balloon.c 2.07 KiB
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  • #include <stdio.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <jni.h>
    /* Hint: "javah -jni com.cloudius.balloon.Balloon" can be used to generate
     * the following function signature - if you don't know how it was produced.
    JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_cloudius_balloon_Balloon_giveup(
    	JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jbyteArray array) {
        jboolean iscopy=0;
        jbyte *p = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, array, &iscopy);
        if (iscopy) {
            // Failed to get the address of the array (got a copy instead,
            // which might not be on the heap). This should never happen on
            // any known Java
            return JNI_FALSE;
        int len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, array);
        fprintf(stderr,"Hi! %x len %d\n", p, len);
        // Java allocations aren't necessarily page-aligned. We can unmap only the
        // page-aligned part of the given byte array p,len - so we fix p,len to be
        // this part. This can waste at most 4096 bytes of the array, which is
        // negligable for typically used array sizes (e.g., 1MB).
        // TODO: think if to give an option to use hugepage size here instead of
        // small page size, and get better performance for remaining memory (the
        // munmap hole forces us to split the huge pages on its edge)
        jbyte *newp = (jbyte*) (((unsigned long)p+4095) & ~4095);
        len = (len-(newp-p)) & ~4095;
        p = newp;
        fprintf(stderr,"After page alignment: %x len %d\n", p, len);
        // TODO: Think about the huge page issue - sometimes may (?) make
        // sense not to unmap the entire range, but rather full hugepages out
        // of it?
        // TODO: probably need a special kind of munmap() which also marks the
        // released virtual addresses in some way so we'll know to handle
        // it specially (as a balloon move) when we get access to these
        // addresses?
        munmap(p, len);
        (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, array, p, 0);
        return JNI_TRUE;
        //    jbyte *p = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, array, &iscopy);
        //    (*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, array, p, 0);
        //        (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, array);