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  • #include <sys/cdefs.h>
    Guy Zana's avatar
    Guy Zana committed
    #include "drivers/virtio.hh"
    #include "drivers/virtio-net.hh"
    #include "drivers/pci-device.hh"
    #include "interrupt.hh"
    #include "mempool.hh"
    #include "mmu.hh"
    #include "sglist.hh"
    #include <sstream>
    #include <string>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <map>
    #include <errno.h>
    Guy Zana's avatar
    Guy Zana committed
    #include "debug.hh"
    #include "sched.hh"
    #include "drivers/clock.hh"
    #include "drivers/clockevent.hh"
    #include <osv/device.h>
    #include <bsd/sys/sys/sockio.h>
    #include <bsd/sys/net/ethernet.h>
    #include <bsd/sys/net/if_types.h>
    using namespace memory;
    // TODO list
    // irq thread affinity and tx affinity
    // Mergable buffers
    // tx zero copy
    // vlans?
    Guy Zana's avatar
    Guy Zana committed
    namespace virtio {
        int virtio_net::_instance = 0;
        #define virtio_net_tag "virtio-net"
        #define virtio_net_d(fmt)   logger::instance()->wrt(virtio_net_tag, logger_debug, (fmt))
        #define virtio_net_i(fmt)   logger::instance()->wrt(virtio_net_tag, logger_info, (fmt))
        #define virtio_net_w(fmt)   logger::instance()->wrt(virtio_net_tag, logger_warn, (fmt))
        #define virtio_net_e(fmt)   logger::instance()->wrt(virtio_net_tag, logger_error, (fmt))
        static int virtio_if_ioctl(
                struct ifnet *ifp,
                u_long command,
                caddr_t data)
            virtio_net_d(fmt("virtio_if_ioctl %x") % command);
            int error = 0;
            switch(command) {
            case SIOCSIFMTU:
            case SIOCSIFFLAGS:
                /* Change status ifup, ifdown */
                if (ifp->if_flags & IFF_UP) {
                    ifp->if_drv_flags |= IFF_DRV_RUNNING;
                } else {
                    ifp->if_drv_flags &= ~IFF_DRV_RUNNING;
            case SIOCADDMULTI:
            case SIOCDELMULTI:
                virtio_net_d(fmt("redirecting to ether_ioctl()..."));
                error = ether_ioctl(ifp, command, data);
        // Main transmit routine.
        static void virtio_if_start(struct ifnet* ifp)
            struct mbuf* m_head = NULL;
            virtio_net* vnet = (virtio_net*)ifp->if_softc;
            virtio_net_d(fmt("%s_start (transmit)") % __FUNCTION__);
            /* Process packets */
            IF_DEQUEUE(&ifp->if_snd, m_head);
            while (m_head != NULL) {
                virtio_net_d(fmt("*** processing packet! ***"));
                vnet->tx(m_head, false);
                IF_DEQUEUE(&ifp->if_snd, m_head);
        static void virtio_if_init(void* xsc)
            virtio_net_d(fmt("Virtio-net init"));
        virtio_net::virtio_net(pci::device& dev)
    Guy Zana's avatar
    Guy Zana committed
            std::stringstream ss;
            _driver_name = ss.str();
            virtio_i(fmt("VIRTIO NET INSTANCE"));
            _id = _instance++;
            //register the 3 irq callback for the net
            sched::thread* rx = new sched::thread([this] { this->receiver(); });
            sched::thread* tx = new sched::thread([this] { this->tx_gc_thread(); });
            //initialize the BSD interface _if
            _ifn = if_alloc(IFT_ETHER);
            if (_ifn == NULL) {
               //FIXME: need to handle this case - expand the above function not to allocate memory and
               // do it within the constructor.
               virtio_net_w(fmt("if_alloc failed!"));
            if_initname(_ifn, _driver_name.c_str(), _id);
            _ifn->if_mtu = ETHERMTU;
            _ifn->if_softc = static_cast<void*>(this);
            _ifn->if_flags = IFF_BROADCAST /*| IFF_MULTICAST*/;
            _ifn->if_ioctl = virtio_if_ioctl;
            _ifn->if_start = virtio_if_start;
            _ifn->if_init = virtio_if_init;
            _ifn->if_snd.ifq_maxlen = _queues[1]->size();
            _ifn->if_capabilities = 0/* IFCAP_RXCSUM */;
            _ifn->if_capenable = _ifn->if_capabilities;
            ether_ifattach(_ifn, _config.mac);
            _msi.easy_register({ { 0, rx }, {1, tx }});
            //TODO: In theory maintain the list of free instances and gc it
            // including the thread objects and their stack
        bool virtio_net::read_config()
            //read all of the net config  in one shot
            virtio_conf_read(virtio_pci_config_offset(), &_config, sizeof(_config));
            if (get_guest_feature_bit(VIRTIO_NET_F_MAC))
                virtio_net_i(fmt("The mac addr of the device is %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x") %
                        (u32)_config.mac[0] %
                        (u32)_config.mac[1] %
                        (u32)_config.mac[2] %
                        (u32)_config.mac[3] %
                        (u32)_config.mac[4] %
            return true;
        struct ethhdr {
                unsigned char   h_dest[6];       /* destination eth addr */
                unsigned char   h_source[6];     /* source ether addr    */
                u16          h_proto;                /* packet type ID field */
        } __attribute__((packed));
        struct iphdr {
                u8    ihl:4,
                u8    tos;
                u16  tot_len;
                u16  id;
                u16  frag_off;
                u8    ttl;
                u8    protocol;
                u16 check;
                u32  saddr;
                u32  daddr;
                /*The options start here. */
        } __attribute__((packed));
        struct icmphdr {
          u8          type;
          u8          code;
          u16       checksum;
          union {
                struct {
                        u16  id;
                        u16  sequence;
                } echo;
                u32  gateway;
                struct {
                        u16  __unused;
                        u16  mtu;
                } frag;
          } un;
        struct virtio_net_req {
            struct virtio_net::virtio_net_hdr hdr;
            struct mbuf *m;
            virtio_net_req() :m(nullptr) {memset(&hdr,0,sizeof(hdr));};
            ~virtio_net_req() {}
        void virtio_net::receiver() {
            vring* queue = get_virt_queue(0);
                sched::thread::wait_until([this, queue] {
                    return queue->used_ring_not_empty();
                int i = 0;
                virtio_net_req * req;
                while((req = static_cast<virtio_net_req*>(queue->get_buf(&len))) != nullptr) {
                    auto ii = req->payload._nodes.begin();
                    struct mbuf *m = req->m;
                    u8* buf = mtod(m, u8*);
                    virtio_net_d(fmt("\t got hdr len:%d = %d, len= %d vaddr=%p") % i++ % (int)req->hdr.hdr_len % len % (void*)buf);
                    m->m_pkthdr.len = len;
                    m->m_pkthdr.rcvif = _ifn;
                    m->m_pkthdr.csum_flags = 0;
                    m->m_len = len;
                    (*_ifn->if_input)(_ifn, m);
                    ethhdr* eh = reinterpret_cast<ethhdr*>(buf);
                    virtio_net_d(fmt("The src %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x dst %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x type %d ") %
                            (u32)eh->h_source[0] %
                            (u32)eh->h_source[1] %
                            (u32)eh->h_source[2] %
                            (u32)eh->h_source[3] %
                            (u32)eh->h_source[4] %
                            (u32)eh->h_source[5] %
                            (u32)eh->h_dest[0] %
                            (u32)eh->h_dest[1] %
                            (u32)eh->h_dest[2] %
                            (u32)eh->h_dest[3] %
                            (u32)eh->h_dest[4] %
                            (u32)eh->h_dest[5] %
                    iphdr* ip = reinterpret_cast<iphdr*>(buf+sizeof(ethhdr));
                    virtio_net_d(fmt("tot_len = %d protocol=%d, saddr=%d:%d:%d:%d daddr=%d:%d:%d:%d") %
                            (u32)ip->tot_len % (u32)ip->protocol % (ip->saddr & 0xff) % (ip->saddr >> 8 & 0xff) %
                            (ip->saddr >> 16 & 0xff) % (ip->saddr >> 24 & 0xff) % (ip->daddr & 0xff) % (ip->daddr >> 8 & 0xff) %
                            (ip->daddr >> 16 & 0xff) % (ip->daddr >> 24 & 0xff));
                    icmphdr* icmp = reinterpret_cast<icmphdr*>(buf+sizeof(ethhdr)+sizeof(iphdr));
                    virtio_net_d(fmt("icmp code=%d. type=%d") % (u32)icmp->code % (u32)icmp->type);
                    delete req;
                    // TODO: who should free it? m_freem(m);
                if (queue->avail_ring_has_room(queue->size()/2)) {
                    virtio_net_d(fmt("ring is less than half full, refill"));
        static const int page_size = 4096;
        void virtio_net::fill_rx_ring()
            vring* queue = get_virt_queue(0);
            virtio_net_d(fmt("%s") % __FUNCTION__);
            // it could have been a while (1) loop but it simplifies the allocation
            // tracking
            while (queue->avail_ring_has_room(2)) {
                virtio_net_req *req = new virtio_net_req;
                struct mbuf *m = m_getjcl(M_NOWAIT, MT_DATA, M_PKTHDR, page_size);
                if (!m)
                req->m = m;
                u8 *mdata;
                //int offset;
                mdata = mtod(m, u8*);
                //Better use the header withing the mbuf allocation like in freebsd
                //offset = 0;
                //struct virtio_net_hdr *hdr = static_cast<struct virtio_net_hdr*>(mdata);
                //offset += sizeof(struct virtio_net_hdr);
                req->payload.add(mmu::virt_to_phys(mdata), page_size);
                req->payload.add(mmu::virt_to_phys(static_cast<void*>(&req->hdr)), sizeof(struct virtio_net_hdr), true);
                if (!queue->add_buf(&req->payload,0,req->payload.get_sgs(),req)) {
        bool virtio_net::tx(struct mbuf *m_head, bool flush)
            vring* queue = get_virt_queue(1);
            struct mbuf *m;
            virtio_net_req *req = new virtio_net_req;
            for (m = m_head; m != NULL; m = m->m_next) {
                if (m->m_len != 0) {
                    virtio_net_d(fmt("Frag len=%d:") % m->m_len);
                    req->payload.add(mmu::virt_to_phys(m->m_data), m->m_len);
            req->hdr.hdr_len = ETH_ALEN + sizeof(iphdr);
            req->payload.add(mmu::virt_to_phys(static_cast<void*>(&req->hdr)), sizeof(struct virtio_net_hdr), true);
            // leak for now ; req->buffer = (u8*)out;
            if (!queue->avail_ring_has_room(req->payload.get_sgs())) {
                if (queue->used_ring_not_empty()) {
                    virtio_net_d(fmt("%s: gc tx buffers to clear space"));
                } else {
                    virtio_net_d(fmt("%s: no room") % __FUNCTION__);
                    delete req;
                    return false;
            if (!queue->add_buf(&req->payload, req->payload.get_sgs(),0,req)) {
                delete req;
                return false;
            if (flush)
            return true;
        void virtio_net::tx_gc_thread() {
            vring* queue = get_virt_queue(1);
                sched::thread::wait_until([this, queue] {
                    return queue->used_ring_not_empty();
            vring* queue = get_virt_queue(1);
            while((req = static_cast<virtio_net_req*>(queue->get_buf(&len))) != nullptr) {
                virtio_net_d(fmt("%s: gc %d") % __FUNCTION__ % i++);
                if (req->m) m_freem(req->m);
        u32 virtio_net::get_driver_features(void)
            u32 base = virtio_driver::get_driver_features();
            return (base | ( 1 << VIRTIO_NET_F_MAC));
        hw_driver* virtio_net::probe(hw_device* dev)
            if (auto pci_dev = dynamic_cast<pci::device*>(dev)) {
                if (pci_dev->get_id() == hw_device_id(VIRTIO_VENDOR_ID, VIRTIO_NET_DEVICE_ID)) {
                    return new virtio_net(*pci_dev);
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