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  • Glauber Costa's avatar
    Glauber Costa committed
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <jni.h>
    #include <api/assert.h>
    #include <osv/align.hh>
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    Glauber Costa committed
    #include <exceptions.hh>
    #include <memcpy_decode.hh>
    #include <boost/intrusive/set.hpp>
    #include <osv/trace.hh>
    #include "jvm_balloon.hh"
    #include <osv/debug.hh>
    #include <unordered_map>
    Glauber Costa's avatar
    Glauber Costa committed
    TRACEPOINT(trace_jvm_balloon_fault, "from=%p, to=%p", const unsigned char *, const unsigned char *);
    // We will divide the balloon in units of 128Mb. That should increase the likelyhood
    // of having hugepages mapped in and out of it.
    // Using constant sized balloons should help with the process of giving memory
    // back to the JVM, since we don't need to search the list of balloons until
    // we find a balloon of the desired size: any will do.
    constexpr size_t balloon_size = (128ULL << 20);
    class balloon {
        explicit balloon(unsigned char *jvm_addr, jobject jref, int alignment, size_t size);
        void release(JNIEnv *env);
        ulong empty_area(void);
        size_t size() { return _balloon_size; }
        size_t move_balloon(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src);
        void conciliate(unsigned char *addr);
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        unsigned char *_jvm_addr;
        unsigned char *_addr;
        unsigned char *_jvm_end_addr;
        unsigned char *_end;
        jobject _jref;
        unsigned int _alignment;
        size_t hole_size() { return _end - _addr; }
        size_t _balloon_size = balloon_size;
    mutex balloons_lock;
    std::list<balloon *> balloons;
    std::unordered_map<unsigned char *, unsigned char *> balloon_candidates;
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    Glauber Costa committed
    // We will use the following two statistics to aid our decision about whether
    // or not we should balloon. They allow us to make informed decisions about what
    // is the memory usage figure since a given reference point.
    // In the future, we may move these to common code (say,, and have
    // the checkpoints be independent of whether or not a call to balloon has happened.
    // That is particularly important if we have many other kinds of shrinking agents.
    // But right now, let's keep it here for simplicity.
    static std::atomic<size_t> last_freed_memory(0);
    static std::atomic<size_t> last_jvm_heap_memory(0);
    // allocated is the inverse of free
    static ssize_t recent_allocated()
        auto curr = memory::stats::free();
        return - curr;
    static ssize_t recent_jvm_heap()
        auto curr = memory::stats::jvm_heap();
        return curr -;
    void balloon::conciliate(unsigned char *addr)
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        _jvm_addr = addr;
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        _jvm_end_addr = _jvm_addr + _balloon_size;
        _addr = align_up(_jvm_addr, _alignment);
        _end = align_down(_jvm_end_addr, _alignment);
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    ulong balloon::empty_area()
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        return mmu::map_jvm(_addr, hole_size(), this);
    balloon::balloon(unsigned char *jvm_addr, jobject jref, int alignment = mmu::huge_page_size, size_t size = balloon_size)
        : _jvm_addr(jvm_addr), _jref(jref), _alignment(alignment), _balloon_size(size)
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    Glauber Costa's avatar
    Glauber Costa committed
    // Giving memory back to the JVM only means deleting the reference.  Without
    // any pending references, the Garbage collector will be responsible for
    // disposing the object when it really needs to. As for the OS memory, note
    // that since we are operating in virtual addresses, we have to mmap the memory
    // back. That does not guarantee that it will be backed by pages until the JVM
    // decides to reuse it for something else.
    void balloon::release(JNIEnv *env)
        // No need to remap. Will happen automatically when JVM touches it again
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    Glauber Costa committed
    size_t balloon::move_balloon(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char *src)
        // It could be that the other balloon candidates are still in flight.
        // But if we are copying from this source, this has to be a balloon and
        // we need to conciliate here to be able to correctly calculate the skipped
        // portion.
        if (src != _addr) {
            auto candidate = balloon_candidates.find(src);
            assert(candidate != balloon_candidates.end());
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    Glauber Costa committed
        size_t skipped = _addr - _jvm_addr;
        // We need to calculate how many bytes we will skip if this were the new
        // balloon, but we won't touch the mappings yet. That will be done at conciliation
        // time when we're sure of it.
        auto candidate_jvm_addr = dest - skipped;
        auto candidate_jvm_end_addr = candidate_jvm_addr + _balloon_size;
        auto candidate_addr = align_up(candidate_jvm_addr, _alignment);
        auto candidate_end = align_down(candidate_jvm_end_addr, _alignment);
        balloon_candidates.insert(std::make_pair(candidate_addr, candidate_jvm_addr));
        mmu::map_jvm(candidate_addr, candidate_end - candidate_addr, this);
        return candidate_jvm_end_addr - dest;
    void finish_move(mmu::jvm_balloon_vma *vma)
        unsigned char *addr = static_cast<unsigned char *>(vma->addr());
        delete vma;
    Glauber Costa's avatar
    Glauber Costa committed
    // We can either be called from a java thread, or from the shrinking code in OSv.
    // In the first case we can just grab a pointer to env, but in the later we need
    // to attach our C++ thread to the JVM. Only in that case we will need to detach
    // later, so keep track through passing the status over as a handler.
    int jvm_balloon_shrinker::_attach(JNIEnv **env)
        int status = _vm->GetEnv((void **)env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
        if (status == JNI_EDETACHED) {
            if (_vm->AttachCurrentThread((void **) env, NULL) != 0) {
        } else {
            assert(status == JNI_OK);
        return status;
    void jvm_balloon_shrinker::_detach(int status)
        if (status != JNI_OK) {
    size_t jvm_balloon_shrinker::request_memory(size_t size)
        JNIEnv *env = NULL;
        size_t ret = 0;
        int status = _attach(&env);
        WITH_LOCK(balloons_lock) {
            ssize_t last_heap = recent_jvm_heap();
            ssize_t last_used = recent_allocated();
            // Beware: because we are just estimating used from two timepoints, it
            // can actually be 0.  For instance, if we allocated 100 Mb of JVM heap
            // and freed 100 Mb of file memory.
            if (last_used && ((last_heap * 100) / last_used  > 80)) {
                return 0;
        // It is unfortunate that we need to evaluate those every time, but the JNI
        // functions are associated with a particular env pointer. So if we reuse
        // any of those values, they will be invalid in the next invocation. The
        // whole thing takes around 30 ms though, so it should be fine.
        auto rtclass = env->FindClass("java/lang/Runtime");
        auto rt = env->GetStaticMethodID(rtclass , "getRuntime", "()Ljava/lang/Runtime;");
        auto rtinst = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(rtclass, rt);
        auto free_memory  = env->GetMethodID(rtclass, "freeMemory", "()J");
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        do {
            size_t free = env->CallLongMethod(rtinst, free_memory);
            // Don't overstress the heap. If we have not enough heap size for a
            // balloon, we are unlikely to do any good.
            if ((free < balloon_size) || ((free * 100) / _total_heap) < 20) {
    Glauber Costa's avatar
    Glauber Costa committed
            jbyteArray array = env->NewByteArray(balloon_size);
            jthrowable exc = env->ExceptionOccurred();
            if (exc) {
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    Glauber Costa committed
            jboolean iscopy=0;
            auto p = env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(array, &iscopy);
            // OpenJDK7 will always return false when we are using
            // GetPrimitiveArrayCritical, and true when we are using
            // GetPrimitiveArray.  Still, better test it since this is not mandated
            // by the interface. If we receive a copy of the array instead of the
            // actual array, this address is pointless.
            if (!iscopy) {
                // When calling JNI, all allocated objects will have local
                // references that prevent them from being garbage collected. But
                // those references will only prevent the object from being Garbage
                // Collected while we are executing JNI code. We need to acquire a
                // global reference.  Later on, we will invalidate it when we no
                // longer want this balloon to stay around.
                jobject jref = env->NewGlobalRef(array);
                WITH_LOCK(balloons_lock) {
                    auto b = new balloon(static_cast<unsigned char *>(p), jref);
                    ret += b->empty_area();
                    // Call the recent_* functions again here so the newly disposed of memory does
                    // not influence future measurements.
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    Glauber Costa committed
            env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(array, p, 0);
            // Avoid entering any endless loops. Fail imediately
            if (!iscopy)
        } while (ret < size);
        return ret;
    size_t jvm_balloon_shrinker::release_memory(size_t size)
        JNIEnv *env = NULL;
        int status = _attach(&env);
        size_t ret = 0;
        WITH_LOCK(balloons_lock) {
            while ((ret < size) && !balloons.empty()) {
                auto b = balloons.back();
                ret += b->size();
                delete b;
                // It might be that this shrinker was disabled due to excessive memory
                // pressure, so we must take care to activate it. This should be a nop
                // if the shrinker is already active, so do it always.
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    Glauber Costa committed
        return ret;
    // We have created a byte array and evacuated its addresses. Java is not ever
    // expected to touch the variable itself because no code does it. But when GC
    // is called, it will move the array to a different location. Because the array
    // is paged out, this will generate a fault. We can trap that fault and then
    // manually resolve it.
    // However, we need to be careful about one thing: The JVM will not move parts
    // of the heap in an object-by-object basis, but rather copy large chunks at
    // once. So there is no guarantee whatsoever about the kind of addresses we
    // will receive here. Only that there is a balloon in the middle. So the best
    // thing to do is to emulate the memcpy in its entirety, not only the balloon
    // part.  That means copying the part that comes before the balloon, playing
    // with the maps for the balloon itself, and then finish copying the part that
    // comes after the balloon.
    void jvm_balloon_fault(balloon *b, exception_frame *ef, mmu::jvm_balloon_vma *vma)
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        WITH_LOCK(balloons_lock) {
            if (ef->error_code == mmu::page_fault_write) {
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            memcpy_decoder *decode = memcpy_find_decoder(ef);
            if (!decode) {
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    Glauber Costa committed
            unsigned char *dest = memcpy_decoder::dest(ef);
            unsigned char *src = memcpy_decoder::src(ef);
            trace_jvm_balloon_fault(src, dest);
            decode->memcpy_fixup(ef, b->move_balloon(dest, src));
    jvm_balloon_shrinker::jvm_balloon_shrinker(JavaVM_ *vm)
        : shrinker("jvm_shrinker")
        , _vm(vm)
        JNIEnv *env = NULL;
        int status = _attach(&env);
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    Glauber Costa committed
        jbyteArray array = env->NewByteArray(mmu::page_size << 1);
        jthrowable exc = env->ExceptionOccurred();
        jboolean iscopy;
        auto p = env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(array, &iscopy);
        jobject jref = env->NewGlobalRef(array);
        WITH_LOCK(balloons_lock) {
            auto b = new balloon(static_cast<unsigned char *>(p), jref,
                                 mmu::page_size, mmu::page_size << 1);
        env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(array, p, 0);
        auto monitor = env->FindClass("io/osv/OSvGCMonitor");
        if (!monitor) {
            debug(" Can't find monitor class\n");
        auto rtclass = env->FindClass("java/lang/Runtime");
        auto rt = env->GetStaticMethodID(rtclass , "getRuntime", "()Ljava/lang/Runtime;");
        auto rtinst = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(rtclass, rt);
        auto total_memory = env->GetMethodID(rtclass, "totalMemory", "()J");
        _total_heap = env->CallLongMethod(rtinst, total_memory);
        auto monmethod = env->GetStaticMethodID(monitor, "MonitorGC", "(J)V");
        env->CallStaticVoidMethod(monitor, monmethod, this);
        exc = env->ExceptionOccurred();
        if (exc) {
            printf("WARNING: Could not start OSV Monitor, and JVM Balloon is being disabled.\n"
                   "To fix this problem, please start OSv manually specifying the Heap Size.\n");
        // Reset statistics
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    Glauber Costa committed