DEFILES = $(shell ls de/*.xml)
FIXFILES = $(shell ls fix/*.xml)
LANG = de
PROJECTID = bjcp-styleguide-1570890297003
LOCATION = us-central1
GLOSSARYID = bjcp-en-de-glossary
default: bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de-auto.xml
@if [ ! -d cache ] ; then mkdir cache ; fi
@curl -s -o cache/2015_Guidelines_Beer.docx
@echo "downloaded $@"
cache/bjcp-2015-styleguide-word.xml: cache/2015_Guidelines_Beer.docx
@unzip -p cache/2015_Guidelines_Beer.docx word/document.xml | xmllint --format - > cache/bjcp-2015-styleguide-word.xml
@echo "built $@"
bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml: $(FIXFILES) cache/bjcp-2015-styleguide-word.xml xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-doc-to-xml.xsl xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-split.xsl
@bash -c 'xsltproc --output bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-doc-to-xml.xsl cache/bjcp-2015-styleguide-word.xml 2> >(grep -v "failed to load external entity")'
@echo "built $@"
@if [ ! -d orig ] ; then mkdir orig ; fi
@xsltproc xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-split.xsl bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml
@echo "built orig/"
bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml: de bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml $(DEFILES) xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-translate.xsl
@bash -c 'xsltproc --stringparam lang de --output bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-translate.xsl bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml 2> >(grep -v "failed to load external entity")'
web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml: bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml
cp bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml web/
web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml: bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml
cp bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml web/
web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de-auto.xml: cache/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de-auto.xml
cp cache/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de-auto.xml web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de-auto.xml

Frank Steinberg
@for f in de/*.xml ; do xmllint --format $$f | sed -e 's/ standalone="yes"//' > cache/tmp.xml ; cmp -s cache/tmp.xml $$f ; if [ $$? -ne 0 ] ; then cat cache/tmp.xml > $$f ; echo "reformatted $$f" ; fi ; rm cache/tmp.xml ; done
status: bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml
@-xsltproc --stringparam lang de xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-status.xsl bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml 2>&1 | grep -v "failed to load external entity"
check: bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml
@for f in de/*.xml ; do xmllint --noout --schema xsd/bjcp-styleguide-2015.xsd $$f ; done
@xmllint --noout --schema xsd/bjcp-styleguide-2015.xsd bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml
@xmllint --noout --schema xsd/bjcp-styleguide-2015.xsd bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml
@rm -f bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml
@rm -f bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml
@rm -f web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml
@rm -f web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml
@rm -f web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de-auto.xml
distclean: clean
@rm -rf cache
@echo "complete cleanup done"
## Web Editor stuff -- this works only with additional manual adjustments
@nohup sh -c 'if [ ! -e .background ] ; then touch .background ; rm -f .background-again bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml ; make ; if [ -e .git-push ] ; then rm .git-push ; git pull ; git push ; fi ; rm .background ; if [ -e .background-again ] ; then rm bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml web/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de.xml ; make background ; fi ; else touch .background-again ; fi' >/dev/null 2>&1 &
ssh z "cd /var/www ; if [ -d bjcp-2015-styleguide ] ; then cd bjcp-2015-styleguide ; sudo -u www-data git pull ; sudo -u www-data make ; else sudo -u www-data git clone ; cd bjcp-2015-styleguide ; sudo -u www-data mkdir web/snippets ; sudo -u www-data make ; fi"
ssh hbcon "cd /var/data/docker/bjcp/webroot ; if [ -d bjcp-2015-styleguide ] ; then cd bjcp-2015-styleguide ; git pull ; make ; else git clone ; cd bjcp-2015-styleguide ; mkdir web/snippets ; make ; fi ; chmod -R o+w ."
@if [ -d web/snippets ] ; then for f in web/snippets/*.xml ; do xsltproc xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-apply.xsl $$f ; echo "applied $$f" ; done ; else echo "nothing to apply from web/snippets" ; fi
@if [ -d $(HOME)/bjcp/snippets ] ; then for f in $(HOME)/bjcp/snippets/*.xml ; do xsltproc xsl/bjcp-2015-styleguide-apply.xsl $$f ; echo "applied $$f" ; done ; else echo "nothing to apply from $(HOME)/bjcp/snippets" ; fi
## Google Translate stuff -- this works only for users with a properly configured Google Cloud setup
translate: cache/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de-auto.xml
if [ "$$GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS" ] ; then cat bjcp-2015-styleguide-orig.xml | ./translate | xmllint --format - > cache/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de-auto.xml ; else if [ `hostname` != "zbox" ; then curl -s > cache/bjcp-2015-styleguide-de-auto.xml ; fi ; fi
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer "`gcloud auth application-default print-access-token`$(PROJECTID)/locations/$(LOCATION)/glossaries/$(GLOSSARYID)