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 * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
 * Distributable under LGPL license.
 * See terms of license at
package org.jitsi.impl.neomedia;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.List;

import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.device.*;
import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.rtp.*;
import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.rtp.remotebitrateestimator.*;
import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.control.*;
import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.rtp.*;
import org.jitsi.util.*;
 * Class used to compute stats concerning a MediaStream.
 * @author Vincent Lucas
 * @author Lyubomir Marinov
public class MediaStreamStatsImpl
    implements MediaStreamStats
     * Enumeration of the direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) used for the stats.
    private enum StreamDirection

     * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>MediaStreamImpl</tt> class and its
     * instances for logging output.
    private static final Logger logger
        = Logger.getLogger(MediaStreamStatsImpl.class);
     * Computes an Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA). Thus, the most
     * recent history has a more preponderant importance in the average
     * computed.
     * @param nbStepSinceLastUpdate The number of step which has not been
     * computed since last update. In our case the number of packets received
     * since the last computation.
     * @param lastValue The value computed during the last update.
     * @param newValue The value newly computed.
     * @return The EWMA average computed.
    private static double computeEWMA(
            long nbStepSinceLastUpdate,
            double lastValue,
            double newValue)
        // For each new packet received the EWMA moves by a 0.1 coefficient.
        double EWMACoeff = 0.01 * nbStepSinceLastUpdate;
        // EWMA must be <= 1.
        if(EWMACoeff > 1)
            EWMACoeff = 1.0;
        return lastValue * (1.0 - EWMACoeff) + newValue * EWMACoeff;
     * Computes the loss rate.
     * @param nbLostAndRecv The number of lost and received packets.
     * @param nbLost The number of lost packets.
     * @return The loss rate in percent.
    private static double computePercentLoss(long nbLostAndRecv, long nbLost)
            (nbLostAndRecv == 0)
                ? 0
                : (((double) 100 * nbLost) / nbLostAndRecv);
Boris Grozev's avatar
Boris Grozev committed
     * Computes the bitrate in kbps.
Boris Grozev's avatar
Boris Grozev committed
     * @param nbBytes The number of bytes received.
     * @param intervalMs The number of milliseconds during which
     * <tt>nbBytes</tt> bytes were sent or received.
Boris Grozev's avatar
Boris Grozev committed
     * @return the bitraterate computed in kbps (1000 bits per second)
    private static double computeRateKiloBitPerSec(
Boris Grozev's avatar
Boris Grozev committed
            long nbBytes,
            long intervalMs)
Boris Grozev's avatar
Boris Grozev committed
        return intervalMs == 0
            ? 0
            : (nbBytes * 8.0) / intervalMs;
     * Gets the <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> of a <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>.
     * @param receiveStream the <tt>ReceiveStream</tt> to get the
     * <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> of
     * @return the <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> of <tt>receiveStream</tt>.
    public static JitterBufferControl getJitterBufferControl(
            ReceiveStream receiveStream)
        DataSource ds = receiveStream.getDataSource();

        if (ds instanceof PushBufferDataSource)
            for (PushBufferStream pbs
                    : ((PushBufferDataSource) ds).getStreams())
                JitterBufferControl pqc
                    = (JitterBufferControl)

                if (pqc != null)
                    return pqc;
        return null;
     * The last jitter received/sent in a RTCP feedback (in RTP timestamp
     * units).
    private double[] jitterRTPTimestampUnits = {0, 0};
     * The source data stream to analyze in order to compute the stats.
    private final MediaStreamImpl mediaStreamImpl;

     * The last number of received/sent Bytes.
    private long[] nbByte = {0, 0};
     * The total number of discarded packets
    private long nbDiscarded = 0;

     * The number of packets for which FEC data was decoded. This is only
    private long nbFec = 0;

     * The last number of download/upload lost packets.
    private long[] nbLost = {0, 0};
     * The last number of received/sent packets.
    private long[] nbPackets = {0, 0};
     * The last percent of discarded packets
    private double percentDiscarded = 0;

     * The last download/upload loss rate computed (in %).
    private double[] percentLoss = {0, 0};

     * The last used bandwidth computed in download/upload (in Kbit/s).
    private double[] rateKiloBitPerSec = {0, 0};

     * The <tt>RTCPReportListener</tt> which listens to {@link #rtcpReports}
     * about the sending and the receiving of RTCP sender/receiver reports and
     * updates this <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> with their feedback reports.
    private final RTCPReportListener rtcpReportListener
        = new RTCPReportAdapter()
             * {@inheritDoc}
             * Updates this <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> with the received feedback
             * (report).
            public void rtcpReportReceived(RTCPReport report)
                List<?> feedbackReports = report.getFeedbackReports();

                if (!feedbackReports.isEmpty())
                            (RTCPFeedback) feedbackReports.get(0));

             * {@inheritDoc}
             * Updates this <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> with the sent feedback
             * (report).
            public void rtcpReportSent(RTCPReport report)
                List<?> feedbackReports = report.getFeedbackReports();

                if (!feedbackReports.isEmpty())
                            (RTCPFeedback) feedbackReports.get(0));

     * The detailed statistics about the RTCP reports sent and received by the
     * associated local peer.
    private final RTCPReports rtcpReports = new RTCPReports();
     * The RTT computed with the RTCP feedback (cf. RFC3550, section 6.4.1,
     * subsection "delay since last SR (DLSR): 32 bits").
     * -1 if the RTT has not been computed yet. Otherwise the RTT in ms.
    private long rttMs = -1;

     * The last time these stats have been updated.
    private long updateTimeMs;

     * The last number of sent packets when the last feedback has been received.
     * This counter is used to compute the upload loss rate.
    private long uploadFeedbackNbPackets = 0;

     * Creates a new instance of stats concerning a MediaStream.
     * @param mediaStreamImpl The MediaStreamImpl used to compute the stats.
    public MediaStreamStatsImpl(MediaStreamImpl mediaStreamImpl)
        this.mediaStreamImpl = mediaStreamImpl;

        updateTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
     * Computes the RTT with the data (LSR and DLSR) contained in the last
     * RTCP Sender Report (RTCP feedback). This RTT computation is based on
     * RFC3550, section 6.4.1, subsection "delay since last SR (DLSR): 32
     * bits".
     * @param feedback The last RTCP feedback received by the MediaStream.
     * @return The RTT in milliseconds, or -1 if the RTT is not computable.
    private long computeRTTInMs(RTCPFeedback feedback)
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long lsr = feedback.getLSR();
        long dlsr = feedback.getDLSR();
        int rtt = RecvSSRCInfo.getRoundTripDelay(now, lsr, dlsr);

         * If the RTT is greater than a minute, it may signal a bug in the
         * computation. Log such occurrences in order to debug them.
        if ((rtt >= 65536) && logger.isInfoEnabled())
                    "Stream: " + mediaStreamImpl.getName()
                        + ", RTT computation may be wrong (" + rtt
                        + ">= 65536 milliseconds): now " + now + ", lsr " + lsr
                        + ", dlsr " + dlsr);
        return rtt;
     * Returns the jitter average of this download stream.
     * @return the last jitter average computed (in ms).
    public double getDownloadJitterMs()
        return getJitterMs(StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD);
     * Returns the number of lost packets for the receive streams.
     * @return  the number of lost packets for the receive streams.
    private long getDownloadNbPacketLost()
        long downloadLost = 0;
        for(ReceiveStream stream : mediaStreamImpl.getReceiveStreams())
                downloadLost += stream.getSourceReceptionStats().getPDUlost();
        return downloadLost;

     * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) lost in download since
     * the beginning of the session.
     * @return the number of packets lost for this stream.
    private long getDownloadNbPDULost()
        MediaDeviceSession devSession = mediaStreamImpl.getDeviceSession();
        int nbLost = 0;
        if (devSession != null)
            for(ReceiveStream receiveStream : devSession.getReceiveStreams())
                nbLost += receiveStream.getSourceReceptionStats().getPDUlost();
        return nbLost;
     * Returns the percent loss of the download stream.
     * @return the last loss rate computed (in %).
    public double getDownloadPercentLoss()
        return percentLoss[StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD.ordinal()];
     * Returns the bandwidth used by this download stream.
     * @return the last used download bandwidth computed (in Kbit/s).
    public double getDownloadRateKiloBitPerSec()
        return rateKiloBitPerSec[StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD.ordinal()];

     * Returns the download video format if this stream downloads a video, or
     * null if not.
     * @return the download video format if this stream downloads a video, or
     * null if not.
    private VideoFormat getDownloadVideoFormat()
        MediaDeviceSession deviceSession = mediaStreamImpl.getDeviceSession();
            (deviceSession instanceof VideoMediaDeviceSession)
                ? ((VideoMediaDeviceSession) deviceSession)

     * Returns the download video size if this stream downloads a video, or
     * null if not.
     * @return the download video size if this stream downloads a video, or null
     * if not.
    public Dimension getDownloadVideoSize()
        VideoFormat format = getDownloadVideoFormat();

        return (format == null) ? null : format.getSize();
     * Returns the MediaStream enconding.
     * @return the encoding used by the stream.
    public String getEncoding()
        MediaFormat format = mediaStreamImpl.getFormat();
        return (format == null) ? null : format.getEncoding();
     * Returns the MediaStream enconding rate (in Hz)..
     * @return the encoding rate used by the stream.
    public String getEncodingClockRate()
        MediaFormat format = mediaStreamImpl.getFormat();
        return (format == null) ? null : format.getRealUsedClockRateString();
     * Returns the set of <tt>PacketQueueControls</tt> found for all the
     * <tt>DataSource</tt>s of all the <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s. The set contains
     * only non-null elements.
     * @return the set of <tt>PacketQueueControls</tt> found for all the
     * <tt>DataSource</tt>s of all the <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s. The set contains
     * only non-null elements.
    private Set<JitterBufferControl> getJitterBufferControls()
        Set<JitterBufferControl> set = new HashSet<JitterBufferControl>();

        if (mediaStreamImpl.isStarted())
            MediaDeviceSession devSession = mediaStreamImpl.getDeviceSession();

            if (devSession != null)
                for(ReceiveStream receiveStream
                        : devSession.getReceiveStreams())
                    JitterBufferControl pqc
                        = getJitterBufferControl(receiveStream);

                    if(pqc != null)
        return set;

     * Returns the delay in milliseconds introduced by the jitter buffer.
     * Since there might be multiple <tt>ReceiveStreams</tt>, returns the
     * biggest delay found in any of them.
     * @return the delay in milliseconds introduces by the jitter buffer
    public int getJitterBufferDelayMs()
        int delay = 0;
        for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
          if(pqc.getCurrentDelayMs() > delay)
              delay = pqc.getCurrentDelayMs();
        return delay;
     * Returns the delay in number of packets introduced by the jitter buffer.
     * Since there might be multiple <tt>ReceiveStreams</tt>, returns the
     * biggest delay found in any of them.
     * @return the delay in number of packets introduced by the jitter buffer
    public int getJitterBufferDelayPackets()
        int delay = 0;
        for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
            if(pqc.getCurrentDelayPackets() > delay)
                delay = pqc.getCurrentDelayPackets();
        return delay;

     * Returns the jitter average of this upload/download stream.
     * @param streamDirection The stream direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) of the
     * stream from which this function retrieve the jitter.
     * @return the last jitter average computed (in ms).
    private double getJitterMs(StreamDirection streamDirection)
        MediaFormat format = mediaStreamImpl.getFormat();
        double clockRate;

        if (format == null)
            MediaType mediaType = mediaStreamImpl.getMediaType();

            clockRate = MediaType.VIDEO.equals(mediaType) ? 90000 : -1;
            clockRate = format.getClockRate();

        if (clockRate <= 0)
            return -1;

        // RFC3550 says that concerning the RTP timestamp unit (cf. section 5.1
        // RTP Fixed Header Fields, subsection timestamp: 32 bits):
        // As an example, for fixed-rate audio the timestamp clock would likely
        // increment by one for each sampling period.
        // Thus we take the jitter in RTP timestamp units, convert it to seconds
        // (/ clockRate) and finally converts it to milliseconds  (* 1000).
            (jitterRTPTimestampUnits[streamDirection.ordinal()] / clockRate)
                * 1000.0;
     * Returns the local IP address of the MediaStream.
     * @return the local IP address of the stream.
    public String getLocalIPAddress()
        InetSocketAddress mediaStreamLocalDataAddress
            = mediaStreamImpl.getLocalDataAddress();

            (mediaStreamLocalDataAddress == null)
                ? null
                : mediaStreamLocalDataAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress();
     * Returns the local port of the MediaStream.
     * @return the local port of the stream.
    public int getLocalPort()
        InetSocketAddress mediaStreamLocalDataAddress
            = mediaStreamImpl.getLocalDataAddress();
            (mediaStreamLocalDataAddress == null)
                ? -1
                : mediaStreamLocalDataAddress.getPort();
     * Returns the number of sent/received bytes since the beginning of the
     * session.
     * @param streamDirection The stream direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) of the
     * stream from which this function retrieve the number of sent/received
     * bytes.
     * @return the number of sent/received bytes for this stream.
    private long getNbBytes(StreamDirection streamDirection)
        StreamRTPManager rtpManager = mediaStreamImpl.queryRTPManager();
        long nbBytes = 0;
        if(rtpManager != null)
            case DOWNLOAD:
                nbBytes = rtpManager.getGlobalReceptionStats().getBytesRecd();
            case UPLOAD:
                    = rtpManager.getGlobalTransmissionStats().getBytesSent();
        return nbBytes;
     * Returns the total number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
     * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session. It's the sum over
     * all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
     * @return the number of discarded packets.
    public long getNbDiscarded()
        int nbDiscarded = 0;
        for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
            nbDiscarded =+ pqc.getDiscarded();
        return nbDiscarded;
     * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
     * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session because it was full.
     * It's the sum over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
     * @return the number of discarded packets because it was full.
    public int getNbDiscardedFull()
        int nbDiscardedFull = 0;
        for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
            nbDiscardedFull =+ pqc.getDiscardedFull();
        return nbDiscardedFull;
     * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
     * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session because they were late.
     * It's the sum over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
     * @return the number of discarded packets because they were late.
    public int getNbDiscardedLate()
        int nbDiscardedLate = 0;
        for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
            nbDiscardedLate =+ pqc.getDiscardedLate();
        return nbDiscardedLate;
     * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
     * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session during resets.
     * It's the sum over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
     * @return the number of discarded packets during resets.
    public int getNbDiscardedReset()
        int nbDiscardedReset = 0;
        for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
            nbDiscardedReset =+ pqc.getDiscardedReset();
        return nbDiscardedReset;

     * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
     * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session due to shrinking.
     * It's the sum over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
     * @return the number of discarded packets due to shrinking.
    public int getNbDiscardedShrink()
        int nbDiscardedShrink = 0;
        for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
            nbDiscardedShrink =+ pqc.getDiscardedShrink();
        return nbDiscardedShrink;
     * Returns the number of packets for which FEC data was decoded. Currently
     * this is cumulative over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s.
     * @return the number of packets for which FEC data was decoded. Currently
     * this is cumulative over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s.
     * @see org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.MediaStreamStatsImpl#updateNbFec()
    public long getNbFec()
        return nbFec;
     * Returns the total number of packets that are send or receive for this
     * stream since the stream is created.
     * @return the total number of packets.
    public long getNbPackets()
        return getNbPDU(StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD)
            + getDownloadNbPacketLost()
            + uploadFeedbackNbPackets;

     * Returns the number of lost packets for that stream.
     * @return the number of lost packets.
    public long getNbPacketsLost()
        return nbLost[StreamDirection.UPLOAD.ordinal()]
            + getDownloadNbPacketLost();

     * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) sent/received since the
     * beginning of the session.
     * @param streamDirection The stream direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) of the
     * stream from which this function retrieve the number of sent/received
     * packets.
     * @return the number of packets sent/received for this stream.
    private long getNbPDU(StreamDirection streamDirection)
        StreamRTPManager rtpManager = mediaStreamImpl.queryRTPManager();
        long nbPDU = 0;

        if(rtpManager != null)
            case UPLOAD:
                nbPDU = rtpManager.getGlobalTransmissionStats().getRTPSent();

            case DOWNLOAD:
                GlobalReceptionStats globalReceptionStats
                    = rtpManager.getGlobalReceptionStats();

                    = globalReceptionStats.getPacketsRecd()
                        - globalReceptionStats.getRTCPRecd();
    public long getNbReceivedBytes()
        AbstractRTPConnector connector = mediaStreamImpl.getRTPConnector();
            RTPConnectorInputStream<?> stream;

                stream = connector.getDataInputStream();
            catch (IOException ex)
                // We should not enter here because we are not creating stream.
                stream = null;
            if(stream != null)
                return stream.getNumberOfReceivedBytes();
    public long getNbSentBytes()
        AbstractRTPConnector connector = mediaStreamImpl.getRTPConnector();
        if(connector == null)
        RTPConnectorOutputStream stream = null;
            stream = connector.getDataOutputStream(false);
        catch (IOException e)
            //We should not enter here because we are not creating output stream
     * Returns the number of packets in the first <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt>
     * found via <tt>getJitterBufferControls</tt>.
     * @return the number of packets in the first <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt>
     * found via <tt>getJitterBufferControls</tt>.
    public int getPacketQueueCountPackets()
        for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
            return pqc.getCurrentPacketCount();
        return 0;
     * Returns the size of the first <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> found via
     * <tt>getJitterBufferControls</tt>.
     * @return the size of the first <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> found via
     * <tt>getJitterBufferControls</tt>.
    public int getPacketQueueSize()
        for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
            return pqc.getCurrentSizePackets();
        return 0;
     * Returns the percent of discarded packets
     * @return the percent of discarded packets
    public double getPercentDiscarded()
        return percentDiscarded;
     * Returns the remote IP address of the MediaStream.
     * @return the remote IP address of the stream.
    public String getRemoteIPAddress()
        MediaStreamTarget mediaStreamTarget = mediaStreamImpl.getTarget();

        // Gets this stream IP address endpoint. Stops if the endpoint is
        // disconnected.
            (mediaStreamTarget == null)
                ? null
                : mediaStreamTarget.getDataAddress().getAddress()
     * Returns the remote port of the MediaStream.
     * @return the remote port of the stream.
    public int getRemotePort()
        MediaStreamTarget mediaStreamTarget = mediaStreamImpl.getTarget();

        // Gets this stream port endpoint. Stops if the endpoint is
        // disconnected.
            (mediaStreamTarget == null)
                ? -1
                : mediaStreamTarget.getDataAddress().getPort();
     * {@inheritDoc}
    public RTCPReports getRTCPReports()
        return rtcpReports;

     * Returns the RTT computed with the RTCP feedback (cf. RFC3550, section
     * 6.4.1, subsection "delay since last SR (DLSR): 32 bits").
     * @return The RTT computed with the RTCP feedback. Returns -1 if the RTT
     * has not been computed yet. Otherwise the RTT in ms.
    public long getRttMs()
        return rttMs;
     * Returns the jitter average of this upload stream.
     * @return the last jitter average computed (in ms).
    public double getUploadJitterMs()
        return getJitterMs(StreamDirection.UPLOAD);
     * Returns the percent loss of the upload stream.
     * @return the last loss rate computed (in %).
    public double getUploadPercentLoss()
        return percentLoss[StreamDirection.UPLOAD.ordinal()];

     * Returns the bandwidth used by this download stream.
     * @return the last used upload bandwidth computed (in Kbit/s).
    public double getUploadRateKiloBitPerSec()
        return rateKiloBitPerSec[StreamDirection.UPLOAD.ordinal()];
     * Returns the upload video format if this stream uploads a video, or null
     * if not.
     * @return the upload video format if this stream uploads a video, or null
     * if not.
    private VideoFormat getUploadVideoFormat()
        MediaDeviceSession deviceSession = mediaStreamImpl.getDeviceSession();
            (deviceSession instanceof VideoMediaDeviceSession)
                ? ((VideoMediaDeviceSession) deviceSession)
                : null;
     * Returns the upload video size if this stream uploads a video, or null if
     * not.
     * @return the upload video size if this stream uploads a video, or null if
     * not.
    public Dimension getUploadVideoSize()
        VideoFormat format = getUploadVideoFormat();
        return (format == null) ? null : format.getSize();
    public boolean isAdaptiveBufferEnabled()
        for(JitterBufferControl pcq : getJitterBufferControls())
                return true;
        return false;
     * Sets a specific value on {@link #rttMs}. If there is an actual difference
     * between the old and the new values, notifies the (known)
     * <tt>CallStatsObserver</tt>s.
     * @param rttMs the value to set on <tt>MediaStreamStatsImpl.rttMs</tt>
    private void setRttMs(long rttMs)
        if (this.rttMs != rttMs)
            this.rttMs = rttMs;

            // Notify the CallStatsObservers.
            rttMs = getRttMs();
            if (rttMs >= 0)
                // RemoteBitrateEstimator is a CallStatsObserver and
                // VideoMediaStream has a RemoteBitrateEstimator.
                MediaStream mediaStream = this.mediaStreamImpl;

                if (mediaStream instanceof VideoMediaStream)
                    RemoteBitrateEstimator remoteBitrateEstimator
                        = ((VideoMediaStream) mediaStream)

                    if (remoteBitrateEstimator instanceof CallStatsObserver)
                        ((CallStatsObserver) remoteBitrateEstimator)

     * Updates the jitter stream stats with the new feedback sent.