- Aug 05, 2014
Boris Grozev authored
- Jul 29, 2014
- Jul 22, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Ensures that the lengths of the values of the ice-ufrag and ice-pwd attributes conform to RFC 5245 15.4. "ice-ufrag" and "ice-pwd" Attributes. Reported by Philipp Hancke.
- Jul 18, 2014
- Jul 17, 2014
Boris Grozev authored
Boris Grozev authored
- Jul 15, 2014
George Politis authored
Updates fmj to the latest and greatest version that allows to override the default RTCP report creation algorithm and that includes an RTCP packet parser
Damian Minkov authored
paweldomas authored
Damian Minkov authored
Damian Minkov authored
- Jul 14, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Jul 04, 2014
Damian Minkov authored
- Jun 26, 2014
Boris Grozev authored
Boris Grozev authored
- Jun 02, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- May 08, 2014
paweldomas authored
Protects against JVM crash when closed SCTP socket is used by checking for null pointer and throwing IOException. Adds unit tests for SCTP wrapper.
- May 07, 2014
Boris Grozev authored
Boris Grozev authored
- Apr 29, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Cleans up the background Threads associated with TURN candidates more explicitly/aggressively/thoroughly in an attempt to mitigate a leak of such reported by Enrico Marocco.
- Apr 25, 2014
Boris Grozev authored
Updates fmj.jar to r48 (Runs the SSRCCacheCleaner every 5 seconds (and not only on reception of RTCP packets).
- Apr 15, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Apr 10, 2014
Boris Grozev authored
- Apr 09, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Apr 06, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Uses UTF-8 instead of ASCII in Core Audio on OS X in order to potentially resolve issues with non-ASCII characters. (The solution is unlikely to be complete though because of the mixes usage of original UTF-8, modified UTF-8 and strlen.)
- Apr 05, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Fixes an audio quality degradation observed with Core Audio on OS X when the Audio tab in Preferences is open during a call.
- Mar 23, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Fixes a case which may lead to ignoring non-distinguishing but important format parameters/SDP fmpt such as H.264 sprop-parameter-sets.
- Mar 21, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Mar 20, 2014
Damian Minkov authored
Updates AEC for CoreAudio using webrtc library, recompiled with latest webrtc, was crashing when running from source with unresolved reference "___sincos_stret". Adds some basic instructions for compiling.
- Mar 04, 2014
Boris Grozev authored
Updates fmj.jar to r40 (Fakes a TimeoutEvent when a ReceiveStream is replaced with a PassiveSSRCInfo (e.g. when an RTCP Receiver Report is received, instead of a Sender Report, for the ReceiveStream).).
- Feb 26, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Feb 17, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Feb 13, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Fixes a deadlock in the ICE implementation between Agent.free() and StunClientTransaction observed in Jitsi Videobridge.
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Fixes an issue with Packet Loss Concealment (PLC) which could cause muting in Jitsi Videobridge conferences to 'repeat' after unmuting.
- Feb 11, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Uses a single Thread per StunStack to expire StunServerTransactions in order to reduce the total number of utilized Threads.
- Feb 10, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Jan 18, 2014
Lyubomir Marinov authored
net.java.sip.communicator to the package org.jitsi.