Avi Kivity authored
Instrumenting functions used in the trace machinery causes infinite recursion.
Avi Kivity authoredInstrumenting functions used in the trace machinery causes infinite recursion.
build.mak 8.78 KiB
arch = x64
cmdline = java.so Hello
#cmdline = testrunner.so
INCLUDES = -I. -I$(src)/arch/$(arch) -I$(src) -I$(src)/external/libunwind/include -I$(src)/include
INCLUDES += -I$(src)/external/acpica/source/include
COMMON = $(autodepend) -g -Wall -Wno-pointer-arith -Werror -Wformat=0 \
-D __BSD_VISIBLE=1 -U _FORTIFY_SOURCE -fno-stack-protector $(INCLUDES) \
$(arch-cflags) $(conf-opt) $(acpi-defines) $(tracing-flags) \
tracing-flags-0 =
tracing-flags-1 = -finstrument-functions -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=c++,trace.cc,trace.hh,align.hh
tracing-flags = $(tracing-flags-$(conf-tracing))
CXXFLAGS = -std=gnu++11 -lstdc++ $(do-sys-includes) $(COMMON)
CFLAGS = -std=gnu99 $(COMMON)
# should be limited to files under libc/ eventually
CFLAGS += -I $(src)/libc/internal -I $(src)/libc/arch/$(arch) \
-Wno-missing-braces -Wno-parentheses -Wno-unused-but-set-variable
ASFLAGS = -g $(autodepend)
configuration-defines = conf-preempt
configuration = $(foreach cf,$(configuration-defines), \
include $(src)/conf/base.mak
include $(src)/conf/$(mode).mak
arch-cflags = -msse4.1
quiet = $(if $V, $1, @echo " $2"; $1)
very-quiet = $(if $V, $1, @$1)
makedir = $(call very-quiet, mkdir -p $(dir $@))
build-cxx = $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
q-build-cxx = $(call quiet, $(build-cxx), CXX $@)
build-c = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
q-build-c = $(call quiet, $(build-c), CC $@)
build-s = $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(ASFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
q-build-s = $(call quiet, $(build-s), AS $@)
build-so = $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
q-build-so = $(call quiet, $(build-so), CC $@)
%.o: %.cc
%.o: %.c
%.o: %.S
%.o: %.s
%.class: %.java
$(call quiet, javac -d $(javabase) -cp $(src)/$(javabase) $^, JAVAC $@)
tests/%.o: COMMON += -fPIC
%.so: CFLAGS+=-fPIC -shared
%.so: %.o
sys-includes = $(jdkbase)/include $(jdkbase)/include/linux
sys-includes += $(gccbase)/usr/include -I$(glibcbase)/usr/include
autodepend = -MD -MT $@ -MP
do-sys-includes = $(foreach inc, $(sys-includes), -isystem $(inc))
tests := tests/tst-pthread.so tests/tst-ramdisk.so tests/hello/Hello.class
tests += tests/tst-vblk.so tests/tst-fat.so tests/tst-romfs.so tests/bench/bench.jar
tests += tests/tst-bsd-evh.so tests/tst-bsd-callout.so tests/tst-bsd-netisr.so \
tests/tst-bsd-netdriver.so tests/tst-virtionet.so
tests += tests/tst-fpu.so
tests += tests/tst-tracepoint.so
tests/hello/Hello.class: javabase=tests/hello
java/RunJar.class: javabase=java
tests/tst-pthread.so: tests/tst-pthread.o
tests/tst-ramdisk.so: tests/tst-ramdisk.o
tests/tst-vblk.so: tests/tst-vblk.o
tests/tst-fat.so: tests/tst-fat.o
tests/tst-romfs.so: tests/tst-romfs.o
tests/tst-bsd-evh.so: tests/tst-bsd-evh.o
tests/tst-bsd-callout.so: tests/tst-bsd-callout.o
tests/tst-bsd-netisr.so: tests/tst-bsd-netisr.o
tests/tst-bsd-netdriver.so: tests/tst-bsd-netdriver.o
tests/tst-virtionet.so: tests/tst-virtionet.o
tests/tst-fpu.so: tests/tst-fpu.o
tests/tst-tracepoint.so: tests/tst-tracepoint.o
all: loader.img loader.bin
boot.bin: arch/x64/boot16.ld arch/x64/boot16.o
$(call quiet, $(LD) -o $@ -T $^, LD $@)
loader.img: boot.bin loader.elf
$(call quiet, dd if=boot.bin of=$@ > /dev/null 2>&1, DD $@ boot.bin)
$(call quiet, dd if=loader.elf of=$@ conv=notrunc seek=128 > /dev/null 2>&1, \
DD $@ loader.elf)
$(call quiet, $(src)/scripts/imgedit.py setargs $@ $(cmdline), IMGEDIT $@)
loader.bin: arch/x64/boot32.o arch/x64/loader32.ld
$(call quiet, $(LD) -nostartfiles -static -nodefaultlibs -o $@ \
$(filter-out %.bin, $(^:%.ld=-T %.ld)), LD $@)
arch/x64/boot32.o: loader.elf
bsd = bsd/net.o
bsd += bsd/machine/in_cksum.o
bsd += bsd/sys/libkern/arc4random.o
bsd += bsd/sys/libkern/random.o
bsd += bsd/sys/libkern/inet_ntoa.o
bsd += bsd/sys/libkern/inet_aton.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/kern_mbuf.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/uipc_mbuf.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/uipc_mbuf2.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/uipc_domain.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/uipc_sockbuf.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/uipc_socket.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/uipc_syscalls.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/uipc_syscalls_wrap.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/subr_bufring.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/subr_sbuf.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/subr_eventhandler.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/subr_hash.o
bsd += bsd/sys/kern/sys_socket.o
bsd += bsd/porting/route.o
bsd += bsd/porting/networking.o
bsd += bsd/porting/netport.o
bsd += bsd/porting/netport1.o
bsd += bsd/porting/uma_stub.o
bsd += bsd/porting/sync_stub.o
bsd += bsd/porting/rwlock.o
bsd += bsd/porting/callout.o
bsd += bsd/porting/synch.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/if_ether.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/if_ethersubr.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/if_llatbl.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/radix.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/route.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/raw_cb.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/raw_usrreq.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/rtsock.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/netisr.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/netisr1.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/if_dead.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/if_clone.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/if_loop.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/if.o
bsd += bsd/sys/net/pfil.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/in.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/in_pcb.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/in_proto.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/in_mcast.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/in_rmx.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/ip_id.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/ip_icmp.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/ip_input.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/ip_output.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/ip_options.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/raw_ip.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/igmp.o
bsd += bsd/sys/netinet/udp_usrreq.o
bsd += bsd/sys/xdr/xdr.o
bsd += bsd/sys/xdr/xdr_array.o
bsd += bsd/sys/xdr/xdr_mem.o
drivers :=
drivers += drivers/console.o drivers/vga.o drivers/isa-serial.o
drivers += drivers/debug-console.o
drivers += drivers/ramdisk.o
drivers += $(bsd)
drivers += core/mmu.o
drivers += core/elf.o
drivers += core/interrupt.o
drivers += drivers/device.o
drivers += drivers/pci-device.o drivers/pci-function.o drivers/pci-bridge.o
drivers += drivers/driver.o
drivers += drivers/virtio.o
drivers += drivers/virtio-vring.o
drivers += drivers/virtio-net.o
drivers += drivers/virtio-blk.o
drivers += drivers/clock.o drivers/kvmclock.o
drivers += drivers/clockevent.o
drivers += drivers/acpi.o
objects = bootfs.o
objects += arch/x64/exceptions.o
objects += arch/x64/entry.o
objects += arch/x64/math.o
objects += arch/x64/apic.o
objects += arch/x64/apic-clock.o
objects += arch/x64/arch-setup.o
objects += arch/x64/smp.o
objects += arch/x64/signal.o
objects += arch/x64/cpuid.o
objects += core/mutex.o
objects += core/eventlist.o
objects += core/debug.o
objects += drivers/pci.o
objects += core/mempool.o
objects += arch/x64/elf-dl.o
objects += linux.o
objects += core/sched.o
objects += core/mmio.o
objects += core/sglist.o
objects += core/kprintf.o
objects += core/trace.o
objects += core/poll.o
unittests:= tests/tst-hub.o
include $(src)/fs/build.mak
include $(src)/libc/build.mak
objects += $(addprefix fs/, $(fs))
objects += $(addprefix libc/, $(libc))
objects += $(acpi)
acpi-source := $(shell find $(src)/external/acpica/source/components -type f -name '*.c')
acpi = $(patsubst $(src)/%.c, %.o, $(acpi-source))
$(acpi): CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-strict-aliasing
libstdc++.a = $(shell find $(gccbase) -name libstdc++.a)
libsupc++.a = $(shell find $(gccbase) -name libsupc++.a)
libgcc_s.a = $(shell find $(gccbase) -name libgcc.a | grep -v /32/)
libgcc_eh.a = $(shell find $(gccbase) -name libgcc_eh.a | grep -v /32/)
loader.elf: arch/x64/boot.o arch/x64/loader.ld loader.o runtime.o $(drivers) \
$(objects) $(unittests) dummy-shlib.so \
$(call quiet, $(LD) -o $@ \
-Bdynamic --export-dynamic --eh-frame-hdr --enable-new-dtags \
$(filter-out %.bin, $(^:%.ld=-T %.ld)) \
$(libstdc++.a) $(libsupc++.a) $(libgcc_s.a) $(libgcc_eh.a) $(src)/libunwind.a, \
LD $@)
dummy-shlib.so: dummy-shlib.o
$(call quiet, $(CXX) -nodefaultlibs -shared -o $@ $^, LD $@)
jdkbase := $(shell find $(src)/external/openjdk.bin/usr/lib/jvm \
-maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'java*')
glibcbase = $(src)/external/glibc.bin
gccbase = $(src)/external/gcc.bin
miscbase = $(src)/external/misc.bin
bsd/%.o: COMMON += -D _KERNEL
java/java.so: java/java.o
java/java.o: CXXFLAGS += -fPIC
tests/testrunner.so: tests/testrunner.o
tests/testrunner.o: CXXFLAGS += -fPIC
bootfs.bin: scripts/mkbootfs.py bootfs.manifest $(tests) \
tests/testrunner.so java/java.so java/RunJar.class
$(call quiet, $(src)/scripts/mkbootfs.py -o $@ -d $@.d -m $(src)/bootfs.manifest \
-D jdkbase=$(jdkbase) -D gccbase=$(gccbase) -D \
glibcbase=$(glibcbase) -D miscbase=$(miscbase), MKBOOTFS $@)
bootfs.o: bootfs.bin
runtime.o: ctype-data.h
ctype-data.h: gen-ctype-data
$(call quiet, ./gen-ctype-data > $@, GEN $@)
gen-ctype-data: gen-ctype-data.o
$(call quiet, $(CXX) -o $@ $^, LD $@)
-include $(shell find -name '*.d')