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        // this is the only information source available for the upload stream.
        long uploadNewNbRecv = feedback.getXtndSeqNum();
        long newNbLost
            = feedback.getNumLost() - nbLost[streamDirection.ordinal()];
        long nbSteps = uploadNewNbRecv - uploadFeedbackNbPackets;

        updateNbLoss(streamDirection, newNbLost, nbSteps);

        // Updates the upload loss counters.
        uploadFeedbackNbPackets = uploadNewNbRecv;

        // Computes RTT.
        rttMs = computeRTTInMs(feedback);
     * Updates this stream stats with the new feedback sent.
     * @param feedback The last RTCP feedback sent by the MediaStream.
    private void updateNewSentFeedback(RTCPFeedback feedback)
        updateJitterRTPTimestampUnits(feedback, StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD);

        // No need to update the download loss as we have a more accurate value
        // in the global reception stats, which are updated for each new packet
        // received.
     * Computes and updates information for a specific stream.
    public void updateStats()
        // Gets the current time.
        long currentTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // UPdates stats for the download stream.
        updateStreamDirectionStats(StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD, currentTimeMs);
        // UPdates stats for the upload stream.
        updateStreamDirectionStats(StreamDirection.UPLOAD, currentTimeMs);
        // Saves the last update values.
        updateTimeMs = currentTimeMs;
     * Computes and updates information for a specific stream.
     * @param streamDirection The stream direction (DOWNLOAD or UPLOAD) of the
     * stream from which this function updates the stats.
     * @param currentTimeMs The current time in ms.
    private void updateStreamDirectionStats(
            StreamDirection streamDirection,
            long currentTimeMs)
        int streamDirectionIndex = streamDirection.ordinal();

        // Gets the current number of packets correctly received since the
        // beginning of this stream.
        long newNbRecv = getNbPDU(streamDirection);
        // Gets the number of byte received/sent since the beginning of this
        // stream.
        long newNbByte = getNbBytes(streamDirection);

        // Computes the number of update steps which has not been done since
        // last update.
        long nbSteps = newNbRecv - nbPackets[streamDirectionIndex];
        // Even if the remote peer does not send any packets (i.e. is
        // microphone is muted), Jitsi must updates it stats. Thus, Jitsi
        // computes a number of steps equivalent as if Jitsi receives a packet
        // each 20ms (default value).
        if(nbSteps == 0)
            nbSteps = (currentTimeMs - updateTimeMs) / 20;

        // The upload percentLoss is only computed when a new RTCP feedback is
        // received. This is not the case for the download percentLoss which is
        // updated for each new RTP packet received.
        // Computes the loss rate for this stream.
        if(streamDirection == StreamDirection.DOWNLOAD)
            // Gets the current number of losses in download since the beginning
            // of this stream.
            long newNbLost
                = getDownloadNbPDULost() - nbLost[streamDirectionIndex];

            updateNbLoss(streamDirection, newNbLost, nbSteps + newNbLost);

            long newNbDiscarded = getNbDiscarded() - nbDiscarded;
            updateNbDiscarded(newNbDiscarded, nbSteps + newNbDiscarded);

        // Computes the bandwidth used by this stream.
        double newRateKiloBitPerSec
            = MediaStreamStatsImpl.computeRateKiloBitPerSec(
                    newNbByte - nbByte[streamDirectionIndex],
                    currentTimeMs - updateTimeMs);
            = MediaStreamStatsImpl.computeEWMA(

        // Saves the last update values.
        nbPackets[streamDirectionIndex] = newNbRecv;
        nbByte[streamDirectionIndex] = newNbByte;
