- May 08, 2015
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Jake McGinty authored
Fixes #3127 Closes #3131 // FREEBIE
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Moxie Marlinspike authored
- May 07, 2015
Moxie Marlinspike authored
// FREEBIE Fixes #3120 Closes #3122
Jake McGinty authored
Closes #3121 // FREEBIE
Jake McGinty authored
inspiration: http://stackoverflow.com/a/14167949 Fixes #3118 Closes #3119 // FREEBIE
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Christoph Haefner authored
Fixes #2837 Closes #3033
Moxie Marlinspike authored
If the contact doesn't have an image, render a color-coded background and the first letter of the contact's name. 1) Don't display anything during recipient resolution. 2) Display a # icon in material gray for recipients with no name. 3) Display a material group icon in material gray for groups with no avatar icon set. Closes #3104 // FREEBIE
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Jake McGinty authored
Fixes #3110 Closes #3114 // FREEBIE
- May 05, 2015
Rhodey Orbits authored
Fixes #2996 Closes #3112 // FREEBIE
Jake McGinty authored
Fixes #2945 Closes #2988 // FREEBIE
Jake McGinty authored
1) Utilize the hidden API requestRouteToHostAddress that takes an InetAddress (IPv6-capable) instead of a forced IPv4 integer- encoded address. Will fallback to the IPv4 one if reflection fails for whatever reason. 2) If on Lollipop and our manual MMS code doesn't work, will try to use the Lollipop API and give it 60 seconds instead of 30, since I did run into the timeout not being long enough in certain conditions and I'm thinking maybe it just wasn't long enough for some carriers. Closes #3105 // FREEBIE
Jake McGinty authored
Fixes #2937 // FREEBIE
Jake McGinty authored
Fixes #2956 // FREEBIE
- Apr 30, 2015
Jake McGinty authored
1) update material-dialogs to fix build 2) change to AppCompat autocomplete and fix visual bug in GB Closes #3089 // FREEBIE
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Rhodey Orbits authored
1) add VIEW action and BROWSABLE category to SmsSendtoActivity intent filter 2) created class Rfc5724Uri for processing RFC5724 SMS URIs 3) added a set of tests for new Rfc5724Uri class 4) updated SmsSendtoActivity to use Rfc5742Uri for processing VIEW intents Fixes #2578 Closes #3030 // FREEBIE
- Apr 29, 2015
Rhodey Orbits authored
one Android 2.3.3 device was throwing NPEs while parsing the precompiled pdu test vectors so I modified SmsListenerTest to generate them on the fly using Android's own PDU related classes. All tests now pass on 2.3.3, 4.2.2, 4.4.4, 5.1. Closes #3048 // FREEBIE
- Apr 28, 2015
Jake McGinty authored
fixes #3051 closes #3059 // FREEBIE
- Apr 25, 2015
Moxie Marlinspike authored
- Apr 23, 2015
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Jake McGinty authored
Fixes #3004 Closes #3041 Closes #3034 // FREEBIE
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Combined with the switch to server acked messages, this will prevent the race condition that occurred when an incoming message showed up at exactly the moment the app updated. It'd be great if we could just do REPLACE INTO, but it's too late to add a UNIQUE() constraint. =( Fixes #2287 Closes #3029 // FREEBIE
Jake McGinty authored
Fixes #3042 Fixes #3044 Closes #3046 // FREEBIE
Rhodey Orbits authored
1) fixed DateUtils to use SimpleDateFormat for everything because it respects Locale 2) added getCurrentLocale() method to DynamicLanguage 3) allow PassphraseRequiredActionBarActivity.initFragment() to accept a Locale 4) updated classes that depend on DateUtils to pass down Locale from DynamicLanguage Fixes #2684 Closes #2725 // FREEBIE
Christoph Haefner authored
This should allow for Android Wear device- and Pebble-users to easily mark an incoming message as read via the smartwatch. http://developer.getpebble.com/blog/2014/12/19/Leverage-Android-Actionable-Notifications/ Closes #3010
Rhodey Orbits authored
some carriers prepend or append arbitrary text to sms messages enroute, SmsListener failed to handle the append case. Fixes #2919 Closes #3032 // FREEBIE
- Apr 22, 2015
Rhodey Orbits authored
Fixes #3007 Closes #3037 // FREEBIE
Moxie Marlinspike authored
Fixes #2505 Closes #3005 // FREEBIE
agrajaghh authored
Fixes #2632 Closes #2635
Rhodey Orbits authored
The recent emoji tab was sorting emoji as last in last out instead of last in first out. Also, if an emoji was already in the recent emoji cache its order would not be updated on reinsert. Fixes #2967 Closes #2946 // FREEBIE
Rhodey Orbits authored
1) Create a new build type for testing. 2) Only obfuscate the package android.support.v7.internal.view.menu to prevent LGE ROM bug 3) '-keepattributes Exceptions' to allow for throwing from mocks 4) -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers and -dontwarn for everything else Fixes #2871 Closes #2986 // FREEBIE
- Apr 21, 2015
Jake McGinty authored
Closes #2885 // FREEBIE
- Apr 16, 2015
Rhodey Orbits authored
Fixes #2262 Closes #2842 // FREEBIE
Rhodey Orbits authored
Fixes #2686 Closes #2771 // FREEBIE