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  • garlichs/dw1000_driver_freertos
  • cwulf/dw1000_driver_freertos
  • cm-projects/dw1000_driver_freertos
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......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define SYS_TIME_ID 0x06 /* System Time Counter (40-bit) */
#define SYS_TIME_LEN (5) /* Note 40 bit register */
* @brief Bit definitions for register 0x07
......@@ -4,26 +4,16 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include "cmsis_os.h"
#include "dw1000_util.h"
//DECA:DW1000 SLEEP and WAKEUP configuration parameters
#define DWT_LOADLDO 0x1000 // ONW_LLDO - on wakeup load the LDO tune value
#define DWT_LOADUCODE 0x0800 // ONW_LLDE - on wakeup load the LDE ucode
#define DWT_PRESRV_SLEEP 0x0100 // PRES_SLEEP - on wakeup preserve sleep bit
#define DWT_LOADOPSET 0x0080 // ONW_L64P - on wakeup load operating parameter set for 64 PSR
#define DWT_CONFIG 0x0040 // ONW_LDC - on wakeup restore (load) the saved configurations (from AON array into HIF)
#define DWT_TANDV 0x0001 // ONW_RADC - on wakeup run ADC to sample temperature and voltage sensor values
#define DWT_XTAL_EN 0x10 // keep XTAL running during sleep
#define DWT_WAKE_SLPCNT 0x8 // wake up after sleep count
#define DWT_WAKE_CS 0x4 // wake up on chip select
#define DWT_WAKE_WK 0x2 // wake up on WAKEUP PIN
#define DWT_SLP_EN 0x1 // enable sleep/deep sleep functionality
#define FRAME_OVERHEAD sizeof(dw1000_frame_t) - MAXIMUM_FRAME_LENGTH
* Defines for channel and prf selection and Preamble Code.
* Refer to Page 204 in the dw1000 User Manual 2.04
#define PRF_SHIFT 0
......@@ -73,22 +63,19 @@
#define CH7_64MHZ_19 (1 << PRF_SHIFT) | (7 << CHANNEL_SHIFT) | (19 << PREAMBLE_SHIFT)
#define CH7_64MHZ_20 (1 << PRF_SHIFT) | (7 << CHANNEL_SHIFT) | (20 << PREAMBLE_SHIFT)
//DECA:DW1000 INIT configuration parameters
#define DWT_LOADANTDLY 0x2
#define DWT_LOADNONE 0x0
//DECA:DW1000 OTP operating parameter set selection
#define DWT_OPSET_64LEN 0x0
#define DWT_OPSET_TIGHT 0x1
#define DWT_OPSET_DEFLT 0x2
* Defines various return codes for driver functions
#define DW1000_RET_OK 0
#define DW1000_RET_MSG_TO_LONG -1
#define DWT_SFDTOC_DEF 0x1041 // default SFD timeout value
* The following defines are taken from the original driver
#define DWT_LOADUCODE 0x0800 // ONW_LLDE - on wakeup load the LDE ucode
#define DWT_PHRMODE_STD 0x0 // standard PHR mode
#define DWT_PHRMODE_EXT 0x3 // DW proprietary extended frames PHR mode
#define DWT_SFDTOC_DEF 0x1041 // default SFD timeout value
//! constants for selecting the bit rate for data TX (and RX)
//! These are defined for write (with just a shift) the TX_FCTRL register
......@@ -119,43 +106,118 @@
#define DWT_PLEN_256 0x24 //! Non-standard preamble length 256 symbols
#define DWT_PLEN_128 0x14 //! Non-standard preamble length 128 symbols
#define DWT_PLEN_64 0x04 //! Standard preamble length 64 symbols
typedef struct {
uint8_t chan; //!< channel number {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 }
uint8_t prf; //!< Pulse Repetition Frequency {DWT_PRF_16M or DWT_PRF_64M}
uint8_t txPreambLength; //!< DWT_PLEN_64..DWT_PLEN_4096
uint8_t rxPAC; //!< Acquisition Chunk Size (Relates to RX preamble length)
* This structure describes a configuration,
* which is used in the configure function.
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)){
uint8_t channel;
uint8_t pulse_repetition_frequency;
uint8_t preamble_length;
uint8_t preamble_acquisition_chunk_size;
uint8_t tx_preamble_code;
uint8_t rx_preamble_code;
uint8_t data_rate;
uint16_t sfd_timeout;
} dw1000_config_t;
uint8_t txCode; //!< TX preamble code
uint8_t rxCode; //!< RX preamble code
* This structure describes a received frame
* rx_timestamp contains the time stamp counter as specified in the manual,
* if the timestamp_valid is non-zero.
* length specifies the actual length of the buffer, containing the received bytes
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)){
uint8_t timestamp_valid;
uint8_t rx_timestamp[5];
uint16_t length;
uint8_t buffer[MAXIMUM_FRAME_LENGTH];
uint8_t nsSFD; //!< Boolean should we use non-standard SFD for better performance
uint8_t dataRate; //!< Data Rate {DWT_BR_110K, DWT_BR_850K or DWT_BR_6M8}
} dw1000_frame_t;
uint8_t phrMode; //!< PHR mode {0x0 - standard DWT_PHRMODE_STD, 0x3 - extended frames DWT_PHRMODE_EXT}
* This function initializes the UWB module and sets the corresponding callbacks
* Parameters:
* send_callback: called after a frame has been transmitted
* receive_callback: called on frame reception
* task_handle: handle of a task which should be notified
* Either a task_handle or receive_callback can be used.
* If both is specified, the callback is used.
* The callbacks must return pdTrue, in case a higher priority task has to be scheduled
void dw1000_init(BaseType_t (*send_callback)(), BaseType_t (*receive_callback)(), TaskHandle_t task_handle);
* This function transfers the given configuration to the transceiver.
* The configuration can either be generated by dw1000_generateConfig, or written by onselfs
void dw1000_configure(dw1000_config_t *config);
uint8_t smartPowerEn; //!< Smart Power enable / disable
* This function is a convenience function for writeFrameIntoBuffer and transmitFrame.
* However, it ignores any offset or written frames and writes the frame with no offset
* to the the buffer.
* Parameters:
* frame: a pointer to a uint8_t array with the bytes which should be send
* frame_length: amount of bytes to be send
* Return value:
* DW1000_RET_OK on success
* DW1000_RET_MSG_TO_LONG if the message is too long
* DW1000_RET_TX_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if there is an buffer overflow
int dw1000_sendFrame(uint8_t *frame, uint16_t frame_length);
uint16_t sfdTO; //!< SFD timeout value (in symbols)
* This function writes a frame into the transmission buffer
* using the given offset
* Parameters:
* tx_buffer_offset: offset inside the transmission buffer
* frame: a pointer to a uint8_t array with the bytes which should be send
* frame_length: amount of bytes to be send
* Return value:
* DW1000_RET_OK on success
* DW1000_RET_MSG_TO_LONG if the message is too long
* DW1000_RET_TX_BUFFER_OVERFLOW if there is an buffer overflow
int dw1000_writeFrameIntoBuffer(uint16_t tx_buffer_offset, uint8_t *frame, uint16_t frame_length);
} dwt_config_t;
* This function transmits a frame already stored in the transmission buffer
* using the given offset
* Parameters:
* tx_buffer_offset: offset inside the transmission buffer
* frame_length: amount of bytes to be send
* Return value:
* DW1000_RET_OK on success
int dw1000_transmitFrame(uint16_t txBufferOffset, uint16_t frame_length);
int dw1000_init(uint16_t config, BaseType_t (*sendCallback)(),
BaseType_t (*receiveCallback)(uint32_t bufferLength, uint8_t ts_valid));
int dw1000_configure(dwt_config_t *config, uint8_t use_otpconfigvalues);
int dw1000_sendFrame(uint8_t *payload, uint16_t len);
int dw1000_writeFrameIntoBuffer(uint16_t txBufferOffset, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t len);
int dw1000_transmitFrame(uint16_t txBufferOffset, uint16_t len);
int dw_1000_receiveFrameFromIsr(uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t length);
void dw1000_extiCallback(void);
void vTaskGlobalTimeIncrement(void *pvParameters);
* This function gets a frame stored in the reception buffer.
* Parameters:
* frame: a dw1000_t frame in which the received frame
* inside the receive buffer is written
* length and time stamp information is set
* accordingly
void dw1000_receiveFrameFromIsr(dw1000_frame_t *frame);
void dw1000_generateConfig(uint16_t mode, dwt_config_t *config);
* This functions generates a configuration out of the given defines
* data_rate is always 6.8 MHz, sfd timeout 129 symbols,
* pac size 8 and preamble length 128
* See DW1000 User Manual 2.04 page 195 for further information
void dw1000_generateConfig(uint16_t mode, dw1000_config_t *config, uint8_t fast);
#endif /*__ dw1000_H */
* Defines various return codes for driver functions
* Callback for the external interrupt from the UWB.
* Triggered by the os.
#define DW1000_RET_OK 0
#define DW1000_RET_MSG_TO_LONG -1
void dw1000_extiCallback();
#endif /*__ dw1000_H */
* DW1000 FreeRTOS Driver
* This header file and the corresponding c file take care of all ISR related execution,
* such as handling interrupts and invoking callback
#ifndef __dw1000_isr_H
#define __dw1000_isr_H
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include <stdint.h>
* This function handles interrupts from the UWB-module.
* It reschedules higher priority task, in case they have been notified within the interrupt
void dw1000Isr_handleInterrupt(void);
#endif /*__ dw1000_isr_H */
* DW1000 FreeRTOS Driver
* This header file and the corresponding c file
* provide functions and constants used internally by the driver.
* They should not be used outside of it.
#ifndef __dw1000_util_H
#define __dw1000_util_H
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "deca_regs.h"
#include "task.h"
//DECA:Defines for enable_clocks function
#define FORCE_SYS_XTI 0
......@@ -33,71 +41,53 @@
#define PCODES 25 //supported preamble codes
#define ever ;;
#define GLOBAL_TIME_TICK_MS 17592
typedef struct {
uint64_t ms;
uint64_t subms;
} dw1000_global_time_t;
typedef struct {//DECA
uint32_t txFCTRL; // keep TX_FCTRL register config
uint16_t rfrxDly; // rf delay (delay though the RF blocks before the signal comes out of the antenna i.e. "antenna delay")
uint16_t rftxDly; // rf delay (delay though the RF blocks before the signal comes out of the antenna i.e. "antenna delay")
uint32_t antennaDly; // antenna delay read from OTP 64 PRF value is in high 16 bits and 16M PRF in low 16 bits
uint8_t xtrim; // xtrim value read from OTP
uint8_t dblbuffon; // double rx buffer mode flag
uint32_t sysCFGreg; // local copy of system config register
uint32_t txPowCfg[12]; // stores the Tx power configuration read from OTP (6 channels consecutively with PRF16 then 64, e.g. Ch 1 PRF16 is index 0 and 64 index 1)
BaseType_t (*sendCB)();
BaseType_t (*receiveCB)(uint32_t bufferLength, uint8_t ts_valid);
TaskHandle_t taskHandle;
int prfIndex;
uint8_t longFrames ; // flag in non-standard long frame mode
uint32_t ldoTune; //low 32 bits of LDO tune value
uint8_t chan; // added chan here - used in the reading of acc
dw1000_global_time_t last_rx_time;
typedef struct { //DECA
BaseType_t (*send_callback)();
BaseType_t (*receive_callback)();
uint16_t frame_length;
uint8_t timestamp_valid;
TaskHandle_t task_handle;
} dw1000_local_data_t;
extern dw1000_local_data_t dw1000local; // Static local device data
extern const uint8_t pll2calcfg;
// SFD Threshold
* The following constants are taken from the original driver
extern const uint8_t pll2calcfg;
extern const uint16_t sftsh[NUM_BR][NUM_SFD];
extern const uint16_t dtune1[NUM_PRF];
// map the channel number to the index in the configuration arrays below
// 0th element is chan 1, 1st is chan 2, 2nd is chan 3, 3rd is chan 4, 4th is chan 5, 5th is chan 7
extern const uint32_t digital_bb_config[NUM_PRF][NUM_PACS];
extern const uint8_t chan_idx[NUM_CH_SUPPORTED];
extern const uint32_t tx_config[NUM_CH] ;
extern const uint32_t tx_config[NUM_CH];
extern const uint8_t pll2_config[NUM_CH][5];
//bandwidth configuration
extern const uint8_t rx_config[NUM_BW];
extern const uint8_t dwnsSFDlen[NUM_BR]; //DW non-standard SFD length for 110k, 850k and 6.81M
extern const uint32_t digital_bb_config[NUM_PRF][NUM_PACS];
extern const uint16_t lde_replicaCoeff[PCODES];
#define DEBUG
void dw1000Util_enableclocks(int clocks);
* This function enables the receiver
void dw1000Util_enableRX();
* This function reads the time stamp from is corresponding register
void dw1000Util_getRxTimestamp(uint8_t *rx_time);
* This function read the system time from is corresponding register
void dw1000Util_getSysTime(uint8_t *nt);
* The following functions were taken and adapted from the original driver
void dw1000Util_enableclocks(int clocks);
uint32_t dw1000Util_otpread(uint32_t address);
void dw1000Util_forceTrxOff(void);
void dw1000Util_reset(void);
void dw1000Util_resetRxOnly(void);
void dw1000Util_getRxTimestamp(dw1000_global_time_t *timeBuffer);
void dw1000Util_printGlobalTimestamp(dw1000_global_time_t *time);
#ifdef DEBUG
void lltoa(int64_t val, char *dest_buf, uint8_t base);
void hexdump(uint8_t * buffer, uint8_t len);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ int dw1000Hal_readRegister(uint8_t regID, uint8_t *dest, uint16_t len) {
while (hspi->State != HAL_SPI_STATE_READY) {
} else {
#include "dw1000_hal.h"
#include "deca_regs.h"
#include "dw1000_util.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "Trace.h"
BaseType_t dw1000Hal_handleTx(uint64_t * event, uint64_t * event_clear) {
* This function handles the end of the transmission of a frame.
* It just triggers the provided callback and re-enables the receiver.
* Return Value:
* pdTrue, if the callback or the notify has woken a task with a higher priority.
* This information is used to invoke a reschedule, when the ISR is done, if necessary.
BaseType_t _handleTx(uint64_t * event, uint64_t * event_clear) {
// Ignore unused parameters, may be needed for later purposes
(void) event;
(void) event_clear;
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
BaseType_t higher_priority_task_woken = pdFALSE;
if (dw1000local.sendCB != NULL) {
xHigherPriorityTaskWoken |= dw1000local.sendCB();
if (dw1000local.send_callback != NULL) {
higher_priority_task_woken |= dw1000local.send_callback();
return xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;
return higher_priority_task_woken;
BaseType_t dw1000Hal_handleRx(uint64_t * event, uint64_t * event_clear) {
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
* This function handles the reception of a frame.
* It either triggers the provided callback, or notifies a task if provided.
* Return Value:
* pdTrue, if the callback or the notify has woken a task with a higher priority.
* This information is used to invoke a reschedule, when the ISR is done, if necessary.
BaseType_t _handleRx(uint64_t * event, uint64_t * event_clear) {
BaseType_t higher_priority_task_woken = pdFALSE;
//Fixme: Wann kann ein Overrun auftreten?
//Get get length
// Get get length
uint32_t rx_frame_info;
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(RX_FINFO_ID, (uint8_t *) &rx_frame_info,
uint32_t rx_buffer_len;
rx_buffer_len = rx_frame_info & RX_FINFO_RXFLEN_MASK; // No shifting required
// Check if the time stamp is valid, i.e. lde_done bit is set
uint8_t lde_done = (*event & SYS_STATUS_LDEDONE) ? 1 : 0;
//Trigger Callback
if (dw1000local.receiveCB != NULL) {
xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = dw1000local.receiveCB(rx_buffer_len,
} else if (dw1000local.taskHandle != NULL) {
//TODO Notify taskHandle
// Store validity of the time stamp and the buffer length locally,
// so it can be used by the dw1000_receiveFrameFromISR function.
dw1000local.timestamp_valid = lde_done;
dw1000local.frame_length = rx_buffer_len;
// Trigger callback or notify task
if (dw1000local.receive_callback != NULL) {
higher_priority_task_woken = dw1000local.receive_callback();
if (dw1000local.task_handle != NULL) {
vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(dw1000local.task_handle, &higher_priority_task_woken);
if((*event & SYS_STATUS_HSRBP) != (*event & SYS_STATUS_ICRBP)){
*event_clear |= *event & CLEAR_DBLBUFF_EVENTS ;
// Set clear bits for double buffer
if((*event & SYS_STATUS_HSRBP) != (*event & SYS_STATUS_ICRBP)) {
*event_clear |= *event & CLEAR_DBLBUFF_EVENTS;
......@@ -47,25 +72,31 @@ BaseType_t dw1000Hal_handleRx(uint64_t * event, uint64_t * event_clear) {
// Re-enable the receiver
return xHigherPriorityTaskWoken;
return higher_priority_task_woken;
* See header file dw1000_isr.h
void dw1000Isr_handleInterrupt(void) {
BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
BaseType_t higher_priority_task_woken = pdFALSE;
uint64_t event = 0;
uint64_t event_clear = 0;
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(SYS_STATUS_ID, (uint8_t*) &event,
// Handle weird somehow random occuring losing lock events
// Handle weird somehow random occurring losing lock events
if (event & SYS_STATUS_CLKPLL_LL) { // Clock PLL Losing Lock
event_clear |= SYS_STATUS_CLKPLL_LL;
if (event & SYS_STATUS_CPLOCK) {
event_clear |= SYS_STATUS_CPLOCK;
#ifdef DEBUG
trace_printf("dw1000Hal_extiCallback:Clock PLL Losing Lock\n");
event &= ~(SYS_STATUS_CPLOCK);
......@@ -73,30 +104,35 @@ void dw1000Isr_handleInterrupt(void) {
if (event & SYS_STATUS_TXFRS) {
// Frame sent
dw1000Hal_handleTx(&event, &event_clear);
} else if ((event
dw1000Hal_handleRx(&event, &event_clear);
//Error Case
hexdump(&event, 5);
_handleTx(&event, &event_clear);
}else if ((event
// LDE done flag gets latched on a bad frame
trace_printf("Special Error!\n");
hexdump((uint8_t*) &event, 5);
} else {
dw1000Hal_handleRx(&event, &event_clear);
_handleRx(&event, &event_clear);
// Error Case
hexdump((uint8_t*) &event, 5);
//Clear the status register
// Clear the status register
dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(SYS_STATUS_ID, (uint8_t*) &event_clear,
//Schedule higher priority task ASAP
// Schedule higher priority task ASAP
......@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@
#include "dw1000_util.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Trace.h"
extern volatile uint32_t global_time;
#include "string.h"
dw1000_local_data_t dw1000local; // Static local device data
* The following constants are taken from the original driver.
// map the channel number to the index in the configuration arrays below
// 0th element is chan 1, 1st is chan 2, 2nd is chan 3, 3rd is chan 4, 4th is chan 5, 5th is chan 7
......@@ -49,13 +52,6 @@ const uint8_t rx_config[NUM_BW] =
0xBC //WBW
//const agc_cfg_struct agc_config =
// { AGC_TUNE1_16M , AGC_TUNE1_64M } //adc target
const uint8_t dwnsSFDlen[NUM_BR] = { 0x40, 0x10, 0x08 }; //DW non-standard SFD length for 110k, 850k and 6.81M
// SFD Threshold
......@@ -163,8 +159,54 @@ const uint16_t lde_replicaCoeff[PCODES] = {
// 24
(int)(0.22 * 65536)
void dw1000Util_enableclocks(int clocks)
* See header file dw1000_util.h
void dw1000Util_enableRX(){
//Align HSRBP and ICRBP if needed (see page 37 in the Usermanual)
uint64_t event = 0;
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(SYS_STATUS_ID, (uint8_t*) &event,
if((event & SYS_STATUS_HSRBP) != (event & SYS_STATUS_ICRBP)){
uint32_t reg;
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t *)&reg, SYS_CTRL_LEN);
dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t *)&reg, SYS_CTRL_LEN);
uint32_t sys_ctrl = 0;
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t*) &sys_ctrl,
SYS_CTRL_LEN); // switch to rx mode
sys_ctrl |= SYS_CTRL_RXENAB;
dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t*) &sys_ctrl,
* See header file dw1000_util.h
void dw1000Util_getRxTimestamp(uint8_t *radio_rx_time){
// Read rx timestamp from radio
dw1000Hal_readSubRegisterFromIsr(RX_TIME_ID, RX_TIME_RX_STAMP_OFFSET, radio_rx_time, RX_TIME_RX_STAMP_LEN);
* See header file dw1000_util.h
void dw1000Util_getSysTime(uint8_t *nt) {
uint8_t rev_buf[SYS_TIME_LEN];
dw1000Hal_readRegister(SYS_TIME_ID, rev_buf, SYS_TIME_LEN);
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < SYS_TIME_LEN; i++) {
nt[i] = rev_buf[i];
//nt[i] = rev_buf[(SYS_TIME_LEN -1) - i];
* The following functions were taken and adapted from the original driver
void dw1000Util_enableclocks(int clocks){
uint8_t reg[2];
dw1000Hal_readSubRegister(PMSC_ID,PMSC_CTRL0_OFFSET, reg, 2);
......@@ -224,42 +266,16 @@ void dw1000Util_enableclocks(int clocks)
dw1000Hal_writeSubRegister(PMSC_ID, PMSC_CTRL0_OFFSET + 1, &reg[0], 1);
void dw1000Util_enableRX(){
//Align HSRBP and ICRBP if needed (see page 37 in the Usermanual)
uint64_t event = 0;
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(SYS_STATUS_ID, (uint8_t*) &event,
if((event & SYS_STATUS_HSRBP) != (event & SYS_STATUS_ICRBP)){
uint32_t reg;
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t *)&reg, SYS_CTRL_LEN);
dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t *)&reg, SYS_CTRL_LEN);
uint32_t sys_ctrl = 0;
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t*) &sys_ctrl,
SYS_CTRL_LEN); // switch to rx mode
sys_ctrl |= SYS_CTRL_RXENAB;
dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t*) &sys_ctrl,
uint32_t dw1000Util_otpread(uint32_t address)
uint8_t buf[4];
uint32_t ret_data;
//TODO Wieso buf? Und nicht gleich von address?
buf[1] = (address>>8) & 0xff;
buf[0] = address & 0xff;
// Write the address
dw1000Hal_writeSubRegister(OTP_IF_ID, OTP_ADDR, buf, OTP_ADDR_LEN);
// Assert OTP Read (self clearing)
buf[0] = 0x03; // 0x03 for manual drive of OTP_READ and OTP_READ
dw1000Hal_writeSubRegister(OTP_IF_ID, OTP_CTRL, buf, 1);
......@@ -273,96 +289,23 @@ uint32_t dw1000Util_otpread(uint32_t address)
return (ret_data);
void dw1000Util_getRxTimestamp(dw1000_global_time_t *time_buffer){
uint8_t buf[5] = {0};
uint64_t radio_rx_time = 0;
// Read rx timestamp from radio
dw1000Hal_readSubRegisterFromIsr(RX_TIME_ID, RX_TIME_RX_STAMP_OFFSET, buf, RX_TIME_RX_STAMP_LEN);
radio_rx_time = ((uint64_t) buf[4]) << 32 |
((uint64_t) buf[3]) << 24 |
((uint64_t) buf[2]) << 16 |
((uint64_t) buf[1]) << 8 |
((uint64_t) buf[0]) << 0;
// multiply by 16 to get picoseconds (actually ~15.65 is right)
radio_rx_time <<= 4;
// Calculate timestamp in milliseconds and sub-milliseconds parts separately
uint64_t ms_buf = global_time * GLOBAL_TIME_TICK_MS + radio_rx_time / 1000000000llu;
uint64_t subms_buf = radio_rx_time - (global_time * 1000000000llu);
if(ms_buf < {
// The radio timer had an overflow, but the global timer didn't, yet
// Write calculated timestamp to provided structure
time_buffer->ms = ms_buf;
time_buffer->subms = subms_buf;
// Store new timestamp to be able to detect asynchronous overflows = ms_buf;
void lltoa(uint64_t val, char *dest_buf, uint8_t base) {
char buf[64] = {0};
uint32_t i = 62;
for(; val && i ; --i, val /= base) {
buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[val % base];
memcpy(dest_buf, &buf[i + 1], 64);
void dw1000Util_printGlobalTimestamp(dw1000_global_time_t *time) {
char ms_buf[64] = {0};
char subms_buf[64] = {0};
// Convert uint64_t timestamp to strings, because printf can't handle 64-bit integers
lltoa(time->ms, ms_buf, 10);
lltoa(time->subms, subms_buf, 10);
printf("RX time = %s.%sms\n", ms_buf, subms_buf);
void dw1000Util_forceTrxOff(void) {
uint32_t sys_ctrl = 0;
//DECA: decaIrqStatus_t stat ; ???
uint32_t sys_mask;
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(SYS_MASK_ID, (uint8_t *) &sys_mask, SYS_MASK_LEN);
// need to beware of interrupts occurring in the middle of following read modify write cycle
// we can disable the radio, but before the status is cleared an interrupt can be set (e.g. the
// event has just happened before the radio was disabled)
// thus we need to disable interrupt during this operation
/// stat = decamutexon() ; DECA: ???:" -->
portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); //FIXME Eigentlich eher EXTI
uint32_t tmp_mask = 0;
// No interrupts
dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(SYS_MASK_ID, (uint8_t *) &tmp_mask, SYS_MASK_LEN);
//Disable radio
// Disable radio
dw1000Hal_readRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t *) &sys_ctrl, 4);
sys_ctrl |= SYS_CTRL_TRXOFF;// Immediately cancel all RX and TX operations, bring radio to IDLE state
// Immediately cancel all RX and TX operations, bring radio to IDLE state
sys_ctrl |= SYS_CTRL_TRXOFF;
dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(SYS_CTRL_ID, (uint8_t *) &sys_ctrl, 4);
dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(SYS_STATUS_ID,(uint8_t *) &tmp, 4) ;
//TODO dwt_syncrxbufptrs();
dw1000Hal_writeRegisterFromIsr(SYS_MASK_ID, (uint8_t *) &sys_mask, SYS_MASK_LEN);
void dw1000Util_reset(void) {
......@@ -396,16 +339,12 @@ void dw1000Util_resetRxOnly(void) {
subreg |= (0xe << 28);
dw1000Hal_writeSubRegisterFromIsr(PMSC_ID, PMSC_CTRL0_OFFSET,
(uint8_t*) &subreg, PMSC_CTRL0_LEN);
// dw1000Hal_readSubRegisterFromIsr(PMSC_ID, PMSC_CTRL0_OFFSET,
// (uint8_t*) &subreg, PMSC_CTRL0_LEN);
subreg |= (0xf << 28);
dw1000Hal_writeSubRegisterFromIsr(PMSC_ID, PMSC_CTRL0_OFFSET,
(uint8_t*) &subreg, PMSC_CTRL0_LEN);
#ifdef DEBUG
void hexdump(uint8_t * buffer, uint8_t len){
char string [2*len +1];
char * string_ptr = string;
......@@ -416,6 +355,28 @@ void hexdump(uint8_t * buffer, uint8_t len){
string[2*len] = '\0';
trace_printf("Ev: %s\n", string);
void lltoa(int64_t val, char *dest_buf, uint8_t base) {
uint8_t sign = 0;
char buf[64] = {0};
uint32_t i = 0;
if(val == 0) {
dest_buf[0] = '0';
dest_buf[1] = '\0';
else if(val < 0) {
sign = 1;
val = -val;
for(i = 62; val && i ; --i, val /= base) {
buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[val % base];
if(sign) {
buf[i--] = '-';
memcpy(dest_buf, &buf[i + 1], 64);