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  • /*
     * Copyright (C) 2013 Cloudius Systems, Ltd.
     * This work is open source software, licensed under the terms of the
     * BSD license as described in the LICENSE file in the top-level directory.
    Guy Zana's avatar
    Guy Zana committed
    #ifndef VIRTIO_VRING_H
    #define VIRTIO_VRING_H
    #include <atomic>
    #include <osv/mutex.h>
    #include <osv/debug.hh>
    #include <osv/mmu.hh>
    #include <osv/sched.hh>
    #define virtio_tag "virtio"
    #define virtio_d(...)   tprintf_d(virtio_tag, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define virtio_i(...)   tprintf_i(virtio_tag, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define virtio_w(...)   tprintf_w(virtio_tag, __VA_ARGS__)
    #define virtio_e(...)   tprintf_e(virtio_tag, __VA_ARGS__)
    Guy Zana's avatar
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    namespace virtio {
    class virtio_vring;
    class virtio_driver;
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        // Buffer descriptors in the ring
        class vring_desc {
    Dor Laor's avatar
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                // Read only buffer
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                // This marks a buffer as continuing via the next field.
                // This marks a buffer as write-only (otherwise read-only).
                // This means the buffer contains a list of buffer descriptors.
            u64 get_paddr();
            u32 get_len() { return _len; }
            u16 next_idx() { return _next; }
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            // flags
            bool is_chained() { return (_flags & VRING_DESC_F_NEXT) == VRING_DESC_F_NEXT; };
            bool is_write() { return (_flags & VRING_DESC_F_WRITE) == VRING_DESC_F_WRITE; };
            bool is_indirect() { return (_flags & VRING_DESC_F_INDIRECT) == VRING_DESC_F_INDIRECT; };
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            u64 _paddr;
            u32 _len;
            u16 _flags;
            u16 _next;
        // Guest to host
        class vring_avail {
            enum {
                // Mark that we do not need an interrupt for consuming a descriptor
                // from the ring. Unrelieable so it's simply an optimization
            void disable_interrupt() {, std::memory_order_relaxed); }
            void enable_interrupt() {, std::memory_order_relaxed); }
            bool interrupt_on() { return (_flags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & VRING_AVAIL_F_NO_INTERRUPT) == 0;}
            std::atomic<u16> _flags;
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            // Where we put the next descriptor
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            // There may be no more entries than the queue size read from device
            u16 _ring[];
            // used event index is an optimization in order to get an interrupt from the host
            // only when the value reaches this number
            // The location of this field is places after the variable length ring array,
            // that's why we cannot fully define it within the struct and use a function accessor
            //std::atomic<u16> used_event;
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        class vring_used_elem {
            // Index of start of used vring_desc chain. (u32 for padding reasons)
            u32 _id;
            // Total length of the descriptor chain which was used (written to)
            u32 _len;
        // Host to guest
        class vring_used {
            enum {
                // The Host advise the Guest: don't kick me when
                // you add a buffer.  It's unreliable, so it's simply an 
                // optimization. Guest will still kick if it's out of buffers.
            bool notifications_disabled() {
                return (_flags.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) & VRING_USED_F_NO_NOTIFY) != 0;
            // Using std::atomic since it being changed by the host
            std::atomic<u16> _flags;
            // Using std::atomic in order to have memory barriers for it
            std::atomic<u16> _idx;
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            vring_used_elem _used_elements[];
            // avail event index is an optimization kick the host only when the value reaches this number
            // The location of this field is places after the variable length ring array,
            // that's why we cannot fully define it within the struct and use a function accessor
            //std::atomic<u16> avail_event;
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        class vring {
            vring(virtio_driver* const dev, u16 num, u16 q_index);
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            virtual ~vring();
            u64 get_paddr();
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            static unsigned get_size(unsigned int num, unsigned long align);
            // Ring operations
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            bool add_buf(void* cookie);
            // Get the top item from the used ring
            void* get_buf_elem(u32* len);
             * Increment the _used_ring_host_head and doorbell if requested.
             * If requested let the host know we consumed the used entry.
             * We separate that from get_buf_elem so no one will re-cycle the
             * request header location until we're finished with it in the upper
             * layer.
             * @param update_host if TRUE - update the host as well
            void get_buf_finalize(bool update_host = true) {
                if (update_host) {
            void update_used_event() {
                // only let the host know about our used idx in case irq are enabled
                if (_avail->interrupt_on()) {
                    set_used_event(_used_ring_host_head, std::memory_order_release);
            // GC the used items that were already read to be emptied
            // within the ring. Should be called by add_buf
            // It was separated from the get_buf flow to allow parallelism of the two
            void get_buf_gc();
            inline u16 effective_avail_ring_count()
                return _avail_count + (_used_ring_host_head - _used_ring_guest_head);
            bool used_ring_not_empty() const;
            bool used_ring_is_half_empty() const;
            bool used_ring_can_gc() const;
            bool avail_ring_not_empty();
            // when the available ring has x descriptors as room it means that
            // x descriptors can be allocated while _num-x are available for the host
            bool avail_ring_has_room(int n);
            bool refill_ring_cond();
            bool use_indirect(int desc_needed);
            void set_use_indirect(bool flag) { _use_indirect = flag;}
            bool get_use_indirect() { return _use_indirect;}
            bool kick();
            // Total number of descriptors in ring
            int size() {return _num;}
            // Use memory order acquire when there are prior updates to local variables that must
            // be seen by the reading threads
            void set_used_event(u16 event, std::memory_order order) {_used_event->store(event, order);};
            // Let host know about interrupt delivery
            void disable_interrupts();
            void enable_interrupts();
    Dor Laor's avatar
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            const int max_sgs = 256;
            struct sg_node {
                u64 _paddr;
                u32 _len;
                u16 _flags;
                sg_node(u64 addr, u32 len, u16 flags=0) :_paddr(addr), _len(len), _flags(flags) {};
                sg_node(const sg_node& n) :_paddr(n._paddr), _len(n._len), _flags(n._flags) {};
            void init_sg()
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            void add_out_sg(void* vaddr, u32 len)
                add_sg(vaddr, len, vring_desc::VRING_DESC_F_READ);
            void add_in_sg(void* vaddr, u32 len)
                add_sg(vaddr, len, vring_desc::VRING_DESC_F_WRITE);
            void add_sg(void* vaddr, u32 len, vring_desc::flags desc_flags) {
                mmu::virt_to_phys(vaddr, len, [this, desc_flags] (mmu::phys paddr, size_t len) {
                    _sg_vec.emplace_back(paddr, len, desc_flags);
            void add_buf_wait(void* cookie);
            void wakeup_waiter()
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            // holds a temporary sg_nodes that travel between the upper layer virtio to add_buf
            std::vector<sg_node> _sg_vec;
            sched::thread_handle _waiter;
            u16 avail_head() const {return _avail_head;};
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            // Up pointer
            virtio_driver* _dev;
            u16 _q_index;
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            // The physical of the physical address handed to the virtio device
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            // Total number of descriptors in ring
            unsigned int _num;
            // Position of the next available descriptor
            u16 _avail_head;
            // Position of the used descriptor we've last seen
            // from the host used ring
            u16 _used_ring_host_head;
            // Position of the used descriptor we've last seen
            // used internally for get-add bufs sync
            u16 _used_ring_guest_head;
            // The amount of avail descriptors we've added since last kick
            u16 _avail_added_since_kick;
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            // Flat list of chained descriptors
            vring_desc* _desc;
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            // Available for host consumption
            vring_avail* _avail;
    Guy Zana's avatar
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            // Available for guest consumption
            vring_used* _used;
            // cookies to store access to the upper layer pointers
            void** _cookie;
            //protects parallel get_bug /add_buf access, mainly the _avail_head variable
            mutex _lock;
            // pointer to the end of the used ring to get a glimpse of the host avail idx
            std::atomic<u16>* _avail_event;
            std::atomic<u16>* _used_event;
            // A flag set by driver to turn on/off indirect descriptor
            bool _use_indirect;
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    #endif // VIRTIO_VRING_H