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Guy Zana authored
requires starting qemu with tap networking, first install libvirt
then launch the run script as root with the -n option.


$ sudo ./scripts/ -d -n

in osv you'll have to configure networking as follows:

$ ifconfig virtio-net0 netmask up
$ route add default gw
To build OSv

0) Install perquisite packages:

   On Fedora:
     yum install boost-static genromfs libvirt

   On Debian:
     apt-get install libboost-all-dev genromfs libvirt

1) make sure all git submodules are uptodate

    git submodule update --init

2) build the specially patched libunwind

    cd external/libunwind
    autoreconf -i
    cp ./src/.libs/libunwind.a ../..
    cd ../..

4) build the glibc test suite

   cd external/glibc-testsuite
   cd ../..

5) build osv


To run OSv


External Networking

To start osv with external networking:

    $ sudo ./scripts/ -n

Inside OSv, configure netwroking like so:

    $ ifconfig virtio-net0 netmask up
    $ route add default gw

Test networking:

    $ test TCPExternalCommunication


To build with debugging symbols, and preemption off (to not confuse gdb),
	make -j mode=debug conf-preempt=0

To clean debugging build's results, use
	make clean mode=debug

To run the debugging build:
	./scripts/ -d

To connect a debugger to this run:
	$ gdb build/debug/loader.elf
	(gdb) connect
	(gdb) osv syms
	(gdb) bt

To put a breakpoint early in the osv run, a useful trick is tell the vm to
reboot after setting the breakpoint:
	(gdb) hbreak function_name
	(gdb) monitor system_reset
	(gdb) c

 To add a static tracepoint, use the following code:
   tracepoint<u64, int> trace_foo("foo", "x=%x y=%d");
   void foo(u64 x, int y)
       trace_foo(x, y);
   trace_foo: an internal identifier
   "foo": a name for the tracepoint as will be visible in the log
   <u64, int>: parameters for the tracepoint
   "x=%x y=%d": format string for the tracepoint; size modifiers unneeded
 To enable tracepoints at runtime, use the --trace= switch:
   scripts/ setargs  build/release/loader.img --trace=sched\*
 you can use multiple --trace= switches, or a single one with commas.  Shell-style wildcards
 allow enabling multiple tracepoints (as in the example). 
 To trace all function entries/returns in the program, build with conf-tracing=1 (clean build
 needed), and enable "function*" tracepoints, with --trace=.
 To view a trace, connect with gdb, and:
   (gdb) osv syms
   (gdb) set pagination off
   (gdb) set logging on
   (gdb) osv trace

 gdb.txt will contain the the trace.

Leak Detection

Memory allocation tracking can be enabled/disabled with the gdb commands
"osv leak on", "osv leak off", but even easier is to add the "--leak"
paramter to the loader, to have it start leak detection when entering the
payload (not during OSv boot). For example:

scripts/ setargs build/debug/loader.img --leak Try3
	# runs Java class java/Try3.class with allocation tracking

scripts/ setargs build/debug/loader.img --leak tests/
	# runs test with allocation tracking.

Be sure to do this on the *debug* build, not *release* build, as our
current implementation of backtrace() relies on frame pointers, which are
omitted in our release build.

Then run (scripts/run -d), wait till it ends, and then

$ gdb build/debug/loader.elf
(gdb) connect
(gdb) osv syms
(gdb) set logging on
(gdb) set height 0
(gdb) osv leak show

Please note that "osv leak show" can take a L-O-N-G time - even a few
minutes, especially when running Java, as it allocates myriads of objects
that GDB will now have to inspect.

Running java benchmarks

After running "make", do
    scripts/ setargs build/debug/loader.img -jar bench.jar

and then run normally (./scripts/