out = build/$(mode)
submake = $(out)/Makefile
# $(call only-if, value, what-to-do-if-true)
only-if = $(if $(strip $(subst 0,,$1)),$2,@\#)
mgmt = 1
# It's not practical to build large Java programs from make, because of
# how Java does dependencies; so we use ant instead. But we also cannot
# call ant from the main makefile (, since make will have no
# idea whether the target has changed or not. So we call ant from here,
# and then the main makefile can treat the build products (jars) as inputs
$(call quiet, $(silentant) ant -Dmode=$(mode) -Dout=$(abspath $(out)/tests/bench) \
-e -f tests/bench/build.xml $(if $V,,-q), ANT tests/bench)
$(call only-if, $(mgmt), cd mgmt && ./gradlew --daemon :web:jar build)
$(submake): Makefile
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
echo 'mode = $(mode)' > $@
echo 'src = ../..' >> $@
$(modulemk): Makefile
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
echo 'mode = $(mode)' > $@
echo 'src = ../../../..' >> $@
echo 'out = $(abspath $(out))' >> $@
echo 'VPATH = ../../../../' >> $@
echo 'include ../../../../' >> $@
$(call quiet, rm -rf build/$(mode), CLEAN)
$(call only-if, $(mgmt), $(call quiet, cd mgmt && ./gradlew --daemon clean >> /dev/null, GRADLE CLEAN))
cd external/libunwind && autoreconf -i
cd external/libunwind && sh
make -C external/libunwind
cp external/libunwind/src/.libs/libunwind.a .
make -C external/glibc-testsuite
# "tags" is the default output file of ctags, "TAGS" is that of etags
tags TAGS:
rm -f -- "$@"
find . -name "*.cc" -o -name "*.hh" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.c" |\
xargs $(if $(filter $@, tags),ctags,etags) -a
find -name '*.[chS]' -o -name "*.cc" -o -name "*.hh" | cscope -bq -i-
@echo cscope index created
.PHONY: cscpoe