- Nov 06, 2012
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Prevents a NullPointerException in ice4j's Connector#stop() which appears quite often with unknown side effects. - Prevents a NullPointerException in ToolsMenu related to the Jitsi VideoBridge menu item which causes of long chain of other exceptions and, eventually, prevents the application from completing its startup. - Moves the C source code of JNI PortAudio library from Jitsi/net.java.sip.communicator to libjitsi/org.jitsi. Removes a couple of Java method and C function implementations each of which repeats three times. Fixes possible cases of leaving native callback threads which have been attached to the JVM in undetermined states.
Emil Ivov authored
Makes a minor API change. Pyload types are now overridden one by one in order to match the way we do this for the actual payload types
- Nov 05, 2012
Damian Minkov authored
- Nov 01, 2012
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Fixes a discrepancy/inaccuracy in the RTP buffer length and minimum threshold of FMJ which leaves it vularable to even the tinies hiccups of the network. Rebuilds FMJ and libjitsi with debug information such as line numbers.
- Oct 31, 2012
Damian Minkov authored
- Oct 30, 2012
- Oct 29, 2012
Boris Grozev authored
Updates FMJ to r5 from the sourceforge SVN repository. This version uses a java.util.logging.Logger to log, and logs detailed statistics from the RTPSourceStream class. Changes MediaServiceImpl to always enable FMJ logging.
Vincent Lucas authored
Improves device selection via portaudio for MacOSX (hostapi coreaudio): adds the possibility to get the device transport type (USB, bluetooth, etc.) and an unique identifier. Corrects problems when: loading the same device twice (for the moment only for the same hostapi), a new plugged device is selected during a call or if the selected device is unchanged.
- Oct 27, 2012
Boris Grozev authored
- Oct 25, 2012
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Damian Minkov authored
Allows the remote party to override payload type for the media we send to it. Payload types are no more overridden locally, and remote settings are used only for the media we sent to the that participant.
- Oct 24, 2012
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Oct 23, 2012
Damian Minkov authored
- Oct 20, 2012
Boris Grozev authored
- Oct 19, 2012
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Prevents multiple dialing sounds from being played for multiple peers in a single call/telephony conference or for a peer who is being added to a telephony conference when there are other peers there already.
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Renames a couple of methods upon request by Emil Ivov. Fixes an endless loop on hangup. Commits work in progress on sound notifications.
Damian Minkov authored
- Oct 18, 2012
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Oct 17, 2012
Damian Minkov authored
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Commits work in progress on refactorying the call-related user interface for the purposes of audio and video telephony conferencing over single or multiple protocols and Jitsi VideoBridge.
- Oct 16, 2012
Vincent Lucas authored
Corrects media stream stats documentation and a null pointer exception which occurs when the media stream is closed.
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Oct 15, 2012
Vincent Lucas authored
Improves sound device selection: automatically switches to new plugged device, remember user preferences in a list.
Lyubomir Marinov authored
Commits work in progress on refactorying the call-related user interface for the purposes of audio and video telephony conferencing over single or multiple protocols and Jitsi VideoBridge.
Boris Grozev authored
Adds the number of packets discarded by the FMJ packet queue to the "call info" window and to the logs at the end of a call.
- Oct 14, 2012
Boris Grozev authored
Implements a mechanism that allows JMF Controls registered in the codec implementations to be accessed in MediaStream. Adds a FECDecoderControl interface and uses it to collect FEC statistics in MediaStreamStatsImpl. Adds a "Packets decoded with FEC" line in the call info window.
- Oct 12, 2012
Emil Ivov authored
Change versioning to allow for an easier integration of SVN revision and build number. Removes version revision leaving the version to major.minor[.build-label] where build label may include things like svn revisions, dates, etc.
Damian Minkov authored
Adds more options to sound notifications and their config. Sound notifications now can use playback, notification or pc speaker device.
- Oct 08, 2012
Vincent Lucas authored
Boris Grozev authored
Boris Grozev authored
- Oct 05, 2012
Boris Grozev authored
Boris Grozev authored
Boris Grozev authored
Adds FEC support for the SILK codec. Minor clean-ups in EncodingConfiguration and MediaConfigurationImpl.
- Oct 01, 2012
Lyubomir Marinov authored
- Sep 29, 2012
Damian Minkov authored
- Sep 28, 2012
Boris Grozev authored
- Sep 27, 2012
Damian Minkov authored
Initialize EncodingConfiguration before postInitializeOnce, fixes exception MalformedURLException: Unknown protocol: portaudio when creating ZrtpFortunaEntropyGatherer.