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  • /*
     * Jitsi, the OpenSource Java VoIP and Instant Messaging client.
     * Distributable under LGPL license.
     * See terms of license at
    package org.jitsi.impl.neomedia;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.device.*;
    import org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.rtp.*;
    import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.control.*;
    import org.jitsi.service.neomedia.rtp.*;
    import org.jitsi.util.*;
     * Class used to compute stats concerning a MediaStream.
     * @author Vincent Lucas
     * @author Lyubomir Marinov
    public class MediaStreamStatsImpl
        implements MediaStreamStats
         * Enumeration of the direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) used for the stats.
        private enum StreamDirection
         * The <tt>Logger</tt> used by the <tt>MediaStreamImpl</tt> class and its
         * instances for logging output.
        private static final Logger logger
            = Logger.getLogger(MediaStreamStatsImpl.class);
         * Computes an Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA). Thus, the most
         * recent history has a more preponderant importance in the average
         * computed.
         * @param nbStepSinceLastUpdate The number of step which has not been
         * computed since last update. In our case the number of packets received
         * since the last computation.
         * @param lastValue The value computed during the last update.
         * @param newValue The value newly computed.
         * @return The EWMA average computed.
        private static double computeEWMA(
                long nbStepSinceLastUpdate,
                double lastValue,
                double newValue)
            // For each new packet received the EWMA moves by a 0.1 coefficient.
            double EWMACoeff = 0.01 * nbStepSinceLastUpdate;
            // EWMA must be <= 1.
            if(EWMACoeff > 1)
                EWMACoeff = 1.0;
            return lastValue * (1.0 - EWMACoeff) + newValue * EWMACoeff;
         * Computes the loss rate.
         * @param nbLostAndRecv The number of lost and received packets.
         * @param nbLost The number of lost packets.
         * @return The loss rate in percent.
        private static double computePercentLoss(long nbLostAndRecv, long nbLost)
                (nbLostAndRecv == 0)
                    ? 0
                    : (((double) 100 * nbLost) / nbLostAndRecv);
         * Computes the bandwidth usage in Kilo bits per seconds.
         * @param nbByteRecv The number of Byte received.
         * @param callNbTimeMsSpent The time spent since the mediaStreamImpl is
         * connected to the endpoint.
         * @return the bandwidth rate computed in Kilo bits per seconds.
        private static double computeRateKiloBitPerSec(
                long nbByteRecv,
                long callNbTimeMsSpent)
                (nbByteRecv == 0)
                    ? 0
                    : ((nbByteRecv * 8.0 / 1000.0) / (callNbTimeMsSpent / 1000.0));
         * Gets the <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> of a <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>.
         * @param receiveStream the <tt>ReceiveStream</tt> to get the
         * <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> of
         * @return the <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> of <tt>receiveStream</tt>.
        public static JitterBufferControl getJitterBufferControl(
                ReceiveStream receiveStream)
            DataSource ds = receiveStream.getDataSource();
            if (ds instanceof PushBufferDataSource)
                for (PushBufferStream pbs
                        : ((PushBufferDataSource) ds).getStreams())
                    JitterBufferControl pqc
                        = (JitterBufferControl)
                    if (pqc != null)
                        return pqc;
            return null;
         * The last jitter received/sent in a RTCP feedback (in RTP timestamp
         * units).
        private double[] jitterRTPTimestampUnits = {0, 0};
         * The source data stream to analyze in order to compute the stats.
        private final MediaStreamImpl mediaStreamImpl;
         * The last number of received/sent Bytes.
        private long[] nbByte = {0, 0};
         * The total number of discarded packets
        private long nbDiscarded = 0;
         * The number of packets for which FEC data was decoded. This is only
        private long nbFec = 0;
         * The last number of download/upload lost packets.
        private long[] nbLost = {0, 0};
         * The last number of received/sent packets.
        private long[] nbPackets = {0, 0};
         * The last percent of discarded packets
        private double percentDiscarded = 0;
         * The last download/upload loss rate computed (in %).
        private double[] percentLoss = {0, 0};
         * The last used bandwidth computed in download/upload (in Kbit/s).
        private double[] rateKiloBitPerSec = {0, 0};
         * The <tt>RTCPReportListener</tt> which listens to {@link #rtcpReports}
         * about the sending and the receiving of RTCP sender/receiver reports and
         * updates this <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> with their feedback reports.
        private final RTCPReportListener rtcpReportListener
            = new RTCPReportAdapter()
                 * {@inheritDoc}
                 * Updates this <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> with the received feedback
                 * (report).
                public void rtcpReportReceived(RTCPReport report)
                    List<?> feedbackReports = report.getFeedbackReports();
                    if (!feedbackReports.isEmpty())
                                (RTCPFeedback) feedbackReports.get(0));
                 * {@inheritDoc}
                 * Updates this <tt>MediaStreamStats</tt> with the sent feedback
                 * (report).
                public void rtcpReportSent(RTCPReport report)
                    List<?> feedbackReports = report.getFeedbackReports();
                    if (!feedbackReports.isEmpty())
                                (RTCPFeedback) feedbackReports.get(0));
         * The detailed statistics about the RTCP reports sent and received by the
         * associated local peer.
        private final RTCPReports rtcpReports = new RTCPReports();
         * The RTT computed with the RTCP feedback (cf. RFC3550, section 6.4.1,
         * subsection "delay since last SR (DLSR): 32 bits").
         * -1 if the RTT has not been computed yet. Otherwise the RTT in ms.
        private long rttMs = -1;
         * The last time these stats have been updated.
        private long updateTimeMs;
         * The last number of sent packets when the last feedback has been received.
         * This counter is used to compute the upload loss rate.
        private long uploadFeedbackNbPackets = 0;
         * Creates a new instance of stats concerning a MediaStream.
         * @param mediaStreamImpl The MediaStreamImpl used to compute the stats.
        public MediaStreamStatsImpl(MediaStreamImpl mediaStreamImpl)
            this.mediaStreamImpl = mediaStreamImpl;
            updateTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * Computes the RTT with the data (LSR and DLSR) contained in the last
         * RTCP Sender Report (RTCP feedback). This RTT computation is based on
         * RFC3550, section 6.4.1, subsection "delay since last SR (DLSR): 32
         * bits".
         * @param feedback The last RTCP feedback received by the MediaStream.
         * @return The RTT in milliseconds, or -1 if the RTT is not computable.
        private long computeRTTInMs(RTCPFeedback feedback)
            long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long lsr = feedback.getLSR();
            long dlsr = feedback.getDLSR();
            int rtt = RecvSSRCInfo.getRoundTripDelay(now, lsr, dlsr);
             * If the RTT is greater than a minute, it may signal a bug in the
             * computation. Log such occurrences in order to debug them.
            if ((rtt >= 65536) && logger.isInfoEnabled())
                        "Stream: " + mediaStreamImpl.getName()
                            + ", RTT computation may be wrong (" + rtt
                            + ">= 65536 milliseconds): now " + now + ", lsr " + lsr
                            + ", dlsr " + dlsr);
            return rtt;
         * Returns the jitter average of this download stream.
         * @return the last jitter average computed (in ms).
        public double getDownloadJitterMs()
            return getJitterMs(StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD);
         * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) lost in download since
         * the beginning of the session.
         * @return the number of packets lost for this stream.
        private long getDownloadNbPDULost()
            MediaDeviceSession devSession = mediaStreamImpl.getDeviceSession();
            int nbLost = 0;
            if (devSession != null)
                for(ReceiveStream receiveStream : devSession.getReceiveStreams())
                    nbLost += receiveStream.getSourceReceptionStats().getPDUlost();
            return nbLost;
         * Returns the percent loss of the download stream.
         * @return the last loss rate computed (in %).
        public double getDownloadPercentLoss()
            return percentLoss[StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD.ordinal()];
         * Returns the bandwidth used by this download stream.
         * @return the last used download bandwidth computed (in Kbit/s).
        public double getDownloadRateKiloBitPerSec()
            return rateKiloBitPerSec[StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD.ordinal()];
         * Returns the download video format if this stream downloads a video, or
         * null if not.
         * @return the download video format if this stream downloads a video, or
         * null if not.
        private VideoFormat getDownloadVideoFormat()
            MediaDeviceSession deviceSession = mediaStreamImpl.getDeviceSession();
                (deviceSession instanceof VideoMediaDeviceSession)
                    ? ((VideoMediaDeviceSession) deviceSession)
         * Returns the download video size if this stream downloads a video, or
         * null if not.
         * @return the download video size if this stream downloads a video, or null
         * if not.
        public Dimension getDownloadVideoSize()
            VideoFormat format = getDownloadVideoFormat();
            return (format == null) ? null : format.getSize();
         * Returns the MediaStream enconding.
         * @return the encoding used by the stream.
        public String getEncoding()
            MediaFormat format = mediaStreamImpl.getFormat();
            return (format == null) ? null : format.getEncoding();
         * Returns the MediaStream enconding rate (in Hz)..
         * @return the encoding rate used by the stream.
        public String getEncodingClockRate()
            MediaFormat format = mediaStreamImpl.getFormat();
            return (format == null) ? null : format.getRealUsedClockRateString();
         * Returns the delay in milliseconds introduced by the jitter buffer.
         * Since there might be multiple <tt>ReceiveStreams</tt>, returns the
         * biggest delay found in any of them.
         * @return the delay in milliseconds introduces by the jitter buffer
        public int getJitterBufferDelayMs()
            int delay = 0;
            for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
              if(pqc.getCurrentDelayMs() > delay)
                  delay = pqc.getCurrentDelayMs();
            return delay;
         * Returns the delay in number of packets introduced by the jitter buffer.
         * Since there might be multiple <tt>ReceiveStreams</tt>, returns the
         * biggest delay found in any of them.
         * @return the delay in number of packets introduced by the jitter buffer
        public int getJitterBufferDelayPackets()
            int delay = 0;
            for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
                if(pqc.getCurrentDelayPackets() > delay)
                    delay = pqc.getCurrentDelayPackets();
            return delay;
         * Returns the jitter average of this upload/download stream.
         * @param streamDirection The stream direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) of the
         * stream from which this function retrieve the jitter.
         * @return the last jitter average computed (in ms).
        private double getJitterMs(StreamDirection streamDirection)
            MediaFormat format = mediaStreamImpl.getFormat();
            double clockRate;
            if (format == null)
                MediaType mediaType = mediaStreamImpl.getMediaType();
                clockRate = MediaType.VIDEO.equals(mediaType) ? 90000 : -1;
                clockRate = format.getClockRate();
            if (clockRate <= 0)
                return -1;
            // RFC3550 says that concerning the RTP timestamp unit (cf. section 5.1
            // RTP Fixed Header Fields, subsection timestamp: 32 bits):
            // As an example, for fixed-rate audio the timestamp clock would likely
            // increment by one for each sampling period.
            // Thus we take the jitter in RTP timestamp units, convert it to seconds
            // (/ clockRate) and finally converts it to milliseconds  (* 1000).
                (jitterRTPTimestampUnits[streamDirection.ordinal()] / clockRate)
                    * 1000.0;
         * Returns the local IP address of the MediaStream.
         * @return the local IP address of the stream.
        public String getLocalIPAddress()
            InetSocketAddress mediaStreamLocalDataAddress
                = mediaStreamImpl.getLocalDataAddress();
                (mediaStreamLocalDataAddress == null)
                    ? null
                    : mediaStreamLocalDataAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress();
         * Returns the local port of the MediaStream.
         * @return the local port of the stream.
        public int getLocalPort()
            InetSocketAddress mediaStreamLocalDataAddress
                = mediaStreamImpl.getLocalDataAddress();
                (mediaStreamLocalDataAddress == null)
                    ? -1
                    : mediaStreamLocalDataAddress.getPort();
         * Returns the number of sent/received bytes since the beginning of the
         * session.
         * @param streamDirection The stream direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) of the
         * stream from which this function retrieve the number of sent/received
         * bytes.
         * @return the number of sent/received bytes for this stream.
        private long getNbBytes(StreamDirection streamDirection)
            StreamRTPManager rtpManager = mediaStreamImpl.queryRTPManager();
            long nbBytes = 0;
            if(rtpManager != null)
                case DOWNLOAD:
                    nbBytes = rtpManager.getGlobalReceptionStats().getBytesRecd();
                case UPLOAD:
                        = rtpManager.getGlobalTransmissionStats().getBytesSent();
            return nbBytes;
         * Returns the total number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
         * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session. It's the sum over
         * all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
         * @return the number of discarded packets.
        public long getNbDiscarded()
            int nbDiscarded = 0;
            for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
                nbDiscarded =+ pqc.getDiscarded();
            return nbDiscarded;
         * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
         * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session because it was full.
         * It's the sum over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
         * @return the number of discarded packets because it was full.
        public int getNbDiscardedFull()
            int nbDiscardedFull = 0;
            for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
                nbDiscardedFull =+ pqc.getDiscardedFull();
            return nbDiscardedFull;
         * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
         * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session because they were late.
         * It's the sum over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
         * @return the number of discarded packets because they were late.
        public int getNbDiscardedLate()
            int nbDiscardedLate = 0;
            for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
                nbDiscardedLate =+ pqc.getDiscardedLate();
            return nbDiscardedLate;
         * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
         * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session during resets.
         * It's the sum over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
         * @return the number of discarded packets during resets.
        public int getNbDiscardedReset()
            int nbDiscardedReset = 0;
            for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
                nbDiscardedReset =+ pqc.getDiscardedReset();
            return nbDiscardedReset;
         * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) discarded by the
         * FMJ packet queue since the beginning of the session due to shrinking.
         * It's the sum over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s of the <tt>MediaStream</tt>
         * @return the number of discarded packets due to shrinking.
        public int getNbDiscardedShrink()
            int nbDiscardedShrink = 0;
            for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
                nbDiscardedShrink =+ pqc.getDiscardedShrink();
            return nbDiscardedShrink;
         * Returns the number of packets for which FEC data was decoded. Currently
         * this is cumulative over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s.
         * @return the number of packets for which FEC data was decoded. Currently
         * this is cumulative over all <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s.
         * @see org.jitsi.impl.neomedia.MediaStreamStatsImpl#updateNbFec()
        public long getNbFec()
            return nbFec;
         * Returns the number of Protocol Data Units (PDU) sent/received since the
         * beginning of the session.
         * @param streamDirection The stream direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) of the
         * stream from which this function retrieve the number of sent/received
         * packets.
         * @return the number of packets sent/received for this stream.
        private long getNbPDU(StreamDirection streamDirection)
            StreamRTPManager rtpManager = mediaStreamImpl.queryRTPManager();
            long nbPDU = 0;
            if(rtpManager != null)
                case UPLOAD:
                    nbPDU = rtpManager.getGlobalTransmissionStats().getRTPSent();
                case DOWNLOAD:
                    GlobalReceptionStats globalReceptionStats
                        = rtpManager.getGlobalReceptionStats();
                        = globalReceptionStats.getPacketsRecd()
                            - globalReceptionStats.getRTCPRecd();
         * Returns the total number of packets that are send or receive for this
         * stream since the stream is created.
         * @return the total number of packets.
        public long getNbPackets()
            return getNbPDU(StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD)
                + nbLost[StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD.ordinal()]
                + uploadFeedbackNbPackets;
         * Returns the number of lost packets for that stream.
         * @return the number of lost packets.
        public long getNbPacketsLost()
            return nbLost[StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD.ordinal()]
                + nbLost[StreamDirection.UPLOAD.ordinal()];
         * Returns the set of <tt>PacketQueueControls</tt> found for all the
         * <tt>DataSource</tt>s of all the <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s. The set contains
         * only non-null elements.
         * @return the set of <tt>PacketQueueControls</tt> found for all the
         * <tt>DataSource</tt>s of all the <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s. The set contains
         * only non-null elements.
        private Set<JitterBufferControl> getJitterBufferControls()
            Set<JitterBufferControl> set = new HashSet<JitterBufferControl>();
            if (mediaStreamImpl.isStarted())
                MediaDeviceSession devSession = mediaStreamImpl.getDeviceSession();
                if (devSession != null)
                    for(ReceiveStream receiveStream
                            : devSession.getReceiveStreams())
                        JitterBufferControl pqc
                            = getJitterBufferControl(receiveStream);
                        if(pqc != null)
            return set;
         * Returns the number of packets in the first <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt>
         * found via <tt>getJitterBufferControls</tt>.
         * @return the number of packets in the first <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt>
         * found via <tt>getJitterBufferControls</tt>.
        public int getPacketQueueCountPackets()
            for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
                return pqc.getCurrentPacketCount();
            return 0;
         * Returns the size of the first <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> found via
         * <tt>getJitterBufferControls</tt>.
         * @return the size of the first <tt>JitterBufferControl</tt> found via
         * <tt>getJitterBufferControls</tt>.
        public int getPacketQueueSize()
            for(JitterBufferControl pqc : getJitterBufferControls())
                return pqc.getCurrentSizePackets();
            return 0;
         * Returns the percent of discarded packets
         * @return the percent of discarded packets
        public double getPercentDiscarded()
            return percentDiscarded;
         * Returns the remote IP address of the MediaStream.
         * @return the remote IP address of the stream.
        public String getRemoteIPAddress()
            MediaStreamTarget mediaStreamTarget = mediaStreamImpl.getTarget();
            // Gets this stream IP address endpoint. Stops if the endpoint is
            // disconnected.
                (mediaStreamTarget == null)
                    ? null
                    : mediaStreamTarget.getDataAddress().getAddress()
         * Returns the remote port of the MediaStream.
         * @return the remote port of the stream.
        public int getRemotePort()
            MediaStreamTarget mediaStreamTarget = mediaStreamImpl.getTarget();
            // Gets this stream port endpoint. Stops if the endpoint is
            // disconnected.
                (mediaStreamTarget == null)
                    ? -1
                    : mediaStreamTarget.getDataAddress().getPort();
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public RTCPReports getRTCPReports()
            return rtcpReports;
         * Returns the RTT computed with the RTCP feedback (cf. RFC3550, section
         * 6.4.1, subsection "delay since last SR (DLSR): 32 bits").
         * @return The RTT computed with the RTCP feedback. Returns -1 if the RTT
         * has not been computed yet. Otherwise the RTT in ms.
        public long getRttMs()
            return rttMs;
         * Returns the jitter average of this upload stream.
         * @return the last jitter average computed (in ms).
        public double getUploadJitterMs()
            return getJitterMs(StreamDirection.UPLOAD);
         * Returns the percent loss of the upload stream.
         * @return the last loss rate computed (in %).
        public double getUploadPercentLoss()
            return percentLoss[StreamDirection.UPLOAD.ordinal()];
         * Returns the bandwidth used by this download stream.
         * @return the last used upload bandwidth computed (in Kbit/s).
        public double getUploadRateKiloBitPerSec()
            return rateKiloBitPerSec[StreamDirection.UPLOAD.ordinal()];
         * Returns the upload video format if this stream uploads a video, or null
         * if not.
         * @return the upload video format if this stream uploads a video, or null
         * if not.
        private VideoFormat getUploadVideoFormat()
            MediaDeviceSession deviceSession = mediaStreamImpl.getDeviceSession();
                (deviceSession instanceof VideoMediaDeviceSession)
                    ? ((VideoMediaDeviceSession) deviceSession)
                    : null;
         * Returns the upload video size if this stream uploads a video, or null if
         * not.
         * @return the upload video size if this stream uploads a video, or null if
         * not.
        public Dimension getUploadVideoSize()
            VideoFormat format = getUploadVideoFormat();
            return (format == null) ? null : format.getSize();
        public boolean isAdaptiveBufferEnabled()
            for(JitterBufferControl pcq : getJitterBufferControls())
                    return true;
            return false;
         * Updates the jitter stream stats with the new feedback sent.
         * @param feedback The last RTCP feedback sent by the MediaStream.
         * @param streamDirection The stream direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) of the
         * stream from which this function retrieve the jitter.
        private void updateJitterRTPTimestampUnits(
                RTCPFeedback feedback,
                StreamDirection streamDirection)
            // Updates the download jitter in RTP timestamp units. There is no need
            // to compute a jitter average, since (cf. RFC3550, section 6.4.1 SR:
            // Sender Report RTCP Packet, subsection interarrival jitter: 32 bits)
            // the value contained in the RTCP sender report packet contains a mean
            // deviation of the jitter.
                = feedback.getJitter();
         * Updates the number of discarded packets.
         * @param newNbDiscarded The last update of the number of lost.
         * @param nbSteps The number of elapsed steps since the last number of loss
         * update.
        private void updateNbDiscarded(
                long newNbDiscarded,
                long nbSteps)
            double newPercentDiscarded
                = MediaStreamStatsImpl.computePercentLoss(nbSteps, newNbDiscarded);
                = MediaStreamStatsImpl.computeEWMA(
            // Saves the last update number download lost value.
            nbDiscarded += newNbDiscarded;
         * Updates the <tt>nbFec</tt> field with the sum of FEC-decoded packets
         * over the different <tt>ReceiveStream</tt>s
        private void updateNbFec()
            MediaDeviceSession devSession = mediaStreamImpl.getDeviceSession();
                for(ReceiveStream receiveStream : devSession.getReceiveStreams())
                            : devSession.getDecoderControls(
                        nbFec += fecDecoderControl.fecPacketsDecoded();
         * Updates the number of loss for a given stream.
         * @param streamDirection The stream direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) of the
         * stream from which this function updates the stats.
         * @param newNbLost The last update of the number of lost.
         * @param nbSteps The number of elapsed steps since the last number of loss
         * update.
        private void updateNbLoss(
                StreamDirection streamDirection,
                long newNbLost,
            int streamDirectionIndex = streamDirection.ordinal();
            double newPercentLoss
                = MediaStreamStatsImpl.computePercentLoss(nbSteps, newNbLost);
                = MediaStreamStatsImpl.computeEWMA(
            // Saves the last update number download lost value.
            nbLost[streamDirectionIndex] += newNbLost;
         * Updates this stream stats with the new feedback received.
         * @param feedback The last RTCP feedback received by the MediaStream.
        private void updateNewReceivedFeedback(RTCPFeedback feedback)
            StreamDirection streamDirection = StreamDirection.UPLOAD;
            updateJitterRTPTimestampUnits(feedback, streamDirection);
            // Updates the loss rate with the RTCP sender report feedback, since